Guild Wars 2 - I know that ANet isn't very keen on making switching gear any more convenient (BUILD TEMPLATES), but is this too much to ask?

I know that ANet isn't very keen on making switching gear any more convenient (BUILD TEMPLATES), but is this too much to ask?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 11:45 AM PST

[Parody] Path of Fire story in a nutshell...

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 02:07 PM PST

Secret Toymaker 2017 is starting!

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:27 AM PST

LS4 EP1 made me realize how much I care about Taimi.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 05:34 PM PST

Really, the only character I liked a little before was Tybalt, but the moment I heard Taimi fearful voice calling for help while I couldn't reach her... I flipped out. That was supposedly my last instance for the day, but I just couldn't stop it, I went into a frenzy and rushed everything as fast as possible to see Taimi safe again.

That, combined with my character basically telling everyone to shut up and either follow him or get out of the way, because Taimi was in danger, was pure gold.

It's probably because she's both just a kid and a smartass that is always in control, to suddenly cry for help... Either way, great job Anet. This is truly one of the best moments I had playing this game. Thank you.

submitted by /u/RTrancid
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Xmas - Intermediate (and Beginnerish) Guide

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 10:06 AM PST

This guide for new but not completely new players; Something between 2 weeks playing and not yet 80. This guide intentionally does not cover everything. It just focuses on the, "oh I wish I knew to have taken advantage of that," kind of stuff. Seasons

  • Wintersday (Christmas) continues the GW2 seasonal half of the year. It'll continue with Lunar New Year's (early Feb.), and Super Adventure Box (April Fool's).
  • Keep saving your Potions of PvP and WvW (for holiday PvP/WvW reward tracks).
  • Each Daily Achievement will give Wintersday Gifts.
  • There is new Category for Daily Achievements doing Xmas activities (in Divinity's Reach.)
  • Make sure you do 3 Wintersdays Achievements everyday. (For Karma farming).
  • If you are playing on a Free to Plays Account try to get to level 10. This will let you enter cities.
  • The Warp Point outside of every city (Rata Sum, the Grove, Divinity's Reach, Hoelbrek, and the Black Citadel) is always unlocked for ALL players. Free to Play Accounts and low level players can use this to get to Divinity's Reach and all the other starter areas to get the Wintersday Tree and Star of Gratitude (below).

Wintersday Day Tree

  • In each City there is a location marked "Home", this is your home instance.
  • You can visit any Home in any City with any Race at any time; it will always be the same and yours.
  • During Wintersday you will get a letter from an Orphan starting the Warming Grawnk's Heart.
  • This quest will take at least 3 physical 24 hour days.
  • Complete the quest to get a Wintersday Tree in your home. It is marked with a Peppermint Candy Swirl.
  • You can search the tree once a day for a Wintersday Present; all year long.

Star of Gratitude

  • You can only get the Star of Gratitude during Wintersday.
  • The Star of Gratitude is a "gobbler". It will gobble Emperial Fragments and turn them into bags that give basic crafting materials.
  • When a charcter is level 80 it will get several thousands of Emperial Fragments. Having them gobbled up is useful for storage and stuff.
  • First get the Wintersday Tree. See above.
  • Finish the Wintersday Tree quest line by completing For the Children!
  • Completing this quest is opening physical chests on the map in the four main areas of Tyria: Maguma Jungle, Kryta, the Shiverpeaks, and Ascalon. Remember the Way Point outside of each City is already unlocked; (starter areas).
  • Physical chests are awarded at the end of mini dungeons and jumping puzzles. Don't hesitate to ask for help finding them.

Gift Contents

  • Wintersday Drinks are for an achievement. The max level is 10000 drinks! The max level is required for the Winter's Presence Skin.
  • Don't forget to drink some for yourself for basic Wintersday Day achievements.
  • Fruitcakes (power), Peppermint Oil (healing/boons), and Icicles (condi) are some of the best utility items to use.
  • The Winter's Heart Infusion makes a player have a different aura of snowy glowiness. It is valued around 600g!

Gift Farming

  • The fastest way to farm Gifts is to do the Jumping Puzzle or the Bell Choir game; depending on player dexterity.
  • Speak to (asura) Tixx once a day for more presents.
  • You can buy 10 Gifts from the Wintersday Vendor at the cheapest "tier."
  • You can buy Festive Bags of Materials for Karma for mid quality (rather valuable) crafting materials.

