opening 127 Cold-Forged Exotic Weapons
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:48 PM PST
So, a bit ago I opened 376 Black Lion Chests
This gave me some Frozen Exotic Weapon Fragments, so I used them to buy 127 Cold-Forged Exotic Weapon FOR SCIENCE
here are the results:
Most of it was basically junk; what you'd expect if you threw exotics into the forge. But then:
The Bard
That was the only highlight. most were worth 1g - 2g, a couple as high as 8g, some as low as 50s
average was about 1g75s
145g The Bard + 250g everything else = 370g (315g after tax)
315 / 127 = 2g50s each
if no Bard, about 1g98s each
each Frozen Exotic Weapon Fragment can be sold for 50s x 3 = 1g50s
250 Unbound Magic is worth about 64s
So each Cold-Forged Exotic Weapon has an opportunity cost of 2g14s
I have a feeling it's a similar drop table as the mystic forge (if you throw 4 exotics in, there's about a 1 in 139 chance of getting a precursor)
TLDR: average value is somewhere between just barely not worth it and just barely worth it. But you might get lucky, you never know!
submitted by /u/colbymg This gave me some Frozen Exotic Weapon Fragments, so I used them to buy 127 Cold-Forged Exotic Weapon FOR SCIENCE
here are the results:
Most of it was basically junk; what you'd expect if you threw exotics into the forge. But then:
The Bard
That was the only highlight. most were worth 1g - 2g, a couple as high as 8g, some as low as 50s
average was about 1g75s
145g The Bard + 250g everything else = 370g (315g after tax)
315 / 127 = 2g50s each
if no Bard, about 1g98s each
each Frozen Exotic Weapon Fragment can be sold for 50s x 3 = 1g50s
250 Unbound Magic is worth about 64s
So each Cold-Forged Exotic Weapon has an opportunity cost of 2g14s
I have a feeling it's a similar drop table as the mystic forge (if you throw 4 exotics in, there's about a 1 in 139 chance of getting a precursor)
TLDR: average value is somewhere between just barely not worth it and just barely worth it. But you might get lucky, you never know!
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Anet why can't we see our back piece items while in Character Select?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:06 AM PST
I think that'd be a really easy thing to put in and would look more awesome :)
submitted by /u/DarthMarr [link] [comments]
Thank You ANet for a wonderful 2016!
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:44 PM PST
As the year end approaches, I'd like to give my thanks to ArenaNet for all their hard work on Guild Wars 2 in 2016. With the game being over four years old, it has only gotten better and better.
My favorite additions from 2016 were:
I've spent nearly 3000 hours on GW2 (of which I'm sure many people have spent a lot more time), and I don't see any sign of stopping any time soon :D
Thank you ANet and have a happy holidays!
submitted by /u/sponge7 My favorite additions from 2016 were:
- Salvage all by rarity. Oh my god - this single QoL addition has made GW2 gameplay at least twice as fun for me. Less time clicking and more time having fun is always a good thing in any game :D
- Shared Inventory Slots. This QoL addition has resulted in me spending lots of hours on all nine of my characters, all of whom are different professions and now have full ascended gear. They really make it much easier to multi-toon. I use it for things such as the copper-fed salvage kit, mystic forge conduit, permanent airship pass, permanent merchant, and for the HoT currencies that can't be stored in the wallet.
- Raids (addition of wing 2 and wing 3). I admit I didn't think much of raids when they were first released in 2015, but after experiencing how awesome they were (I used to only do dungeons and fractals previously), it gave me incentive to fully gear all of my previous characters with full ascended, as well as create additional characters to fill out the full roster of professions the game offers. Because of how much fun raids have been, I have even created gear sets to support different builds. The challenge of raids really forced me to learn and master professions, which has driven my desire to play this game every single day. I must say -- in 2015, I really only played my guardian - which was the only character I had that had that was full ascended, and had 150 AR. Other than that, I had two other characters that only had exotic gear and were barely used. Now, I have nine characters, one of each profession, and a total of 12 different builds in full ascended gear, of which three builds (so far) have 150 AR. Having so many characters never makes the game boring as I can now swap between them if I'm bored with one of them. Another thing that raids has shown me is the great benefit of voice communications - I used to never use them before until raids entered the fray, and now I can never see myself going back to "silent" play. The use of voice communications has helped me to become a better player, and has also resulted in closer friendships with my fellow guild members. Raids are awesome.
