Overwatch - Weekly Trash Talk Thread - December 04, 2017

Weekly Trash Talk Thread - December 04, 2017

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:08 PM PST





submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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This Week in OWL & Esports (December 4th - 10th)

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 11:40 AM PST

This thread is a compilation of all the upcoming Overwatch tournaments and esports over the next week. All links can be found on the sidebar under UPCOMING EVENTS.

Overwatch League (!!!)

OWL Preseason

Season 1 of the OWL begins in January, but you can watch exhibition matches from Wednesday December 6th to Saturday December 9th. Get your first look at the 12 teams in the League! The teams are as follows:

Atlantic Division Pacific Division
Boston Uprising Dallas Fuel
Florida Mayhem Los Angeles Gladiators
Houston Outlaws Los Angeles Valiant
London Spitfire San Francisco Shock
New York Excelsior Seoul Dynasty
Philadelphia Fusion Shanghai Dragons

December 6th:

Matchup Start Time
Mayhem vs Fusion 4 PM PDT
Valiant vs Shock 6 PM PDT
Dynasty vs Dragons 8 PM PDT

December 7th:

Matchup Start Time
Gladiators vs Spitfire 2 PM PDT
Fuel vs Outlaws 4 PM PDT
Excelsior vs Uprising 6 PM PDT

December 8th and 9th matches will be updated as they appear.

Matches will be streamed on overwatchleague.com.

Professional Play

Nexus Cup - Annual Finals

8 invited Chinese and 8 invited Korean teams battle for a ¥ 150,000 CNY prize pool. Group Play concludes December 5th 17:00 CST (China Standard Time). The participating teams are as follows:

Korea China
Element Mystic Lucky Future
Foxes LGD Gaming
Kongdoo Panthera Lin-Gan Esports
Lunatic-Hai LaoYinBi
Meta Athena Miracle Team One
RunAway Miraculous Youngster
Seven Vici Gaming
X6-Gaming Team CC
Matchup Start Time
Foxes vs Meta.A 17:00 CST
Lunatic-Hai vs Element Mystic 18:30 CST
Vici vs Lucky Future 20:00 CST
MT1 vs MY 21:30 CST

Matches will be streamed at http://cc.163.com/nexuscup/.

Community Events

Haste $1K Tournament Series 6 Finals

The top 4 teams from each of two qualifiers play for a $1000 prize pool. Matches will be streamed at TheOverguard.

*This thread will be updated as new information and events come up.

submitted by /u/SpriteGuy_000
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I did a Waluigi fan skin for Moira

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:39 AM PST

Doomfist got trapped in a time loop

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:15 AM PST

When calling out "I need healing," players should get an icon indicating where the healers are.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 05:02 AM PST

Healers can see the locations of players with low health or if they call out "I need healing" but I think it would be great to have maybe a yellow cross as an indication of the healer's location.

So when times like the healers are running back from spawn, they would just know whether to get to a health pack or wait for the healers. It could also be easier for when, as a healer, just need a teammate to peek the corner to heal them without running away from each other.

submitted by /u/mcbzy
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Get ready to show your teams some love. Overwatch League skins arrive early next year. #OWL2018

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:03 AM PST

It's Over Hanzo! I Have The High Ground!

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:55 PM PST

If a level 25 ends up in your competitive match, try to give them some advice instead of just spewing vitriol and abuse.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:11 AM PST

My daughter cried after her very first competitive match. She told them she just hit level 25 and it was her first comp match. At the end the nice people on her team said they were reporting her for throwing and being unsportsmanlike. She was just barely level 25 guys. She's only 11 years old. I warned her it would be tough and people might criticize her for not carrying her weight. She never wants to play comp again and has no motivation to learn how since her team treated her like garbage.

This is a damn game people. I know a lot of you take it very seriously, but a level 25 isn't going to be throwing or playing in a game where you're playing for money. If a kid says they are new and sorry for making a mistake, don't be a dick, give them some tips and encouragement. Don't just blindly insult a newer player, tell them what they did wrong or what they should have done instead. I know you don't have to teach every low level noob that ends up on your team how to play, but if they are obviously young and making mistakes, don't go out of your way to report them for bullshit or try to make them hate the game.

