Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:28 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/PeterPrimee [link] [comments] |
Why not add Mystic Coins to Chest of Loyalty?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 05:33 PM PST
People are always suggesting ways to get more, and other things. It was just a random thought.
You could have a Chest of Loyalty give 10 Mystic Coins by default, then have another 10 as another option.
Might get more coins floating about, random thought.
submitted by /u/Kamahil You could have a Chest of Loyalty give 10 Mystic Coins by default, then have another 10 as another option.
Might get more coins floating about, random thought.
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Achievement points to be removed from top 250 PvP rankings
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 05:28 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/fishball_7204 [link] [comments] |
They wanted a snowman raid, we gave them a snowman centipede.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:10 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Bornislax [link] [comments] |
Looks like a Charr.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 03:12 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Zybbo [link] [comments] |
Don't miss out on today's mystic coin
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 09:00 PM PST
I'm rarely doing my PvE dailies, especially with the wintersday dailies basically completing 2 dailies, so just wanted to point it out to anyone else that might have otherwise missed it. One of today's dailies is the mystic forge one, which gives a mystic coin.
submitted by /u/Sliver1991 [link] [comments]
Gemstore Update - Ice Encasement Outfit
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:01 AM PST
Ice Encasement Outfit is here for 700 gems.
submitted by /u/dulfy - Pics and dye pattern:
- Video showing the aura effect:
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Laughably easy Weaponsmithing 350-500
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 07:21 AM PST
Ran into this while trying to do the last pieces of weaponsmithing and noticed the Vile Jar legendary crafting item was still orange and after using it it stayed there giving at least a whole level of crafting at the end.
The reagents for the item is 10 Piles of Coarse Sand, 10 Piles of Vile Essence, 1 Thermocatalytic Reagent and 1 Mithril Ingot. Making the cost of one craft around 20 silver as the reagents piles are less than silver each from the Trading Post.
The other Jars with this collection are just as viable, most being in the same and maybe a bit higher in the price range depending on supply.
To unlock the recipe first you'll need to have a character at lvl 80 and unlock the Revered Antiquarian mastery from the Legendary Crafting. Then buy the Frostfang vol 1 from Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs in Lion's Arch for 5g and 10k Karma.
submitted by /u/Felight The reagents for the item is 10 Piles of Coarse Sand, 10 Piles of Vile Essence, 1 Thermocatalytic Reagent and 1 Mithril Ingot. Making the cost of one craft around 20 silver as the reagents piles are less than silver each from the Trading Post.
The other Jars with this collection are just as viable, most being in the same and maybe a bit higher in the price range depending on supply.
To unlock the recipe first you'll need to have a character at lvl 80 and unlock the Revered Antiquarian mastery from the Legendary Crafting. Then buy the Frostfang vol 1 from Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs in Lion's Arch for 5g and 10k Karma.
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Winter Wonderland Jumping Puzzle Fun Speedrun with cool skips
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 05:40 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/flaschor [link] [comments] |
[TML]15th 24Hour SW Event/VW Farm @Shadowtappz (NA)
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 07:27 PM PST
We will be starting this run this friday at 10:00AM Central time / Live Streamed at Game ID Mirion.9361 or pm Shadowtappz
submitted by /u/Thrallzar [link] [comments]
Art - made a drawing of my thief
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 01:43 PM PST Just finished drawing my main thief and wanted to share. I always felt that if sylvari have scars, these glow as well. Usually he wears an eyepatch though
submitted by /u/SirXer [link] [comments]
MMO Players Needed for Study on Game Motivation and Personality! (chance to win $50 Amazon gift card)
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:11 PM PST
Hi /r/Guildwars2 !
I'm running a study on motivation for playing and personality measures as part of my doctoral studies at William James College. I'm looking for current players of Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOs) to take a 20-25 minute survey that looks at how personality interacts with what a person enjoys about playing MMOs.
If you qualify and you're interested in learning more about the survey, click on the link below. You'll be presented with an informed consent form to give you some more information about the study. Also feel free to forward the link to anyone else you know who may be interested!
