Easy Raid Chrono Guide Video (In Under 2 Minutes)
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 07:26 PM PST
For everyone who is too intimidated to learn chrono, heres a guide that will make you go zero to hero in under 2 minutes, using a very simple technique. https://youtu.be/MZD88V-jh3M
submitted by /u/Contamtam [link] [comments]
An alternative to new races: Racial Specialisations.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:49 PM PST
(Reposted from my thread on the official forums)
Hi peeps,
One of the most recurring requests is the one for additional races. Proponents seem to want the extra customisation options, while opponents tend to point out the extra work and costs involved.
How about meeting somewhere in the middle? What if the next expansion (or the one after that) came with racial specialisation? Iike elite specialisations these would be unlocked as part of an expac, obviously only for 80s and higher, and would allow for a host of new customisation based on the existing races with with a specific theme. To minimise work they'd be focused on the head for facial customisation. Each racial specialisation would also have access to a unique armour set and weapon skins.
Some examples could include: Human: Canthan – asian features and hairstyles, Samurai style armour and weapons. Norn: Cyclopean look – a related tribe from the far shiverpeaks. Icey armour and weapons. Asura: Deep Asura – purple skin tones, reddish or violet eyes, cranial ridges. Charr: ferals – more feral look, new horns, primitive armour and weapons. Sylvari: The Lost (those once corrupted by Mordy) – Looks like corrupted Sylvari in HoT.
The above are some off the cuff ideas, but you can see where I'm going with this. The pros are more easily implementable customisation options that give you something unique to create, without the need to redo existing armour, starting city, voice work and personal story. Cons are in suspension of disbelief:"How'd you get to be a Cyclops all of a sudden?" and that it still is a fair amount of work regardless.
What do you guys think? Is this feasible in your eyes? Is it something you'd want? Do you have an awesome idea for a racial specialisation?
Let me know below!
submitted by /u/pixtax Hi peeps,
One of the most recurring requests is the one for additional races. Proponents seem to want the extra customisation options, while opponents tend to point out the extra work and costs involved.
How about meeting somewhere in the middle? What if the next expansion (or the one after that) came with racial specialisation? Iike elite specialisations these would be unlocked as part of an expac, obviously only for 80s and higher, and would allow for a host of new customisation based on the existing races with with a specific theme. To minimise work they'd be focused on the head for facial customisation. Each racial specialisation would also have access to a unique armour set and weapon skins.
Some examples could include: Human: Canthan – asian features and hairstyles, Samurai style armour and weapons. Norn: Cyclopean look – a related tribe from the far shiverpeaks. Icey armour and weapons. Asura: Deep Asura – purple skin tones, reddish or violet eyes, cranial ridges. Charr: ferals – more feral look, new horns, primitive armour and weapons. Sylvari: The Lost (those once corrupted by Mordy) – Looks like corrupted Sylvari in HoT.
The above are some off the cuff ideas, but you can see where I'm going with this. The pros are more easily implementable customisation options that give you something unique to create, without the need to redo existing armour, starting city, voice work and personal story. Cons are in suspension of disbelief:"How'd you get to be a Cyclops all of a sudden?" and that it still is a fair amount of work regardless.
What do you guys think? Is this feasible in your eyes? Is it something you'd want? Do you have an awesome idea for a racial specialisation?
Let me know below!
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opening 50 Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlocks
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 02:17 PM PST
So, a bit ago I opened 376 Black Lion Chests
This gave me some Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlocks, and people requested I record the results FOR SCIENCE, so here are the results:
Some of the really expensive unlocks:
Fused Sword Skin
Fused Longbow Skin
Fused Hammer Skin
Chaos Axe Skin
Phoenix Sword Skin
Shadow Scepter Skin
Mini Jack-a-lop
Before doing this, I tried to unlock any skin, dye, and mini I could find that cost under 3g.
submitted by /u/colbymg This gave me some Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlocks, and people requested I record the results FOR SCIENCE, so here are the results:
Some of the really expensive unlocks:
Fused Sword Skin
Fused Longbow Skin
Fused Hammer Skin
Chaos Axe Skin
Phoenix Sword Skin
Shadow Scepter Skin
Mini Jack-a-lop
Before doing this, I tried to unlock any skin, dye, and mini I could find that cost under 3g.
