Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 04:07 PM PST
Hello members of the /r/hearthstone community,
This is part of a series of weekly threads aimed at both new and old players from the community. It is designed so that everybody may ask any and all questions regarding the game's mechanics, decks, strategies and more.
Please keep it clean and try to add more than just a one or two word response. As the goal of this post is to increase the community's knowledge, the thought process matters as much as the answer! There is also a Theorycrafting Thursday weekly post, for those who wish to discuss some of the more intricate aspects of the game.
Sticky Threads and Guides - Great resources for new players!
Note: I am a bot. Questions or feedback regarding this thread? Message the moderators.
submitted by /u/AutoModerator This is part of a series of weekly threads aimed at both new and old players from the community. It is designed so that everybody may ask any and all questions regarding the game's mechanics, decks, strategies and more.
Please keep it clean and try to add more than just a one or two word response. As the goal of this post is to increase the community's knowledge, the thought process matters as much as the answer! There is also a Theorycrafting Thursday weekly post, for those who wish to discuss some of the more intricate aspects of the game.
Sticky Threads and Guides - Great resources for new players!
Note: I am a bot. Questions or feedback regarding this thread? Message the moderators.
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Kripp loses joust for lethal
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 09:22 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/mkali999 [link] [comments] |
I just disenchanted my entire collection
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 10:02 AM PST took about 40 minutes in total of disenchanting, buying and disenchanting again to get rid of all the dust. Absolutely tons of great legendaries and epics.
The reason is as follows. I've been playing for a good year and a half now, but recently I've been finding myself, for whatever reason, just going through the motions in a zombie-like way. Completing the dailies, saving for that next pack, maybe getting a legendary but probably not, repeat. The grinding was being done in the most intellectually lazy way possible, just playing quickly, half reading/watching something else, just getting it out of the way.
And then looking at the clock and seeing that 3 hours have just passed.
When you're not playing the game it's meant to be played, not for the tactics but just for the small chance of a legendary, that's when it's time to think. I've been a slave to the dopamine drip feed of those damn quests and the next pack for too long.
I ended up like a magpie. I just played for the small potential rush of seeing that golden glow... and then most likely don't even use that card. I got 5, yes 5, legendaries out of my first 11 packs of Gadgetzan. A big rush, but then realised they were all mostly useless. And even if they weren't, I would have played just the same. Lazy grinding. This made me seriously ask myself why I play this game now. I used to play properly at one time, but I can't get it back.
This is sort of a PSA for if you're in the same position as me. If you play this game in a strategic, considered way like most of the community does then that's great. Enjoy. However, if you find yourself like me, a lazy-yet-addicted player, then consider doing what I did. Once you nuke the first two legendaries you just snowball. Very cathartic.
Now I'm free.
I have nothing against the game, or Blizzard, it's just my addictive tendencies and myself. This game will never end. There will always be another expansion, another quest, another legendary. So just ask yourself if you're having fun, and if it's in a healthy way.
I think my new policy will be to never start a game that doesn't have a definitive end ever again.
Have fun, or good luck.
Hardest to dust awards:
Thanks for all the awesome 99% very positive responses. And thank you for the gold, never thought I'd have any!
I just read through all these comments. Let me address a few points:
"Prove it!"
Yes. Fair enough to the few people doubting me. The thing is though; this was a 'moment of madness' type of situation. I didn't look in the mirror and say 'you can DO this, Snesley' and then log in with the intention of Dustocalyspe. The idea had been floating around in my head and each time I hovered over a legendary to disenchant, I couldn't do it. Something yesterday just took control for a moment, and all of a sudden, and it happened (I think that it helped I started with Cenarius, who I'd never played once. Made it easier to move on with the nukes once the band-aid had been ripped off).
I'm sorry I didn't film it but taking the time to set that up would mean that I probably wouldn't have done it and I'd still have my collection and I'd probably be clicking on murlocs for a couple of hours now. I guess I could reinstall and show my undisencantable golden level 60 reward cards sitting there on their own but I'm sure you can understand why I don't want to do that!
"Why not sell or give away?"
