How bad was Nate and Noras marriage?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:39 AM PST

I decided to do a challenge, how quickly can I hook back up after the bombs?
I of course played on survival with quicksaving, because I couldn't risk failing a speech check or having the [Piper disliked that], and I came to a wonderful conclusion.
Nate is a player.
Only 1 day, 3 hours, and 24 minutes (using a real-time mod) after the death of his wife, the sole survivor shared a "Romantic Embrace" with another woman.
Well, I guess he didn't want to go to the park because he didn't want to miss the big game, so it all makes sense.
[Ignore the fact that it was technically 60 years apart, because your character wouldn't have known that]
submitted by /u/TrueTubePoops
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How Fallout could bring back the Settlement system in future installments while making it more fun

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:08 PM PST

Let me be the first to say I like the settlement system the way it is and only needs minor improvements. But accoring to the comments of this subreddit, people seem to find it repetititive and pointless. Which is why I came up with a few ideas to make it more interesting and fun.
  • Give each settlement a personal quest
Covenant was one of the more better and interesting settlements. Unlike others, this base had an odd atmosphere to it, a mystery to solve in a quest that can be played through in different ways (lockpicking, finding keys or speech checks) and has 2 endings depending on your choice (I'm sure some may have been genuinely surprised at a quest like that in FO4...). In future Fallouts, each settlement should have 1, or more personal quests that affects the owners and the player associated with them instead of generic radiant quests.
  • Bigger Settlements
If I come across a small house with 2 people, that's not a settlement, alright? That's just a house. Or a tiny outpost at best. What I want is Settlements to be the size of Goodsprings, or at least half the size if necessary. More people allows more quests and stories to be wrote into them.
  • Streamlined Building
I get it. The majority of players want to roleplay an adventurer in the wasteland, not Bob the Builder (unless that's your roelplay character :3). Instead of making the player micromanage buildings, have empty square-shaped plots in and around the area, that the player can spend junk/materials to assign to a specific building type built there to produce resources like food, water, electricity or defense, and let them be upgradable. Think Fallout Shelter-style.
  • Your own custom settlement
Just in case some people want to go wild with their imagination (and there will be some that do) Have a big open space somewhere that the player can build whatever they want using the build system from FO4.
What are your thoughts?
submitted by /u/Deathcon1337
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We made a replica of the wall mounted terminal, no hacking required!

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 04:25 PM PST

This one has been on my list for a while and we finally got around to putting this together. Version 1 has green LEDs behind a false "screen." Version 2 is going to have a small LCD screen and a pi 3.
Here's a video of the build, time lapsed step by step.
Let me know if you have any questions about how/what we did to it
submitted by /u/PowerUpProps
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What would have happened if the Institute never found Vault 111?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:33 AM PST

The institute is the reason everyone but the SS died in the first place, so what would have happened if they had never entered Vault 111? Would everyone have unfrozen and wandered around the Vault? Would they go to the surface?
submitted by /u/DrPierreChang
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Nick throwing out the feel grenades.

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:11 PM PST

So im playing through Fallout 4 again with some mods. I downloaded one that allowed for the player to have two companions. I love Dogmeat, but I also like someone to talk to, and this mod filled the empty void within me.
Anyways, I was travelling with Dogmeat and Nick Valentine, and we get into a pretty tense fight with some supermutants. Dogmeat goes down and begins to whine. I cannot stand to hear his cries, and so I run over to stimpack him. After he gets up, Nick says, "theres plenty of stims out there, but theres only one dogmeat."
submitted by /u/zipongj
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A New Vegas story : The delivery