- Living Story Season 3. I love the episodes from this season. The story has been great (especially the humor!), and the fact that we can now get ascended trinkets and backpieces without having to do guild missions or raids has been wonderful, as it makes it easier to gear out full sets for builds now.
- Fractals improvements/additions. The challenge mote for the Nightmare fractal is so fun and really reminds me of games like Dark Souls. Performing mechanics correctly in the challenge mote really gives me a rush and really tests my ability to play my character to his/her full capability. I'm looking forward to future fractal additions/updates, as the latest additions and updates to older fractals has already given me incentive to get 150 AR on my other characters.
I've spent nearly 3000 hours on GW2 (of which I'm sure many people have spent a lot more time), and I don't see any sign of stopping any time soon :D
Thank you ANet and have a happy holidays!
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[Art] Soft pastel drawing of my warrior
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 01:00 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Zackilicious [link] [comments] |
Datamined WvW icons by our lovely Shaman
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 03:58 PM PST
It seems our lovely /u/that_shaman has found something laying around the .dat file, even though he's on a break.
Some WvW icons from a new UI
Looks like something related to Skirmish placements to me.
Source tweet
submitted by /u/ReLiFeD Some WvW icons from a new UI
Looks like something related to Skirmish placements to me.
Source tweet
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[PvP] Nos Shocked by High-level Plays
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:57 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Taygeta [link] [comments] |
Hours of Practice and 8g Later..
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 04:07 PM PST
I am .5k away from hitting the qT benchmark for FA Staff with all buffs on a small target.
Some things I learned from this:
submitted by /u/confirm-okt Some things I learned from this:
- Having the right sigils definitely helps. The difference between having accuracy over air was about .5 to 1k dps when I swapped. My attempts were more consistent too since crits were no longer a random factor.
- Speaking of random factors, the strikes on your glyph, meteor shower, and Hammer 4 are all rng. This may take several attempts.
- Doing the seaweed shuffle is not as efficient as the seaweed spin, but still good for when I need to be positioned correctly for stuff like doing Burning Retreat into my second FGS. Do long movements instead of short ones in place.
- Getting the initial burst down and carrying it throughout the attempt is key. You should see 37-39k on the first reading in a successful attempt.
- The speed at which you move through the rotation and attunements is really important as well. In one attempt, I missed a lava font but still got 33.5k because I didn't panic and kept moving through the rotation.
- Swapping attunements also does a tick of damage both ways. Swap into fire before dropping weapons and swap into air while passing through the golem with Burning Retreat.
- You will need full power infusions and optimal food to get this. Seriously, don't skimp.
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Why do we get so manny new outfits and no armour skins set anymore?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 02:57 AM PST
Really wonder why this is. I personally rather spend 800 gems on a amor skin set than 700 for a outfit. Also we can't mix and match outfits what is quite boring and dull.
submitted by /u/scorpidoo [link] [comments]
Finished Snowfort in our Guild Hall
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:19 PM PST
Today i have screenshots of our latest creation and it is our giant snowfort arena for snowball fights.
Info on what is all placed: 63 large cuboids
4 large hemisphere 5 large wedge 9 large cube 1 cube 8 cuboids 4 hemisphere 1 wedge 4 trees 1 reindeer 1 snowman 5 snowmaker
Hope you like the screenshots :)
Hey guys ive made a video during halloween about our spooky section of our guild hall before. Here is a link to that video.
Halloween Video:
submitted by /u/ChrisK1992 Screenshots
Info on what is all placed: 63 large cuboids
4 large hemisphere 5 large wedge 9 large cube 1 cube 8 cuboids 4 hemisphere 1 wedge 4 trees 1 reindeer 1 snowman 5 snowmaker
In total it costed us around 1400 snow piles or roughly 2,100g
Hope you like the screenshots :)
Hey guys ive made a video during halloween about our spooky section of our guild hall before. Here is a link to that video.
Halloween Video:
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SCIENCE: Drop rates from 80k Wintersday Gifts!
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:33 AM PST
Note: It's not quite to 80k, yet. It will get there, without a doubt.
Initially spurred on from on the data from /u/Dandamonium1 's thread, I have created a spreadsheet that calculates the approximate percent drops for all the items (that have been recorded dropped).
Spreadsheet Here
Based on the numbers here, it very much seems as though you don't get as much stuff as last year, but that's mostly because the reduced drop-rates of various "trash" items (non-permanent tonics, choir bells, recipes, etc), including the complete removal of the toy weapon skins. (Yay?)
