Destiny - Daily Thread - Lore Thursday [SPOILERS AHEAD]

Daily Thread - Lore Thursday [SPOILERS AHEAD]

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 05:01 AM PST

Welcome to Lore Thursday! Let's discuss the lore and story in Destiny.

Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!

In need of more Destiny Lore? Come visit /r/DestinyLore!


You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Recently, Fortnite Battle Royale had a buff to AR's that created an imbalance with crit damage. Epic Games observed the community feedback, did some internal playtesting, and issued a tuning hotfix (to all platforms) 2 days later. It's absurd that Bungie waits 3-4 months to tweak anything.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 08:55 AM PST

For real, I play so many other games where iterative balance passes are made on a weekly/monthly basis. Destiny 2's sandbox is not so inscrutably complex that it takes 3+ months to understand, "wow, all the most popular guns have High Caliber rounds, and all our serious PvP players are complaining about it, and, oh yeah, we actually already had to fix this exact problem in our previous release." Small, iterative changes to things like perk power, accuracy, etc. are a must going forward. You wanna wait 3 months to introduce new weapons or dramatically change core functionality, fine, but the little stuff can and should be identified and changed in short order.

inb4 small indie company

submitted by /u/Nght-Nght
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Here is What is Really Going on with XP in Destiny 2

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 02:34 AM PST

TLDR – If you earn XP slow, the ingame display is correct. If you play normally, the game drops some XP (~ 50%). If you power-grind XP the game will drop most of your XP (in testing, I managed to lose ~95% of the XP during an 'enemies moving against each other' event)

Recently there have been a few threads here discussing a supposed 'XP cap' or XP scaling. I saw posts from a few people who had looked at what happened across a couple of public events, or screenshots showing a large "+12345 XP" number, with a miniscule amount of progress in the bar. Seeing as grinding for Season 1 exclusive items from bright engrams was my only real motivator to play Destiny 2 anymore, I decided to do my own investigation.


I went about my testing by recording all of the gameplay on my Hunter for last week. Periodically, I would also record the current amount of 'XP to a bright engram' using DIM. Afterwards I would watch through the gameplay, and record every chain of XP I earned into a spreadsheet, along with the timestamp of when it was banked (when the text disappeared from the screen ingame), and how many pixels it contributed to the ingame XP progress bar.

I then created some graphs to overlay what I earned ingame with what DIM showed. Since the XP bar ingame is 360 pixels long, I calculated that 80000 XP/360 pixels= 222.8 (rounded to 225) XP per pixel could be used to estimate how much XP was being recorded in the backend, at a higher frequency than I could get data from DIM.

Many of my values (especially the pixels of progress in the XP bar) have a decent margin of error associated with them, I accept that, but they should be able to be compared among themselves to show trends. Or as a ballpark figure to show that the progress bar does correspond to the XP as shown by the Bungie API via DIM.

All data was recorded during the clarion call.

Test 1 - First 10 minutes of the week - See graph

Initially I decided to just play the game how I normally would. Go into patrol on the Flashpoint destination for the week, and do some patrols while hitting up public events. Well Rested buff was active, and I had a +10% ghost.

Where all the XP graphs are flat, or at low gradient, they're all roughly parallel, meaning that almost no XP is being lost.

Where there's a sudden jump between 9:22 and 10:48 is when I completed a patrol mission. Note that the Estimated Recorded XP jumps by only half as much – 6000 XP : 3375 XP (56% recorded)

When the public event ended at roughly 13:41, again the yellow Estimated Recorded XP only rises by half the value that was displayed ingame -19800 XP : 9450 XP (48% recorded)

Note that the DIM XP went up by slightly more than my estimation, meaning that my pixel measurements were on average smaller than they should be, but not by much.

It's also worth noticing that the orange XP per Pixel line stayed between 200 and 500 XP/pixel.

Test 2 – Lots of XP during Public Events? - See Graph

Later on in my playtime I was doing a Glimmer Drill public event, immediately followed by an 'Enemies Moving Against Each Other' event. This was the period where I was consistently earning lots of XP, and banked two of my largest chains back-to-back. During this period I had Well Rested, but no ghost.