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:21 AM PST

The Delivery
I guess I should start by telling you about myself. I'm a courier, from the Mojave Wasteland. No, not that Courier. He's all kind of weird. No, I'm just a regular, run of the mill courier. Name's Sullivan, or Sul, to those who get to know me well enough. I'm kinda freelance, trying to start up my own outfit, which might not sound that difficult, but I'm up against whatever the Wasteland decides to throw at me that day. Seems these days most guys are meeting their maker by means of a Deathclaw hug, or some Legionaries who got a bit bored.
Anyway, I'm rambling. But the backstory is important y'know? I'd been out of work for a week or so, and the seat at the Atomic Wrangler was starting to hold the impression of my backside. As I stumbled out the door, the few caps left in my pocket not exactly weighing me down, I decided it was time to swallow my pride and head of to see what 'ol Hag McCafferty had on the 'no-one-even-wants-this-job' list.
Course, you can guess how pissed I was when that list turned out to be empty, just a shred of ripped paper left pinned in by a tack on the pitted board.
"Looking for work?" McCafferty always sounded like she smoked 40 a day, which she most likely did. "Nah, just love cork boards is all. Why, you got something going?" Rumour was, being a smart arse to her got you places. Probably cos it remaindered her of herself. "Come into my office…" That smile was scarier than a charging Fire Gecko.
So, long story short, there was a massive trade caravan going out to Shady Sands. What was being delivered, man, I still don't know. Whatever it was, had been damn important, they weren't skimping on protection for this thing. I don't know what whiz kid had worked his magic, or where they even found the equipment, but I was pretty shocked when she told me it wouldn't be the typical crap stinkin' Brahmin. Trucks! Yeah, I was shocked too. It's rare that you'd hear of trucks being used by Crimson Caravan, even a small one. Usually any that work were snatched up by the NCR and used for the military. But apparently Crimson had acquired two. And I'm talking Big Rigs here!
Even the prospect of not having to put up with the smell of fresh shit wasn't exactly selling it to me. I'm the type of guy that won't accept a package if it's going to be attracting heat. McCafferty obviously realised this, "The pay is half now, half on completion at Shady Sands. Five thousand NCR dollars." I do believe my response was something along the lines of, "Fuck me", closely followed by, "Do I have to sign something?"
So I did what any other person who wasn't high on Jet would do, I agreed to the contract and left those barracks with notes literally spilling out of my pockets. And where did I go? Well where else would I go? A Fireball at the Atomic Wrangler was the only way to celebrate!
However, the hangover I had the next morning had a different opinion. Trying to get holsters and armour on yourself with a splitting headache and not a lot of balance isn't the easiest of tasks in the first place.
Back I trudged to Crimson Caravan Headquarters. I'd stopped at the Gun Runners to stock up on ammo, the Protectron being its usual fast paced self! Pretty sure I've managed to get a tan being served there once. A couple boxes of .308 and some .44 too was all I expected to go through. Could have bought a brand new LMG but where's the fun in that?
So remember what I said about how rare it was to see working trucks outside of NCR military control? Well it gets even more unbelievable! Not only had Crimson Caravan somehow got those two rigs in working order, but they'd outfitted them both with steel armaments, and one with a plethora of weaponry. I'm talking mounted Miniguns, Gatling Lasers, I even spotted a Fat Man poking out at the end of the tanker. Obviously not satisfied with that, whoever had got this set up had managed to get four sentry bots on escort duty. These too had been, well I guess the only way to describe it would be to say "upgraded". These were Siege Breaker models, Mini-Nuke launchers on their backs, and heavy Gatling Lasers for arms. Underneath the recently added armour were saddle bags, probably for fusion cores.
"She a beaut ain't she?", someone said off to my left. "Certainly impressive…", I turned, expecting to see a butch, balding man, the stereotypical pre-war trucker. What greeted me looked more like a raider, just with less war paint and not off their head on Psycho. The outfit had been put together herself, don't ask me why I think that, it just had that kind of look to it. A mix of combat armour and old field hand dungarees. Tools hung off her belt, as did a holster for a fearsome revolver, must have been a .50 calibre at least! Tattoos on her arms only helped to seal the raider look. Maybe she went undercover sometimes. Though it was obvious she was a grease monkey.
"She yours?", I enquired. "Kinda. The Trucks are mine, McCafferty stumps up the caps." "But how did you even…" "Get em workin'? Elbow grease! An' some o' me arm" That was when I noticed the anomaly. I'm usually quick at picking these things up. But she had hidden it so well. A glove over the hand, the sleeve pulled down to the wrist. Her lower arm was mechanical. A lull in the buzz around the rigs allowed me to hear it whirring slightly. She was obviously used to be people being taken aback by it, though she took it in her stride as she walked off towards McCafferty's hut.
Honestly, I was too shocked to go after her and question her about it. Right then, as strange as someone with a robot arm was, I wanted to go check out the Rigs. Everyone had seen trucks in their lifetime, but no-one had really seen one that wasn't blown up, on its side, or full of cazadors. There were some guards with it already, making sure people weren't climbing on board, hoping for a free trip to Shady Sands. I could tell the rear truck already had its cargo loaded, whatever it was, as the trailer was much lower than the Death Rig. Yeah, yeah, I called it as I saw it.
Anyway, not much really happened for the next hour or so. I bought a couple of Iguana kebabs from Blake, and watched the traders continue to mill around the trucks and Sentry Bots. I nearly had a nap, but knowing my luck I'd wake up and the trucks would be gone. Just as the sun hit the high point, McCafferty emerged from her hut.
Crowds disperse quickly when you hear her voice bellowing out. A line of couriers shuffled together by the Death Rig. I slotted myself in the middle. We looked like a right odd crew. About eight couriers, 10 guards, the robot armed not-a-raider gal and as I guessed, a clichéd pre-war style trucker. Oh and four heavily armed, mean looking Sentry Bots. We were split between the two Rigs, five guards and four couriers each. The Death Rig had had sections cut out of the trailer to allow people to stand, or sit in them. The Cargo Rig had just had bits of old cars welded on top and reinforced. I ended up on the Death Rig, which I was pretty happy with! Didn't get the Fat Man though, so I'd have to give it a 6/10.
Robot Arm Woman was the last to board. She walked to each Sentry Bot, typed in a code on a keypad, which popped open a flap. One switch flick and they were rearing up. Trust me, these things scare the shit out of me at night, and that's when they're already moving. Imagine seeing that switch on during a pitch black night! After that she climbed into the Rig cab, and slammed her door shut. I sat there waiting to see what would happen next.
Robot Arm Woman gave a honk of the horn. By a honk, I mean it damn near shattered my ear drums as it reverberated around the enclosure. The Brahmin to the left were scared shitless and started running all over the place, one breaking through the fence and charging towards the rear gate. Made me laugh anyway. Slowly the Rigs started to rumble forwards, through the roller-shutter gates and out onto the cracked roadways of New Vegas.
I'd seen the odd truck roll through New Vegas, all with NCR grunts packed into the back. You knew if they were coming or going though. Smiles and cheers one way, depression the other. Im sure you can work out which is which. But getting to ride through the streets near the strip was something else! It was euphoric! Sense of power that I'd never felt before, and not just because my hand was wrapped round a minigun trigger. A sight like this was rare for the local population, and they flocked to the roadways. The kids, now with something other than giant rats to chase, ran alongside the Rigs. Some of the buildings crumbled slightly as the vibrations of these massive machines shook their foundations.
We broke free of the city, leaving the sounds of gunfire and smashing bottles behind us, and grinded on towards the 188 Trading Post. Now that we had lost the crowds, the atmosphere became quite calm, and I found it weirdly easy to relax. I could almost see myself doing this 210 years ago, riding around in a truck or van. But the radioactive version will have to do for now. None of us were expecting any trouble, so i slumped myself down in the seat, lowered my hat to cover my face, and closed my eyes.
submitted by /u/thatfezguy
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What would you think if, instead of dying, Nora/Nate, escapes the vault and you find he/she later in-game?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 11:32 AM PST