This will get you less stuff, but it also dramatically decreases the amount of inventory management that was need last year. (If you weren't there, it was horrible.)
If anyone else has any data they would like to link me, I'd me more than happy to update the spreadsheet so as to provide a more precise picture of the drop-rates this year.
Note: To calculate whether you should open or sell your Gifts, find the items you want and their market price, multiply those prices by the respective drop-rates, and add all the values together. If the number is higher than 85% of the sell-price for presents, you're statistically better off opening your presents.
Example: If I want Snowflakes (Tiny @ 98%, Perfect @ 5%) and they cost 75cp and 25s (B.S. numbers I picked), I would sell my presents if I could get more than 1s 99c out of them. ( 75cp * .98 = 74cp + 25s * .05 = 1s 25 cp)
Note: If you are contemplating doing this, /u/Jayleezi has already made a spreadsheet that uses the data from my spreadsheet to calculate the approximate sell value of Wintersday gifts (before and after opening them!).
Also note: If you are after the Wintersday infusion... My best guess for the drop rate is approximately 1-in-100,000.
You can use a binomial distribution to calculate the % chance of an even if you have a number of events (how many we've opened), and how many successful events (how many infusions have dropped). Assuming the drop rate is 0.001%, the chance of an infusion not dropping in 80k gifts is about 46%, and the chance of 1 dropping in 80k gifts is about 36%. Given the data we have, seems to be a fairly accurate guess at the drop rate.
So... at the current rate the infusions are going, it's a steal to buy it off the TP. Given the infusions are only 900g-1000g, your chances of buying an equal amount of gifts and getting it from those gifts is only about 10%... so... If you want the infusion, buy it. Granted, if you sold what you opened from the failed presents to buy more presents, you would end up (effectively) buying more than 1,000g in presents. I'd need to punch them numbers to find out exactly, but at the moment, I'm not feeling up to it.
Edit: Okay, so I ran the numbers... and (assuming I did it right) if you buy 1,000g worth of presents by placing an order, open everything and sell every by posting (not insta-selling), and then using that gold, buy more presents, you should open a total of 120,120 presents which gives you approximately an 81.4% chance of opening an infusion. So if you buy it off the TP, you're paying under the "value", but it's not huge like I originally thought.
Thank you very much to each and everyone who has provide me data for this project! Their data and original posts can be found here!
submitted by /u/ShadowMageAlpha Initially spurred on from on the data from /u/Dandamonium1 's thread, I have created a spreadsheet that calculates the approximate percent drops for all the items (that have been recorded dropped).
Spreadsheet Here
Based on the numbers here, it very much seems as though you don't get as much stuff as last year, but that's mostly because the reduced drop-rates of various "trash" items (non-permanent tonics, choir bells, recipes, etc), including the complete removal of the toy weapon skins. (Yay?)
This will get you less stuff, but it also dramatically decreases the amount of inventory management that was need last year. (If you weren't there, it was horrible.)
If anyone else has any data they would like to link me, I'd me more than happy to update the spreadsheet so as to provide a more precise picture of the drop-rates this year.
Note: To calculate whether you should open or sell your Gifts, find the items you want and their market price, multiply those prices by the respective drop-rates, and add all the values together. If the number is higher than 85% of the sell-price for presents, you're statistically better off opening your presents.
Example: If I want Snowflakes (Tiny @ 98%, Perfect @ 5%) and they cost 75cp and 25s (B.S. numbers I picked), I would sell my presents if I could get more than 1s 99c out of them. ( 75cp * .98 = 74cp + 25s * .05 = 1s 25 cp)
Note: If you are contemplating doing this, /u/Jayleezi has already made a spreadsheet that uses the data from my spreadsheet to calculate the approximate sell value of Wintersday gifts (before and after opening them!).
Also note: If you are after the Wintersday infusion... My best guess for the drop rate is approximately 1-in-100,000.
You can use a binomial distribution to calculate the % chance of an even if you have a number of events (how many we've opened), and how many successful events (how many infusions have dropped). Assuming the drop rate is 0.001%, the chance of an infusion not dropping in 80k gifts is about 46%, and the chance of 1 dropping in 80k gifts is about 36%. Given the data we have, seems to be a fairly accurate guess at the drop rate.