If you have any questions or comments about the study, you can contact Kevin Burchby, the Principal Investigator, at the email address below:
Kevin Burchby
Doctoral Student, Clinical Psychology William James College
submitted by /u/GameResearchKB I'm running a study on motivation for playing and personality measures as part of my doctoral studies at William James College. I'm looking for current players of Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOs) to take a 20-25 minute survey that looks at how personality interacts with what a person enjoys about playing MMOs.
- You must be a recent player of an MMO, defined as someone who has played for at least 30 minutes in the past week
- You must have played MMO games in general for longer than one month
- You must be over age 18 in order to provide consent to be in the study
If you qualify and you're interested in learning more about the survey, click on the link below. You'll be presented with an informed consent form to give you some more information about the study. Also feel free to forward the link to anyone else you know who may be interested!
If you have any questions or comments about the study, you can contact Kevin Burchby, the Principal Investigator, at the email address below:
Kevin Burchby
Doctoral Student, Clinical Psychology William James College
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Guild Wars 2 - The Maps of Tyria | Newly Surfaced Early Concepts
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 03:05 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Lord_Boro [link] [comments] |
Friend commissioned art of our characters!
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:39 PM PST
The art:
Character reference:
My Human Male Thief Kennith Draxtan and Asura Male Thief Kenzinn
And my friends Human Female Thief Caysi Mihael and Asura Male Elementalist Amphi
submitted by /u/Kennith_Draxtan Character reference:
My Human Male Thief Kennith Draxtan and Asura Male Thief Kenzinn
And my friends Human Female Thief Caysi Mihael and Asura Male Elementalist Amphi
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Elementalist Attunement App for Razer Chroma
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 01:26 PM PST
I'm Cord, an elementalist main and programmer. Currently I'm building an app for my keyboard and mouse to switch colors for attunements and overloads. I just finished a first version. The app doesn't interact with Guild Wars 2(besides checking if a process Gw2.exe/Gw2-64.exe is running), so it most certainly doesn't violate the TOS. It works by listening for keyboard input and switching when pressing F1-F4.
Current Features:
Planned Features:
Beta Downloads:
ChromaEle x64
ChromaEle x86
Source Code and new Releases
If you have any questions, ask me on reddit or write me ingame: thecord.5873
edit: new planned feature
submitted by /u/cordGW2 I'm Cord, an elementalist main and programmer. Currently I'm building an app for my keyboard and mouse to switch colors for attunements and overloads. I just finished a first version. The app doesn't interact with Guild Wars 2(besides checking if a process Gw2.exe/Gw2-64.exe is running), so it most certainly doesn't violate the TOS. It works by listening for keyboard input and switching when pressing F1-F4.
Current Features:
- Attunement switch
- Overload effect
- Tray icon
Planned Features:
- Check current class(Mumble Link API)
- Keybind changing
- Support for more devices
- Option to disable overloads for vanilla ele
- And alot more I haven't thought of yet
Beta Downloads:
ChromaEle x64
ChromaEle x86
Source Code and new Releases
If you have any questions, ask me on reddit or write me ingame: thecord.5873
edit: new planned feature
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Happy Wintersday from 2012!
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:42 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/VariableFlame [link] [comments] |
Heroic Edition inside
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 03:57 PM PST
Got in the yogscast bundle, while i do own Guild Wars 2, i already have this edition.
Merry xmas!
submitted by /u/Mr_mcchocolate 1KKCP3-XHSW9-73DS-TXV-WNTCR2P
Merry xmas!
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'This skill is unique per game mode.' They list the existance of skill splits on the tooltips now!
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:12 AM PST
Took them long enough lol. It's not perfect because it doesn't say what the split is, but it's definitely something.
submitted by /u/NeokOnline example
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been away a while whats the current spvp meta?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:49 PM PST
me and my friend played spvp non-stop when the pvp wings were announced. we knew the in's and out's like the back of our hands, however we got burned out after season 3 and have no idea whats up. last i remember they nerfed engi surivability and bleed bow warrior was everywhere.
so what classes reign supreme, and what builds (dps, condi, etc)?
submitted by /u/matthew0001 so what classes reign supreme, and what builds (dps, condi, etc)?