Well, I thought, what if, instead of being killed by Kelogg, Nora or Nate escapes the vault and you find them later in game, but not with the Institute and instead alone or with other faction(making the choice harder). Do you think this would damage the idea of "Sole Survivor who lost his family" or the freedom of the player to choose any faction? (Sorry for any gramatical error...)
submitted by /u/Fr3stdit
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The Silver Shroud

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 11:38 PM PST

I just now played through this surprisingly long quest, and found it to be hilariously awesome. I've always been one for the mobster-type with a Tommy gun, not to mention that pretty good armor Kent gives you.
While playing the game, I don't think I ever gave up character as the Shroud. Every single dialogue option was used as the SS, even when in a normal situation.
I couldn't stop laughing out loud when Nate always gave a semi-laugh on most lines he said, the lines were delivered in such a comical way. I think I even heard a giggle once. He grinned every time he talked, getting to play as his favorite TV hero in real life. Only one of a kind :D
Let's not forget the best of it all..Sinjin's demise and my favorite line.
"Death has come for you, evildoer..AND I AM IT'S SHROWWD!" Crits Sinjin's face with Two-shot Advanced Western Revolver
submitted by /u/FrankTheCaesar
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[Discussion] Who else is bothered by abundance of plastic in Fallout 4?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 11:36 PM PST

