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Warfare Online Early Access - Update v0.15


  • Fixed an issue where units with short-range weapons would sometimes continue to attack the outpost even after an enemy unit has entered the battlefield
  • Fixed bug where additional damage was being applied to both primary and secondary weapons unlocks
  • Fixed an issue where units would incorrectly prioritize targets in some situations


  • Base movement speed of all units has been increased by 10%
  • Improved movement and pathfinding for all units (units will no longer turn around and run backwards)
  • Individual units will now begin attacking as soon as they enter cover, rather than waiting for their entire squad to reach cover
  • Unit: RUS AT Team: Now has voice lines
  • Unit: RUS AT Team: Fixed launcher anims for RPG-30 and RPG-32
  • Unit: Snipers - small increase to health to make them more viable
  • Unit: Riflemen - small increase to health to make them more viable
  • Unit: USA MG Team - fixed "Soft Target Training" image
  • Support: "Broadcast Attack": Changed / fixed functionality, new effect ("Shutdown both player HUDs and launch random rocket attack against enemy units.")
  • Support: "Drone Strike": Added Long Range to increase support range
  • Support: "Rain of Fire": Cost increased to 10, rockets no longer target the Outpost. A message will be displayed if there are no available targets.
  • Support: "Rapid Armor Response", "Naval Support": Fixed an issue allowing more than one of these Elite card to be added to a platoon (if you had two of these in a platoon, that platoon will be marked invalid and you will have to fix it)
  • Ops: "Maximum Caution" Reduced accuracy bonus. Reduced speed penalty.
  • Ops: "Assault Doctrine" Reduced speed bonus.
  • Ops: "Operational Readiness" fixed. Now has effect "Your Support Assets cost (1) more. Your starting Support Assets will cost (3) less."


  • Storm: Fixed a pathfinding issue where units were crossing through some impassable terrain


  • Changed text on a few cards to make them clearer. No functional change unless noted above.
  • Outpost health bar will no longer shift around when segments are destroyed

Animation and Effects

  • All animation transitions for infantry have been adjusted to allow for more fluid and snappy movement
  • Adjusted the playback speed of some infantry animations
  • Fixed a problem with the USA LAV that was causing a flicker when attacking
  • Wheel rotation on vehicles has been fixed to better represent their speeds
  • Outpost segment destruction now occurs at the correct times and in the correct order
  • Secondary CROWS weapons on vehicles will now correctly face targets
  • Turret barrels on vehicles will now pitch toward their intended target
  • Bullets will no longer hit friendly vehicles (they did not ever do damage, this was a visual issue)

Warfare Online Update v0.14

Lots of balancing in this update, along with some fairly large card changes.

High Spirits - now "High Command"

The design of this card has been problematic since Closed Beta, so we decided to rework it completely. It was always an advantageous Op to have equipped as it put you on the front foot from the start. With that advantage it made it nearly impossible for the negative effect to trigger.

It now has the following effect: "Adds 3 random Command assets to your Support List." That means you will start the Battle with 23 Supports, instead of 20, three of which are randomly selected Command assets at the start of each battle.

Logistics + Support Unit Spam

We had created a few platoons with this set up in the past, but hadn't got around to making adjustments. One of our players made it very clear that we need to start balancing things out. We've changed a lot of Logistics and Support Unit assets in this patch. Mostly with cost increases, but some are functioning slightly different than before.

Support units were always meant to be a backup / supplement to your units. Not additional forces. Hopefully the new changes push them in that direction.

Warfare Online v0.13 - Early Access

Greetings Commanders!

Firstly, we've got some fixes to stop the laggy games you've been seeing the last few days. On top of that, there's some fixes and important additions:

Match Making Changes

We're experimenting with the Matchmaker to get better and more fair matches. It might take up to 2 mins to find a match at times, but the quality of the match up should be much better.

Server Fixes

After our last patch, we started seeing some heavily lagged games. It turns out it was CPU related on the servers, we've put some fixes in for that. Let us know if you see any stuttering games after this patch.

Range Indicators

Your units will now show a rough indicator of their range when selected in battle. You can also select the enemy units to see their range.

Nation Level Achievements

You'll get an achievement for each Nation level you reach, which will come with 10 gold. This will retroactivate if you've already reached those levels.

Warfare Online v1.02 Changelog

Version 1.02


  • Stability improvements to help resolve issues assigning games, including tutorial, practice and battle (might not be 100%)
  • Increasing load capacity significantly


  • Fixed communications system, emotes from opponents will now be correctly received and displayed
  • Fixed an issue where visual effects from previously used status effects were sometimes displayed on newly deployed units
  • Fixed an issue where Supply Boxes would sometimes fail to open and return an error message
  • Fixed an issue where audio would not play for land mines triggering or their explosions
  • Unit: USA Assault: Fixed an issue where you were unable to activate unlocks from MP7 onwards
  • Unit: RUS BTR: Increased base damage to be more in line with US counterpart
  • Unit: Assaults: Reduced grenade throwing rate, gave bonuses to grenadier kits
  • Unit: Tanks: Reduced damage output from some round upgrades
  • Unit: Tanks: Fixed zero damage output from some round upgrades
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