Guild Wars 2 - Login servers down?

Login servers down?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 04:29 PM PST

Or am I the only one that can not login?

submitted by /u/Noggieca
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A Sincere Thank You to Anet from the Historically Grumpy Open-Field WvW Community

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 09:03 AM PST

Disclaimer: I don't speak for everyone, nor have I had enough organized guild runs to be 100% sure about this, but with that in mind:

This new condi change is amazing for WvW. Ever since PoF released, and to a lesser extent since HoT, condis have slowly pushed out a style of open-field WvW fighting that a lot of people enjoy. Primarily, it hurt what I call "push meta". These would be organized guilds using a classic melee ball style to push into a group, create downs, and work with them, rinse and repeat until a much larger group was dead.

The reason it felt like condis were killing this style was simply because the condi-burst was just too much. We would bring more cleanse than any other gamemode, but if you made even the smallest mistake, pop, and you have full blown AIDS. Resistance cycling was very important for this, but sometimes you just make mistakes and you die.

That made it very risky to run a style where you would be using melee, so "pirate ship meta" was born, and all it really did was strengthen large groups who could stand at 900 range and AOE. With such a large amount of pugs running Scourge, it became really difficult to do anything about these blobs. A lot of open-field fighting became "who can effectively bait the other group into pushing", which to me was really boring, and I'm not the only one. Countless WvW guilds went on hiatus over the past few months because the meta felt stale.

Now, with this recent condi balance change, it feels almost like 2014 again. Sure, you still get a lot of condis on you, but they don't hurt nearly as bad. You definitely have to cleanse them eventually, but you won't insta-die and pop like before. It makes dedicated healers, organized regroups, and taking cleanse even more important than before, because those things actually have a chance to save someone who either made a mistake, or was put into a bad situation.

There have been countless times in the past few days where I've thought, and even said, "whelp, I'm dead", only to still have roughly half of my health. This slowing down the lethality of WvW fights I think will really go a long way to making them be a bit more strategic, and a lot more about movement and positioning than about cycling your skills properly and hoping the other group makes a mistake.

I know Anet doesn't get a lot of praise from us very often, and Mobrien has even joked that we're hard to please (and he's right). So, I'm giving credit where credit is due, and hopefully this will be a step in the right direction for communication between WvW players and Anet in general.

So, sincerely, thanks Anet. You did good.

submitted by /u/Paralda
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Anet looking into pip AFKers, T3 structures, tactics, and GvGs

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 01:18 PM PST

Burnt out from WoW, this game is like a breath of fresh air.

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 05:34 AM PST

I don't have any friends in GW2, no one is pushing me to gear for content. Now, i love group activities, but it just feels so relaxing to stop worrying about raiding, DPS, using the right addons, etc. I am just running around helping people :)

submitted by /u/angrycoffeeuser
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Even Amala is holding the Sunscythe the wrong way now. And all the Sunspears, too.

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 12:47 PM PST

[Fan Art] Snow Griffons

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 11:24 AM PST

Mounts: Don't Bind Alt+F4 - AKA I'm A Muppet!

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 01:21 AM PST

I've used computers for almost 40 years and PCs for 25, and I bet everybody knows where this is going...

So, when I got the Raptor mount, I bound it to ALT+F1, the Skimmer got bound to ALT+F2 and I bound the Springer to ALT+F3.

Last night, I got the Jackal and went to bind it to ALT+F4; promptly closing my game, not realising that GW2 uses a Fullscreen, borderless window...

Boy, did I feel like a muppet!

submitted by /u/BigBadBowch
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Please make all clothing outfits have 4 dye slots

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 11:35 AM PST

I would like to dye my pants with a different color than my shirt, so all the outfit is not the same color!

Some of these clothing outfits have 4 dye slots already but some of them don't. For example, in the tonic version of Ornate Clothing Outfit the pants and shirt have different colors, in the outfit version this is not possible as it only has 3 dye slots.

submitted by /u/-OhAnnie
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I ran the Winter Wonderland jumping puzzle with auto-run enabled (yes I was bored)

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 12:13 PM PST

Taking a healing role is a very "shot in the dark" play style without a easy-to-read, high contrast team health bar feature.

