Learn Dota 2 - Why not leave ONE creep in enemy jungle camps? The camp won't spawn that way - enemy team has less farm available.

Why not leave ONE creep in enemy jungle camps? The camp won't spawn that way - enemy team has less farm available.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 11:38 AM PST

Why is this strategy not used? Lot of times you farm the enemy jungle and you know you will have to go back across the river as it's dangerous to stay in the enemy terrirory for a longer period of time. If you farm all the creeps in the camp the camp will just respawn giving them a full camp to farm. If you leave just one they come to one creep and it feels like you waste their time a bit.

submitted by /u/norian_
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How could I have improved my farm as a Wraith King in this game (3.6k)

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 03:31 PM PST

I recently played a single draft game with friends today, I'm not typically a carry player, but I was informed that my net worth was far too low for a position 1 in the game. I thought past the laning stage that I was fairly efficient in terms of my map rotations and farm efficiency, I've looked at the 10-20 minute replay of myself but haven't noticed anything strikingly bad. Could some people please take a look at the game past the 10 minute mark and help me to understand why my net worth was as low as it was.

Dotabuff Link: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3597713555

Opendota Link: https://www.opendota.com/matches/3597713555

submitted by /u/Mickleton_Mouseroo
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What are some custom games that are good for practice?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 10:15 AM PST

I don't have as much time to play full games lately and the Last Hit Challenge mini-game has been really fun. Are there any similar custom games that can help me improve?

submitted by /u/commander_wong
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why the starting tp cd is longer sometimes?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 05:42 PM PST

i always get rune then tp back to block creep, but i realise sometimes the tp cd is a few cd too long, can someone explain this black magic to me?

submitted by /u/Jakka_Jakka
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Advice on recent AM game

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 03:28 PM PST

Yesterday I played a Normal AM game. After watching a Coaching Expert video posted here recently where one of the points for playing AM is not to spend too much time jungling and instead to take lane creeps and to siege towers. So keeping that in mind I tried to do that. Yeah we won the game, yeah I might have dealt the most damage in the game - still doesn't mean I played well for AM. Looking for some advice on where I messed up and what part needs improvement. https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3595772853

submitted by /u/noSSD4me
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Need help countering cancer heroes in 6k+

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:30 AM PST

I'm a pos 5 (honestly pos 6 / ward bitch) player and game after game I get fucked by these firstpicked heroes at game averages of around 6k:

  • Tinker (mid):

    • Seems to get a 12 minute BoT + soul ring every game and then gets 6 slotted with BoT blink Kaya aether aghs bottle at 25 minutes
  • Morph (safelane/mid)

    • Unkillable hero who does an insane amount of dmaage with just one or two items
  • Medusa (safelane/mid)

    • Even when we have a PL, nyx or AM she still outfarms them and solo wins the game
  • Ench (offlane)

    • Maybe we kill her at level 1 or two with a strong dual lane or a trilane, but then she gets some levels and then as soon as she hits 6 she takes the tower with double catapults and fucks every with impetus
  • Pangol (offlane)

    • Bullshit fucking hero with an overpowered mobility skill who just solo wins teamfights later on with ulti
  • Omni (offlane)

    • Purification overpowered in the laning stage, repel and GA overpowered later on
  • Brood (offlane)

    • Seems uncounterable now, can just hide in the trees and is impossible to harass

My favourite heroes are: AA, Lion, Shadow Shaman, Dazzle, Skywrath, Earth spirit, Shadow demon (though I have 0 idea how to skill him this patch), Disruptor, Bane, Silencer

What I try to do is enable the other 4 heroes on my team as much as I can, while I just get good wards down and spam my skills in teamfights.

Anyone in this bracket have success against the heroes I am having trouble with? Any advice?

submitted by /u/doggobandito
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Trench League Season 3 Announcement and More!

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 04:50 PM PST

I am proud to announce that Season 3 of the Trench League will be beginning soon! Season 2 was a great success with Team Ho Ho Ha Ha once again emerging victorious. Along with the new season, there are several other things I'd like to announce:

1) We now have an In-house League! This is open to any MMR or Medal, and we accept all players! Not only has our Inhouse league been very successful, we now have a staff member dedicated to Inhouses.

2) As you all know, the new ranking system has come out! Because of this, we have modified the requirements for participating in the Trench League. Starting in Season 3, anyone with medal rank Archon [5] or lower may participate in Trench League.

3) Season 3 includes an all-new website that simplifies the creation of teams and scheduling of league matches -- this will eliminate all the scheduling guesswork. Also planned for Season 3 are built-in scrim scheduling, predicting series winners, in-house match recording bot, as well as comprehensive graphs and game data.

The cost to participate in the Trench League is $5 USD per team, and payments will be accepted starting next Friday, December 15, 2017.

With this said, please let me know if you have any questions in the comments below. Feel free to join our Discord as well, whether you want to look for a team, look for team members, or hang out with friends!

tl;dr Trench League Season 3! Cap is Archon [5], join our Discord for info and inhouse. REGISTER HERE!



submitted by /u/CactusLordy
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Getting back to Dota 2

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 04:45 PM PST

Last time I played the game was the end of the year 2015. The hell happened since then since everything literally doesn't make sense anymore. Please link me to explanations or post your explanations and stuff here. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Medachimasen
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can people see on the map where my ult's gonna go as underlord?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:39 PM PST

EDIT: i mean my own team mates.