Same reason as above really. Taking the time to sell would give me room to doubt and change my mind. I did check a few weeks ago how much accounts go for and it's not a lot really, unless you're a madman with all golden heros etc. I also play Starcraft with my nephew from time to time so never thought about this course of action that seriously.
I am now thinking I could have made some low level players' Christmas, and am a little regretful… but like I said, it was a moment of madness and I'm glad it happened.
"It takes 3 hours to do your quests?"
This is me usually taking much longer to complete the quests due to aforementioned lack of mental presence, and then playing however many additional games afterwards to hit the 3 x win 10g amounts to get to 100 to then be in a chance to see that sweet golden glow.
So no, it doesn't take me 3 hours to play 30 priest class cards but all the other stuff does. I hang out in this game much longer than mean to, the primary reason for Dustocalypse.
"You've wasted all this money!"
Digital cards have no intrinsic value, except the $30 or so I could have sold the collection for (limited amount of research, granted). The value was the fun the game used to hold. It was fun, now it's not, and I seem to be incapable of just taking a breather. If you can, that's great. If you uninstall forever, what's the difference? I don't see it as a waste because it was fun at the time. But digital cards don't, for me, hold the same real life value of like discovering you old MTG or Pokemon cards in a shoe box in your attic in your 40s down the line.
"Cool story, bro, why post this at all?"
Some people think this is dramatic. I did half write this a couple of times and stopped myself because I thought 'who cares?' and am really more of an internet lurker type, but decided to do it just in case there was a small pocket of players who feel exactly the same way and maybe would appreciate the knowledge of knowing someone else had done this, and that it's an option. It seems tons of people have been here before, I just hadn't found any stories like this about HS so I'm really happy I did write this. I really tried to write this in a humble, non-dramatic, non-condescending way.
My reddit history will also show that I'm not exactly a serial poster so it's not for reddit karma or anything.
"You should of crafted golden XXX"
After the hard bit was done, after my mainest man Edwin was in the wind, I did have some slightly masochistic fun crafting and looking down on a golden Cho, Millhouse and basically any shitty legendary card I'd never seen the animation for. But they had to go too, because they were dust, they were another deck in the making.
"Zero dust?"
I managed to get to zero dust exactly only because I fluked the maths as I went.
"Never had Boom? You suck"
Boom was my villain during that era. Like Shamans, I never wanted to BE them hahaha
Thanks, all. If this annoyed anyone, I'm sorry, but it seems to have been very well received and there's a lot of great stuff here from people so I'm not that sorry.
Good luck if you're the specific person I'm speaking who can't get the thrill back but also lacks the easy-to-some willpower to simply take a break. Nuke!
Feel free to message me in a month or so and I'll tell you if I regretted doing this.
submitted by /u/Snesley-Wipes The reason is as follows. I've been playing for a good year and a half now, but recently I've been finding myself, for whatever reason, just going through the motions in a zombie-like way. Completing the dailies, saving for that next pack, maybe getting a legendary but probably not, repeat. The grinding was being done in the most intellectually lazy way possible, just playing quickly, half reading/watching something else, just getting it out of the way.
And then looking at the clock and seeing that 3 hours have just passed.
When you're not playing the game it's meant to be played, not for the tactics but just for the small chance of a legendary, that's when it's time to think. I've been a slave to the dopamine drip feed of those damn quests and the next pack for too long.
I ended up like a magpie. I just played for the small potential rush of seeing that golden glow... and then most likely don't even use that card. I got 5, yes 5, legendaries out of my first 11 packs of Gadgetzan. A big rush, but then realised they were all mostly useless. And even if they weren't, I would have played just the same. Lazy grinding. This made me seriously ask myself why I play this game now. I used to play properly at one time, but I can't get it back.
This is sort of a PSA for if you're in the same position as me. If you play this game in a strategic, considered way like most of the community does then that's great. Enjoy. However, if you find yourself like me, a lazy-yet-addicted player, then consider doing what I did. Once you nuke the first two legendaries you just snowball. Very cathartic.
Now I'm free.