The biggest thing to take from this is that the Estimated Recorded XP was roughly flat for the duration of both events, while the Ingame XP skyrocketed. Across the two events I earned nearly 7.5x more XP ingame than was recorded in DIM – 53832 XP : 7200 XP (13.4% recorded)

For the Public Event completion XP and the chain of almost every enemy I killed during the 'moving against each other' the ratios were – 17070 XP : 1125 XP (6.5% recorded) and 17046 XP : 675 XP (4% recorded) respectively

The XP per pixel measure peaks at 5682, compared to <500 for Test 1, then drops back to <500 as soon as the events finish, and I stop earning XP at the high rates. The scaling rate dropped back to ~50% across 60 to 90 seconds, during which I died, and then banked a couple of smaller XP chains.

After it dropped back, I earned more real progress with those 3 small chains in 2 minutes than I had throughout the preceding 6 minutes of public events and crazy killing.

Test 3 – Earn it slow. Get what you deserve? - See graph

After seeing the above cases I was wondering… what happens if I intentionally earn XP at a really slow rate… will DIM still show less earned than ingame?

This time I killed one enemy at a time. Waited for the chain to bank, then moved on to the next enemy.

No estimations required this time. Across a 9 minute period the ingame tally and DIM lined up EXACTLY – 4149 XP : 4149 XP (100% recorded)

So the XP ingame is correct, and at the same scale as in the API and backend… until you start earning it too fast.


The XP displayed ingame is at the same scale as in the API and 3rd party apps.

There is a hidden scaling factor that ramps up as you earn XP more quickly.

The scaling factor will increase at least to the point where you're only really earning 4% of what you should.

Public Events will only ever earn you 50% of what they say, as the end of event XP alone is enough to trigger a 50% scaling factor.

To get one thing clear: There is no cap to XP. You can keep earning XP as fast as you want, and you will always be making progress towards that next bright engram. You will just face dramatically diminishing returns the faster you go.

This final graph covers my XP earnings across nearly 3 hours of playtime

Total Playtime Graph

Note the "Adjusted Ingame XP Cumulative" is what I would have earned if the Well Rested buff expired when I actually earned 240,000XP, instead of when Bungie's scaled XP finally reached 240,000. The Calculated Lost XP is then based on that number.

Over the 3 hours I should have earned ~1.5 more bright engrams than I did (129,825 XP).

At the best conversion rates of AUD$76.20/5000 silver and 800 silver for 5 bright engrams, that is the equivalent of AUD$3.96 lost across 3 hours of gameplay.

Spreadsheet with all the data is here if people want to look… no I'm not going to make it clean, I already spent enough time on this (even though I will admit I enjoyed getting stuck into some 'science')

Also many thanks to my clan-mates for sticking around to give me the Clarion Call double XP... made this process go MUCH quicker than it would have

submitted by /u/EnergiserX
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If we have fixed rolls, why do we have the vault and not Gear Collection Kiosk?

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 04:03 AM PST

My vault is overflowing with weapons that will be absolutely the same each time they drop. So why do I have a vault to store my "cool stuff" when these weapons are no different than the exotic counterparts that DO HAVE a collection tab.

Honestly, I'd be happy grinding all the Omolon weapons or all the Suros weapons in the game. Now I can't even do that because I have a useless low-space vault that cannot be sorted.


submitted by /u/Nutteria
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You CAN refund the pre-ordered season pass!

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:33 AM PST

If you're one of those people like me, who got way too excited about the game and decided to pre-purchase the DLC pass blindly(yes yes, i know im an idiot) but just now over the last few weeks and thanks to last dev streams realized that Bungie are being unresponsive and completely ignore the needs and questions of the community with no sign of improvement, then i have great news for you! You can freerly refund it no problem, just apply to Blizzard support. Just did that myself.

PS: This is for PC for purchases made directly on store(its what Destiny uses to launch on PC)

EDIT: Link included!

Remember people - vote with your wallets!

submitted by /u/NikaSharkeh
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A list of what we actually wanted to see out of the reveal stream

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 07:58 AM PST


  • Meaningful progression
  • Desirable raid and trials loot


  • Significant vault improvements (meaningful sorting/filtering)
  • Kiosks or a collection database


  • Simplify it (we don't need 9 different mods for grenade cooldown; we just need 1 we can assign to any slot)
  • Provide more interesting mods for weapons (firefly, grenadier, Counterbalance, etc...)
  • Provide more interesting mods for armour (infusion, angel of mercy, second wind, etc...)