Tixx Toyshop (Dungeon)

  • Press 'Y' to bring up Looking For Group (LFG) menu.
  • Select "Central Tyria (Parties)".
  • Join any party you like or make your own. They are often described as "Tixx", "Xmas Dungeon", "TT" (for Tixx's Toyshop).
  • Enter the Toyshop.
  • You will be boosted to level 80 while inside. Don't worry about being too weak or not ready.

Karma Farm

  • Wintersday is the best time for farm Karma.
  • Purchase Wrapping Paper and Toy Skins from Charity Corps Seraph. Use the same NPC to turn them into Wrapped Gifts.
  • Stack as much Karma boosting stuff you can.
  • Gift these gifts to Orphan for around 3000 Karma a present!
  • There are 30 orphans per day.
  • Map of Orphan Locations

Karma Boosting Stacking

  • If you have the Candy Corn Gobblering from Halloween, keep eating until you get a Karma Boost. OR use a Karma Booster.
  • Grab a Guild Flag that boosts Karma or Bonfire. Often there will be one by the Wintersday Activities. Another common place for Flags is WvW, especially after the sever reset. Click on WvW icon in the upper right corner and enter any world (not Heart of the Mists or Obsidian Sanctum). Flags should be nearby the entrance. (Living World Season 3 maps also frequently have Karma flags if you own them.)
  • If you are part of an established guild you can buy a Karma boost from the Guild Hall Tavern. Ask your guildmades to show you where it is.
  • Eat (several) Candy Canes (from Wintersday Activities and Gifts.) (The boost lasts only a couple of seconds but can stack, hence eating many Candy Canes.)
  • Use a Winter's Blessing snow globe. (You get these from doing Wintersay activities 5 days in a row. This is why its important to do 3 every day.)
  • Use Wintersday utilities if you are level 80; fruitcake, peppermint oil, or icicles.
  • Use Wintersday food if you are level 80; or any ice cream if not. Press 'O' to open the Trading Post. Click on the Balance Scales. Search for "ice cream". Buy some. Pick them up at any NCP with Balance Scales. Ice cream is super cheap costing only a few coppers.

*As usual the Internet will be all to eager to correct mistakes or left out information.

submitted by /u/ViddlyDiddly
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[ART] Drawing of a friends mesmer.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 12:41 AM PST

After five years- I guess it's a mile stone.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:18 AM PST

Molten Furnace is not the way to go about Fractals.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 03:36 PM PST

For the first time since last patch I did Molten Boss and Twilight Oasis.

I don't have any issues with the bosses, the difficulty or the instabilities. Amala's aesthetics were certainly great and so is her skill-set. The issue is unskippable sets of mobs, this doesn't make it harder, it's just making tedious pseudo-timegates nobody wants. Molten boss is obnoxiously longer than needed even though the scenery is great, having to kill mobs marked to keep going is just annoying and to top it, Molten Berserker and Firestorm still have a fairly long invulnerable frame.

Sure the scenery is great, Amala feels like an actual boss, but the rest of both fractals is just tedious. Like a story instance it would have been great, like repeatable content you get daily rewards? Absolutely not.

They've made some fractals a lot better, Thaumanova, Cliffside, Mai Trin, Swampland and Snowblind for example, making fractals more challenging and fun the right way. The rework to Molten Boss and Twilight Oasis just feels like they went in the total opposite of what they had been doing, which was in my opinion the right path.

submitted by /u/ShotByFranklin
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[Science] Opening Another 500 Trophy Shipments

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 01:26 PM PST

Did 250 earlier, results were fun. So of course, I had to do 500!




Sorted (It's so pretty)

Opening it (dat freeze)

Material T5 T6
Blood 2315 515
Fang 2550 505
Claw 2345 510
Totem 2610 395
Dust 2480 540
Bone 2660 485
Scale 2640 485
Venom Sac 2565 475
Total 20165 3910
Ave. Per Shipment 40.33 7.82

So looks like the data was about the same from last time in terms of average T5 and T6 (40.5 and 7.9 last time). Profits of it have gone way down obviously, but it's still a pretty decent income if the market stays about where it is right now.

Interesting notes: when I clicked open all on the second stack, my game froze for about 2 minutes because all the memory was taken up by the queued-up scrolling loot on the side. The scrolling took ~28 minutes to finally stop.

submitted by /u/Aikala
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After almost 10.000 hours it finally happened

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:24 AM PST

I just got my first precursor of a random mob:


Best thing is, I didn't even notice until half an hour later when I checked my inventory!