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 04:28 AM PST

Since we can see enemy health bars without even having to target, why can't we see our teammates health bars? :thinking:

submitted by /u/ALTER-BOT_ONE
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Wintersday JP Backward & Auto-run! (Inspired by another user to do better than my last video from years ago)

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 04:39 PM PST

Drooburt Achievement FYI

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 03:25 PM PST

If you feed Drooburt 1000 snowflakes at a time it will reset any previous progress you had on the achievement.

For example, you originally fed Drooburt 780/1000 snowflakes. Then you feed Drooburt 1000 snowflakes at one time. You will receive the reward for completing the repeatable achievement, and then you will have 0/1000 progress on the refreshed achievement (meaning 780 snowflakes went down the drain).

I sent in a support ticket. Hopefully this gets resolved.

submitted by /u/ebonblood
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Opening 25K Wintersday Gifts

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 02:50 PM PST

My submission for the PuddingWoodtatoes video contest (wish me luck)

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 05:56 AM PST

Game Release Notes - Dec. 14, 2017

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 04:49 PM PST

(you asked) Autorun enabled Winter Wonderland gingerbread path in 1:15.859 (~4.5s wasted waiting for gifts to spawn)

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 04:01 PM PST

I've just done Ascalon Catacombs' Story, and I have to say...

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 02:28 PM PST

...It went far better than expected! Far quicker, too. I waited until I was level 80, that might have had something to do with it, I thought dungeons upscaled you to level 80 but I guess I was wrong - or was that explorables?

This was more or less my first time truly doing a dungeon - at least since I returned. Apparently I had already done it when I first played before leaving for several years, but I don't remember a lick of that.

I did fumble here and there and basically had no idea what I was doing, got stuck in a coffin for a few seconds, and walked straight through traps before realising they made you get downed very quickly.

And, before I stopped playing in 2014, I had all these weird misconceptions of what other players were like, not realising that I was in fact the problem. I was afraid that other people were toxic - when the toxic person was me. But now I realise just how unfounded my fears were, and how much less hostile the average player is - they just want to complete the dungeon too. Years of baseless assumptions, shattered in an instant, because here, the players waited for each other. They didn't rush ahead, they waited, they didn't spew insults, they waited and co-operated. And... I am so pleasantly surprised at how well it all went.

I forget what most of your names were, but if you were on Gandara and helped me earlier - my character's name was Sequoden, they were a Ranger, my account name is Skrief.5386. If you helped me through Ascalon Catacombs, I really do appreciate the help you gave us all.

This really is a good community.

...Next up, Caudecus' Mansion! I hope to go through every story dungeon, something I never really did in my initial two years of playing the game.

submitted by /u/TryToBeNormal
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Sneakthief male top finally fixed

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 03:40 PM PST

Not sure when they did this, but the stupid red line going down Sneakthief top has finally been removed. :D

As shown here.

Any other stuff which was fixed with no patch notes?

submitted by /u/Serafita
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Made my Significant other our Guild Symbol out of perler beads!

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 07:01 PM PST

Unkillable General PvE Soulbeast Cheese Build

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 07:38 PM PST

So I've been handkiting deimos alot recently, and I kept finding my self taking my hand kite build, changing it a little, and using it in general pve. It works so well (especially in meta events where you are potentially spiked super hard and constantly die) that I figured I should share.

so here is the build.

Things it does well:

  • makes you indestructible

  • permanent if not semi permanent up time of just about all the boons

  • very flexible build- your stat selection/ runes/ sigils etc could be pretty much anything, as can many of the skills

  • Super easy to use

  • great support to those around you. shares stances, swiftness, protection, regen, fury, etc

  • kills stuff (not crazy fast but fast enough)

  • you can pretty much solo anything in general pve.