  • Strike specific armour sets and weapons
  • Perhaps strike scoring
  • Modifiers


  • Ranked/unranked playlist
  • Let us choose our game mode
  • Sandbox tuning
  • Dare I say dedicated servers?? Keep dreaming


  • These are basically legendary marks without the ability to buy what you want. It can feel unrewarding.

Surely I've missed some things. The point is the community desperately needs something to look forward to. Please don't let another week slip by without addressing the glaring issues.

submitted by /u/G-star-84
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Petition to get Chris Barrett on the next stream to AT LEAST mention the progress on the changes/fixes.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:03 PM PST

Chris Barrett spoke to the community in one of the TWAB and I believe it would be very beneficial if he gave a brief statement on stream about the progress. Please

submitted by /u/WNG_ZER0
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Bungie’s silence is deafening...

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:04 PM PST

I won't preface this post with the usual "I clocked up 6000hrs in D1 and loved it and whilst I'm enjoying D2...", I mean I wouldn't be here on this SubReddit if I didn't love Destiny just like the rest of you. And with D2 in a bad place right now I don't want it to fade into the darkness.

But surely that should go for Bungie as well. I know we spend our days in the echo chamber rattling off our morning grips and dusting our clothes of salt after a hard day in the mines but always just us, never them?

I came across this post on the front page of Overwatch Subreddit (D2's hold on me is barely at all these days) and somehow was instantly impressed and deflated.

An Overwatch Players Post breaking down an entire list of bugs for the character Doomfist which as you can see is exhaustive. I however was not impressed by that (well maybe a little) but by the top response, Lead Software Engineer, Bill Warneck, at Blizzard replies directly to the OP, thanking him for his incredible work, states that the QA team will investigate and the earliest this will take effect.

It's incredibly simple, a comment to reassure and communicate to your playerbase. It's nothing special but when you've dealt with Bungie's "TWaBs" for so long it's felt good to see acknowledgement for a change. It felt good to hear a voice shout back in the emptiness of the echo chamber.

If you head over to that post you'll see and endless stream of replies thanking him. Zero Toxicity or at least completely minimal from the many I read of 100s. That was the lead Software engineer, not the Community Rep/manager.

To give you some scope of the difference, He replied within 2.5hrs of the post going up. Deej, our Community Manager has not posted a single comment in 47 days. That's just not good enough. BUT Let me say I'm not here to witch hunt, I'm not hating on Deej, I felt so sorry for him in the last stream, being out of the loop in his own job, "The most rewarding Public event to date..." and they let him say that knowing full well what was in those chest and how it would look.

What I am instead doing is asking why? Why was Deej hung out to dry like that? Why is it so wrong and so long till we hear from him, Community Manager at Bungie? I feel there is something insidious festering in Bungie and our beloved Franchise. Something that is holding them back, whether it be Activision at the purse strings or political shift in their internal landscape? (D1 suffered as a result of this as we all know and that didn't come to light till long after) but all that is proposition and guessing to which I don't know.

All I am saying, is all we have been saying for months, the lack of communication, community interaction and respect for the playerbase needs to stop.

Bungie your silence is deafening and we can't stand it any longer.

Edit 1: I'm glad to see as always the community discussing so passionately about the topics that matter. We don't always agree nor should we as is always healthy to debate these topics.

I also wanted to correct myself as I stated that Deej was Community Manager but I believe he's no longer in that role, his current job is Communications Director and Cozmo now holds that position as Community Manager (whose currently taking well deserve time off).

Once again I want to reiterate that this is not a witch hunt or attack on either managers past and present but a question of Bungie's philosophy as a whole that holds them back in there job. How the interact with there playerbase, how they communicate and how often and the information we hear when they do. I know we can't be privy to the internal workings but we do as there fans, players and consumers deserve more than they are currently delivering. At least, that's what I believe.

Edit 2: For those saying that the toxicity one would recieve for interacting with reddit subs. I just want to point out that Bill Wernecke's reply currently has 8700 upvotes. I don't doubt there are people out there that would criticise his response all the same but it's not a good enough reason not to do it at all.

