So we all know that there is a huge misconception in publish mentality about a midle lane. As a mid, you are somehow responsible for every lane that your team manages to lose. It is frustrating but that is how it goes.
It is a free ticket to escape any responsibility for you getting outplayed. Just type "gank please" and if noone shows up in 2 minutes, you can blame anyone you want.

But if you seriously want some help in your lane, there are things you should do.

Don't lose your lane

If you are losing, don't lose it more. It is way easier to gank a lane that is winning, than a lane where your teammate is 2 levels behind. Ganking lane that is getting slammed often results in a trade or worse.

Have a rune vision

If I don't get a chance to see Haste or Invisibility, you are not going to see me before minute 10.

Don't blow the gank before it even starts

If you enter aggressive posture while the ganking hero still not in position to pounce, any enemy with two firing neurons will just back off. Not only you just fucked up the gank but you probably negated any advantage your mid player had in his lane

Noone will bother to gank your lane if you are constantly at half health or without mana (or both). What the fuck do you expect?

Chain disables

If we all blow our shit right away, you get those classic 50HP walkaways everyone hates.

Don't feed more

If your mid is any of these heroes: carry rushing midas, Invoker, March Tinker. It is all about damage control. If you are losing, just don't feed more. They are simply not going to gank before they get at least one bigger item.

Have a lane ward that sees under enemy tower. So we can see if they are getting tp help and we can back off in time.

If enemy has blink-type spells and you know they want to try to kill you, get slightly out of position when everyone is ready. The enemy will ensure their own demise by blowing their cooldowns before you clean up.

Try to control creep equilibrium near your tower. eg. Don't pull unstacked, careful with creep aggro, start to deny right from half health. Lane that is near enemy tower is impossible to gank.

Help win the other lanes which are on a fine balance

Also, if you're losing your lane, don't lose with two heroes. Leave the one hero who can survive a dive/has a comeback mechanic behind and roam with the one who has disables/gap closing spells/can do a lot with very little. Help win the other lanes which are on a fine balance, so that those heroes can snowball and help you out earlier.

They see you coming and it will take you at least another 5-10s to be anywhere near the lane. Suddenly they start going behind creeps and shit like that even though they were super passive the entire rest of the game. I mean, it's nice if the opponents do this but really, how can you even be that stupid that you don't understand what this will look like for the enemy player?

 Help win the other lanes which are on a fine balance Dota 2 Enchantress vs Clockwerk

Gank meaning please come in lane and kill them

Had an antimage vs a clock last game that was constantly at 15% HP, refused to buy and regeneration items and demanded ganks the entire game. Gank meaning please come in lane and kill them. I won't actually help you but I might blink in when they're low in an attempt to get a killsteal just to die horribly trying.

It's also important to know that ganking mids have been nerfed in 6.79+ with the night time changes. In 6.78, the first night started at 6:00 when the mid hero was level 6-7, and the night lasted until 12:00. Now the first night starts at 4:00 and lasts until 8:00, leaving a much narrower window for the mid to roam. It's much harder to gank during the second day (8:00-12:00) due to the increased vision.

Your mid getting kills will go a long way and getting your mid ahead.

People in late 3000- early 4000 have misconception that only mid can gank. I always play support and it's annoying to see supports a carry in safelane for 6 - 8 mins straight. If you're winning the lane and/or the carry can do well by himself/outplay their off-lane, go smoke and gank mid; especially if mid is squishy or has no escape - like Sniper, Shadow Fiend, Pudge,...

Should there be a mention that some mids (that are rushing some item for example) might want a support to help gank mid? I usually play support heroes and sometimes between support the carry at top/bottom lane and stacking jungle I might pop mid to gank if my hero is suited for that. (Doesn't work always, but after somewhat successful gank the enemy mid either dies or needs to use their regen stuff/return to their fountain. Even succesful harassment is a small victory, imho, since the mid is somewhat hard to gank).

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