True Dota 2 - Is safelane really much worse for Shadow Fiend?

Is safelane really much worse for Shadow Fiend?

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 06:39 AM PST

SF is one of the iconic mid heroes because of his outplay and snowball potential. However I feel like it increases the risk. I know the old saying is that "anything can work", but wouldn't SF be more consistent if he were played in the safelane? (Instead of the usual "git gud" trashtalkers) The usual argument is that early XP is better than gold to capitalize on Raze, but to what extent? With assured souls in the first 3 creep waves he gets an early power spike. The enemy offlaner wont be able to contest him anymore and the supports can switch from zoning to stacking and ganking. SF would then get his solo lane. Unless its like a dual lane then maybe you can leave one support with him for potential kills/saves. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/Tuldoka
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Video Segment of a 6000 MMR Coach teaching 2500 MMR Faceless Void on Itemization, Defensive vs Aggressive farming, and countering Antimage

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 01:44 PM PST

Hi guys! My video link is here but since many of you prefer written content I will write a small article about the principles I teach in this video below.

Since I'm translating my video into written form for you guys particularly (per requests from my last thread), all I ask is if you can bother to follow me on some of my socials to grow my following it would mean a lot. (Streaming after I finish this post)

Thank you!

Playing Faceless Void vs Antimage

In this video I go over this a lot, but an EXTREMELY popular counter to heroes like Antimage, Nature's Prophet, Ember Spirit, etc. is Shadow Blade (particularly silver edge to break AM - Sometimes) but the invis allows you to play around his split pushing whereas a blink gives him a much larger window for reacting. The number of antimages I have CRUSHED with shadowblade on Meepo for example in the 6k+ bracket is beyond belief. You'll see heroes like Beastmaster do similar things sometimes in pro games vs split push/rat heroes.

Itemization - Conditions for killing & dying

One of the big problems I noticed with this player in this game is that they opted for an extremely greedy build. Investing 7000 gold into farming (MoM & Midas & Treads) and then supplementing that into damage was cool, but the issue is that this individual had too many issues to worry about in the actual fights. He was against an LC and a Treant two particular heroes that have spells that work really well against a void. I told him in order to have a proper game, predicated entirely around getting a chronosphere on antimage in the fights, he needs to disallow the enemies from being able to kill him first. It was important to know that without chronosphere antimage would never die, and a never dead antimage is summed up in -25 MMR. So I suggested Linkens and Manta, skip either MoM or madness, and shadow blade.

Defensive farming vs Aggressive farming

This was a pretty important distinction. This offlane void had a great game, but opted to farm defensively. This resulted in his luna dying, who was shoving lanes instead of taking safe jungle farm during a critical weak time in his itemization buildup. Not only that, but with Void safely farming - for every 1 creep he gets antimage gets 5, not good. Combne that with the fact that Antimage is never in position to actually chronosphere anyone by farming defensively, is a lost cause. I suggested this player farm NEAR the shoved out lanes (if not in them) and NEAR the enemy towers, especially before Legion Commander had a blink.

Countering AM splitpush

This is an important topic. Essentially my suggestion was to play around the shoved in lanes and wait for antimage. Void had shadow blade and diffusal, game was not lost, and he could supplement damage via sunstrike. A 1200hp Antimage should always die to this void, all he needs to do is farm near wherever the lanes are being shoved out, and wait for antimage, then chrono. It seems easier said than done, but it's incredibly important that void is always tethered near the creeps and farming near them because if void never kills antimage he never wins.

Win conditioning

Basically in this game I told the void with the fact they had 3 cores farming well vs 1 core farming well, all they needed was to kill roshan and then kill antimage once with the void. Once AM dies once, they can force BB and then repeat the same process of killing void.

A big issue I noticed was his allies (Invoker, Veno, Luna) chased Antimage all around the map not understanding their job was to shove lanes in and let Void mirror the antimage. With void mirroring the antimage he can act as setup, whereas chasing AM while he farms on Invoker and Luna resulted in them losing GPM and AM unaffected.

Building trading

One thing people always try to do incorrectly in low MMR games against antimage is try and trade buildings with him. Especially vs a Treant and great depush (LC etc) this was never going to work in the first place, but on top of that it's far better to have Void's teammates do chip damage without engaging and Void focussed on mirroring the Antimage.