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Quick Rant: Fuck Scribing 390-400
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 10:25 PM PST
What the fuck is with the last 10 of scribing being more expensive than the entirety of cooking? Because you can only really level through the last 10 levels with about 6 recipes, and they all require at least one 5g+ item, it's beyond crippling.
Not to mention, several lower level materials are stupidly expensive, very probably because you need to burn stacks of the stuff to make required lower-tiered decorations to make higher-tiered decorations.
Granted, it used to be worse before the scribing "fix", but still... these last 10 levels just feel fucking insulting and a spit in my face!
submitted by /u/ShadowMageAlpha What the fuck is with the last 10 of scribing being more expensive than the entirety of cooking? Because you can only really level through the last 10 levels with about 6 recipes, and they all require at least one 5g+ item, it's beyond crippling.
Not to mention, several lower level materials are stupidly expensive, very probably because you need to burn stacks of the stuff to make required lower-tiered decorations to make higher-tiered decorations.
Granted, it used to be worse before the scribing "fix", but still... these last 10 levels just feel fucking insulting and a spit in my face!
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Montage: Sindrener - Frame of Mind (Thief, PvP)
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 09:09 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Sindrener [link] [comments] |
How to Melee: MAMA (Challenge mote w/webms)
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:52 PM PST
I am back with another illustrative guide of how to be in melee range of things in high level fractals without dying and rerolling into a viper Necro out of laziness (and shame).
I did Siax before, now it's MAMA's turn.
Wait until the peak of her 'wind-up' and dodge. The red ring lingers & makes you think the damage lasts awhile, but it's just one instance, so there's no need to retreat at all.
Same as with Siax, except as you can see here players beyond a certain range will be targeted with a barrage of large-AoE projectiles that will bounce after the nearest target. Try not to cut your allies off.
As before: innermost circle for first wave, back up to the ring behind you on the transition, dodge out when the ground under you turns orange.
Every 25% MAMA will summon an Assault Knight to protect her - this is when damage is at its highest, and this is when most endurance is used and often wasted. The knights have two attacks:
This is the fastest of the two and the easiest to dodge.
The link more or less shows you what to do, but breaking this attack down into text is particularly important because it really is just a combo:
If you end up behind her, count the two flails and dodge the backslam. If you find yourself at range, beware the overlapping slams.
Bonus Bloomhunger! Because there's no way he's fitting anywhere else.
If you look closely at his slam attack, the 'crater' where he's slamming his fists is shaded slightly to represent the innermost ring of the attack. With a good sense of spacing it's not too hard to dodge into the safe section between the inner and middle rings to melee without taking damage.
submitted by /u/Shiiyouagain I did Siax before, now it's MAMA's turn.
Wait until the peak of her 'wind-up' and dodge. The red ring lingers & makes you think the damage lasts awhile, but it's just one instance, so there's no need to retreat at all.
Same as with Siax, except as you can see here players beyond a certain range will be targeted with a barrage of large-AoE projectiles that will bounce after the nearest target. Try not to cut your allies off.
As before: innermost circle for first wave, back up to the ring behind you on the transition, dodge out when the ground under you turns orange.
Every 25% MAMA will summon an Assault Knight to protect her - this is when damage is at its highest, and this is when most endurance is used and often wasted. The knights have two attacks:
This is the fastest of the two and the easiest to dodge.
- The 'Far' Attack This attack has a noticeably longer windup, covers the entire arena, pulls you, and is followed up by a dazing hammer swing. This is easily the most disruptive of the two, but all of its danger can be prevented by counting 'Three, two, one ... dodge.'
The link more or less shows you what to do, but breaking this attack down into text is particularly important because it really is just a combo:
- MAMA picks a target, winds up, and jumps on them. Spawns 3 shockwaves that stagger you but can be jumped over.