I mean, all the fallouts are rusty steel and sometimes rubber.
But Fallout 4 is like: plastic is everywhere in boston for some reason. And the Vaults are colorful and cheerful from inside for some reason. Is it only Boston thing or Bethesda?
submitted by /u/Fadlanu
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TIL if you scroll with the joystick and the D-pad on Xbox One Controller (possibly PS4 as well), the Pip-Boy menu scrolls twice as fast as if you were to just use the D-pad.
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 02:31 AM PST

This has probably already been mentioned but I only learnt today that the D-pad scrolls faster than the joystick and they both at the same time scroll faster than the D-pad.
Edit: I can't edit the title but I'm talking about Fallout 4 (which was the subreddit I thought I was in)
submitted by /u/GummiBear64
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Who do I take to Nuka World? Who do I take to Far Harbor?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:50 PM PST

Raider Playthrough Settlement System Questions

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:25 PM PST

When it comes to supplying a outpost, does the amount of food that the enslaved settlement produces matter? As in if the settlement has 8 people and it produces 48 food (by mutfruit), does it make a difference to supplying outposts versus a production of 24 food?
Also, on the topic of tribute chests, do I receive more caps by building one or is the caps in the chest simply were part of the already automatic tribute given to in the Overboss chest?
When it comes to trading stands, does the amount of stands (of Tier 3) affect how much caps it sends in supply to the Overboss's chest.
Is the happiness affected by having more than one speaker or drug stand?
Also, a non-Raider question follow-up, if I had Tier 3 stands that are not Weapons or Armor, do I receive any caps? And if I do, how/where do I receive it (does it automatically appear in my wallet when I visit the settlement)
I can't find answers to these raider questions so thanks for the help, I appreciate it
submitted by /u/colt1899
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CTD when leaving cola-cars arena to enter Nuka-World

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:02 PM PST

I was playing Nuka-world DLC and I've defeated Overboss Colter and completed the quest Taken for a Ride. Porter Gage told me to meet him at the office. However, upon leaving the arena and entering Nuka World my game immediately crashes.
To be more specific, the game appears to loading Nuka World but when it actually loads my game crashes. The game also generated an autosave for Nuka world which also CTDs upon loading it.
I'm not sure if this is caused by my hardware not being powerful enough or one of my mods causing the ctd.
At first I though it might be DEF_UI or a sorting mod causing the crash since Google shows a lot of forums reporting that bug. However, removing def_ui and Valdacil's sorting mod did not fix the issue.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
My system spec:
Intel i3-6100 3.7GHz
MSI Radeon RX 470 Gaming X
My modlist:
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp=1
Companion Infinite Ammo.esm=1
Worsin's Garage.esm=1
dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp=1
AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp=1
AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Ballistic Weave.esp=1
Armorsmith Extended.esp=1
Modern Firearms.esp=1
Balanced Fusion Core Drain.esp=1
AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Power Armor Carry Capacity.esp=1
Crafting Workbench.esp=1
Crafting Workbenches - Faction and Quest Requirements.esp=1
AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - AWKCR.esp=1
AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - AWKCR Power Armor.esp=1
More Power Armour Mods.esp=1
WIPAG - Mod Overhaul.esp=1
Jetpacks Unlimited Master.esp=1
WIPAG - Super Patch AKW.esp=1
Better Armour & Weapon Naming - All DLC.esp=1
Better Armour & Weapon Naming - Far Harbour.esp=0
Better Armour & Weapon Naming - Automatron.esp=0
Better Armour & Weapon Naming.esp=1
Skyship Welder.esp=1
LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp=1
Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp=1
Craftable Armor Size.esp=1
JU Worsin's Edition (V-Wing).esp=1
Extended weapon mods.esp=1
Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp=1
Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp=1
chem redux.esp=1
3dscopes Add+DLC+BMD Sollus91 Custom.esp=1
WBO-Extended Weapon Mods.esp=1
Weapons of Fate.esp=1
No Lowered Suppressor and Bayonet Range.esp=1
No Lowered Muzzle-Brake and Compensator Range.esp=1
UNnaked Power Armor.esp=1
WIPAG - Paint Garage - Full (Easy).esp=1
WIPAG - Decal Station.esp=1
WIPAG - Materials Overhaul.esp=1
WIPAG - Model-X.esp=1
Crimsomrider's 1950s Feminine Outfits.esp=1
NSA All-in-One.esp=1
submitted by /u/king123440
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When Fallout leaks into Minecraft.