Saving Chronosphere

This is a concept that is a bit specific to this game in the video, but essentially Antimage would never ever die if Void didn't chrono him. Void kept getting illusory won fights/pickoffs but actually lost himself the game by repeatedly chronosphering and killing other heroes. Everytime chrono was down antimage could play with impunity and Void's team couldn't fight.

submitted by /u/henry_rd
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What medal are you calibrating at?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 10:08 PM PST

As title, curious what mmr people had before new update and what medal they got after calibrating (I really don't think the 10 games will vastly affect what medal yoi get as most players have thousands of games already)

submitted by /u/KevinLevrone1329
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General goals of current pos 5?

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 03:28 PM PST

I am a position 5 main (peak was 4150 mmr) and I took a long break around when 7.00 dropped.

Before 7.00 my general playstyle went: Try to bully offlane away > Go pressure their mid. Different iterations of that, but those were my basic underlying goals, at least for the first 15 or so minutes. Obviously warding, pulling when appropriate, stacking etc. between those processes.

Seemed to work pretty well as my winrate improved about 3% (not bad for 2200 matches IMO) but in 7.00 I feel almost useless most games.

Anyways, what lane is the MOST important to pressure/help? Or is it more lineup specific than I'm realizing?

Also, barring general support tasks, what should my macrogame be? Is pushing more valuable, or fighting? Ricing seems a little meh unless you have lots of cores.

I know things vary game to game, so if this patch's metagame is more hero specific, I'd like to know. Sorry for being so general with my questions, and thanks!

submitted by /u/BootySniffer26
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Lets talk about core IO with a damage build.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 02:16 PM PST

Ok, so here are the facts. IO is a fantastic support in this patch, I am not saying you should do this everygame, but in my opinion this build can quite strong, or even insanely OP if you have the right combo.

So the gist is, Io got a lv20 talent that adds an Io autoattack to every attack of your tether target as well as a +60 damage talent at lv10. This attack is not limited by range, just the tether is needed. Also all modifiers work on it.

So in theory Io would only need to build damage/strength and his teammates need attackspeed.

This is generally strong late with any carry that gets decent attackspeed, but it gets ridiculous when coupled with any of the following abilities:

  • Flak Cannon
  • Split Shot
  • Focus Fire (especially for ratting with relocate)
  • Swashbuckle

Additionally taking the Ags Talent at Level 15 allows for great combos with:

  • Precision Aura (Damage and Multitarget)
  • Gods Strength
  • Gyro Side Gunner (also works with the attack talent)

  • Pretty sure I forgot more than one

I'm just a 3k theorycrafter so I look forward to better players telling me why this strategy is hard to pull off. lvl20 is quite a bit, but I think it is definitely doable in most games.

Items I think are good with this build:

  • Urn/Stick/Soulring for early game fighting and sustain while jungling with spirits. (Don't make all three)

  • Satanic (active makes you and your tether target basically immortal as long as at least one of you gets autoattacks off)

  • Desolator (Nice damage amp but the red projectile shows who is the damage dealer. Also like to start with Blight Stone)

  • Heart

  • Armlet

  • Daedulus

  • Skadi

  • Bloodthorn

  • Euls/Ghost Scepter (if they use mass blademail)

I suggest laning with a friend who knows what's up so that they will not be mad that the fucking wisp is taking all the lasthits. In solo queue this strategy is still a bit harder as you rely on your tether partner to actually attack. good lane partners that are ok with getting exp only are omni, abbadon, CK, also the Ags talent works great with all 3 of these.

What do you think? Am I just spitting bullshit? His other skills are also not bad for a carry. Relocate is really strong, Spirits are great for early game presence and farming waves and camps. Oh and his E makes you both tanky and gives EVEN MORE attackspeed.

This Dota WTF clip is a good example

In my opinion at least the interaction with some of these abilities will get nerfed pretty quickly so enjoy while it lasts.

submitted by /u/Galaxy345
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Does bottle/clarity/tango/salve regen get multiplied by the new str/int percentage modifiers?

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 10:39 AM PST

Seems like consumables might be a good mid-game purchase on some heroes with high str or int gains...

submitted by /u/ak1247
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How can we upgrade our medals?

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 07:47 AM PST

Just like legend to anc, anc to divine. I search and i didnt found some good explanation

submitted by /u/danidasm1
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scepter on medusa as a 5th or 6th item when not against illusions?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 10:40 PM PST

How good is it? it gives you a stun aoe stun and makes you a bit bulkier, i cant think of another item to get over it when i wana be a bit tankier.

submitted by /u/-VwO-
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TA traps bugged?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 05:01 PM PST

The new changes to her trap has it so I can't activate them when I need them to.

Edit: I'm testing this in lobby after i played a game with it. I'd left click trap, hit q to activate, then return focus on ta really quickly and it worked fine before, but now the trap wont activate

submitted by /u/kangiskahn
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