And for those who keep saying, "This is reddit, a fan sub that has no affiliation with Bungie". Yes this sub is not affiliated with Bungie, they do not have to come here, nowhere in the Terms and Conditions of buying D2 was that weritten. But Twitter and Instagram are also not in anyway associated with Bungie, they are 3rd party Social media sites that Bungie has no control or say in and yet Bungie maintains an exceptionally strong presence there. Here however they do not so it has nothing to do with whether or not Bungie affiliates with the site. We are 450k+ strong as a community, and to not utilise this is a serious waste of potential and is baffling regardless of how you look at it. It only serves to create a greater discourse between that of the playerbase and the developer.

submitted by /u/TheAwesomeMan123
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Crucible Radio Ep 126 ft. Jon Weisnewski

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 10:09 AM PST

So in this week's CR Podcast they talk to Mr.W about many of the design and gameplay philosophies that went into D2.
- Sunshot = Firefly (too bad they had to take it away from Legendaries)
- purposely reduced our access to high powered weapons to make the Crucible and the whole game better (wat)
- moving secondaries to the power slot sucks but makes those moments more "potent"
- focus on combined weapon loadout vs single-weapon-focused loadout
- nerfing of cooldowns supposed to increase potency of the moments when you get to use them
- slowing down TTK helps us decide what we should do at that moment (thanks!)
- wanted to make PvP more exciting to watch on Twitch (I nearly spit out my coffee at this one)
- team shooting doesn't put stress on us to land shots (lol holy shit at this one)
- Wardcliff coil was supposed to be in D1 but it didn't have the proper launch platform
- random to fixed rolls: random rolls too difficult to talk about with friends (no... seriously), fixed rolls better for casuals
- players get items quickly and easily on purpose: for casuals and to attract new players to the game, tough shit for people who want to grind
- random rolls too complicated to balance in PvP, goal to make fewer guns but spend more time on them and make them have their own identity/role (valid argument IMO, and I loved random rolls)
- subclass set paths easier for us!!! "advanced players" pair their subclass with Exotics (= "depth")
- "the depth is still there" (coffee spit-take somehow avoided)
- ricochet rounds greatly help range
- intrinsic weapon perks taken directly from D1 (Lightweight = lightweight, Rapid = spray and play, Precision = counterbalance, Aggressive = high caliber rounds)
- high caliber rounds flinch greatly multiplied if you/your opponent is moving and is also scaled by weapon damage
- every weapon has a degree of hcr (affecting both outgoing and incoming flinch)

I recommend giving it a listen.

submitted by /u/turboash78
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[ART] A painting my mom made of my first (and only) trip to the Lighthouse in D1!

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 11:18 AM PST

Last summer u/uncheckedexception and his friend helped me make it to the Lighthouse. I took a screenshot and my mom painted it for my birthday :)

submitted by /u/callmemacha
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ALL Aggressive Frame weapons have High Cal Rounds as an intrinsic perk

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 02:19 AM PST

As per the Crucible Radio Ep 126 interview with Jon Weisnewski and Claude Jerome:

  • ALL Aggressive Frame weapons have HCR as an intrinsic perk

Edit: As far as I can see, there are four Kinetic HCs with Aggressive Frame, and the rest of the weapons with this frame are Power weapons. The HCs are True Prophecy, Bad News, Pribina-D, and The Steady Hand.

Edit 2: The weapon archetype section of the interview starts at 1:07:20

Edit 3: All the intrinsic perks they talk about for the "weapon sub-families":

  • Adaptive Frame: no intrinsic perk
  • Rapid Fire Frame: Spray and Play (?) - Increases your reload speed by 50% when your magazine is empty. (They say "fast reload on empty" and the only perk I can remember that had this in D1 was Spray and Play.)
  • Lightweight Frame: increased movement speed (strafing)
  • Precision Frame: Counter Balance - Converts 80% of horizontal recoil to vertical, making it more manageable.
  • Aggressive Frame: High Caliber Rounds - Staggers enemies but lowers stability.

Edit 4: Great to see that a post like this can make Top 10 on the frontpage in this day and age. There is hope.

Edit 5: Link to Fallout Plays' research vid on HCR

Edit 6: Happy to see the positive response to the post, but all credit really goes to the excellent hosts /u/famousbirds, /u/HyphyBonez and /u/Swainstache and their podcast Crucible Radio for all things Destiny PvP. If you think this is good stuff, subscribe on or download the MP3 Or visit for more options and info.

submitted by /u/xanderhook
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[RANT]Playing Iron Banner solo really cements that this is the worst Destiny's solo PvP has ever been to me

