Learn Dota 2 - Our stack doesn't seem to win.

Our stack doesn't seem to win.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 11:54 AM PST

We're already in about ~20 games losing spree. We played together because we don't really feel doing solo qs. But we don't seem to win any game. We were mostly doing good early game but get rekted heavily mid to late game a lot of times.

We are the only online in our group of friends at the time we play (around midnight), so we cant really change our lineup. It's either we stick, or just give up on playing as a party, which is sad since we really like to play together.

Our team has a big gap in skill level. One Ancient 0, one 3k mmr player (he has not calibrated yet but assume he'll be an Archon), and 3 Crusaders (2k-2.5k mmr).

What can we do to improve our game? Do we really just need to play separately because of the huge gap?

Here's one of our game: 3586064742

I'm EVE btw, one of the crusaders (that sounds cool). You can also find our other games by just clicking any of my lost match since their mostly with our party.

Sorry if I sound confused, and also for my English. Thank you in advance.

Edit: Here's some of our other matches. 3586126149 3579554906

Edit: 3574612739 3576514316

submitted by /u/lastletter05
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Who re-calibrated significantly higher at reset than they were pre-reset?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 03:26 PM PST

Im just curious who out there re-calibrated at something significantly(lets say 300 points) than they originally were pre-reset? I somehow calibrated lower despite winning most of my games and one extra afterwards and playing well. Still trench fodder. Kind of a downer :(

submitted by /u/csbassplayer2003
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How can I improve my drafting abilities?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:28 AM PST

I mostly play captains draft, and I finally tried a game a captain. We won, but I'm not sure if my draft was any good. The two teams were Radiant: shadow shaman, nature's prophet, ursa, bristleback, invoker. Dire: Windranger, Abaddon, spirit breaker, viper, slark.

I drafted the dire team, and the order you see here is the order of our picks. Please tell me how my draft could have been better. I can explain most of my choices, but I'd love input.

submitted by /u/SignuptodY
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Will Shivas follow the Haunt targets if built on spec?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:00 PM PST

Like the interactions for blink etc, will the shivas active jump from target to target if you haunt while the ring is expanding?

submitted by /u/dales0993
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To spam 1 hero in 3k or not to spam?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 12:55 PM PST

I need to get out of this trench.... I maintain 50-65% winrate in last 20 games according to opendota (I check it constantly, never goes below 50%) but it feels like I'm stuck. Out of my last 20 games, I stomped 10 of them (going 19/2, 10/2, 21/1) and other 10 underperformed but that usually happens when my safe lane is a disaster (being left alone vs offlane while other lanes are getting dumpstered). On the other hand, I often wreck their safe lane if I go pango or timber, or at least be annoying and not feed.

I have multiple heroes with high winrate ex. 68% wr / 50 games, 66% / 50 games, 64% / 30 games across offlane, mid and carry.

I dunno if I should just pick according to draft or spam pango offlane (60% wr atm), timber, PA, or AM, or slark. My peak was 3.4k and now I'm 3.1k and I SWEAR TO GOD I can't break 3.2k. As I said, a lot depends if I actually get a support who knows tiny bit what he is supposed to do, but if their offlane gets a free lane then I'm already playing from behind. I dunno anymore what to do.

Help I want out...

submitted by /u/blazingfear
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How do you juggle between csing properly and denying?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:23 AM PST

I've played a bit of LoL so i know the last hitting mechanic and i picked up the game yesterday and got like 4-5ish cs/min but i barely got any denies. So how do you balance between them? I feel like if i focus only on denying i'll lose out on cs and vice versa.

Also, any good ranged carries that have a decent base damage? I played Sniper and Clinkz and csing with Sniper was a bit of a pain.

submitted by /u/Smart__Alec
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Is Assault Cuirass on Spectre any good?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:36 AM PST

I believe dispersion reflects damage before reductions, so the armor and attack speed would be great on her. I don't see many builds or pros building AC on Spec though. Why not?

submitted by /u/lafekytin
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Thanks LearnDota2 - Achieved a new badge!