I have nothing against the game, or Blizzard, it's just my addictive tendencies and myself. This game will never end. There will always be another expansion, another quest, another legendary. So just ask yourself if you're having fun, and if it's in a healthy way.
I think my new policy will be to never start a game that doesn't have a definitive end ever again.
Have fun, or good luck.
Hardest to dust awards:
- Edwin. My first, my favourite.
- Leeroy. Winner of the majority of my many games
- Sylvanas. The coolest, I should have used you more
- Flamewaker. You alone is reason enough to do this
- Dr Boom. I didn't own you, so this period hurt a lot
- Mysterious Challenger. Christmas came a million times a year
Thanks for all the awesome 99% very positive responses. And thank you for the gold, never thought I'd have any!
I just read through all these comments. Let me address a few points:
"Prove it!"
Yes. Fair enough to the few people doubting me. The thing is though; this was a 'moment of madness' type of situation. I didn't look in the mirror and say 'you can DO this, Snesley' and then log in with the intention of Dustocalyspe. The idea had been floating around in my head and each time I hovered over a legendary to disenchant, I couldn't do it. Something yesterday just took control for a moment, and all of a sudden, and it happened (I think that it helped I started with Cenarius, who I'd never played once. Made it easier to move on with the nukes once the band-aid had been ripped off).
I'm sorry I didn't film it but taking the time to set that up would mean that I probably wouldn't have done it and I'd still have my collection and I'd probably be clicking on murlocs for a couple of hours now. I guess I could reinstall and show my undisencantable golden level 60 reward cards sitting there on their own but I'm sure you can understand why I don't want to do that!
"Why not sell or give away?"
Same reason as above really. Taking the time to sell would give me room to doubt and change my mind. I did check a few weeks ago how much accounts go for and it's not a lot really, unless you're a madman with all golden heros etc. I also play Starcraft with my nephew from time to time so never thought about this course of action that seriously.
I am now thinking I could have made some low level players' Christmas, and am a little regretful… but like I said, it was a moment of madness and I'm glad it happened.
"It takes 3 hours to do your quests?"
This is me usually taking much longer to complete the quests due to aforementioned lack of mental presence, and then playing however many additional games afterwards to hit the 3 x win 10g amounts to get to 100 to then be in a chance to see that sweet golden glow.
So no, it doesn't take me 3 hours to play 30 priest class cards but all the other stuff does. I hang out in this game much longer than mean to, the primary reason for Dustocalypse.
"You've wasted all this money!"
Digital cards have no intrinsic value, except the $30 or so I could have sold the collection for (limited amount of research, granted). The value was the fun the game used to hold. It was fun, now it's not, and I seem to be incapable of just taking a breather. If you can, that's great. If you uninstall forever, what's the difference? I don't see it as a waste because it was fun at the time. But digital cards don't, for me, hold the same real life value of like discovering you old MTG or Pokemon cards in a shoe box in your attic in your 40s down the line.
"Cool story, bro, why post this at all?"
Some people think this is dramatic. I did half write this a couple of times and stopped myself because I thought 'who cares?' and am really more of an internet lurker type, but decided to do it just in case there was a small pocket of players who feel exactly the same way and maybe would appreciate the knowledge of knowing someone else had done this, and that it's an option. It seems tons of people have been here before, I just hadn't found any stories like this about HS so I'm really happy I did write this. I really tried to write this in a humble, non-dramatic, non-condescending way.
My reddit history will also show that I'm not exactly a serial poster so it's not for reddit karma or anything.
"You should of crafted golden XXX"
After the hard bit was done, after my mainest man Edwin was in the wind, I did have some slightly masochistic fun crafting and looking down on a golden Cho, Millhouse and basically any shitty legendary card I'd never seen the animation for. But they had to go too, because they were dust, they were another deck in the making.
"Zero dust?"
I managed to get to zero dust exactly only because I fluked the maths as I went.
"Never had Boom? You suck"
Boom was my villain during that era. Like Shamans, I never wanted to BE them hahaha
Thanks, all. If this annoyed anyone, I'm sorry, but it seems to have been very well received and there's a lot of great stuff here from people so I'm not that sorry.
