Destiny 2 Flossy Dance IRL

Flossy Dance IRL

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 05:45 AM PST

r/destiny2 say hello to my Ghost.

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 07:11 PM PST

Found this in my replay gallery - I miss laser tag crucible days

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:07 AM PST

Finally Finished

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 06:56 PM PST

He repair our guns, make us mods and give us new weapons to protect the ones we love. Big thank you to our man... hm, Exo, Banshee-44!

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:51 AM PST

It just hit me today...

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 10:05 PM PST

that Ghosts use shells to exist. They are made of light from the Traveler, so they are only made physical by using shells, otherwise they would be ethereal, like ghosts...

Also, they are sentient beings, not actual robots as they can interchange shells and not loose themselves in the process, like people changing clothes. They also display emotions and other human and animal traits.

And it all hit me when I was watching a movie, based on a old anime, that explores the concept of a machine having a actual soul. For it to evolve so far that one could not distinguish between a AI or actual conscience, a machine or a being. Existence of both would enter the helm of same meaning at that point.

In the end they all are like the Exos, a Ghost in the Shell...

submitted by /u/sanjurodlc
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Can’t usually do raids

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:46 AM PST

LF: Experienced players (have ran EOW once) 20+ completions (nope) no kids (I'm 16. Not an idiot but probably won't get in)

Just a rant because it's annoying to do on the app and I have way too much going on to just schedule a raid. It's gotta be at the drop of a hat so yeah, on the app. Just want to take a moment to say thanks to the three players that carried us three newest players through the EOW raid. (my very first raid) I didn't know what to expect when I found such a generous request on the app. The American dude that was rather patient with me. The guy who, through a thick Indian accent, was able to communicate a lot and introduce the new mechanics to the team and keep his cool, and the British dude that had kept damage on Argos like crazy. It was a great run and helped lead me, a 16 year old guy, a 12 year old who couldn't tether if his life depended on it and one other rather quiet guy to the end. A good run and I will always remember it. Don't know if I will ever find guys like you again but thanks.

submitted by /u/IndependentTurn
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This is Fabulous

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 07:06 PM PST

Brief Survey on the Sociology of Video Game Music!

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 07:26 AM PST

Brief survey I'm conducting for Grad School, won't take longer than 60 seconds! <3

Please and Thanks for your participation!

submitted by /u/Fawncy
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Warlock fanart WIP

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 09:52 PM PST

Guardian Report: Earth Follow-up 1-37-993-1

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 06:02 AM PST

Orders received, apparently some Guardian on Io got word of Rasputin and wasn't bothered to go check on the ol' boy. My opinion doesn't matter, just pointing it out. Proceeding to Old Russia via sparrow. This will take a while. It is 0500 Leaving the wall is always a treat, we don't get to go out much anymore. The door is stuck now, Red Legion fused it shut during the war, like it mattered. Speaking my mind, therapist's orders to record my thoughts on this matter, disregard next entry. I miss Jalli. It doesn't matter how many Red Legion I kill, or how many times I talk this out. I just really miss her. Did you know she liked to race me to objectives? She'd always win, and would make sure the whole planet knew. Her laugh could cure the Taken. I miss her. Proceeding back to report. Fallen spotted off the path, moving to engage. Twelve down, a high value captain was in the mix. Ghost didn't get his name. Setting charges on their Pikes. Continuing down the path, the explosion was loud, shouldn't see any more enemy activity on the path. Passed Raxx-4 returning to the Tower, had a Fallen Captain tied up on the front of his sparrow. It's a waste of time to try and communicate with these scum. Hopefully, they kill it quickly when they realize that. Rounded a corner to see a Taken Blight up a hill, reported it into the Beacon Network and moved on. Arrived at the Cosmodrome wall, proceeding inside. Red Legion have set up shop, twenty or so in the wall. Looks like they are building something. This can't wait, I'm engaging. Firefight lasted longer than it should have. I had an episode, disregard in report, I started flashing back to the day they, she, the Tower fell. Finished the fight with Fist of Havoc on the area. Killed a "Psion Head Engineer" according to my ghost. Sent out a request to the Demo Squad, none of this Cabal stuff looks like it should stay in one piece. Through the wall. Immediately, say a Fallen Skiff fly overhead. They didn't notice me exiting the wall, thank the Traveler. I'm low on ammo. Proceeding on sparrow to Rasputin's vault. Spotted an old Hive Seeder. It seems the Hive have mostly abandoned the area. In the ship yard. It's 2300. Wonder if the ol' boy is awake. The door to Rasputin is surrounded with dead Fallen. Seems they were electrocuted. I pressed my hand on the door, and it immediately started to open. No music was playing. I haven't been here in years, but I feel like there should be music. Will submit this part of the report while outside Rasputin. Just in case. Guardian out.

submitted by /u/Montregloe
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Idea: Some weapons should have custom melee animations

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 06:55 PM PST

I don't know, we have guns like Crimson (hand cannon) and Perfect Paradox (shotgun) with blades on them.

Yet, whenever we melee with them we end up punching our enemies.

Just on a purely cosmetic level, I think it would make a lot more sense (plus it'd be cool), if we had universal animations for melee attacks when wielding those guns.

submitted by /u/LatiosEX
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Getting back into D2?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 06:01 AM PST

So I put Destiny 2 down about when the DLC was released. I didn't want to pay for it as it sounds like it was pretty lackluster. It also pissed me off that I was essentially locked out of higher level activities. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels screwed by bungie

So I haven't played in around 2 months or so and I'd like to get back into it. Is it worth it to get the DLC? And how long would it take to reach the current level cap?

submitted by /u/UnpresentMinded
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So what does this sub think about the updated Roadmap from yesterday?