On a side note, I don't play comp, I'm not good at this game. But I do tell her all the time to watch instructional YouTube videos on the proper way to play her favorite heroes. She was trying, but her team bullied her into switching to mercy, then proceeded to bitch the whole game that she wasn't playing right. Do you really expect a level 25 player to flex and do well with any hero you force them to play? Or should everyone know how to play Mercy competitively just in case they have to fill the healer role? I don't mean this sarcastically, if this is a regular thing I'll make sure to let her know to learn mercy for those times.

I'm encouraging her to try harder, to learn better and do it again, but I never really expected Overwatch players to behave like a bunch of kids on COD.

Edit: Not sure why this is tagged highlight.

Edit2: I'm really tired of repeating myself and we've learned a few things, so here are the points I want to make...

1: Thanks to everyone giving constructive criticism. She does need to learn how to be an effective part of her team and she does need to understand team composition and how to counter.

2: Lets keep this about the game, stop calling me a bad parent like none of us ever watched a PG-13 movie when we were younger than 13, Jesus this is Overwatch, not GTA. Also, ffs, stop comparing my letting an 11 year old play a 13+ game to letting her go to a night club or even as one of you said try meth.

3: We're glad to learn that the being reported won't mean she will be penalized. This was her main concern and what irritated me most. Throwing is intentional. She was clearly just making mistakes because yes, she didn't know how to play comp.

4: To all of you saying she shouldn't be playing competitive or at least not using voice. You are correct. She is not ready for competitive play, that is obvious. This was a learning experience and I made it clear that I told her beforehand that it would be hard and she would be criticized for not knowing what to do. However, it is unsportsmanlike to report someone for "Throwing" when you know they aren't being intentionally bad.

submitted by /u/phatalphreak
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Overwatch will give every player one free Overwatch League skin

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:09 AM PST

Nate Nanzer, the Overwatch League commissioner, just announced that everyone who logs in during the first month after Overwatch League skins launch will get one for free.

Overwatch will be introducing League Tokens, a new form of currency you can buy in game to purchase OWL items. You'll be given enough free tokens to buy one skin of your choice, once they launch.

Source: https://twitter.com/overwatchleague/status/937743313423163399

submitted by /u/quotefrommanstabbed
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Heard Someone Beating Their Child, During Comp. Never Felt So Helpless....

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:23 PM PST

I never thought in all my time playing Overwatch that I would hear what I heard today.

I play on console and have the luxury of playing during the days as my job only requires me to work out of the house. I was in a very good comp game, when during the change over I started hearing a child crying. I didn't think much of it, as I assumed it was just another stay at home dad multi tasking. After the crying didn't stop I heard the player grow more and more angry, both toward the child and the game. Finally out of no where I hear, "get the F over here." I then heard the sound of smacking and hitting and screams. "I'm gonna beat you again if you don't stop crying." He did it again later in the match as well. The poor child was crying and saying sorry, but that didn't seem to matter.

I have never felt as helpless as I did during that game. There was nothing I could do to help the kid. I have no address, no name, just the sounds in my mind to remind me. It is NEVER okay to do that to a child, but to do it while over mic and in game to others is even more sick and wrong. The fact you think its so normal and okay that you have no problem allowing others to hear what you are doing is disturbing.

My only hope is that maybe just maybe, this person will read this sub-reddit and see this topic and have a change of heart. Maybe they will realize what they are doing is wrong and that they need help. For the sake of your child please, please don't ever do that again....

Edit: For those thinking I'm making this up, I truly wish I was but I am not. Sad thing is console is pretty bad language and profane things. This is a first though.