- MAMA closes to melee range, then flails twice
- After the second flail ends, she does a big reverse slam with 1 shockwave
- She follows this up with three smaller slams: back left (overlaps with reverse slam AoE), front left, then front right.
- Then she spazzes out and shoots some projectiles before repeating the process all over again
If you end up behind her, count the two flails and dodge the backslam. If you find yourself at range, beware the overlapping slams.
Bonus Bloomhunger! Because there's no way he's fitting anywhere else.
If you look closely at his slam attack, the 'crater' where he's slamming his fists is shaded slightly to represent the innermost ring of the attack. With a good sense of spacing it's not too hard to dodge into the safe section between the inner and middle rings to melee without taking damage.
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PSA: signet of wild's active effect makes your attacks unblock able for 8 seconds (yes i am talking about the signet of wild and not call of the wild)
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 02:30 PM PST
saw it on the ranger forums tested it in an unranked match and then tried my buddy in a GH and in wvw. Figured someone should get the word out. dunno if its intentional or not
If its a buff (thats dope as f@*#) I kinda doubt it though seems super powerful, kinda op (rip guardians rofl)
submitted by /u/Eleazar127 If its a buff (thats dope as f@*#) I kinda doubt it though seems super powerful, kinda op (rip guardians rofl)
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Ardent Glorious Shoulderguards
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:07 PM PST
[Serious] Can someone smarter than myself explain to me why this item sold for that much?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 02:56 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/The_Skeptic_One [link] [comments] |
Hairstyle kits don't have enough darker shades.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 01:05 PM PST
The only dark options are blue/black/brown/red. There's no dark pink/purple/green/orange etc, they're all just very bright, which makes matching outfits with hair a bit annoying.
I'm certain it wouldn't be hard to add a dark variant of each colour to the hairstyle kit [ex. Darkness is dark blue.]
Accessory colours slightly lacking aswell.
submitted by /u/fathommages I'm certain it wouldn't be hard to add a dark variant of each colour to the hairstyle kit [ex. Darkness is dark blue.]
Accessory colours slightly lacking aswell.
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Set Wintersday sculptures to be activated by default?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 03:19 PM PST
Every time someone re-enters the guild hall, the snow man and reindeer sculptures have "turned off" and are huge blocks of ice. This seems to be their default state. There probably aren't many guilds who spent all that gold just to build huge chunks of ice (which are already another similar decoration anyway).
Is there a way to get the item to remember its state that I don't know (entirely possible)? If not, I think it would be better if the sculptures were "turned on" (yeah yeah I know) by default. :)
submitted by /u/fuhtian Is there a way to get the item to remember its state that I don't know (entirely possible)? If not, I think it would be better if the sculptures were "turned on" (yeah yeah I know) by default. :)
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Is there a chance we'll get instances like Fissure of Woe and UW in GW2?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 05:55 AM PST
Spent so much time with those in GW1. I think it would be amazing if ANet somehow managed to implement something like this in GW2.
submitted by /u/Soulbr4cker [link] [comments]
Viola: Piano sheets for Tarir/Octo, Crystal Oasis, Zephyrites, Temple of Tolerance
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:07 AM PST
Hey Reddit. I wanted to follow up on conversation with /u/Lumijeddai last week.
(boring backstory) -old guild wars fan; -classically-trained pianist; - redditor; but backstory is boring, so let's get to the goods.
Here a links to piano sheet music for four well-known Guild Wars songs, ranging in difficulty from relatively easy (Zephyrite) to very difficult (Temple).
Tarir Medley: Tarir; Octovine; Golden Heights; Exalted Lullaby https://www.scribd.com/document/334868577/Saving-the-City-of-Gold
Crystal Oasis Redux (Living Story Season 2) https://www.scribd.com/document/334868576/Crystal-Oasis-Redux
Zephyrite Lament (Living Story Season 1) https://www.scribd.com/document/334868579/Tale-of-the-Zephyrites
Temple of Tolerance (Guild Wars 1 / Kryta) https://www.scribd.com/document/334868578/Temple-of-Tolerance
The above are all my arrangements. I also have MuseScore originals and Midi recordings of the above (terrible). (If anyone's into Final Fantasy XIV, I have a song or two from that as well).
