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Top 10 ESL Player Match Manipulation | Guild Wars 2 Daily Report

Best of r/GuildWars2! Nominate and Vote Here.

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 04:15 PM PST

Best of r/GuildWars2 2016!

Greetings! It's been an awesome year for both the game and the subreddit, and now it's that time of the year where you guys get to decide the bests of 2016.


For each category, there will be a comment made by the mods. Reply to the comment with your nomination and vote for nominations by upvoting (please do not downvote any nominations).
You will only be able to nominate/vote until the 31st of December 11:59pm UTC (Obligatory Countdown). Votes will then be counted and we'll reveal the winners sometime during the first week of January.
The thread will be in contest mode, meaning only mods will be able to see nomination scores, and all comments will be displayed in a random order.
For the community categories, the winning nominees will earn an annual flair exclusive to this event.

Easy Raid Chrono Guide Video (In Under 2 Minutes)

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 07:26 PM PST

For everyone who is too intimidated to learn chrono, heres a guide that will make you go zero to hero in under 2 minutes, using a very simple technique.
submitted by /u/Contamtam
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An alternative to new races: Racial Specialisations.

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:49 PM PST

(Reposted from my thread on the official forums)
Hi peeps,
One of the most recurring requests is the one for additional races. Proponents seem to want the extra customisation options, while opponents tend to point out the extra work and costs involved.
How about meeting somewhere in the middle? What if the next expansion (or the one after that) came with racial specialisation? Iike elite specialisations these would be unlocked as part of an expac, obviously only for 80s and higher, and would allow for a host of new customisation based on the existing races with with a specific theme. To minimise work they'd be focused on the head for facial customisation. Each racial specialisation would also have access to a unique armour set and weapon skins.
Some examples could include: Human: Canthan – asian features and hairstyles, Samurai style armour and weapons. Norn: Cyclopean look – a related tribe from the far shiverpeaks. Icey armour and weapons. Asura: Deep Asura – purple skin tones, reddish or violet eyes, cranial ridges. Charr: ferals – more feral look, new horns, primitive armour and weapons. Sylvari: The Lost (those once corrupted by Mordy) – Looks like corrupted Sylvari in HoT.
The above are some off the cuff ideas, but you can see where I'm going with this. The pros are more easily implementable customisation options that give you something unique to create, without the need to redo existing armour, starting city, voice work and personal story. Cons are in suspension of disbelief:"How'd you get to be a Cyclops all of a sudden?" and that it still is a fair amount of work regardless.
What do you guys think? Is this feasible in your eyes? Is it something you'd want? Do you have an awesome idea for a racial specialisation?
Let me know below!
submitted by /u/pixtax
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opening 127 Cold-Forged Exotic Weapons

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:48 PM PST

So, a bit ago I opened 376 Black Lion Chests
This gave me some Frozen Exotic Weapon Fragments, so I used them to buy 127 Cold-Forged Exotic Weapon FOR SCIENCE
here are the results:
Most of it was basically junk; what you'd expect if you threw exotics into the forge. But then:
The Bard
That was the only highlight. most were worth 1g - 2g, a couple as high as 8g, some as low as 50s
average was about 1g75s
145g The Bard + 250g everything else = 370g (315g after tax)
315 / 127 = 2g50s each
if no Bard, about 1g98s each
each Frozen Exotic Weapon Fragment can be sold for 50s x 3 = 1g50s
250 Unbound Magic is worth about 64s
So each Cold-Forged Exotic Weapon has an opportunity cost of 2g14s
I have a feeling it's a similar drop table as the mystic forge (if you throw 4 exotics in, there's about a 1 in 139 chance of getting a precursor)
TLDR: average value is somewhere between just barely not worth it and just barely worth it. But you might get lucky, you never know!
submitted by /u/colbymg
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Fractal Armor Concept (Medium)
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:28 AM PST

Why not add Mystic Coins to Chest of Loyalty?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 05:33 PM PST

People are always suggesting ways to get more, and other things. It was just a random thought.
You could have a Chest of Loyalty give 10 Mystic Coins by default, then have another 10 as another option.
Might get more coins floating about, random thought.
submitted by /u/Kamahil
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