Edit: To those asking, I reported him to blizzard via the game, Xbox via their app and sent a separate email to both Microsoft and Blizzard. In terms of authorities it's tough as I don't know the actually name and location of the said person. However I am continuing to look into additional ways to report.

submitted by /u/gsurfac
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To the person who played Sombra in FFA I would like to sincerely apologize. I would not have slept you if I had known that was going to happen

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:17 AM PST

From the League Office | Introducing League Tokens

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:00 AM PST

Sexy Torbjorn

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 11:50 AM PST

Decided to give torbjorn those sexy legs ;) https://imgur.com/C5ehgnq

submitted by /u/luciomainboi
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Police Officer Orisa (Fan-Skin)

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:59 AM PST

Roadhog's too fat!

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:24 AM PST

Group up. Stop moving forward without your team. This is not CoD.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 03:02 PM PST

As I said. This is not Call of Duty, you're not getting a 5 man spree all by yourself, this is a team game.

It takes just a few seconds to wait for everyone to be together, and then, you go in together. It feels ridiculous for me to have to actually say this; Just group the fuck please.

You're no good dead, and every teamfight has to count.

submitted by /u/IDontCareWhatsoever
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Overwatch League uniform skins will be purchasable in-game

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:00 AM PST

It's always good when your widowmaker is covering the team

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:27 PM PST

My Blackwatch Amari Cosplay from BlizzCon

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:45 AM PST


I wanted to do a spinoff of an OW Hero that was a little bit different than the norm since I knew there's probably be quite a few base skins at BC, but I knew I wanted to make something that would still be somewhat recognizable. I went for an Amari skin because I absolutely love her, but changed up the colors though reflecting back on it, they're a bit more "Talon" to me!

I also mod a group on Facebook called Blackwatch and I thought it would be a good show of appreciation for that community which has given me so much over the past year to do a different version of Ana since I'm basically the "mother hen" of the group.

I realize this doesn't fit with the lore that is currently set forth by Blizzard, please don't chew me apart for that. The costume was a mix of sewing, armor making, and prop making.

submitted by /u/horsegal301
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When two supports think they've cornered a wounded Pharah for an easy kill

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 05:17 AM PST

312 Skins Coming to Overwatch thanks to Overwatch League

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:26 AM PST

A Lúcio bot walks through a wall on Nepal

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:21 AM PST

D.VA statue is as big as my dog

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:03 PM PST


Was surprised how big this thing was that it was the same height as my dog haha

submitted by /u/Lechop
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I can't wait for the Christmas event in Overwatch!

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:46 AM PST

What do you think they should have as skin? I'm hopping Sweater Winston and soldier, Elf Lucio would be cute and Junkrat as well. Or Jack frost Junkrat!

submitted by /u/amenduhh
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Anyone else want a Blackwatch or Talon event this next year?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:19 PM PST

Uprising was a lot of fun and it was a good lord addition to the game. Since they likely will not just re do the uprising event it would be awesome to run a covert ops mission with the members of Blackwatch or some kind of assassination mission with the talon members.

I'm sure they already have their events planned out but both of these sounded really fun to me

submitted by /u/FPierce
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I shouldn't have to play again with the players I reported for abusive language

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:28 AM PST

I use the report function for abusive language quite often these days. Not because I'm bitter that we lost, but because there are people who will scream at the top of their lungs at an unconventional pick on your team or just type out all sorts of insults.

I'm around 3000 sr right now, 3252 being my season best, so I'm not completely clueless at how to play the game, but I don't understand why the people you report can show up right in your next game. I don't think I'm at a rank where I wouldn't be able to play the game at all if I just didn't accept the fact that I need the guy who called our Doomfist a fucking trash piece of shit player on my team.

It makes no sense, one time I even got the same flamer on my team for a 3rd time in a row. There is no reason for me to not immidiately que up again after a game if I know I have the time to play and want to. Why is this a thing?

Edit: A response to people saying ''Well just mute them'' - You can mute them, but that doesn't change their behaviour to your teammates and the issue isn't that people are flaming in chat, it's that you can get someone you reported for flaming in your first game right in the next.

submitted by /u/bunoverload
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