Other threads in this series: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/5iln01/here_are_the_sheets_for_lions_arch_reborn_piano/
submitted by /u/sylvain_ice (boring backstory) -old guild wars fan; -classically-trained pianist; - redditor; but backstory is boring, so let's get to the goods.
Here a links to piano sheet music for four well-known Guild Wars songs, ranging in difficulty from relatively easy (Zephyrite) to very difficult (Temple).
Tarir Medley: Tarir; Octovine; Golden Heights; Exalted Lullaby https://www.scribd.com/document/334868577/Saving-the-City-of-Gold
Crystal Oasis Redux (Living Story Season 2) https://www.scribd.com/document/334868576/Crystal-Oasis-Redux
Zephyrite Lament (Living Story Season 1) https://www.scribd.com/document/334868579/Tale-of-the-Zephyrites
Temple of Tolerance (Guild Wars 1 / Kryta) https://www.scribd.com/document/334868578/Temple-of-Tolerance
The above are all my arrangements. I also have MuseScore originals and Midi recordings of the above (terrible). (If anyone's into Final Fantasy XIV, I have a song or two from that as well).
Other threads in this series: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/5iln01/here_are_the_sheets_for_lions_arch_reborn_piano/
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Fastest ascended backpiece LS3?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:21 PM PST
@title. Recently started playing again and slowly working up to full ascended, the living story maps seem to be the fastest way to get the backs for now. Are all three similar in the rate in which you aquire the required currencies or is there one map I should specifically focus on? I need zerkers, if it makes any difference.
submitted by /u/Samurnor [link] [comments]
Estimated Revenue for Premium PC Games in 2016, Gw2 Made $91 mil.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 04:11 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Mortum1 [link] [comments] |
At what point should I purchase Heart of Thorns?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:53 PM PST
I'm a new player to the game and has only played for about 2 hours. The game is f2p, however I heard people saying that Heart of Thorns offers much more than base game. Should I buy the expansion right now? What can I expect from it? How big is it compared to base game? and most importantly, is it worth the money? Any help would be appreciated!
submitted by /u/SirSobleh [link] [comments]
Merry Christmas Wishes Iggy and Mr. Snowball!
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 07:31 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/_Iggy_ [link] [comments] |
How many people use outfits regularly?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:34 AM PST
For the purpose of this ignore wearing them for festivals and leveling alts. I have several for those 2 purposes but the only outfit i wear regularly atm is taimi's outfit on an asura.
submitted by /u/KaraSpengler [link] [comments]
Got my wife to try this game. She's going with a Ranger, what profession do you think will pair better with a ranger?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 03:02 PM PST
Siax Duo (lvl 100 challenge mode)
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 12:44 AM PST
Heyo /r/guildwars2, we did something cool that we wanted to share with the community.
Siax duo video links:
Deroir (Revenant PoV): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaFoRIGx-fM
Ilyavi (Mesmer PoV): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzDgi2EAfXs&feature=youtu.be
Story time! So this project began for me right after my recent MAMA solo. I knew that I wanted to low man the other two bosses of the nightmare fractal, but I kinda also wanted that to be in chronological order. So I had to find some way of low-manning Siax.
Now, Siax is tricky, because I personally dont believe for a second, that Anet intended for anyone to be able to survive the second echo blast, the first echo blast puts you in downed state, but the second one deals 103k damage, it even rips right through continuum split.
However, 2 professions can indeed survive both blasts (revenant and warrior). But it takes a bit of finesse and cheekiness :P
Strategy spoiler
Now, we'll be the first ones to admit that this boss kill, is hella f*cking cheeky :P
Nonetheless, we hope you all found this interesting!
