Learn Dota 2 - Looking For a New MOBA. Considering DotA 2. What Should I Learn as a New Player?

Looking For a New MOBA. Considering DotA 2. What Should I Learn as a New Player?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:55 AM PST

Alright, so I have been playing MOBAs for a short time now (two years) and finally decided on League of Legends. Well, if most of you don't know, the preseason patch is... not much fun and very unbalanced. So I am looking to learn a new MOBA.

I have always liked the idea of DotA 2 but have found some of the mechanics and meta in it impenetrable. I am used to strict lane assignments and heroes that fill those roles. DotA 2 is way more flexible with roles and roaming. Yeah, League's meta may be stiff and structured but that makes it easier to learn, IMO.

So as a player coming from League, what should I focus on learning? I am a Support main in League, but like to play Mid as well. I have read guides, looked at Streams, all that. But I still don't get it sometimes and don't want to enter a game wondering around like a chicken with my head cut off.

So any advice? I wouldn't mind being a new player if I can wrap my head around it better.

submitted by /u/TheRealDarkeus
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Why do people buy recipe before finishing the item?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 05:32 PM PST

I've seen vods and professional players buying the recipe of an item before having finished buying all the other components of the item. Why do they do that?

submitted by /u/Justice_Hero
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Thanks for the help! I've made progress : )

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:44 PM PST

a while ago i posted this

since then ive got a bit better!

over the last month of playing ranked! ive got a positive winrate! I just hit herald 3, i know its not much but its exciting for me, i can feel myself playing better in some ways : ) compared to when i first started ranked and its great!

As you can see ive found my own green meta in medusa and ench AwA

to be clear my overall winrate is currently 45.99 (up from 43 when i made that post), not 67.86, thats my winrate for the past month! Still pretty happy with it.

submitted by /u/-VwO-
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5 Second Survey for my Statistics class

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:39 AM PST

Pudge - Can you hook Aegis/Cheese/R.Orb?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 02:04 PM PST

As per title. Would be PogChamp if you can but I assume you can't.

submitted by /u/LeperMessiah11
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Why is razor a good counter to omni?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 05:49 AM PST

ganking question

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 05:26 PM PST

in the far past, mid would hit 6 and go gank with it. EG pudge. And correct me if I'm wrong, but certain heroes who need their ults still play like that, but its no longer the rule. Ganking mids were common

then in the more recent past, it was about other lanes ganking mid to give the mid an advantage on top of the extra creep. When the extra creep was there, it was all about farming mids.

So what now? Is there simply non longer a rule

submitted by /u/ilikedota5
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30% Winrate since 7.07 (Archon 2) -- What am I doing wrong?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:59 PM PST

My Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/65336926

In my short Dota career (~1 year total, ~940 games) I've never had a rough patch as long as this one. I'm nearly 50/50 in support/core split but I just can't seem to win games in 7.07 and want to know what I am doing wrong. I was almost 3k (peaked at 2986) before 7.07. Here are some (but not all) examples:

Pos 5 Bane - decimated top lane. Eventually started to roam around to try and alleviate pressure. I believe the answer to this one is just that we didn't shut down AM enough.

Pos 3 Underlord Won every single lane. Looks like things started to go south after a teamfight at 17:23. I rushed GG boots that game to end asap with the advantage we had and ended up dragging the game out another 40 minutes after I got them built.

Pos 3 (1?) Pang I'm less concerned with this one since I'd rather lose as a 5 stack than solo, but I've had a few matches like this lately. I'm not sure if I'm trying to do too much or if there really isn't much I could do to win games like this.

Pos 3 Brewmaster I decided to learn Brew yesterday (and did pretty okay) in the games I played except this one. I had a really tough lane that I didn't get much out of (but I didn't feed, at least). This was only of the only times I've played offlane lately where the supports actually were successful in zoning me. What do I do in situations like this?

Pos 3 Brewmaster 2 I feel like this one is just one of those coin flips that didn't go my way. Don't really like my aghs pickup since it didn't do much. My reasoning behind it was since I had hit level 25 I'd be in split a lot and still needed to use Haze on Sniper/Void.

Pos 5 Shadow Shaman Huskar/Shadow Shaman make for a disgusting lane. Axe and Earthshaker did not stand a chance. Went early force staff to save people from dying. For some reason Nature's Prophet insisted he was a support and kept buying wards -- so ignore that part.