Edit: Okay, so I ran the numbers... and (assuming I did it right) if you buy 1,000g worth of presents by placing an order, open everything and sell every by posting (not insta-selling), and then using that gold, buy more presents, you should open a total of 120,120 presents which gives you approximately an 81.4% chance of opening an infusion. So if you buy it off the TP, you're paying under the "value", but it's not huge like I originally thought.
Thank you very much to each and everyone who has provide me data for this project! Their data and original posts can be found here!
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PvP matches shouldn't start of someone never connects
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:05 AM PST
9 players shouldn't be punished to play a unfair match where their rating doesn't change if someone never even connected to begin with. Pls ANet, most other "competitive" games have this.
submitted by /u/MarshmellowMarksman [link] [comments]
Wintersday items?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:07 PM PST
As a new player, this is my first wintersday event. So far I'm really enjoying playing the mini games themselves but I can barely find any rewards
Are there any items I should be aiming for and if so, how do I get them?
submitted by /u/ZerakTheGreat Are there any items I should be aiming for and if so, how do I get them?
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how do i get more seriously into raiding ?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 03:10 PM PST
I've started Gw2 55 days ago and the thing that made me hyped up was the end game pve content. I started raiding 3 weeks ago and so far i have 3 class in anscended gear and know my rotation on each of my class. i have read that a lot of people had a lot of trouble to find groups for the first bosses and so gave etc .but it turned out to be pretty easy for me, i just had to sign up in some training run, join training guilds, read guides and ask people the basics and it was a lot of fun. Now i feel like i'm hitting a wall, i'd like to get seriously into raiding but i need a huge ammount of li's (only have 10 so far ) to find a group that don't require a huge ammount of li's to get into, the training guilds i'm in and the training runs i join are only for escort / vg / gorse / sloth and i can usually find one group per weeks for the harder encounters after hours of staring at the lfg and asking people for a run. I really hate the fact that i can't raid as much as i'd like to, if that was only me i would try to improve all day, i don't even care about the rewards i just like the feeling of improving in raids percents per percents and finally getting a boss down. i've been searching for a while to find some way to be able to raid more often but i'm really struggling to find a solution. i've tried to get into more raiding guilds but i either have the same problem (most of the trainings for the easier bosses ) or the guild isn't very active / don't plan a lot of raid. i've stared a lot at the lfg and found some groups but the trainings are usually chaotic, there is no ts, or it's not in english, people aren't really invested and they give up after a few try, use exotics and cheap food etc ..
So, how do i get more seriously into raiding and get a chance to try the harder encounters ? some people told me to fake my li's but i don't want to join a group knowing that if we get a kill i would most likely have been carried so it's not a solution
submitted by /u/eldemort So, how do i get more seriously into raiding and get a chance to try the harder encounters ? some people told me to fake my li's but i don't want to join a group knowing that if we get a kill i would most likely have been carried so it's not a solution
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As a condi Necro, what should my main focus be in PvP?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:24 PM PST
I'm f2p and have been playing about a month. I'm playing condi Necro (corruptionmancer build) & holding my own so far in silver 2. I've been implimenting what I've learned on but I wish to do more for my teams, which leads me to these questions.
As condi Necro, what is my main purpose? Throughout a match, what can I do that will benefit my team the most? I've had success in several methods of play, but what method is going to be the most help to my teams? What should my mindset be?
I don't have unrealistic expectations considering I'm new & f2p but, with a clear picture of my role in mind, I can best help myself climb in ratings. Thanks in advance for serious answers.
submitted by /u/Vehlok As condi Necro, what is my main purpose? Throughout a match, what can I do that will benefit my team the most? I've had success in several methods of play, but what method is going to be the most help to my teams? What should my mindset be?
I don't have unrealistic expectations considering I'm new & f2p but, with a clear picture of my role in mind, I can best help myself climb in ratings. Thanks in advance for serious answers.
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KC working as intended
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:28 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Fayne_Nuke [link] [comments] |
Synchronised Fiery Greatswords
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 04:05 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/ParagonPaladin [link] [comments] |
Looking to get into this game, what can i expect for a person who was really into runescape and world of warcraft?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:21 PM PST
Downloaded it and got to level 3 so far. Seems fun, and it's nice figuring stuff out. Any tips you have for me? Or things that i can expect to be a lot different than those two games?
submitted by /u/KoloHickory [link] [comments]
I like the new pvp season, except for this awful meta!