Ps. Not gonna lie. Testing, re-testing, practicing, and actually pulling off this strategy, took a good 10+ hours beating our heads against the boss, and a buttload of gold.
submitted by /u/Deroir Siax duo video links:
Deroir (Revenant PoV): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaFoRIGx-fM
Ilyavi (Mesmer PoV): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzDgi2EAfXs&feature=youtu.be
Story time! So this project began for me right after my recent MAMA solo. I knew that I wanted to low man the other two bosses of the nightmare fractal, but I kinda also wanted that to be in chronological order. So I had to find some way of low-manning Siax.
Now, Siax is tricky, because I personally dont believe for a second, that Anet intended for anyone to be able to survive the second echo blast, the first echo blast puts you in downed state, but the second one deals 103k damage, it even rips right through continuum split.
However, 2 professions can indeed survive both blasts (revenant and warrior). But it takes a bit of finesse and cheekiness :P
Strategy spoiler
Now, we'll be the first ones to admit that this boss kill, is hella f*cking cheeky :P
Nonetheless, we hope you all found this interesting!
Ps. Not gonna lie. Testing, re-testing, practicing, and actually pulling off this strategy, took a good 10+ hours beating our heads against the boss, and a buttload of gold.
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Is the community still friendly for new players to join the game?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 07:35 AM PST
Hi, it's my first time posting stuff on Reddit so I'm kind of nervous now, but I really want to know the answer.
I'm a really big fan of MMORPG games, especially those who have variety of jobs, gigantic world settings, legendary fantasy worlds.
I just found this game yesterday and it seems like it's the game that I would like a lot so I want to jump into the game and explore the world.
My only concern is that is it still okay for new players to join? Because I know some of the games don't really have new players anymore and ended with no one wants to help the low lv people and they wouldn't be able to beat the hard dungeons without some little help or without low lv friends.
Also, I want to know if there's healers in this game, or any supports is fine too, because I really like to play support classes in this type of games.
Finally, thank you al for reading my long post!
submitted by /u/Snipollo I'm a really big fan of MMORPG games, especially those who have variety of jobs, gigantic world settings, legendary fantasy worlds.
I just found this game yesterday and it seems like it's the game that I would like a lot so I want to jump into the game and explore the world.
My only concern is that is it still okay for new players to join? Because I know some of the games don't really have new players anymore and ended with no one wants to help the low lv people and they wouldn't be able to beat the hard dungeons without some little help or without low lv friends.
Also, I want to know if there's healers in this game, or any supports is fine too, because I really like to play support classes in this type of games.
Finally, thank you al for reading my long post!
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Ranger hack in PVP?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 05:27 PM PST
Is there currently an extremely strong ranger PVP build that allows you to down a player from 100% hp to 0 in one hit, or is that a hack? Our team kept getting annihilated by a ranger who could quickly do this in literally 1 second... I am running a tanky guardian bunker build (from metabattle) and yet that somehow happened, and I had no time to react or push any buttons before I died.
Thoughts? Sorry if I'm being dumb and this is a super common thing. I've just never seen a class able to do this.
submitted by /u/pollietta Thoughts? Sorry if I'm being dumb and this is a super common thing. I've just never seen a class able to do this.
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Why can't we use our choice of headgear with outfits?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 01:35 PM PST
I understand that there's a lot about outfits that's technically difficult (separating them into various pieces etc.).
But it's already possible to hide the head pieces of an outfit so it seems like we're already close...so why can't we choose our own armor to wear on our heads while using an outfit?
submitted by /u/Mydst But it's already possible to hide the head pieces of an outfit so it seems like we're already close...so why can't we choose our own armor to wear on our heads while using an outfit?
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Character creation cutscene unskippable?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:23 PM PST
I made a new mule character this evening, and was greeted with an utterly unskippable asura-introduction cutscene. There was no button in the lower right, I couldn't hit esc to skip, nada.
Is this intentional?
submitted by /u/katubug Is this intentional?
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