How do I play carry with a tinker on my team?
 How do I play carry with a tinker on my team?

When I'm playing a hard carry, I do great in my farm and last hits until Tinker finishes his Boots of TravelBoots of Travel's, and for the rest of the game I find myself starved for farm since Tinker is pushing out every lane, and when there are farmable creeps, the rest of the team jumps in with me trying to get some farm for themselves too. Is there anything I can say to theTinker , or do better to find farmable places?

Ask your supports to stack for you if you are pushing another lane or tower

Take supports like Crystal Maiden or Tidehunter or Shadow Shaman. OR build a Hand of Midas Hand of Midas early on and just jungle with it every time it's off cd. There's always gold to be found, sometimes your might need to stack a few large camps / or stack ancients. Check out the pro players; if they have a Tiny and Tinker. Undoubtedly they will have a support stacking ancients for cores like Tiny to clear when he has AG's

Bad Tinker will just push all lanes stealing farm from others

You are playing with a bad Tinker then. A good Tinker will push out one or two lanes, maintaining pressure there and either taking a tower, or forcing the enemy to stay there, leavign the other lane and jungle for his team. a bad Tinker will just push all lanes stealing farm from others.

Tinker can find farm anywhere

If i go Tinker and my other lanes are doing well, i'll push mid, and then go farm jungle/ancients. It's not your fault you cant find farm, a Tinker can find farm anywhere. While Tinker can be carries late game their ability to farm is unrivaled and as such they should be farming where it is unsafe for others to farm leave the Anti-Mage/Luna safelane+jungle, go push hard and mid with the supports

Tinker should not be played as a position one carry

Its not your fault. imho Tinker should not be played as a position 1 carry. he should allow the carry to farm by pressuring the rest of the map and farming where the carry would not be safe farming. ie enemy jungle/t2. Tinker can become a carry with Scythe of Vyse Scythe of Vyse + DagonDagon. no need to steal farm from everyone.

Mana Item

This is also generally more efficient than trying to farm three lanes at once, especially on radiant. You can get ancients + three camps + one lane every minute, or even ancients + entire jungle + one lane after you have a large mana item like  Scythe of Vyse Scythe of Vyse \Shiva's GuardShiva's Guard\BloodstoneBloodstone.

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