One thing I absolutely hate doing is blaming losses on other people. There is always something I could've done better in these games to give my team a better chance of winning. Having an extended stretch of red makes it pretty difficult to see things like this sometimes. So please, heavily criticize me!

submitted by /u/steckums
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Underlord as a mid or safelane?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:29 PM PST

Does he have any potential as a mid or a safelaner? He's pretty beefy and he gets DMG from his aura. Only down is right clicks don't scale fast like an agi hero. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/Zoopy2010
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How to lane as Spec correctly?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:22 PM PST

Hey folks,

How are you building spec this patch and playing as her? I find I am very very slow in lane...and I am behind for the rest of the game.

Would battlefury be a good choice? Seems like a good item for her, no?

Please advise. Cheers

submitted by /u/CentralConflict
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Offlaner wave cutting

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:05 PM PST

How do you deal with an offlaner cutting creep waves if your mid refuses to rotate to help?

I had an Axe and Sand King cutting every wave in laning stage and my mid Storm Spirit refused to come down to help. How do you deal with that? I was on Pango and my supp was SD.

I caught up myself in farm, but the rest of my team fell behind because they were too busy flaming me and SD for losing my T1 within the first 3 minutes.

Match ID: 3599405065

submitted by /u/frodo54
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What’s the problem with techies ? People keep raging about when he is picked . I mean he’s just like any other hero out there in the hero pool .

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:11 AM PST

Help countering Tinker in mid

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:28 AM PST

Ive tried different heroes in mid vs tinker but havent been successful against him unless i have a team who constantly ganks him early in game and then uses tinker wards to counter his push and kill him.

what heroes can i learn to stay up in mid.almost always he get a bottle in 5min and starts spamming those rockets and lazers and i cant even haras him with any of the heroes i tried playing.

ive tried razer,mirana,drow,pa,silncer,zeus,od,

even after getting 20-25denies in the first 10 min it seems impossible to stop him from getting 20 kills within 30 min.

im in legend 1 rightnow..so around 3k bracket.

any suggestions would be nice..

im bad at micro.if that helps

Ps: yes ive tried other roles to win the games.ive won when i get lion support,void in offlane,roaming mirana/bara..but i wanna win the lane vs him

submitted by /u/tomriddle_14
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Any good support heroes to spam in pubs ?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:29 AM PST

as the title stated, im usually a hard support whenever im solo. so, are there any heroes that stand out or good to learn in this patch?

submitted by /u/xzeras
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Can anyone give me tips on Brewmaster ?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:24 AM PST

Basically anything really.. Especially in this new patch where he seems unkillable at higher levels.

Any tips or secrets you High level Brewmaster players wanna share. Any videos, streamers, etc.

I wanna learn how to win my pub games with this hero..is it a hero I can 1 v 5 with ? Or better..how do I condition the game so that I can get the best possible scenario during early and mid game that leads to my team winning.

submitted by /u/_Unleashedd_
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Tips for stormspirit

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 05:59 AM PST

Just played storm spirit for the first time the other day and have since won my 3 matches as him and played pretty well/enjoyed it. I have been just following the torte de lini guide. I get null talisman tangos to start, then kaya ,blood stone ,orchid, linkens.

In torte's guide it recommends getting electric vortex at 8 but I would think it is good to get 1 point in earlier so you can lock down kills.

In the beginning/midish part of the game i dont feel like i contribute that much. Once I get bloodstone is when I start to make a bigger impact and kind of snowball from there.

Any tips/strategys would be welcome, I know I have a ton to improve on for this hero.

Any guides or players I can watch to learn/improve? Thanks!

submitted by /u/ducksvikings
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What stats should I aim?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:37 AM PST

Hi! I'm about to ask another question since I'm concerned about the pace of my growth in dota2.

I'm D2 in LoL last season and I wanna try playing this game before the season starts in January. So far, my stats are :

432 Avg GPM

565 Avg XPM

161 Avg Last Hits

I'm mostly playing support but I do play carry sometimes (6-4 respectively)

What stats should I aim to reach something like Diamond-tier here in Dota2 : as a carry? as a support?

PS : I prefer carrying from item-reliant heroes 'cause I prefer splitpushing and roaming since I've been focusing on keeping map awareness all the time.

submitted by /u/LayTheBug
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Is Naga Siren safelane carry/mid any good this patch?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:36 AM PST

If it is: which build would be viable in most games? The classic arcane boots --> radiance --> manta --> octarine or the early fighting build with diffusal etc? Couldn't really find any topics about naga in 7.07 so figured I'd make one here.

submitted by /u/PuscOverDose
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Pangolier in 7.07c

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 04:18 AM PST

Hey guys ive been playing a fair amount of pangolier lately and ive found a build that i really like, and its one that i dont see used often.