Questions in the title but since you guys want insightful content that allows for discussion I guess lets talk about creative uses for his ult. I know you can counter push and save team mates but is there anything else i should know or experiment with?

submitted by /u/pitcrewfan69
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Failing off with levels mid game as Invoker

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 01:44 PM PST

Hi learndota2

I've noticed a regular flaw in my game (I think). Almost every game as Invoker I'm loosing my lead in levels near level 12-15. I'm starting pretty good, laning phase pretty much ok, I'm ahead but then suddenly I fall off to friendly or enemy hero/heroes. I win games with that, but I'm not really sure if it's ok or not and what should I do to to fix in my game to not loose hard earned lead. Example game: ID: 3597706685 Will anyone be so kind to check it out? It's floor level MMR, 50-100, so don't expect any great gameplay ;)

submitted by /u/Bobocop_
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Earth spirit help!

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 12:59 PM PST

DOTABUFF Earth spirit is my 2nd most played hero but for some reason I average around 10 deaths every game even though I do a lot in games. Is this more of a positioning problem or the way I play? I'm asking because I feel if I can reduce my deaths I can up my winrate.

submitted by /u/SuperAngryWolf
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Is there any way to win to an am as techies?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:51 AM PST

I am trying to improve my techies but am just keeps wining me whit that 84% of MR. P.D. sorry for my bad english

submitted by /u/Gabrihelchus
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Templar Assassin(ated) [match review]

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:19 AM PST

https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3597047979 The match started quite well although seeing my Carry venge going first item Aether Lens didn't look good. Then the atrocious armor carried by Sven made me completely useless. I wanted to get a Bloodthorn but I quickly realized that I couldn't do much against almost the entire enemy lineup. It was kinda embarrassing considering how much I've been playing TA so I'd like to understand how I could've improved the itemization. As for now, I rarely end up without having Pike-Deso-Blink so those are 3 locked slots but maybe I should change that? Sometimes I skip deso for a fast Orchid.

submitted by /u/kn0bbulo
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should i be building mom on pa?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:31 AM PST

tortes build suggest making mom before deso and bkb, should i? Whats the point? I used to go vlads before deso but i found straight deso to have better results so im wondering if this will be the same.

also the cleave talent seems pretty worthless no?

submitted by /u/-VwO-
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Need Help With 1K MMR

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 01:30 AM PST

So i've been denying the fact that I'm not that great a player for ages now and I've only just got tired of losing my ranked matches to one free farmed pl or a pa. I have just got to 1000 matches, over 1900 hours so I should be better but I just cant win. Thought new calibration would be a chance to gain mmr but I ended up going to 1.1k.

I'm good at:

Bounty Hunter (Roaming) and in my last 2 games got around 6 kills in 10 mins for my team but I can't do anything late game.

I like AM but I stuggle to get battle fury before every other lane is lost and we lose.

I can support as Jakiro and Lion and I make sure I always buy wards, stack camps, pull if needed and just generally help my carry get farm.

I LOVE the offlane but I hardly ever get to solo lane because 1k. I can play timber and clock pretty well, keeping creep equilibrium under my tower to get more farm and if I'm playing timber people don't know how strong I am.

I watch AdmiralBulldog stream for fun, try to keep up with pro scene at r/dota2 and on twitch, and play with friends who are also around my mmr (but we lose party ranked a lot too).

All the other posts here about getting out the trench speak about a lot of the basics and I'm not trying to be vain but I feel like I do do that.

Here's my Dotabuff for anyone that wants to see: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/219078739. Ignore my legion jungle, it was easy wins before iron talon was removed. Trust me, I haven't played it since :D

TLDR; I just need to know what people do wrong in 1k when they know the basics but they have a 50% winrate and can't get higher.

submitted by /u/blackl0bster
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Those of you that got out of the 1K trench, how long did it take?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 01:23 AM PST

Every time i think im on my way out, reality steps in and hands me an 8 game losing streak. Doesnt matter what i play. If i try support, the cores suck. If i core, its a 5 core game and we get a "support" Drow or Techies or other assorted shit. How is anyone supposed to win these?

How long does it take to leave this hell? Id settle for being "average" at 2K at this point.

Yes, im tilted. You would be too after going 2/13 (wins/losses) no matter what you try.

submitted by /u/csbassplayer2003
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(minor question) Drums on SF?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 04:39 AM PST

So in my quest to learn how to itemize this hero correctly, I recently ran into yet another peculiar one - early Drums. Tbh I dont get why would people get this over Dragon Lance since the stats from the latter sound more useful, but I guess Drums is cheaper and gives mana regen? Explain please.

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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Any videos/articles that go in-depth about maintaining creep equilibrium in mid?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 06:39 AM PST

I understand why/when to keep the lane steady/shove to enemy tower/lasthit under mine. What I don't -- is how exactly do I make waves do exactly those things?

Say I fast-clearer the wave under my tower. Where will the next creeps meet? What should my next step be? How do I sucessfully pull off doublewave? Say I return after a rune and creeps are on enemy HG. What approach do I use to make the next wave meet back at my tower? At what locations do I want to kill my ranged creep, or the opposite?

Any feedback appreciated

submitted by /u/Captain_Iceblock
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