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The Shatterer needs (another) rework
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:48 PM PST
Remember how hyped everyone was for the Shatterer revamp a few months back? Well it feels like the boss is mostly forgotten now even though its mechanics were interesting at a glance. So what went wrong with it?
I am mostly asking that Anet tweak the numbers a little to make the fight more interesting because as it stands now, I find even the Claw of Jormag more threatening with the icy grave to prevent standing at the sides and the ice shards actually deadly as it actually hits players.
submitted by /u/piInverse The mechanics are mostly inconsequential
The problem with the revamp Shatterer is that most of its mechanics simply don't matter when you can just spam one at its foot like before, maybe dodging once in a awhile.The breakbar
The breakbar phrase requires some effort from the player to be successful, but ultimately it doesn't reward or punish much. If the bar is broken, you get a rather short burning phrase that sometimes doesn't even compensate the lost dps by standing at the launch pads. If the bar isn't broken, it will cast shard storm, which is probably one of the most underwhelming attacks for not breaking the bar. I am comparing this to things like the Mouth of Mordremoth where he would break the whole platform, or the Wyvern fight in Verdant Brink who will probably kill a few players with his fire breath. I don't remember anyone dying to Shatterer's shard storm attack probably because he is aiming it in front while everyone just stands at the side to attack, which leads to my next point.The attacks are not aimed at where most players stand
The main reason why Anet reworked the Shatterer is because you could stand at a certain spot and hold one and grab a drink and the Shatterer would probably damage you much, if at all. They even added an achievement for standing in the old spot and dying when the Shatterer crashes. Well, the new Shatterer isn't much of a step up that aspect. Most of his attacks are directed in front and on him, so you can still get away with holding one slightly to the right. (Illustrated with my shitty paint skills) So you might be thinking, if everyone held down one, won't the shatterer be able to regenerate? Well that is what we will be talking about next.The crystals despawn
During the crystal phrase where the Shatterer heals, I think it is pretty good except for the fact that the crystals despawn on their own if they are not destroyed in a certain timing. It really makes the boss fight rather easy because most groups are able to destroy at least 3 to 4 crystals even without coordination while the last one can be safely ignored as the amount it heals isn't too big of an issue as it will just despawn. Well it sounds like I like pointless difficulty, but I find that if Shatterer had better rewards, the players will eventually find it pugable and more enjoyable with added difficulty similar to the Tequatl fight.I am mostly asking that Anet tweak the numbers a little to make the fight more interesting because as it stands now, I find even the Claw of Jormag more threatening with the icy grave to prevent standing at the sides and the ice shards actually deadly as it actually hits players.
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2 bugs in sPvP within 15 seconds.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 10:56 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/fateemotion [link] [comments] |
How to Melee: Siax (Challenge Mote, with webms)
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:54 AM PST
I try to do Nightmare CM every day and a trend I've noticed is that people tend to just freak out on a lot of attacks; they dodge out or eat hits they don't have to and generally play inefficiently. I recorded some of what I did in a recent run - hopefully it'll be helpful. I'd have annotated them with text but I use WebM for Retards because I Am A Retard & couldn't get subtitles to work.
Usually I'll be DD for the entire fractal. It has great damage, great breakbar, boonstrip if needed, and will basically never die, but none of its tricks are necessary to survive in melee range on any of the bosses. You absolutely want fractal pots no matter your class, though.
This attack spawns concentric circles/rings, starting from the centre and growing outwards, in two waves. The waves are static; when reaching max range on the first wave, the rings reset and spawn in different positions for the second wave, eventually covering everything in their radius.
You can stay in melee range for the duration of the first wave. When the second wave spawns, back up towards the first ring, which spawns behind you. Dodge back when the orange shows up under your feet; you'll clear the outermost circle with no issue. If you have a gap closer you can go back in once there's only the 2 outer rings left, just mind the ooze that lingers in the middle.
