Learn Dota 2 - The real Phantom Lancer casting Spirit Lance will show a blue effect around himself to enemies

The real Phantom Lancer casting Spirit Lance will show a blue effect around himself to enemies

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 01:53 AM PST

This week I learned ______

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 04:12 PM PST

Why was night stalker banned 345 times in the international 2017?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 01:22 PM PST

I'm terrible even though I know some things. I have questions.

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 02:18 PM PST

I don't know how to lead my team to victory if we do well early, and I don't know how to improve other than to "farm better", and "die less". A lot of times when I play support, I end up with more kills early on than the carries. I calibrated far too quickly and won over half my games after returning to Dota this year and now I'm on a 7 game losing streak after an abysmal peak of 560ish MMR. I'll let you do the math on that. Even I do well early game I can't seem to turn it into a win. Two of those losses were decidedly preventable and I won't repeat the same mistakes again. I feel like most of my deaths come when the game is already lost and we are impotently trying to defend the last barracks and ancient.

As a support:
* What do I do when I find myself in a lane with an autoattacking carry who clearly has no idea what's going on?
* What do I do when I find myself in a situation where I'm suddenly the hero with the most kills? I'm still learning Item's and I don't know how to transition supports over to carry roles. Do I just build relative to their primary stat?
* Should I always pull my lane since I can almost always connect the pull?

As a carry:
* What do I do when I find myself in a lane with another carry? Do I get a couple of levels, buy a mask and start pulling/jungling?
* How do I raise my GPM when I can't farm safely anywhere because the enemy has my jungle warded?
* How many wards do I need to protect my jungle as a carry when my team isn't buying any wards? Where do I put them?

In general:
* What to do when no where is safe but highground? A lot of times I feel like my entire team is forced to just wait while the enemy farms the ever living shit out of everything.
* What hero's are safe first picks?
* When is the right time to rosh?
* Do I even bother playing support at this level?

submitted by /u/MikeGamerGuy
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I like playing Jugg but I have trouble 'cause his attacks are so unfocused - how should a noob play Jugg?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 05:42 PM PST

I've been going with phase boots > vladamirs offering > manta style > sage and yasha > assault cuirass, for my build.

I think I've been over aggressive, especially in the early game, and end up feeding too much

I get a lot of assists, but not many kills, and I feel like it's because his attacks are so unfocused

submitted by /u/Mr2Buff69
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Ranked match calibrating stays on 10.

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 11:45 AM PST

I was 2k mmr, then stopped playing before a year. I was 2k mmr. Now I need to calibrate, I have played 8 ranked matches and it still says 10 ranked calibration games remaining. Help!

submitted by /u/Karmic_Indian_Yogi
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Gyrocopter builds and skills

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 03:20 PM PST

I have noticed the two builds common in pro dota. One is the arteezy homing missile max first and not leveling rocket barrage. The other is maxing rocket barrage and flak cannon. When are which builds good and versus which offlaners? What are the best item builds for gyro?

submitted by /u/TheGreenKnight13
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got denied by rosh at lvl 1, had 25 sec respawn time, bug or me just not realise this is regular

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 03:51 AM PST

title, got myself denied by rosh at lvl 1, which is 5 sec respawn time, i got 25 so i wonder if this has to be bug or is regular thing but i just dont know about it...

submitted by /u/gregor1950
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What are some good “semi” support that becom strong late game?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 07:20 AM PST

I'm playing with a friend and we usually switch carry/Support role every game. I feel pretty confident in my carry role and we usually win these games, but things change when I switch to hard Support. We win early game , but , at 1k MMR, games go super long and I can't impact the game as I could. I think that there's too much farm in this MMR that go wasted because of my hard Support role.

Things usually go better when I opt for some greedy support/offlane like Earth Shaker or Windranger, so I would like to stick with this kind of heroes when playing with my friend.

Any suggestion for any hero I could try?

submitted by /u/raff100
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New to DotA - can nyx be played in pos 4 and is he good?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 02:43 PM PST

I like his playstyle but have been struggling with keeping up in levels. I also go OOM a lot, so I started buying a sacrifice ring that I used whenever Vendetta was off CD to go roam and got Tranquils to make up for that hp loss and also help the roaming. But those two items are expensive and hard to get to, it feels.

1) How do I support pos 4 with Nyx?

2) I really want to yolo rush a Veil of Discord or a Dagon. Is that a good idea? Maybe 2 circlet start?

3) How to deal with blue bar problems?


submitted by /u/True_Sketch
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How do I select each panda differently during primal split? (Brewmaster)

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 10:42 AM PST

It's a little difficult to click on each panda during primal split, especially when i need to stun as the earth panda and debuff as the storm one, any tips?

submitted by /u/Poemishious
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What do i do when the roamer creates a disadvantage for me?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 01:43 PM PST

I was playing storm spirit, and was vs viper in the middle lane, now at level 1 storm can hold his own vs viper, since he deals more damage than viper and viper has long cd on q.

I was playing in the mid and sb comes in first wave and tries to harrass him a little, he did some damge, not too much, but took 2 waves worth of xp, giving viper a huge advantage in lane and making the laning super hard for me. What do i do in those situations?