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:22 PM PST

Just hit Ancient 0 as solo support. It was a long road from Legend 5 that I couldn't have done without Learndota2 (calibrated Leg 5, lost 2 games, won 2 games, had less MMR but somehow got the Ancient badge).

I just wanted to be the first one to write a "thanks for achieving a new badge thread" and getting the Ancient badge gave me the opportunity.

Good luck on your climbs everyone!

submitted by /u/Hannibal_Spectre
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How to make up for other lost lanes?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:06 PM PST

I've been recently interested in carry, haven't gotten to play much of it but one problem I feel like I encounter often enough is that my lane will go well, but then either 1 or both of my other lanes get shit on. How do I use my lead to help win the game as a carry, especially if I'm playing something that has a hard time rotating (weaver, AM, etc.)?

For example, I played this weaver game a few days ago: https://www.opendota.com/matches/3578612187

I got a good amount of farm, I kept the lane back (not sure if this was the right move, to prevent Underlord from getting XP), got my items (which I'm not sure were right, but the maelstrom/mjol kept me ahead of the morph in net worth so it doesn't feel too bad), started to pressure the radiant jungle but then we sort of just got steamrolled. I felt like my impact was super minimal despite being the second highest net worth (super fat invoker, destroyed our storm). Eventually they just took aegis and high ground and I felt super useless. What should have been the course of action?

submitted by /u/UWAdmissionsAcc
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Mid/Late Game Decision Making as a Support

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:18 PM PST

Hello /r/learndota2!

I first wanna say thank you so much to this subreddit. The meta is always changing patch to patch and it can be hard to keep up with sometimes. This subreddit has taught me so much about Dota 2, and I still have a lot to learn!

Sometimes I fill roles in ranked, but more often than not I choose to play position 5 support. I love supporting because I'm good at it and I'm consistent: secure farm for my carry, ward the map in key traffic areas, deny the enemy as much as possible and TRY not to die in fights.

I've gained lots of MMR with this formula, but I'm still struggling. I win the early game for my carry, and help the other lanes out as best as I can in the first 10 minutes of the game. I think my mid/late game decision making isn't good, and I find myself pressuring teammates into pushing towers or going for objectives when they aren't as farmed yet or comfortable with sieging. I see myself fall behind as a support, the enemy has time to catch up and we end up losing.

My question is this: after winning the early game as a support, what steps can I take to make sure my team wins the mid/late game as well? Aggressive wards? Defensive wards? Smoke ganks? Or does it all depend on the game state?

Thank you!

submitted by /u/mrgbow
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I trying to learn pos4/roaming role. I'am bad at every other position and haven't tried this one yet. Send help.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:01 PM PST

Hi I would really appreciate if someone who has some spare time would look at my most recent games where I played pos 4 Slardar. I like the hero because he is manly and a fish. I would like to improve at roaming since I feel I am dragging my team down whenever I play it. I feel small and insignificant in my games compared to most of the players in my rating, yet I would rat my way into higher ratings. Would like some other hero suggestions for pos4. Here is me at https://www.opendota.com/players/154495639 Thanks.

submitted by /u/GHWyq
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New high skill and very high skill mmr/medals?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:07 PM PST

Does anyone know where they start

submitted by /u/BurnsyCEO
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Why magnus is not in the meta anymore ?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:04 AM PST

last time i saw him being picked frequently was in kiev major

submitted by /u/Nero420
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How to deal with axe as a melee hero?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:49 AM PST

I just played a game as faceless void where I was barely able to get last hits as the offlane axe would taunt and kill me with the other sniper in the lane whenever I came close to the creep wave.


submitted by /u/PixelFallHD
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Item dictation

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:38 AM PST

When should I buy an item that deviates from the standard build of the hero. Like hood after deso on PA (I've seen some pros do it against magic-heavy line-ups). Or when to build certain core items over others. Maybe an a Injoker building a link. over a Euls scepter, or upgrading your boots from phase or PTs into TP's. I tend to struggle with this, I either over commit to it, or I build it to late/early and It messes me up, and puts me behind. (Before medals I was in 1.9k - 2.2k MMR most of the time)

submitted by /u/NotMeTwopointO
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I can't improve my win rate some [inexplicable] reason

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:12 PM PST

I am and have been stuck between 3400-3700 MMR (usually at 3600) for 3 years now.