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:34 AM PST
It's just not fun at all for me! I don't like all this stun locking and insane condies. It's just frustrating to play against :(
I love that there are actual rankings now (except for this skill decay, I didn't play for a couple of days and it's already in effect? Seriously?!) I love all the rewards you get for playing, but the gameplay itself isn't fun at all anymore.
That, and the majority of games I've played have been insanely toxic. I'm always nice and in good spirits and I am not in the mood to see at least 75% of my matches devolve into people flaming each other.
submitted by /u/starvinmartin I love that there are actual rankings now (except for this skill decay, I didn't play for a couple of days and it's already in effect? Seriously?!) I love all the rewards you get for playing, but the gameplay itself isn't fun at all anymore.
That, and the majority of games I've played have been insanely toxic. I'm always nice and in good spirits and I am not in the mood to see at least 75% of my matches devolve into people flaming each other.
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Would anyone like to play from start with me?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 11:26 AM PST
I'm not sure if this accounts as LFG. If it does, then I'm sorry mods. Im on EU on Seafarers Rest. I have HoT but would like to start a new character and work through the game with someone(s).
Anyone interested just pm me. Will be starting a new character and willing to play any complimentary classes.
Merry Christmas (or happy holidays)
submitted by /u/p4n4h I'm not sure if this accounts as LFG. If it does, then I'm sorry mods. Im on EU on Seafarers Rest. I have HoT but would like to start a new character and work through the game with someone(s).
Anyone interested just pm me. Will be starting a new character and willing to play any complimentary classes.
Merry Christmas (or happy holidays)
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Mini Large Snowball vs Mini Snowball
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 05:04 PM PST
Can anyone provide a screenshot of the Mini Large Snowball to show how it looks different from the Mini Snowball. Preferably with a banana for scale.
submitted by /u/coldwaterq [link] [comments]
I hit Anets Unwanted Kid :o
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 11:01 PM PST
So, picked this game up and wondering how do Thieves fare in end game PvE and PvP?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:36 PM PST
So, I have a Thief and I'm really starting to dig this game a lot.
Right now I'm quite fond of the dual-wielded pistols, and I was wondering how does the class fare end game?
Which weapons should I be using? Are dual pistols good? What stats should I aim for? Specialisations, traits, etc?
Any general tips would be greatly appreciated, thank you very much.
submitted by /u/imflyingtoaster Right now I'm quite fond of the dual-wielded pistols, and I was wondering how does the class fare end game?
Which weapons should I be using? Are dual pistols good? What stats should I aim for? Specialisations, traits, etc?
Any general tips would be greatly appreciated, thank you very much.
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This Norn NPC is wearing Human Cultural Armor.
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 02:09 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Ceraunos [link] [comments] |
630 Gold Giveaway (1 winner)
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 12:10 AM PST
Just post your display name (the one with the numbers at the end) in the comments and I will pick a winner by using a random name picker when this countdown ends.
EDIT: 214 entries up until 13:09
EDIT 2: The gold you can receive in a week is limited to 500. The winner will receive the remaining 130g next week.
I've also contacted support about making sure that our accounts don't get flagged for selling/buying gold. I'll update OP when I get a response.
EDIT 3: 16:12 - 478 entries
EDIT 4: I was using the inbox to add people but it turns out that close to 200 comments were missing so I had to start copying account names directly from the thread, from the beginning. Fun times
EDIT 5: 21:00 - 1140 entries
EDIT 6: 07:44 - 1485 entries
EDIT 7: 10:00 - 1518 entries
submitted by /u/JagdCake EDIT: 214 entries up until 13:09
EDIT 2: The gold you can receive in a week is limited to 500. The winner will receive the remaining 130g next week.
I've also contacted support about making sure that our accounts don't get flagged for selling/buying gold. I'll update OP when I get a response.
EDIT 3: 16:12 - 478 entries
EDIT 4: I was using the inbox to add people but it turns out that close to 200 comments were missing so I had to start copying account names directly from the thread, from the beginning. Fun times
EDIT 5: 21:00 - 1140 entries
EDIT 6: 07:44 - 1485 entries
EDIT 7: 10:00 - 1518 entries
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Visibility options don't work in Winter Wonderland
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 03:20 PM PST
So neither visibility option works in the jumping puzzle. Low quality/quanity of models doesn't work because of pvp, but standard enemy models doesn't work either.
While not a critical issue, it can be annoying when you are covered up by a big norn or charr.
submitted by /u/Mez_Koo While not a critical issue, it can be annoying when you are covered up by a big norn or charr.
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