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 10:07 PM PST

The game feel so tailored to keeping PvP as balanced as possible that it feels devoid of any fun. Between getting team shot constantly and having teammates run off on their own to just feed kills to no gun feeling fun to use. I truly believe the days of complete unbalance back in D1 was far more fun for a solo player then. This may also have something to do with the fact that time to kill was shorter and we had exotics that actually felt good to use. Also besides there barley being a difference from casual and competitive, there's no leader board, which Bungie said they would have at launch in place of a ranked system if they couldn't get in the game on time, giving you little insensitive to play competitively. I would trade this PvP to just have Last Word back. I miss 6v6, I miss vehicles, I miss overpowered weapons. I miss fun.

submitted by /u/IAmDeicide
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I feel really bad for Deej, the next stream is probably going to be super hard for him :(

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 10:00 PM PST

His job is to read our endless criticisms of a game that he didn't make.. criticisms that he probably REALLY wants to reply to. But instead he is going to have to get up in front of the whole world and look us all in the eye and try his best to be excited about something that he KNOWS the community is going to tear to shreds in a fit of rage.

This is a really, really shitty situation for him to be in and I for one sure as hell wouldn't want to be in his shoes right now.

Deej, if you're reading this, you're an amazing community manager, even though you don't know many of us personally, you feel like an old friend. You have done a fantastic job over the years and I know you don't always get to choose what you talk about or reveal on streams or TWAB, but you do your job so very well, and I'm proud to have you as the conduit between us an them, even when communication is rocky.

Good luck next week Deej, and no matter what is revealed on the stream, You have my full support.

submitted by /u/Brootalcore1
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Less than 4 weeks ago Bungie acknowledged the major gripes of the community, said they were working on changes and they would be deployed as soon as they were ready...

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 02:31 AM PST

... the sub rejoiced!

ALL HAIL BUNGIE! It doesn't matter how long the changes take, just get it right and sort them out and thanks for letting us know!

Now the entire sub is up in arms.

Why won't they even acknowledge the issues?! Just tell us they hear us! GIVE US SOMETHING! ANYTHING!!!!!

I mean.. it was less than 4 weeks ago folks. Do you want them to just repeat themselves every single week?

In two weeks you'll have a DLC and a load of sandbox balances and I'm certain some QoL changes. Seriously, take that relic out of your Crota's End and chill out. This subs selective memory is worse than Failsafe's.

submitted by /u/ChrisCohenTV
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Two years ago, if you had described to me exactly what D2 was going to be, I would have stopped playing then and there.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:28 AM PST

D1 had it's hang ups... it was a seasoned studio going into a brand new world, a new type of game, a new fictional universe. I understood it's problems and had empathy for Bungie. I also had wondrous expectations for what a current-gen focused, Sophomore effort might be.

So much potential! So many directions the lore and mechanics could go. I was in it for the long haul. But now I think back on what I imagined versus what I'm playing and I'm super bummed that Bungie hasn't just gone balls deep with this project and tried to blow us away. Everything is playing it safe, by the formula, proven to work, proven to make money.

I'm thankful Destiny exists because it was my first experience getting 'hardcore' into a game, dumping in thousands of hours, raiding, etc... But the path that once seemed so delightfully long and winding just feels boring, like I've passed the same rock a dozen times now.

submitted by /u/Pervavore
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Does anyone else really miss random Nightfall modifiers?

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 06:49 AM PST

Set modifiers for each Nightfall was probably the worst of the bad choices for Destiny, 2 out of all of the many poor choices made. This was my favorite part of the game, looking forward to the random modifiers every week. Whether or not that week's Nightfall would be more about fun or more of a real challenge. They really need to bring back the random modifiers.

(P.S. It's very likely that the modifiers were hand-selected each week, as they often complimented or synergized with each other, and were maybe only truly random on occasion. So, just for clarity's sake, I use the term "random modifier" very, very lightly. You get what I meant though, I'm sure, but I know how nitpicky DTG can be about semantics.)

submitted by /u/LxIC0N
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Wardcliff Coil

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 08:52 AM PST

I think the launcher might be loosely based on the Warden Cliyffe Tower.

submitted by /u/KSPMUN
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As many of us overdose on a different type of sodium today, I just wanted to share a kind message.

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 01:22 PM PST

Stupid Vex Goblins don't know how to walk around pikes during public events

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 07:26 AM PST

Last night while waiting around for the vex sacrifices public event to start in the Exodus Black area on Nessus, I saw a bunch of pikes sitting around and decided to do a bit of an experiment.

So what I did is take one of those pikes and jam it in that one back path the vex walk through to reach the point where they kill themselves in that event. So I went ahead did the event as normal when I turned around and saw this where I placed that pike...