First off, and huge disclsimer, I am a full believer in dunning kruger. And after years of feeling like I deserve this mmr I am not sure where I am going wrong.

I play carry and mid and watching my replays, I have to say that I rarely if ever make game losing deaths that dont involve forced teamfights by my teammates. And in most games I am well over 2.0 K/D with highest networth.

It doesnt matter how well I farm. I can't put enough pressure on the enemy to win. BECAUSE If I go HAM and just pressure the opponents I either die with godlike or I constantly provide my team with a feeling of overconfidence and they inevitably feed and dive out of hubris thinking the game is unloseable. These two scenarios happen in almost all of my matches. So why am I dieing at all with godlike you ask? Bad itemization? Nope. I make bkb often as well as survivability items. Doesnt change the fact that when I have to help my team high ground that either they all die when I avoid death, or that I die so that we can win the fight. There is no middle ground unless I get very lucky.

It's gotten so bad that I've started playing safelane because winning the early game mid easily is just a huge liability for me. When I inevitibly get to 5-0 or some 9-0 I have to spend the entire game on edge making sure I do absolutely nothing wrong and that I let my teammates suicide without doing the same thing myself in order to save them. This doesnt work because my team just pushes HG the second its possible while im stomping. And no matter what I say to them they refuse to listen and get back. Im talking pre-bkb pre rosh HG dives and this happen A LOT. I tried communicating to them they will likely wipe and they just laugh and wipe anyways.

Sure, split pushing does help in these scenarios but if for some reason the wave is even 10 second behind I am basically killing off my team for a t3 tower at best. Once their core gets an ultra kill on my team, I seriously question if its worth the single set of racks.

Basically I can execute my own strategies well but I am completely unable to work with my teammates. Everything I do to win early game is constantly undermined. I would really appreciate some advice.

submitted by /u/naclislife
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Is Techies viable?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:29 PM PST

Is he a viable hero, or just a joke? Underpowered? I rarely see him and when I do, he does really badly. I have even watched a 5k player called Broxy play him and even he feeds like shit and rarely wins as Techies.

submitted by /u/Noxonius
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Is Zeus Support a thing ?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 03:10 AM PST

i seen it in a few of my AU ranked games and it if things go well for him how to i stop him from just dewarding everything

submitted by /u/irocksock
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How come Blademail has a pretty bad winrate on Slardar?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:12 AM PST

I was just thinking about how powerful it is to corrosive haze an enemy right clicker, blink stun, right click, then pop your blademail as they become unstunned. If they deal physical damage, they take it back with their -20 armour and melt, 4.5 seconds of them ignoring you means only 1.5 seconds until next stun. Win/win.

Is it fundamentally weak or is this just an example of bad players making stats like this look worse than they are? Like in my head it's obvious to go upgraded boots blink and force, maybe a medallion or something, and then finally blademail, as an example, but maybe the winrate is ruined by bad players choosing blademail before mobility, like a lot of bad players do with axe/lc?

I do know that sprint 115% damage taken does NOT deal 115% more damage to enemies, so in that case it's obviously not great, but -20 armour is WAY more than an extra 15% even in extreme cases, so it still seems super good on Slardar.

submitted by /u/Lord_Vectron
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Why is NP good against certain heroes?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 09:22 PM PST

Why is NP good against PA, PL, Void, CK, Weaver and Huskar? Saw video about offlane np in youtube. Here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VszGYRLdesc

submitted by /u/toppush
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Explain to a scrub player how PA is okay

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:42 AM PST

I don't see how PA is not the worst designed hero in the entire game. There's other heroes with RNG elements, obviously, but PA is just so entirely feast or famine it baffles me how she hasn't gotten a rework.