Good luck if you're the specific person I'm speaking who can't get the thrill back but also lacks the easy-to-some willpower to simply take a break. Nuke!
Feel free to message me in a month or so and I'll tell you if I regretted doing this.
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Opponent had lethal on the board, decides to BM and play Jaraxxus... Activating my sacred trial. Instant karma.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:54 AM PST
He'd been emoting all game long after killing my minions and when I saw he had lethal on the board with his mage hero power I nearly conceded.
But does he just use his hero power to kill me? No he goes for the BM overkill with Jaraxxus which meant he got insta-gibbed by sacred trial. I stood up and yelled in triumph, this is a big day for me.
EDIT: Point of clarification, it was an arena game, my opponent was a mage that got Jaraxxus from a Kabal courier.
submitted by /u/Xaret But does he just use his hero power to kill me? No he goes for the BM overkill with Jaraxxus which meant he got insta-gibbed by sacred trial. I stood up and yelled in triumph, this is a big day for me.
EDIT: Point of clarification, it was an arena game, my opponent was a mage that got Jaraxxus from a Kabal courier.
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Firebat Explains How to Play Hunter
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 12:16 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Duckies789 [link] [comments] |
I'm sitting at 420 wins with all 9 classes
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 02:53 PM PST
I'm not sure if this has been done before, but it sure wasn't easy. I needed a lot of patience and force of will not to take advantage of the meta and play a lot of games with a single class.
submitted by /u/BaphometALIVE [link] [comments]
Lifecoach's experience playing Pirate Warrior
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 12:40 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/TheWarInBaSingSe [link] [comments] |
To the guy with 2 Dr. Booms in arena right now...
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:09 AM PST
I hope you go 12-0, otherwise I'll feel like my tilt will be in vain.
submitted by /u/kohlerb [link] [comments]
RIP the dream
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 05:08 PM PST
I got Coldarra Drake from Kabal Courier as shadow Priest. Played Doomsayer to set up for the combo. Opponent played Dirty Rat. I cried.
submitted by /u/ChuckyCheese98
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"I must remain hidden!"
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:57 AM PST
Okay, Wrathion, you SAY that, yet you're a Taunt minion.
That's like the opposite of hidden, that is as much front and center as this game allows you to be.
Heh. What exactly are you taunting, heh.. COMMON SENSE?
[try to high five myself]
submitted by /u/moodRubicund That's like the opposite of hidden, that is as much front and center as this game allows you to be.
Heh. What exactly are you taunting, heh.. COMMON SENSE?
[try to high five myself]
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Day9 with a sick hunter deck.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 07:48 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Kaiminus [link] [comments] |
Kripp's opponent fakes AFK
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 12:49 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/d10p3t [link] [comments] |
Keywords that may need to be added to Hearthstone!
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 05:39 PM PST
Album -
I understand that Blizzard has statted before they don't want to add some of these as it makes the game too complex for beginners. However, I don't support this as you can just hover over a card to figure out what it does! Poisonous should probably be renamed Venom but that's semantics. Cleave is probably unneccessary for now but in time will become more prevalent. Poisonous / Venom even has it's own logo already in the game! Elusive is just so much easier to look at than "Can't be targeted by Hero Powers or Spells". Or at the very least I hope they do how Magic the Gathering print the full text on Commons while Rare and above cards are Keyworded for Veteran players. It just saves so much card space and makes the cards look much cleaner.
Finally thank you /u/waupunwarrior for the missile cards & idea!
submitted by /u/physc65 I understand that Blizzard has statted before they don't want to add some of these as it makes the game too complex for beginners. However, I don't support this as you can just hover over a card to figure out what it does! Poisonous should probably be renamed Venom but that's semantics. Cleave is probably unneccessary for now but in time will become more prevalent. Poisonous / Venom even has it's own logo already in the game! Elusive is just so much easier to look at than "Can't be targeted by Hero Powers or Spells". Or at the very least I hope they do how Magic the Gathering print the full text on Commons while Rare and above cards are Keyworded for Veteran players. It just saves so much card space and makes the cards look much cleaner.
