Sequence of using Tinker core items?

I was just wondering what's the most efficient way (mana wise) of farming free lane / jungle when Tinker has the following items
  • Boots of TravelBoots of Travel
  • BottleBottle
  • Soul RingSoul Ring
Do I Soul RingSoul Ring > March of the Machines > Rearm > BottleBottle > Repeat
Or March of the Machines > Rearm > Soul RingSoul Ring > BottleBottle > Repeat

Do Soul RingSoul Ring > March of the Machines > BottleBottle > Rearm or March > Soul RingSoul Ring > BottleBottle > Rearm. The problem with BottleBottle is that you don't want it active when you have 100% health or mana. Thus you activate Soul RingSoul Ring some time before you Rearm to lower your health, and use up the Soul RingSoul Ring buffer.

Potential problems

BottleBottle fills you up to 100% if you wait too long between bottle and Rearm. ( Soul RingSoul Ring gives 150 mana, March costs like 40 more). BottleBottle gets cancelled by jungle creeps.

Generaly use Soul RingSoul Ring anytime before Rearm, and cast BottleBottle when you have a period of not getting attacked. I prefer to use the BottleBottle while walking from a lane to jungle, since Soul RingSoul Ring ensures you can have 2 Marches cast without worrying about mana. 1-2 Marches is enough to kill a wave at lv 4 March, 2 Marches is enough to kill any jungle camp including triple camp on radiant. 3 Marches for ancient, provided you have good angle and don't cast them too fast

Why should i not cast march too fast during ancient farming?

March robots disappear once they hit a target (you can find invisible units like that if you're observant, vs Templar Assassin or Shadow AmuletShadow Amulet holders). Thus if the ancients are stacked together, some creeps will "block" the other creeps from taking robot damage. What you want to do is to maximize total damage per March, thus you first pull the camp and make the March go almost perpendicular to the direction the creeps are walking, I'm sure you know what I mean. You do it like vs walking lane creeps.

You have to wait a few seconds, and cast March again, so that during each March, the creeps are kinda spread out and every one of them taking March damage.

I haven't been playing Tinker lately, but I'm pretty sure a haphazard March spam 3 times will almost kill an ancient camp, and the big creep will be at low hp. You can cast it 4 times and TP out, or try to go for an efficient direction. I suggest you test it out in lobby a few times, I haven't really been testing that part, and often go for 4 Marches

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