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:58 PM PST

I captured this photo earlier today. Does it look familiar?
submitted by /u/VauIt-Tec
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What disease did Vera Keynes most likely have in Fallout NV: Dead Money?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 03:42 PM PST

The autodoc record makes it sound like Fatal Familial insomnia or prehaps an inoperable tumour. But in the prewar era surely with the resources available to Sinclair there couldn't have been many things which were a death sentence?
submitted by /u/Labigcheese
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Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:51 AM PST

Has anyone else experienced their hunting rifles in NV and 3 not doing any damage? I'm curious if others have the same problem.
submitted by /u/Bar3lyL0gical
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An amateurish attempt at a review of the Fallout Mash-up pack for Minecraft that just came out.

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:21 PM PST

Locations: (That I can recognize)
Mariposa military base
Vault 111
Red Rocket
Diamond City
The Citadel
Capital Hill/Jefferson
Temple of Trials
The building you get Strong in
That area with all of the Satcom arreys in F4 full of Super Mutants
The Subways
Tenpenny Tower
Shady Sands/Vault 13 or NCR Town
The one camp by a radioactive pond in 4 where you encounter the Children of Atom. (not glowing sea)
USS Constitution
The Cathedral
A really scaled down Downtown Boston
And that's about it, now onto the skins.
You got mostly characters from the first two Fallouts: Albert, Natalia, Max, Narg, you get Harold. Three Dog and a few companions from 4. Oh, and Vault Boy and Girl, the Mechanist, and Gronack.
The music they got is a mix of Fallout 3s and 4s soundtracks with a few radio songs: Maybe, I Don't Want to Set The World on Fire, and A Kiss to Build On (Was this ever in Fallout?)
Now onto the mobs: A few of them don't even look at anything in Fallout like the spiders and the Ghasts.
Now for those of you sadden by the fact there are no new Vegas locations rejoice! The Enderman is the Y-17 Trauma Harnesses from Old World Blues and the Enderdragon is everyone's favorite insect: The Cazador.
Skeletons are Synths
Zombies are Ghouls
Wither Skeletons are Assaultrons
The Wither could be the Master
Cave Spiders are Radscorpions
Guardians are the dolphins from 4
Shulkers are turrets
Blazes are Protectrons
Bats are Bloatflys
Witches are Inbreds from Point Lookout
Endermites are Radroaches
Cows are Brahmin
Pigs are Mole Rats
The Slimes are Robobrain heads
Polar Bear are Yao Guai
Wolves are all Dogmeat
Horses/Donkeys/Mules are Giddy Up Buttercups.
And that's about it. If it's worth the 5.99$ price tag that's up to you.
submitted by /u/The_Cute_Dragon
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(Fo4) Disarming Tin Can Traps should really alert someone, being as loud as they are...
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 05:56 PM PST

It's the little bits of realism that count.
submitted by /u/dwarfcorgi
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If fallout made a co-op game, how would it go?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 11:51 PM PST

Just curious to see what you guys think of
submitted by /u/RZShady
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A list of every location recreated in the Fallout mashup add-on for Minecraft

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 11:33 PM PST

So I want to start a list of every building or settlement recreated in the fallout mashup add-on for minecraft. There are LOTS and I only know of the ones from fallout 3 and 4. So if you know any from the first two games please add to this list: Fallout 4: Vault 111 Sanctuary Hills Red Rocket Prydwin Diamond City Trinity Tower Crater of Atom Revere Satellite Array USS Constitution
Fallout 3: Vault 101 Megaton Capitol Building Jefferson Memorial Washington Monument Tenpenny Tower Various metro systems The Citadel Project Purity
Fallout 2: Vault 8
submitted by /u/mullighanisdog
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No Subway Needed Mod
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 03:44 PM PST

Is there any mod that removes all the garbage from the DC streets so I don't need to take the metro tunnels. I would really enjoy being able to just walk around the city unrestricted. Like being able to walk straight from GNR to the Washington monument. Thanks.
submitted by /u/ShadowSpion1
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need help with a fallout 2 error
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:21 PM PST

after installing killap's unofficial patch whenever i launch the game i receive an error "could'nt find/load text fonts", i have looked at the solutions to this problem and tried redirecting the path within the config file to the fallout 2 folder in my steam folder but this doesnt help, any suggestions?
submitted by /u/Immortal127
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