Civilization - Found an ad that blatantly steals Civ's intellectual property

Found an ad that blatantly steals Civ's intellectual property

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 10:02 AM PST

Kotoku-in: New Wonder

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 05:24 AM PST

Matterhorn Revealed as New Natural Wonder

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 08:41 AM PST

Am I the only one that likes the Governors?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 05:37 AM PST

I'm seeing a lot of hate, but I actually really enjoy both the gameplay and the artstyle, both the ethnic diversity and the cartoony style.

submitted by /u/ConspicuousFlower
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You can't stay there forever, buddy

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 05:17 AM PST

I'm going to play it out...

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 06:23 PM PST

So, I tested Vox Populi...

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 06:42 AM PST

I was the 1st to defend Civ 6, have been playing it since its launch, liked it a lot, but I felt like there was something lacking (and it certainly is the case, since the 1st expansion is only comming now), so I decided to try that mod.

And honestly, it's the best iteration of CIV as we know it so far...

I've been playing since CIV II, (the 4th being my least favorite), but that CIV VP is the one that sums it all and makes it a real war game.

Sure the 6 looks nicer and smoother (even though I don't like how every tiles of the map ends up covered), there are some great improvments which I like. And in comparison the 5 looks a bit rusty and bold.

But tuning the AI (that...especilly that), bringing back some old concecpts (like vassalage) reordening the scientific tree makes it a real serious wargame. No more shit like some dude discovering rockets in middle-age or some guy focusing only on culture and getting an easy win... You feel like you really have some impact on the world.

Everything feels more real and a bit slower paced. AI is brilliant, you have to plan your wars carefully, you can do some real diplomacy, religion is brilliantly used (though I don't think they changed a lot in that part).

So far, I don't see how the 6 (and I insist, I like it) can be as good as CIV VP when it comes to Empire Ruling Simulation.

Kudos to the ghuys behind it (A guy named Gazebo I believe)

submitted by /u/Hans_Spinnner
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Even at Deity, the AI can be really bizarre.

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 12:19 PM PST

Advice for going from new to old civ?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 05:55 PM PST

So civ 5 was my first game, I got 6 when it first came out, and during some sale I got both 4 and 3 complete. Then ended up getting 1 and 2 once I found out those were free.

4, 5, and 6 I got down. 6 is obviously very much like 5, and even though 4 is quite different I more or less picked everything up within my first game. Now the first three, this is where I really struggle. I can barely work out 3 at all, 1 I can start strong, but end up lagging behind and getting wiped out soon after that. 2 is the most recent that I've tried, and I manage to at least not die, but I'm pretty clearly behind in all metrics most of the time.

So yeah, the first three games are really interesting to me but they seem so foreign compared to the newest three, and I'm struggling. Any tips for someone trying to make the transition from new to old?

submitted by /u/iupnajv2
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[Civ-V] Mod Idea for Germany

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 08:01 PM PST

Hey. I'm new to the subreddit, and I didn't see a tab on the sidebar for CIV-V mods, so here we goooooo!

Autobahn: A way for Germany players to upgrade the roads. This could be completed in a plethora of ways, it could be a wonder, or just a trait for Germany which

  • Automatically upgrades all roads to the highest tech the player has

  • Lets workers upgrade more then one road tile at a time

  • Lets workers upgrade a tile in less turns.

Would this make Germany OP? Probably not!

Only problem is I can't mod; At all.

submitted by /u/xenodude1199
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Arioch's Well of Souls - Civ VI: Rise & Fall Edition!