There was three goblins just sitting there waiting for the pike to be moved out of the way so they can sacrifice themselves at the spire and making the event easier by removing that one path for them to reach it. I wanted to share this because I think the potential of pikes to be used to block off paths and create choke points against enemies with simple walking AI might be useful for folks running public events and maybe strikes.

submitted by /u/dynamicsearchguy
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#2tokensandablue | The CoO Reveal Stream 2 story.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 10:35 PM PST

Link to the most rewarding video:

I made this video when I saw the #2tokensandablue moments in stream. This video is a cumulation of my frustration with how Destiny 2 has been so far. I decide to poke some fun at yesterday's steam.

Now to be fair, In terms of the loot system we saw on stream Bungie could be changing the economy to require less tokens for a package or make those tokens necessary to get the loot. I feel like they should figure out a better system than the token one we have gotten (what that is I have no idea). Only two more weeks until CoO and for the 1st time in my journey with Destiny the wind is almost completely out of my sails I'm finding it incredibly hard to be excited...

You should know that I love Destiny! The world, the music, the sense of wonder and adventure the friendships Ive gained, all of it we all know what I am talking about !…I hope I don't come across as too negative and/or toxic...But I feel like I am watching my favourite game die. I have stuck by it since D1 beta but its getting harder with decisions like this to standby and defend Bungie/Destiny 2.

I do think better times are coming though! Who can say where the road goes…? :)

Anyways I hope you enjoy and laugh. If not, I hope you have a good day!

submitted by /u/ScoutboxDesigns
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Shout Out to the Guardians who got me my first Raid Clear in Destiny 2

Posted: 23 Nov 2017 09:59 AM PST

Amidst all the chaos of things in my life and the separation of me from my old clan to building my new clan I lost my Raid group and therefore hadn't gotten to see any of the new raid. Which for the last month has made me extremely sad.

So this morning after running an errand I decided to try finding a group and I found guardians who are prime examples of why I fell in love with this game during Destiny 1's life cycle. They taught me everything about the raid, helped me see my mistakes and correct them. Not only did they hemp me see the raid they got me through the whole thing in my first attempt and I got to add some amazing guardians to my friend roster.

Thank you to the Guardians that helped me! Eyes up guardians!

submitted by /u/Dermintal91
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At this point I am more upset with Bungie than I am with Destiny 2 as a game

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:57 PM PST

Bungie might actually be one of the worst game-development companies I have seen in a long time. They are non-responsive, careless, and straight up disrespectful. There are free-to-play games out there, such as Runescape, that make less than 1/10th of what Bungie makes from selling a game like Destiny 2. Yet whenever the community riots over something in Runescape, it is fixed or at the very least acknowledged by the devs almost instantly. From Bungie, we haven't even gotten an "okay, we are taking note of your concerns."

How does that even make sense?

submitted by /u/Towerrrr
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The Farm. A Waste of an AMAZING Space!

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:07 PM PST

Why do I not have reasons to go here? Everything I need is in the tower easily accessible. And tbh I like the farm a lot more than the tower! I wish we could have utilized the space more instead of only using it for the campaign. We need a quest that involves Tyra Karn or something because I want more reasons to go there. Thoughts or suggestions?

submitted by /u/Szentinal
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This token RNG bullshit is what really makes me want to quit this game.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:37 PM PST

I opened 5 iron banner packages just now.... I got two weapons and THREE gloves. FUCKING THREE

Give me the option to buy the pieces I want or lose a player who's spent hundreds on this game, across multiple consoles, including bullshit MTX as well.

This is honestly ridiculous. First I don't get a FWC helmet and Titan NM mark in 30 engrams each faction, I'm still dry on the Lost Pactific helmet on Titan, and now this.

I'm not sure if I'm capped at 30 engrams for iron banner, but if I am, and my chances to get the remaining pieces in this god forsaken RNG loot crap is only 25 engrams, and I don't get an entire set, I'm filing for divorce.

I've been with this game way too long. Right now this feels like I'm going through issues with my long term girlfriend whom I've been with for over 3 years. I want it to work out, I want things to get better where I can enjoy every moment I'm with her, but things aren't looking good right now and I'm thinking off a break-up.

submitted by /u/Bizarrmenian
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Damn it. I miss the days of IB when IB loot had the chance of dropping end game.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 08:23 PM PST

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