I've gotten precursors before, but only after throwing hundreds of thousands of rares of the same type into the forge for whatever I wanted at that point. But randomly from a chest or a mob? Nada... so I am happy to an overwhelming extend.

So to all the people waiting for theirs to finally drop: Stay strong, one day it'll happen!

submitted by /u/slashy1302
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About Astral and Stellar Weapons [How to get]

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 04:53 PM PST

So i just cross with a brother in the map chat tonight and he shared a little more about how to get Astral and Stellar weapons since he already finished the time gated achievement Brandstone Research.

Hope it helps ;)

submitted by /u/Bellator_Lux
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[Spoiler]On behalf of the rest Inquest let me just point out...

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 04:35 AM PST

...we didn't team-up with a homicidal lunatic on purpose this time around.

Please keep this in mind when you feel like handing out recriminations. Now if you'll pardon me, I have to get back to nailing boards up on the lab windows before my krewe-mates get back.

submitted by /u/cyberskunk
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Raid Gear Testing Suggestion

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:42 AM PST

Last UGO PvP Tournament of 2017 About to Start!

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 06:14 AM PST

Hey Guys!

The last UGO tournament of this year is about to begin, over on Jebro's Channel where we will be broadcasting the matches. This is the EU tournament, you can view the brackets here and donation page here Free dollar codes for donation will be available during the stream.

We hope you enjoy the tournament, and a big thanks to all the viewers, teams, and admins we've had watching, playing, and helping out these past 6 months. We will be back next year, but until then, happy holidays!


submitted by /u/Roile
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Rose Quartz Video Farming Guide - Branded Multitool etc.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:35 AM PST

Elder dragons and Zhaitan's magic [Spoiler]

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 06:20 PM PST

After watching a WP video and being reminded of the end cutscene for PoF with Kralk branding a dead Devourer(resurrecting/animating), it got me thinking a bit. The devs seem to want to keep reminding us about this - we saw it in HoT with Mordremoth, we saw the death-touched Icebrood and Destroyers in season 3. Could it be possible that an elder dragon becomes so powerful that it could resurrect/animate another dead elder dragon? Imagine a branded Zhaitan, they could finally give us the Zhaitan fight we always wanted!

submitted by /u/Dreamcore10
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Mist Attunement 1 not rewarding Bags of Fractal Relics

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:02 AM PST

You are supposed to receive a bag of Fractal Relics after each fractal, but I completed 99&100cm, T4 dailies and all 3 recommended fractals today and didn't get any extra bags. Is anyone else having this problem? I'm not even sure if I'm getting the extra Fractal Encryptions either.

submitted by /u/Quon_Star
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Astral and Stellar Weapons

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:00 PM PST

The astral weapons can be crafted immediately after completing the final day of the Brandstone Research achievement. The recipes are sold for 10kralk ore apiece from the same researcher who gave the timegated achievement.

The weapons will require:

50 kralkatite ingots(Each require 10 powdered quartz, 10 kralkatite ore, 1 ecto),

Spearmarshal's Inscription,

2 exotic weapon components similar to normal exotic crafting.

Crafting a weapon unlocks the Astral Purification achievement. There's already several posts on this, so I won't go into much detail here. The reward is an Irradiated Vision Crystal. The Crystal can be used in the crafting of the Stellar weapons. They ARE ascended, but only come in Marshal's stats. (easily stat swapped in the forge)

The recipe is:

Spearmarshal's version of Asc Inscription

Irradiated Vision Crystal

2 Deldrimor/Spiritwood pieces for the chosen weapon(just like normal ascended weapons)

Therefore, it is just another way to craft an ascended weapon for the same, if not more gold cost, for a unique skin. Also the recipe costs for the stellar weapons are 25 kralk apiece. Don't make the same mistake I did and go figuring out how to make a second irradiated vision crystal and then spend an extra 500 kralk/powdered. The recipes are unlocked soon as you finish the mirrors collection. Don't make the mistake of asking her dialogue for how to make the crystal again. You already have one. (I made a second without reading what she was saying)

There was no collection unlocked when I made the first skin for either Astral or Stellar weapons.