My friends who actually are any good at the game say things like "oh just get heroes with CC and zone her", which can slow down her farm, sure, but then she gets desolator and randomly instantly kills you. She might be far enough behind that your carry will be able to kill her, but it's so fucking frustrating.

Is the only reason she hasn't gotten a rework because she's not overpowered in pro play?

submitted by /u/GlyphInBullet
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How to counter Morphling?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:44 AM PST

Before 7.07, I had no problem vs this water guy, but now he is really annoying me.

He is a hard carry that can kill so many heroes in mid game by using Etherial Blade, and he kill so many heroes in late game because he is a late game monster with that crazy stats.

With agility grants movement speed, he is a race car now, something he surely was not.

Icefrog with all of his wisdom also made Att. Shift cost no mana, which means that AM, KotL, Lion, any mana killing heroes less effective, or have no special effect vs him.

With his nuke damage, he rarely has any problem vs Ghost Scepter, which was buffed quite hard because of Diffusal Blade nerf. Oh, he is the greatest Etherial Blade user in the game! Which means he is a Ghost Scepter buyer, and he has no reason to hate the change. Enemy support tried to Ghost himself to avoid damage? Boom.

How to counter him?

Ganking him early is common answer, but he has Waveform. Waveform is an amazing multipurpose spell that can help him escape ganks in any stage of the game and it give no f to Rupture and Mana Leak.

Silence is good and I know, but in so many cases, he had the time to click that attribute shift that put him in more than 3k health in less than 5 seconds.

Morph is basically a free cheese. Morph to a tanky hero and he is practically safe. Killing a position one carry as fast as possible is just unlikely, even if u initiate on him. If his 4 allies have some brains to cover him up or counter initiate, you will have a hard time to kill him

If someone can give me some more great tips vs him, it will be awesome. Btw, what pos 1 and pos 2 that is good vs him? I often play with 1 or 2 friends and that let me get the role.

Thank you.

submitted by /u/TedJA
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Requesting feedback on first 10 minutes of this game

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:22 AM PST


We were playing Rubick and Void, facing Tiny and Tinker. We lost the lane. I'm wondering how to handle such a lane. What are some general concepts that we are failing at?

submitted by /u/dino572
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General tips for SF?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:03 AM PST

I'll be honest here, I don't play him much outside of fucking around in 1v1 Mid only's or Turbo mode with friends, but I'm still kinda curious about a few things related to the hero:

1) How do you play the first few creep waves? I always held the belief that SF has the hardest time from lv1 to like 4, after level 5 you should do fine since you have quite a lot of raze and right-click damage. But how do you play those early levels, do I passively try to get cs and deny until I have lv5 or should i start going aggressive after lv3 and try to bully the other person out of lane to secure my farm?

2) Is bottle an absolute necessity? I've seen, albeit rarely, people skip going bottle if (a)the enemy mid has better rune control/mobility (eg. Puck and Qop), (b) if there are strong roaming supports constantly missing from the map (eg. BH, Pudge), (c) if the enemy mid is constantly shoving waves into you (eg. Zeus or Sniper spamming shrapnel) and leaving mid at any point will probably result in lost gold and xp. Under any of the above mentioned scenarios, is it ok to skip bottle and give up trying to get runes?

3) Considering both right-click and all-out magical builds seem viable right now, how do i decide which item build to go? Is it something that really depends on the enemy lineup and can cost me the game, or do I make whatever I'm comfortable with and just trust my ability to execute it well? Any other help related to early game itemization would also be helpful, since there are simply so many options - Veil/Kaya into Eul's or Blink for the magic build, Shadow Blade into Deso for raw right-click damage, I even like Hurricane pike in some cases, but I have a very hard time actually deciding.

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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