MAMA uses the same pattern (I didn't get to record her today, else this post would be larger), but you might have to contend with Watchknights at the same time.
The safest/smartest position for this is inside the boss; this will let you avoid most of the pattern. If your allies all want to use the same spot, you can fit yourself into the little wedges between circles to avoid the damage and social awkwardness.
If you play DD, it helps to know that he'll always start the fight with this attack, and it shares a cooldown with your Basilisk Venom (assuming no alacrity), so you can ping the skill to alert your allies.
Dodge, block, invuln, evade, etc. when the circle fills up and you'll avoid spawning the Hallucination add. Unfortunately, it'll count downed players and spawn for them. If there's a lot of puke cones/ring attacks/goop around I tend to just dodge out immediately to play it safe. Don't mess this up; the Hallucinations hit like trucks and leave AoEs around.
submitted by /u/Shiiyouagain Usually I'll be DD for the entire fractal. It has great damage, great breakbar, boonstrip if needed, and will basically never die, but none of its tricks are necessary to survive in melee range on any of the bosses. You absolutely want fractal pots no matter your class, though.
This attack spawns concentric circles/rings, starting from the centre and growing outwards, in two waves. The waves are static; when reaching max range on the first wave, the rings reset and spawn in different positions for the second wave, eventually covering everything in their radius.
You can stay in melee range for the duration of the first wave. When the second wave spawns, back up towards the first ring, which spawns behind you. Dodge back when the orange shows up under your feet; you'll clear the outermost circle with no issue. If you have a gap closer you can go back in once there's only the 2 outer rings left, just mind the ooze that lingers in the middle.
MAMA uses the same pattern (I didn't get to record her today, else this post would be larger), but you might have to contend with Watchknights at the same time.
The safest/smartest position for this is inside the boss; this will let you avoid most of the pattern. If your allies all want to use the same spot, you can fit yourself into the little wedges between circles to avoid the damage and social awkwardness.
If you play DD, it helps to know that he'll always start the fight with this attack, and it shares a cooldown with your Basilisk Venom (assuming no alacrity), so you can ping the skill to alert your allies.
Dodge, block, invuln, evade, etc. when the circle fills up and you'll avoid spawning the Hallucination add. Unfortunately, it'll count downed players and spawn for them. If there's a lot of puke cones/ring attacks/goop around I tend to just dodge out immediately to play it safe. Don't mess this up; the Hallucinations hit like trucks and leave AoEs around.
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I am very anxious when walking the streets of Divinity's Reach these days
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 07:30 PM PST
Due to the ongoing holiday I have spend a lot of time walking the streets of DR, gifting orphans. For some reason, I noticed a lot of 'Alleyway Lurker' NPCs, most are standing in one spot, giving a single line of dialog and there are some walking around that you cannot interact with (aside from a "Welcome" they utter you). Were they always here and in such great numbers?
We are all aware of the White Mantle and their plans to overthrow the Krytan monarchy, but is this a small nudge from the devs that there is something brewing the the alleyways of DR? I must say, I am kinda spooked... or maybe I am just paranoid for no reason...
Here are some pics I took, not all but some of the "new" NPCs.
submitted by /u/Dr_Hilarius_ We are all aware of the White Mantle and their plans to overthrow the Krytan monarchy, but is this a small nudge from the devs that there is something brewing the the alleyways of DR? I must say, I am kinda spooked... or maybe I am just paranoid for no reason...
Here are some pics I took, not all but some of the "new" NPCs.
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Model I did of the reclaimed greatsword
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 04:45 AM PST
I just like the looks of this skin, I guess
submitted by /u/HomoMilch
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Outfits or Bows and Baubles for Pets
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 03:58 PM PST
I would have loved to have been able to purchase a big red colar with a gold bell on it for my polar bear's neck for wintersday. Wouldn't it be nice to have upgrades for pets? It would certainly be a lot of fun!
submitted by /u/ronee2020 [link] [comments]
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