Edit: Album of locations for all the Astral Purification Mirror Locations:

submitted by /u/Genoto
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A different kind of gw1 story summary

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 01:55 AM PST

[Suggestion] Why can't Southsun Survival be turned into a more interesting battle royale?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:36 AM PST

The rise in popularity of games like PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and Fortnite (aka Battle Royale genre games) has had me thinking about everyone's favorite/s GW2 activity: Southsun Survival.


For those uninformed or that forget, SS is a "battle royale" PvP activity where everyone is given access to the same set of skills and the final player alive is the winner. There is a hunger mechanic to keep people searching for food, and not just hiding for the whole match (but that doesn't stop everyone from doing it anyways).


There is also a point system for the scoreboard at the end of the round (pts for hurting enemies with weapons, traps, killing another player, and being the final survivor, etc).


And the main incentive for playing (aside from having fun :^)) are these rewards...

Final Survivor Everyone else
Random equip Masterwork rarity+ Random equip Masterwork rarity+
1 Bag of Coins (9s10c-10s) 1 Bag of Coins (8s-10s)
Thimble of Karma (1k) Drop of Karma (600)


If you're like me when you saw these rewards, you'd ask yourself why would anyone care if you are the winner when the rewards are practically the same. There are achievements totaling to a whopping 175 AP, if you can grind out 500 games, and it should be noted that the repeatable ach does offer a Loot Bag every 6 games (~50c + 1 rare/exotic item).

To keep this post from going on forever, I am going to make a list of things that I think could make this less-than-attractive activity into a fun game mode for GW2.

Mechanics redesign

  • Ditch the activity's current weapons/skills and let us load in with our sPvP builds. A free-for-all game mode would be much more interesting if we can play it with our real builds. If you die you will be removed from the match, and you can re-queue immediately if you want.
  • Add an alternative mode where you can fight in groups of 2 (duo) or of 4 (squads). Dying won't kick you out immediately since you can revive allies.
  • Add a building mechanic (literally rip it from Guild Halls) with walls, floors, stairs. Yes, it will need to be balanced so you can't trap players permanently, but we need to make more use of the sweet design tools ANet created for GHs.
  • Keep it on Southsun, the map is big and why waste time redesigning a new map. Maybe if it was popular enough alternative maps could be made.


  • Add a proper leaderboard, something like what we have in sPvP to see the best (for solo/duo/squad play).
  • Tie playing it to current sPvP dailies.
  • Forget the rewards table above, just merge this into sPvP rewards somehow, such as giving Rank + coin (10s-30s). It'll just be an alternative way to advance sPvP reward tracks, which is a good incentive already.


I'm sure there's a ton of work to even get the above suggestions implemented, so making more suggestions would be silly, but I would love to see an already existing activity turned into a feature game mode in GW2.


tl;dr: Southsun Survival kinda sucks and could be an awesome game mode if it was given some tender loving care.

submitted by /u/Dream3ater
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LS4 and current state of old Destiny's Edge

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 05:24 AM PST

  • Rytlock is still with us and sassy. Best cat in the world.

  • Logan is at full recovery and will probably be next Pact Marshall. Soon he will leave Jennah feet once and for all, for good sake.

  • Zojja, sadly, and (un)surprisingly, still missing. Quaggans know if she ded or alive, or be Awakened.

  • Eir is having fun chat with Snaff in the Mists, also eager to reunite with her edgy son...

  • ... Aaand Caithe is now jobless. With Aurene gone, who knows what she runs into this time.

submitted by /u/sonysides
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What happened to Edge of the Mist?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:34 PM PST

I rarely see playing there. Has Edge of the Mist died or what? I went a couple of days ago and I found a commander just with 15 people but they went to WvW after a while. I have not found anyone else again after that day.

I used to play Edge of the Mist everyday, I remember playing with with a lot of players. Now I only find 2 or 5 people.

submitted by /u/Astromiss
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The Bonestrand Revolt - Full Story

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:32 AM PST

Special Forces Training Area: 5th number for final dps on golem is not posted in chat anymore

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 06:42 AM PST

There is currently a bug in the Special Forces Training Area, where the 5th and last DPS number that should appear when the golem dies, simply doesn't appear. You only get the first 4 numbers from 80%, 60%, 40%, and 20% golem health.

This makes it super hard to do proper benchmarking, since we have to rely on arcdps numbers instead of actual numbers.

All the other quality of life changes to the golem test area are great though!

submitted by /u/striderFUN
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