Guild Wars 2 - Apparently predicting stealthed players with necro marks is considered cheating

Apparently predicting stealthed players with necro marks is considered cheating

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:26 PM PST

[Art] Gandara's Doom (Kralkatorrik)

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:01 AM PST

Tomorrow's patch will have a dev Reddit thread!

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:29 PM PST

So, what actually is up with Sylvari Shoulder and Glove scaling?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:07 AM PST

Often times it feels like Anet is just breaking my spirit for the fun of it.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:51 AM PST

A Music Guild Tries to Raid - Part 5

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:48 AM PST

[Art] Warrior by Stjepan Sejic

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 12:25 PM PST

#GW2LivingWorld is back tomorrow in #GuildWars2! ~RB2

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:35 AM PST

Roamer's Bingo

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:17 PM PST

Just 'cause it's fun to laugh at these things. Bad with reddit, sorry if there's some kind of proper way to format simple image posts :D

Roamer Bingo picture:

submitted by /u/xXAgriopeXx
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Warning: Specialization Collection and Mystic Forge

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:51 PM PST

So, I collected the named Sunspear Weapons needed for the collection on saturday and put them in the mystic forge. This resulted in

a) unlock of the skin,

b) unlock of the sunspear weapon collection,

but not in unlocks of the specialization collections. I did not notice that because of all the unlock-popups. When I noticed that evening, I wrote a ticket. This was answered this night.

I expected them not being able to verify that I actually put the NAMED weapons into the forge and was pretty sure I just wasted 250g.

Instead, they are able to verify me putting the right weapons in, but they still won't help me.

I took a look at your account and was able to see you placing those weapons into the mystic forge. While this may unlock the skin, this will not add the item to the collection. The only intended ways to add an item to a collection is to either right click and add to collection, or to equip the weapon. In order to add the weapon to your collection, you will need to acquire it again as either a drop or through purchasing off the trading post.

I understand that placing a weapon into the mystic forge has worked in the past, but that was never the intended way to add an item to a collection. This has actually been a feature in the game since Heart of Thorns was introduced, and there were a lot of players then who experienced the same problem when Heart of Thorns came out. If an item was salvaged/placed in the mystic forge, and it was added to a collection, then that player got lucky. Since this has been a feature since Heart of Thorns, we are unable to replace the weapon for you. I apologize for any inconveniences this may cause you.

Alright, by the patch notes of feature pack Sept. 2014

An item can be collected by binding it to your character or account, using the item (e.g. a consumable), or unlocked as a skin. A collection can include up to all three methods.

So I definitely unlocked the item as a skin (since I got the skins), I also unlocked them for a different collection (since I got the collection), but not for this?

If this is indeed intended (because it's specifically an item and not a skin or something), this is definitely not communicated nor sensible. It also has nothing to do with any HoT Feature (it worked with Mystic Weapons for the previous collections since they only needed a skin)

So the reasoning is off. I possibly lost about 200-250g or 5-10€ in gems.

I'm posting now as a warning to others and in hopes somebody higher up the Support chain sees it. I also answered to the ticket with pretty much the same reasoning.

If they can see that I used the right stuff, and I just had to click "add to collection" beforehand, and they are willing and able to restore deleted characters, MF'ed precursors and stuff like that, would it really be asked too much to restore the weapons or just unlock them? If they are restored, I'll promise to just add and delete them, as to not turn a profit from an additional mystic forge try!

submitted by /u/Xanadias
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All ambient dialogue of exiles beyond the wall.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:24 AM PST

I don't think I understand Svanir culture.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 12:22 PM PST

Of the various antagonistic factions out there, at least two of them are explicitly misogynistic; The Flame Legion and the Sons of Svanir. I feel like this aspect of the Gold Flame Legion has been explored and explained rather well, but like most things Norn in the game, there hasn't really been much development. How do the Sons of Svanir view women? As inferior but necessary beings? As avatars of a great enemy, who must each and all be killed? Subjugated?

I think it's difficult (for me, at least) to envision the Sons of Svanir within Norn culture. The Norn strike me at once as highly individualistic beings, focused on their own freedom and their own legends. At the same time, much of what we see of the Norn are their warm hearths, their sense of hospitality and feasting. The SoS seem to worship Jormag in the shape of Dragon, a spirit of the wild - and this worship seems to be accepted in Norn society, at least to such a degree as to allow them in Hoelbrak. But what kind of people follow Dragon? Norn from a particular tribe? From a particular area of the Shiverpeaks? Do certain Norn hear the call, or does Jormag and his Frostbrood reach out to specific Norn?

Do the sons of Svanir keep their own cities and homesteads in the Shiverspeaks, and are there women in their society - even if those women aren't considered worthy to be warriors?