more often then not i see the arcane boots into double or triple javlin and a diffusal. but i think that build kinda gimps you and doesnt really fill in what your role usually is needed to be.

so what do i suggest?

your role usually is teamfight disruption as the offlane (like tide, centaur, clock etc..), this is also what usually happens in fight you ult, roll around stunning and then cast 1 swashbuckle by this time the fight is usually over. so instead getting greaves early allows you to help your team sustain pushes and fights as you can cast it while in ult. if you hit 2 people with shield crash you effectively become bristleback with only back and no bristles. but that + greaves makes you really hard to kill especially since you have alot of mobility and the greaves also supply a good amount of mana.

once mek is complete get either a casual javlin or a diffusal if you can. diffusal is wayy better then javlin maybe not damage wise since javlin adds ~25 damage per strike and diffusal ~40 if they have mana for almost 2.5 the gold but diffusals strength comes in its utility, slow, mana burn to keep them from using spells. while javlin only provides damage. additionally you can use diffusal while rolling at someone so they cant really dodge you.

that said the javlin does build into a basher which is amazing CC later on and abbysal doubles down on your already tanky build. if they dont commit a good amount of heroes to you there is a good chance they just wont be able to kill you.

facing alot of magic damage? get a hood later a pipe for more team sustain to turn fights but also more sustain for you, you just want to be around burning mana, bashing people, rolling them over preventing them from doing their thing.

over the course of 7.07c i have played ~17 games and have a 80% winrate as pangolier.

i have played 16 out of 17 games with this build and the only difference i noticed is that i had less deaths. and slighty more overall impact.

submitted by /u/theredghostwolf
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razor in 7.07

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:51 AM PST

3rd skiĺ rework good or bad? is aghs still a core after deso nerf? itembuild and when to pick this patch. ty.

submitted by /u/kael_cynic
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If I have worse winrate as a core, means that I'm a bad core or I'm a better support than the avarage?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 02:29 AM PST

So basicly I have negative winrate as core and positive as support. And I'm not sure playing support requires less 'skill' or supporting just suits me more. Sorry for bad english.

submitted by /u/pmPDkid
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Extra large minimap (Options Menu)

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:32 AM PST

I keep searching for a thread about it but can't find.

Do you guys use it? It's basically a trade off between minimap size and visible area. I've checked a few high mmr streamers, and no one seems to be using it.

submitted by /u/drquantum7
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What to do about recurring 5+ lose streaks?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:32 AM PST

So it's happening...again. Been having a weird recurring pattern of lose 7 games, win 3 games, lose 5 games, win 1 game, lose 5 games...yeah.

How do you guys deal with this kind of frustration, because it's honestly the first time that I've experience this kind of frustration to the point where I know it's definitely impacting my next game's performance. I know I'm not particularly the best player, and I make mistakes, but my mistakes tend to get even worse during these streaks and these lose streaks just end because I get matched up with teammates who just carry me?

submitted by /u/490A
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How do you Kunkka? I can't win with this hero even when I can land spells consistently.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:57 PM PST

I don't understand how to close with him. I can land my spells consistently. I do super well early farm up a few daedalus yet I just don't understand how to carry a game to close with him. What do I do?

submitted by /u/King_Kunkka
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Carry and farming mindset - should I be a bit "cold" to my team?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:02 AM PST

I've been thinking with myself lately about my farming deficiencies as a carry player, and I'd like to just bounce it off you guys and hear what you think about it. It's a general discussion about how to manage your game as a carry, not any specific question. Even when I win, I very rarely have matches where I explode in NW and form a noticeable gap between myself and second place. I almost always feel like just a... serviceable carry, I suppose?

I feel it's a recurring problem with me that I fail to understand when to farm and when to fight; to recognize my different power spikes. Or, from a different angle, I feel bad when my team is run over, and then I have an urge to join up for fights, regardless of my item progression. So part of the issue is me enjoying being active, but the major thing is guilt over "neglecting" my team and letting them handle things with one player less for a while.

So that brings me to the title - would you say that playing a carry requires you to develop this thick skin where you ignore your teammates for often extended periods of time in order to farm? Is being pressured by your own team to be active even a common thing, or is this something I've somehow inflated in my mind? I realize that there's nuance to this, and that some carries come online faster than others - that they don't all play the same way. But with all of them I feel a rather similar pressure of being active. The only two that come to mind right now with which I don't feel that pressure is Spectre, because of her global presence, meaning I don't have to navigate my way towards my team in order to be able to react (which could harm my farm), and AM, because split pushing is one of his famous traits.

My Dotabuff, not for any specific match, just if someone is curious.

submitted by /u/CheekyBard
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