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 11:53 PM PST

So in case you missed it Chris Barrett posted an article about changes on the current road map schedule for destiny 2

I post the link to the image right here and a link to the post itself at the end of the post.

It basically states that some of the changes are not ready yet and will be released later then assumed, like nightfall specific loot that will come a month later then assumed or mods 2.0, or as they call it now "mod system improvements" not being ready when dlc 2 drops and they don't really know when they will come at the moment. Another mention is that the exotic pass will also come later then expected

To be honest I am really really torn about this news.

One part in me is like okay give them the time they need so when it finally drops its a quality product, an other part is genuinely thinking "how long does it take to make those changes at all? They are one of the biggest development studios out there and they literally only work on this one franchise wtf?"

For even another part in me these changes don't seem so awesome at all, since to be fair most of it is for pvp players, nothing around loot being to basic and shallow and non exotic armor is plain and boring effect wise is mentioned. And going away from calling it mods 2.0, which would assume something like a almost complete overhaul, to only "system improvements" doesn't sound too promising to me to be honest....

What do you guys think about the update of the Roadmap and what are your hopes and fears for the future of the game?

submitted by /u/Matzeroni
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Finally passed the 100,000 PvE kills mark!

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 02:37 PM PST

Aww, he looks so comfy.

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:46 AM PST

Solo hunter prestige nightfall guide..very clean run

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 10:12 PM PST

Really good run on my arcstrider..well worth checking out..hope you guys enjoy 👍😊🎮

submitted by /u/Livemondo
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What is the state of the game? (Survey)

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 06:34 AM PST

I know this is kind of an obvious question, but I'm doing something for my school about Destiny 2 and it would help me immensely if you guys would just tell me what you think the game state is, why you think it's that way, and what Bungie should/did do to improve or fix things. Once again, thank you Guardians.

Edit: I made a survey, please respond to that as well. Once again, thank you.

submitted by /u/meakastephen
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NF fireteams

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 03:36 AM PST

OK, I am pretty frustrated meanwhile about the NF stuff and getting into fireteams. Over multiple weeks I tried to get into a guided game without any success. Hours of waiting in orbit... alot of wasted time.

Yesterday I tried to get into fireteams using the bungie website and the companion app. Maybe I am just doing something wrong, which is very well possible since there is not the slightest explanation how that stuff works (well ok there is a description on the bungie website but it doesnt tell anything about the procedure other than "select the fireteam and let the leader do his stuff".

Ok, so I claimed a spot on an open NF fireteam for my platform (PC) and my region (EU). I guess up to this point I did everything right.

The leader apparently confirmed that team because I got a message on the app. But what then? That message did lead me to a chat where I wasnt able to write anything. There were no options I could select. And in the game also nothing happened. No fireteam invitation in the game, no friend request, nothing. After 10mins trying to do anything I was kicked from the team.

Whats the point of enlisting to a fireteam on the app if you cant even do something when that team was confirmed. Why isnt there any information about what to do next, how to proceed from there or what the issue for not being able to do something might be?

So why do guided games not start even after hours of waiting?

What did I do wrong with the app?

What is the correct procedure to get into NF games?


I started playing Destiny2 (never played Destiny 1) 6 weeks ago, reached lvl334 last week and now would like to proceed with more than the usual repetetive content that currently is available to me. Ive no friends which play destiny so my options here are a bit limited.

Thx in advance for any advice that can help me to proceed from this point.

submitted by /u/swatop
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No ammo counter on Ros Lysis II. Any hope for this to get fixed?

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:42 AM PST

Suprise, motherf@#$er!!!

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 04:10 PM PST

Faction Rally Ornaments

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:38 AM PST

I have a question about unlocking the faction rally ornaments this week. For the one that says "get grenade kids during strikes," does that include the nightfall or does it only count during regular strikes?

submitted by /u/the_dewberry
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Something I haven’t seen people appreciate [Lore]

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 05:52 PM PST

The game drip feeds lore during activities(especially Strikes). But it does it in an interesting way. The voice lines are randomized but don't necessarily mean the same thing (For example: one time Zavala says "Best of luck to you." the other time "I've lost many guardians on this mission. I don't want to lose you too.")

Each time you go through a Strike, you learn one more tidbit. The randomized voice lines both make it more fun to play activities over and over again. But also is a neat way to stretch lore over time. You don't get slapped in the face with long text or speeches right at the start but piece together the scenario more and more as you play more and more. Perhaps this's what Grimoire cards evolved to (I haven't played D1 so I may be off). Learning lore the more ypu grind. I find this clever.

submitted by /u/Recnid
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The most beautiful lost sector

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 12:38 PM PST

So in these rally times many of us are grinding lost sectors . We chose the easiest ones closest to a spawn to grind as fast as possible . But my advice is that while you are at it you also go visit the EDZ and do Scavenger's Den

It is a inspired work of art and a great example of what the brilliant environmental designers of this game can really do.

First section you are hit with beautiful rock formations bathing in yellowish light . Next there is big flowing blue fallen banners hanging everywhere and in the last room when you have opened the chest and turn around you can see the roof has collapsed and the old run down civilization has started to poor in like a flood , train cars and everything . There are large threes growing inside the last room where there is sunlight and you can really feel the time that has passed . An old tank is lying there , a relic of the war . The fallen has spread their junk everywhere throughout the cave and you really get a sense of what they are all about. The whole cave really tells a story.

This sector is located in the Outskirts. It is a fun sector to do with lots of enemies coming from different directions and not just in front of you but maybe not the fastest if you want to grind tokens . Just go there and appreciate the amazing design :)

EDIT: In my rant i forgot that i actually had a question. What are some other really amazing sectors?

submitted by /u/RudeCriminal
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