The Flame Legion had subjugated women in their society, but still made a place for them. I guess I don't understand what the SoS long-term plan is, if indeed they don't accept women into their ranks. Does anyone know if this aspect of their culture is explorable in the game? In a novel?

submitted by /u/K0nfuzion
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Sneaky - GW2

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:04 PM PST

The Commander And The Tribune

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:46 PM PST

So .. is anyone else getting graphic loading issues lately?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:58 AM PST

Real talk: Why is condi the go-to direction?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 03:36 PM PST

Disclaimer: I'm a WvW player.

Over the past 5 years in this game, I've seen a lot of changes when it came to balance. From D/D thief being the 1 shot master to pirateshipping to condi mesmers. One thing that always seems to confuse me is that since the change from traitlines to specializations and the condi buffs/fixes, Anet seems to consistently favour condis over power damage.

I'm a Warrior main when roaming. Warrior has been strong for a long, long time. But it has been receiving nerfs consistently for the last 2-3 balance patches. Sure, their survivability WAS high, but it has been destroyed now. In order to survive the current meta, which is just AoE spamming condis, you MUST go Spellbreaker due to the Balance Stance change. It used to be "I got 8 seconds to kill this guy". Now its "ive got 4 seconds to run away."

This is not me crying about my class being nerfed however, it's just that I'm upset at the direction the game's balance is going. Condi almost outclasses power on every class and it actually feels that after 5 years of playing, that I feel abandoned. The game is no longer what it used to be to me, a game where skill meant more than gear. Skill was what kept me playing for years. Trying to be the best player i could be. But that feels like it's pointless cuz someone can just faceroll their condis, be tanky as all hell and just wait for me to die and corpse jump me.

Just a bit of venting but also to spark a discussion: why is condi the direction the game is taking and what are your opinions? i'm curious and I want to see how other people feel and deal with it.

Thanks for reading my post and ramble.

HallmetW :)

submitted by /u/HallmetW
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Any leak or teaser for the next legend weapon?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:21 AM PST

Preferred 2 seconds long with 180p quality, and bad shading.

submitted by /u/Hokrox
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So if Amnoon is going to be shanked...

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:13 PM PST

I've got an idea! As far as I remember NA and EU servers made a huge farewell to the dam in Queensdale, that was so amazing, especially because we got an info from ANet that their HQ was attacked by Jormag's forces so many of us gathered near the dam and were waiting. :D

So perhaps everybody that has Path of Fire could gather one hour before the patches usually launch in Amnoon and say little farewells to this majestic city...

So bring:

1)funeral costume (black-dyed)

2)Aurene's backpack or mini

3)/cry emote

Even if the city will only be shanked in the story instance, not in the living world, let's just mourn and cry...

So tag up, gather in Amnoon!

I'll tag up in EU- look for Aurora Eleonora commander!

"Save the World, my dear. Save Tyria!"

"May Balthazar strengthen you"

and Kralkatorrik: "Feel the Fires of Balthazar!".

submitted by /u/auroraeleonora
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Was it ever revealed why the second stage of the Mouth of Mordremoth was removed yet the animation/cutscene kept?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:38 AM PST

Do people craft Ascended aquatic weapons?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:23 PM PST

I just finished my Ascended armor and weapons (trinkets and aquatic breather from LW maps) and the only non-ascended items I have left would be the aquatic weapons, but I am wondering if they aren't a massive waste of resources?

EDIT: Thanks all. I think, for the time being, I am going to put those materials to better use and just stick with the exotic weapons I have equipped currently.

submitted by /u/Phaedryn
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Should there be a "Field Priority" option?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 11:52 AM PST

It can be rather frustrating to intend to use a field for its effect (particularly reaper in an ice field, or using a fire field for quick might) only to then realize you have either blasted or leaped through a field entirely useless to your current build setup. Combo fields overlap constantly leaving which field you activate to often be left to chance, seemingly.

Do you feel a priority option for fields would be beneficial? Or do you think it would encourage less cooperation and awareness?

submitted by /u/jRokou
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I don't know how to play the necro

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:17 PM PST

Greetings everyone.So i just started getting into guild wars 2(started playing it 3 days ago).I still haven't purchased any expansions I'm just playing the free version right now.I picked my first class as a necro,but my experience with him has been...hard.Its probably me and I'm shit at it but while finishing quests Im always seeing people my level deal more dps and I seem to take a lot of damage and die alot.Im level 20 and I have died more than 5 times already.I've read on some forums that the necro is a good solo class and has descent dps.Can someone help me and tell me how to become a better necro?

submitted by /u/D3nam1c900
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Is there any way I can get money for Spiritwood Staff heads? Any buyers?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:44 AM PST

I'm really pissed at myself because I crafted 10 Spiritwood Staff Heads when apparently I only needed one... Is there something I can do to get gold back? Or something more useful I could make with them? (I'm sure I could at least hold on to one for Bifrost...)

submitted by /u/_1DumbName_
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PoF Story Question [SPOILER]

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 12:58 AM PST

So since we died, are we still under the Shining Blade oath?

submitted by /u/Helliebabe
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