Finally thank you /u/waupunwarrior for the missile cards & idea!
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Thijs' Opponent plays Dirty Rat
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:37 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/planetRown [link] [comments] |
Thoughts on getting Legend rank for the first time
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 09:31 AM PST
As the title notes, I hit Legend yesterday for the first time using Control Warrior. I've been playing since January 2016 and have made rank 5 every month after my first two, but never attempted the grind to Legend.
I had the attitude that I've seen on here a lot, I'm probably good enough to get Legend if I grind it out... I always get rank 5 and typically end in rank 3 by playing my normal amount of Hearthstone. I'd made rank 2 a couple of times, but never even rank 1. For perspective, 3127 play wins, 1091 arena wins.
But there was a voice in the back of my head that noted, "Rank 3 isn't Legend... the ability to grind is part of the 'skill'... are you sure you can do it?"
This month I got to rank 5 in the first week, earlier than normal for me, using N'Zoth Control Shaman. Then I switched to Control Warrior, the archetype I've played more than any other and one that I felt had solid matchups with the decline of druid at higher ranks.
Over the course of the next week and a half, I got higher and higher on the ladder with some good days and bad days but overall net positive... and finally got to rank 1 on Sunday. I thought, "Okay... I'm doing it this month. I'm rank 1, I'm on vacation this week... I'm doing it."
And I had a terrible day of playing Sunday. Queueing into low legend players with greedy reno decks with my anti-aggro control warrior... I got tilted and went down to rank 2 with zero stars. I've never been more tilted in playing Hearthstone. I've also never been more invested emotionally to care.
Yesterday turned it around... I started off winning 10 straight to get to the final boss, lost once and then won the next two to get over the top. Those final games were exhilarating. Never wanted to win more in the entire year I've played. And when I won the last game I fist pumped and let out a "Fuck yeah!" and texted my wife who graciously congratulated me on my success as a nearly 40 year old man at a children's card game.
After thinking about it I wanted to share something with others who are good Hearthstone players who always get rank 5 but have never gone all the way...
It feels really fucking good to get Legend and bro, you gotta do it once.
The feeling I got after getting there is the best reason to play video games... that rush of accomplishing something. There's lots of ways to do that... but completing the grind at least once is rewarding.
I doubt I'll ever do it again... because make no mistake... it is a grind. But I'm really, really glad I did it once to quiet that voice in the back of my head.
submitted by /u/Bradstick I had the attitude that I've seen on here a lot, I'm probably good enough to get Legend if I grind it out... I always get rank 5 and typically end in rank 3 by playing my normal amount of Hearthstone. I'd made rank 2 a couple of times, but never even rank 1. For perspective, 3127 play wins, 1091 arena wins.
But there was a voice in the back of my head that noted, "Rank 3 isn't Legend... the ability to grind is part of the 'skill'... are you sure you can do it?"
This month I got to rank 5 in the first week, earlier than normal for me, using N'Zoth Control Shaman. Then I switched to Control Warrior, the archetype I've played more than any other and one that I felt had solid matchups with the decline of druid at higher ranks.
Over the course of the next week and a half, I got higher and higher on the ladder with some good days and bad days but overall net positive... and finally got to rank 1 on Sunday. I thought, "Okay... I'm doing it this month. I'm rank 1, I'm on vacation this week... I'm doing it."
And I had a terrible day of playing Sunday. Queueing into low legend players with greedy reno decks with my anti-aggro control warrior... I got tilted and went down to rank 2 with zero stars. I've never been more tilted in playing Hearthstone. I've also never been more invested emotionally to care.
Yesterday turned it around... I started off winning 10 straight to get to the final boss, lost once and then won the next two to get over the top. Those final games were exhilarating. Never wanted to win more in the entire year I've played. And when I won the last game I fist pumped and let out a "Fuck yeah!" and texted my wife who graciously congratulated me on my success as a nearly 40 year old man at a children's card game.
After thinking about it I wanted to share something with others who are good Hearthstone players who always get rank 5 but have never gone all the way...
It feels really fucking good to get Legend and bro, you gotta do it once.