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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Can someone explain my net worth?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 01:26 PM PST

Hi, just played a game here where we threw at 20min. I was the shadow fiend and when looking at the post game stats, i saw that my friend, the spectre had higher net worth than me. How is this possible when he only had 6 more last hits than me?

dotabuff for reference: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3618202938

submitted by /u/Betts30
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Looking for people to play with

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 01:22 PM PST

i'm not very good at dota2, i've played HoN and League, i've played a bit to know maybe the basics of DoTA 2 but probably need people to play with to help with the learning curve and to improve, i generally tell people im new in Turbo mode but sometimes that results in some toxicity from other players.

submitted by /u/peterbfg
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Badge reversion?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 09:29 AM PST

Does anyone know when they are planning to fix the badges for those that lost rank/got demoted? (If you don't know what I'm talking about don't worry about it.)

submitted by /u/Hannibal_Spectre
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Question regarding drums.

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 05:12 AM PST

Recently I have seen a huge increase in the pickup of drums in high MMR games and pro games as well can anyone tell me why there has been a big increase in its pickup? Also when is it best to pickup drums on position 1 and 2?

submitted by /u/Ud_is_cool
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When to pick Furion over Lycan

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 04:45 AM PST

As the title says, when would I want to pick prophet over lycan. Both can push but lycan push a lot faster and his wolves hit harder than treants, can go invisible and scout, can move at haste speed and crit. What are the benefits of picking nature's prophet instead of lycan and vice versa?


Edit: I understand that they are both made for different roles but when would you pick one over the other when your main priority is pushing?

submitted by /u/dumbly_
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Slark : Newb Questions

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 03:41 AM PST

Never played slark before, want to learn (2.5k mmr) :

a.His skill combo when going for a kill, is it pouce then pact ? I see vids of pact then pounce and then pact again? Not clear which is right/efficient.

b. His ultimate - Sometimes I see it activates passively when he is at 40% Hp? Is it an active and when is the best time to use it?

c. Is it worth learning this hero current patch ? There was a lot of hoopla about how hex cannot be pactable so slark is a dead hero in 7.07. With AM and bara being quite popular now, is it worth picking him?


submitted by /u/raghavr
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Mid vs Carry

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 03:17 AM PST

I have a stupid question. Why am i not able to outfarm my carry as a mid? Why does he have more farm and more creeps killed and more gpm in the end of the game. Im playing in a team so i am a bit confused. I barely go over 600 gpm even in games where i have 12 kills 2 death or so. Am i doing soemthing wrong or what?

submitted by /u/Piston-SingSong
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Itemizing Lina (Mid)

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 05:27 AM PST



I recently played a match on lina in mid lane, It was a stomp and I was dominating till mid game however in late game I died more often. Could anyone tell me the proper items I should get for her & how to avoid dying more often.

Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/ScarredBlood
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Drow general questions

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 01:17 AM PST

1) Whats the general item progression?

In my sub-2k games people tend to go early Shadow Blade, which kinda makes some sense as it gives you dps and an "escape" mechanic via invis, but in all the pro games I've seen its generally Hurricane Pike first which seems superior all-around tbh. More importantly however, what do I make after that? I especially want to ask about farming items here, as heroes like Luna/Dusa have in-built farm accelerators, while Sniper usually picks up Maelstrom. Does drow farm fast enough with something standard like Pike>BKB>Manta? How viable are MoM or Aghs+Mjollnir builds?

2) Do I play her as a early fighting/ganking carry (like Luna/Gyro/Jugg) or should I split up and just focus on farming/taking towers?

I can see why she might be bad at all-out teamfights, but having a strong slow+silence can setup some easy ganks early in the game. At the same time, her E and ult give a ton of dps which makes pressuring towers a good option. Is this something that depends directly on the enemy lineup or is one playstyle superior to the other?

3) Is there any situation where the 50% cd reduction useful?

As clowny as that talent sounds on a purely right-click focused hero, on closer inspection I found that Drow commonly builds (or can build) multiple items with some sort or active, which could make the talent worthwhile. Specifically, it gives me -

(a) a 6s CD Blink Dagger (I'm QoP at that point) or a 7.5s CD Pike, having one or both of these items provides insane mobility (b) 6.5s CD Linkens and a VERY low CD BKB, which can help my survivability a lot if I have one/both of these items (c) other utility like the ability to be perma-invis if I have SB/Silver Edge and 2.5s downtime on Manta meaning I can constantly send out illusions, etc. I was just thinking if my build involves a lot of these items, is the CD reduction worth a try?

Sorry for the wall-of-text-ish post, I'm just curious about this seemingly straightforward hero. Any other suggestions would also be really cool.

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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What does clockwork build late-game?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 01:00 AM PST

Whenever I play clockwork I'm not really sure what to build later on after blademail/forcestaff. Do you just build utility based on what your team needs or is there a more standard build?

submitted by /u/cbartski
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How much gold does a creepwave give in comparison to a neutral or ancient stack?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 03:28 AM PST

I know in DOTA it's preferred to farm a lane over jungle whenever possible. But can someone tell me the estimated efficiency improvement of farming a wave over an unstacked neutral or ancient camp?

Also how much gold do melee creeps give and how much gold do ranged creeps give?

submitted by /u/SACHD
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What are some situational items I can build as HC?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 05:30 AM PST

I've always played as a support, and I know what I'm supposed to build depending on what the team needs. But as HC, mostly as Drow Ranger, what can I build against specific heroes that will jump on me?

For example, is ghost scepter any viable against PA?

submitted by /u/wdlmlol
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