Things it doesn't do great:

  • kill stuff crazy fast (currently how I run it, but can be made much more dps oriented)

    As far as armor and wep stats go You can pretty much do whatever. go berseker, go condi, doesn't really matter- though the way I've spec'd it it leans a on the condi end. poison adds to survivability in a really nice way.

    Cast moa stance followed by call of the wild off cool down. this is where you are getting your tankinness for the most part. you can follow up with we heal as one to double your boons. In combat cast everything except signet of the wild off cd, signet of the wild can be switched out for pretty much whatever, poison trap is a good option- but I like it for the cc, stun break, and passive ferocity. Never leave pet. If you want cc go warthog. If you want healz go brown bear- but you wont be getting them sweet deeps buffs, jungle spider give increased boon duration, a cc pull, and some poison.

Any questions/ critiques lemme know

edit- upon further testing i would definitely go with refined toxins over shared anguish. its both a survivability increase and a decent dps increase.

submitted by /u/YUNG_DRIFTY
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Just need for some conformation on how to progress with POF story.

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 12:29 PM PST

So I just completed The Sacrifice and I now need to go and gather up some crystal shards, if I am correct I need the jumping mount? But in order to get to the place to get it I also need raptor mastery 3? If this true then honestly that is easily the best way I have ever seen an MMO encourage me to explore and enjoy the world.

submitted by /u/Manaphus
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The Commander Makes A Wish

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 11:49 PM PST

I make gold by promoting Armored Scales, and ArenaNet is effectively declaring war on the T5/T6 material market by collapsing their value on the Trading Post. In fact...

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 04:43 PM PST

It's a Large Scale assault.

submitted by /u/Stergeary
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Missing 4th component MF recipe for Eggnog Helmet

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 04:52 AM PST

We are still missing the 4th component for the Eggnog Helmet [&CiIfAAA=].

The 4th component is The Gift of Wood -- Found by Hawkright!

First 3 components screenshot:

  • Mugs of eggnog

  • Snow Diamond

  • Superior Sigil of Mischief

link to old post

Complete List of things allready tried:

  • Snowflake

  • Candy Cane

  • Glass of Buttered Spirits

  • Cup of Spiced Apple Cider

  • Cask-Strength Eggnog

  • Glass Mug

  • Glacial Silver/Fragment/Shard/Core/Lodestone

  • Glob of Ectoplasm

  • Mystic Coin

  • Obsidan Shard

  • Normal and Charged Quartz Crystal

  • Superior Rune and Sigil of the Ice

  • Superior Rune of Hoelbrak

  • Any Gemstones and Jewels in Material Storage

  • Any Cooking Materials in Material Storage

  • Mini Tiny Snowball

  • Mini Tiny Angry Snowball

  • Mini Tixx

  • Eldritch Scroll, Mystic Crystal, Philosopher's Stone

  • Ambrosia

  • Winter's Heart Infusion

  • Essence of Skrittish Charity

  • Rose Quartz and Powdered Rose Quartz

  • Mini Ho-Ho-Tron

  • Essence of Luck (the 5 types)

  • Each of the scribe papers(Regular and sandpaper)

  • Black Lion Chest

  • Vial of Linseed Oil

  • the wintersday Endless Doll, Toy and Toymaker tonics

  • Wintersday Red Music Bell Case

  • Unbreakable Chorus Bell

  • Givers + bringers insignia's and inscriptions

  • Empty Keg

  • Superior rune of Snowfall

  • PoyaQui's Noggin

  • Eggs, Rotten Eggs, Eggplants, Chak Eggs

  • Wrapped gifts

  • Oiled/standard Ori Helm Lining and Casing

  • Icy Runestone

  • Vial of Green Goo

  • all mug weapons

  • normal and colored Snowball tonic

  • Ascended helm

  • Essence of Mischief

  • Wintersday 20 slot bag

  • Exquisite Snowflake

Edit: updated list

submitted by /u/roelski
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