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 08:45 PM PST

DLC Sale?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 12:54 PM PST

Hey does anyone know if the additional civs DLC is going on sale with the release of Rise and Fall or for the holidays. I want to play as Australia and Poland but don't want to pay $10 a civ. Even if I could just upgrade to digital deluxe would be nice. @Firaxis

submitted by /u/Robdawgg
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With the introduction of free cities, the Holy Roman Empire has to be a civ in Rise and Fall

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 02:32 AM PST

Would make a lot of sense with loyalty/free city mechanics, a very cool civ imo. Also could make a female leader happen with the good old Maria Theresa

submitted by /u/HenningLoL
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CBs rearranged in RaF?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 08:09 AM PST

Looking back at the civic tree during the livestream, through plenty of slowmo and stop n go, I noticed that the symbol for new cassus belli are spread out on the tree instead of clumped at Civil Service. For example, I saw two of them at Defensive Tactics. Hopefully this will lead to more reasonable AI attitude toward your warmongering (or lack thereof) early on.

submitted by /u/crimskies
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Playing as Gorgo

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 10:18 AM PST

I recently picked up the game and have been loving it so far. On my Gorgo playthrough I have been declared war on by France (who I completely eliminated), Japan, Brazil and Spain. I am currently at peace, but most of my game has been defending and trying to attack cities. I have finally managed to have peace, and am considering building an army to attack Japan (close to me) and take their cities. However, I already have 6 cities, and taking the Japanese would put me at 9, or 8 if I sold the farther one. So my question to the veterans: is there any benefit to having so many cities, or should I concentrate on going tall? I'm going for either a Cultural or Domination win.

submitted by /u/SenorMasquerader
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Mildly Infuriating

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 07:31 PM PST

Civ 6 - DLC music

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 06:54 AM PST

Sorry if this has been asked - I tried looking for an answer here and in other places but I couldn't find anything.

Does anyone know if there are any plans to release the themes of each nation in the DLCs? (e.g. the Australian theme?)

I'd like to be able to put the whole soundtrack on my phone if it is at all possible, without ripping from Youtube etc.

In the past, I think the DLCs' music has been released alongside the DLC itself so I was a little sad that this wasn't the case with the DLCs of Civ 6.

Many thanks!

submitted by /u/macroberts
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Exodus of the Evangelists

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 07:45 AM PST

So, according to the Well of Souls article, one of the Dedication bonuses is Exodus of the Evangelists, which grants the following:

Exodus of the Evangelists (Golden Age): +2 Movement for all Missionaries, Apostles, and Inquisitors. Additionally, newly trained ones get +2 Charges. +4 Great Prophet points per turn.

Does this indicate a change in the role of Great Prophets in the game? It would seem to indicate that you can earn them even after founding a religion.

submitted by /u/pm1966
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Civ 5 is great, but...

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 06:55 PM PST

I get that the game was coded so that some civs would have problems with other civs they saw as warmongers. Makes sense. That said, I wish the coding took other events into consideration.

In my current game Assyria went to war early against India and captured their capital. I was friends with India and declared war against Assyria and was attacking their capital. Ashur offered me a peace agreement that gave me Delhi, so I accepted and liberated India's capital.

Time passes and it's clear Assyria and Carthage are in cahoots. I denounce Carthage and several civs tell me they agree with me (Venice, Siam and India). Assyria goes to war with India again and I declare war against them and take their capital. All of a sudden, Venice, who I'd been friendly with up to this point, denounces me, despite agreeing that Assyria was a problem.

Suitably pissed, I declare war on Venice and take blind Enrico's capital, when Siam, France and India all denounce me as a warmonger. Here's the thing, I liberated India's capital. I spanked an enemy that Siam, France and I agreed was a menace (Assyria). None of them were casual with Carthage when I declared war against them (Dido had already ganged up with Ashur against India for crying out loud). France and Siam agreed that Venice was a problem and supported my denouncement.

Why can't civs understand that some wars are just, and that there exists a casus belli? Civs that I've been friends with have denounced me to going to war against their enemies. Only Alexander, and his punchable face (and because he has no warmonger concerns) is my friend.

submitted by /u/Joab007
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DLC is an excellent vehicle to release alternate leaders rather than the civs themselves.

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 11:21 AM PST

....yet so far we're getting our second alt leader for a civ only with the first expansion, and DLC thus far has been introducing new Civs. Some of which are considered Civ staples, such as Persia, that many fairly feel should be included in the base game and core expansions.

Is this the trend that's going to continue, and is the mechanic largely in for the sake of the modding community as many speculate? Am I not alone in wanting DLC leaders or would that just be seen as even more of a fleecing move than current DLC practice?

submitted by /u/shhkari
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