The feeling I got after getting there is the best reason to play video games... that rush of accomplishing something. There's lots of ways to do that... but completing the grind at least once is rewarding.
I doubt I'll ever do it again... because make no mistake... it is a grind. But I'm really, really glad I did it once to quiet that voice in the back of my head.
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Blizzard please fix this annoying volume bug on iOS
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 07:01 AM PST
When you start Hearthstone on an iOS device, the volume of the background apps, like the musicplayer, is lowered. This bug exists for like 3 month now and there is already a fix:
Just implement it Blizzard. I know you can.
€: For clarification: This is or was an Unity issue (Game Engine on which Hearthstone is based on). Unity Technologies fixed this problem in a newer version of Unity. So Blizzard either has to update their Unity version or use a workaround, which is already provided by some dudes in the comment section (link above).
submitted by /u/nyetram Just implement it Blizzard. I know you can.
€: For clarification: This is or was an Unity issue (Game Engine on which Hearthstone is based on). Unity Technologies fixed this problem in a newer version of Unity. So Blizzard either has to update their Unity version or use a workaround, which is already provided by some dudes in the comment section (link above).
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Amnesiac about the Pirate-Package in Rogue
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 07:19 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Bento_ [link] [comments] |
Just managed to pick 7 Abyssal Enforcers in Arena and I skipped 1!
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 10:48 AM PST
So I just drafted a deck in Arena and this happened. Btw for those wondering that the deck isn´t great - I agree after the 3rd Abyssal I just didn´t care anymore and picked all of them :D
submitted by /u/martos99 proof:
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If it was still eligible, would Piloted Shredder be an auto include?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 03:40 AM PST
It was the staple of most decks pre-Standard, and I was just wondering if you guys still feel it would be as viable as it used to be?
EDIT: Obligatory 'Wow I went to bed and woke up to front page!'. Thanks for all the responses thats a lot of reading to do at work today :)
submitted by /u/SgtSlay3r EDIT: Obligatory 'Wow I went to bed and woke up to front page!'. Thanks for all the responses thats a lot of reading to do at work today :)
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New Player Here, How To Counter JadeX?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:22 PM PST
I've ran up against jade druid three games in a row at 15 and its frustrating. I play reno mage. It seems like this is the deck I am going to get crushed by every time and can't counter but any tips?
If I should be winning this matchup please let me know so I can go into the lab and figure out why I am losing.
I thought about adding Lorewalker Cho to my deck and trying to set something up where I dump my board clear as they have a full hand and can't benefit from it.
submitted by /u/herculeancallz If I should be winning this matchup please let me know so I can go into the lab and figure out why I am losing.
I thought about adding Lorewalker Cho to my deck and trying to set something up where I dump my board clear as they have a full hand and can't benefit from it.
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All your cards are mine!
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 04:04 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/ArtiKox [link] [comments] |
Accepting friend request often leads to expected results, but when you send them out yourself...
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 05:55 PM PST
you get the same result .
Although I still found some pretty chill guys this way.
submitted by /u/headingtoabyss Although I still found some pretty chill guys this way.
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Let's go through time #5! The Evolution of Handlock.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 10:47 AM PST
Hey guys Sigma from Good Gaming here yet again!
Today I come to you with another Archetype History that you picked out on my Twitter last time. This time I went through time to sum up how another one of the oldest decks of Hearthstone evolved and managed to prevail through time and many different metas, the mighty Handlock.
Without further ado, here is the article!
This is the first time that MSoG is included in the series, so I hope you guys enjoy it! When was the last time you played Handlock? Looking forward to your comments and remarks!
submitted by /u/sigmasrb Today I come to you with another Archetype History that you picked out on my Twitter last time. This time I went through time to sum up how another one of the oldest decks of Hearthstone evolved and managed to prevail through time and many different metas, the mighty Handlock.
Without further ado, here is the article!
This is the first time that MSoG is included in the series, so I hope you guys enjoy it! When was the last time you played Handlock? Looking forward to your comments and remarks!
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What card would be absolutely broken if it was printed for another class?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:15 PM PST
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