Minecraft - Nice Trapdoors which open on the side [17w48a]

Nice Trapdoors which open on the side [17w48a]

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:14 PM PST

Minecraft Snapshot 17w48a

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:49 AM PST

This got buried in some comments the other day. Does anyone have more details? Is Minecraft seriously going to start selling gambling to kids?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 11:43 AM PST

My entry for our server Christmas build competition

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 12:15 PM PST

Smallest Redstone Nether Portal

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 11:00 AM PST

Old Minecraft player, just got back into the game and oh my God

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:54 AM PST

So I played hundreds of hours of MC back in alpha and beta. I remember the Halloween update was the biggest thing since sliced bread. Always had a blast, but eventually I got away from the game. Busy with life and work, playing other games, etc.

Until about a month ago. For some reason I noticed my little brothers playing MC on the WiiU, and I was immediately thrown back into the nostalgia of this game. So I decided, what the heck, I'll see what's new.

Holy hell what a different game this is! I'm in utter shock about how much content there is now, all these bosses, enchantments, potions. It's amazing how far this game has come in, what.... 7 years?

In any case, I thought y'all might like to know my experience with the two editions. When I decided to redownload, I went to minecraft.net and tried to remember my username/pass etc. and finally was able to log in.

Then it asks if I want to upgrade to a Mojang account. Sure, whatever.

Then it says I have a free edition of the Windows 10 edition, since I had the base game. Awesome! So I download the Win10 edition.

I open it up, and everything is different. Everything LOOKS awesome. I start a new world, play around for about 10 hours, no crashes, no bugs, smooth as freaking butter. Loving it.

After hours of joyful building and surviving, somehow, I come to the realization that this isn't... exactly... the same MC I played before. The Java edition still exists as its own entity. So I said, okay sweet, I'll play that then.

So I download the Java version. Okay, NOW I recognize this game. The menus look very similar to before. Everything is coming back to me. Hell, I actually still have save files from 2011 somehow still on my computer! I am recovering all of this Minecraft amnesia and it is glorious.

So I pick one of my old maps. Load it up with eager anticipation.

Aaaaaaand what is this? Lag? Holy cow this lag is REAL. I check my settings, drop the chunk render distance. It gets better, but still, very laggy.

Now, I should at this point mention I have a decent PC build... I built it in 2011/2012, but at the time it was great. AMD 8 core CPU, 16GB RAM, Radeon 7900 GPU, etc. A bit out of date but still okay right?

I walk around a bit. The lag, for the most part, subsides. I notice there are actually some noticeable gameplay differences between the Win10 edition and Java. First off, the swing charge meter. I like it. Also, shields seem to actually work? Also dig it. The crafting recipes seem to be "unlocked" in a different way and I like how that's implemented. Just enough mystery so it doesn't spell everything out for you.

I play for about 6 hours in Java. Smelt a little iron. Then the game crashes. Crap!! Okay that's not good.

Log back in, play for a while. Still enjoying it, but... I kind of miss my world in Win10. I miss how smooth it was.

Finally make it to the Nether, and... oh My GOD. The lag is insane! I don't remember lagging this badly before! I power through it, tinker around, find a stronghold.

I bust my way in and snoop around a while. On my way back I get ambushed by Wither Skellys and Blazes. This is why I brought a diamond sword! I hold my own with these guys until... you know it... the worst Nether enemy appears. The LAG is back. I don't know if a nearby spawner was freaking out or what, but the game moves to an utter crawl.

I look at the last Wither Skelly thinking, not like this. Not like this. He shows no remorse and he ends me. Brutally.

So I'm pretty pissed when I respawn. That is not a fun way to go out. And weirdly enough, the game is STILL glitching out. I almost can't even get back into the Nether because of the glitching.

So I turn it off. Log back into Win10. The smoothness, man. It's like night and day.

And that's my story. So, I guess my main question is, is Java Minecraft still pretty laggy for most people without a modern PC build? And is there any mod or hotfix that can help with this?

As much as I'd like to stay "loyal" to the OG MC, I'm simply enjoying the Windows 10 version so much more right now.

In any case, and whatever the version I play, it feels so good to be back. I missed this game so much.

TL;DR 7 years really changes a game... but lag, lag never changes.

Edit: Holy wall of text Batman! If you read all of this, thank you.

submitted by /u/Dappereddit
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A Computer That I Made

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:04 AM PST

Fun Fact: In early alpha versions of the game, stepping on redstone would break it.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:26 PM PST

1.13 Quality of Life Fixes & Bug Fixes Suggestion List

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:26 AM PST

Since 1.13 is the "Techincal Update For Ironing out bugs, and tweaking and adding tweaks"

This has already been posted on Suggestions /r/MinecraftSuggestions

But i figured post it here as well to possibly get more attention to the list of bugs and tweaks mojang could maybe take a look at for 1.13

/u/Jeb_ /u/_grum

Here are my suggestions based on the highest voted bugs on the bug tracker and what users have suggested from /r/Minecraft

Bugs/Glitches and Longest Running Bugs in Game:


Features That Were Mentioned/Tweaks:

  • Animated Swinging doors, trap doors.

  • Flower pots breaking when hit by arrows.

  • Fireworks having effects on mobs, such as scaring wolves(untamed).

  • Leads should be able to be attached to two fence posts.

  • JSON support on signs and possibly implementing a way to "make it work in survival". Searge later said "The plan is to eventually have every text that can be displayed on the screen use the text component system, then using § won't be necessary anymore.

  • Copy and paste support on signs & books

  • Books(& signs) editable anywhere, not just at the end of the page.

  • Leaves that are decaying should have a falling leaf effect(particle that looks like a leaf) similar to suspended sand. This would help tell players the leaves are decaying. You could slightly change the leaf block on decaying leave blocks if they wanted to.

  • Pistons make a jamming sound if they can't push the block plus some smoke particles.

  • Strong Holds: Should include spruce doors in the dungeons (irarely iron doors to the portal room only)

  • Jungle Temples have some poison arrows in dispensers

  • Ability to edit the skybox and biome/foliage/light colors in resource packs. Changes to the world format - modularizing and storing in 16 block high sections, ids per chunk. Such a feature would likely allow for infinite building height.

  • Fixes to chunk loading.

  • Glass panes should be placeable sideways to make skylights. (same with iron bars)

  • Glass panes connect to edges of doors. (They should)

  • Snow doesn't settle on top of slabs, stairs, doors, walls, or under fences(if it did fences should change and add a overlay of snow on top of the fence just for ambience).

  • Rewriting the key bind system.

  • An inventory rewrite was originally added in the snapshot 14w17a for 1.8, but a roadblock was hit and they had to shelve it before the release of 1.8. Other changes to the inventory have been mentioned, including spectators can now look at people's inventory, visible health/armor bar on all players, seeing players' GUI when spectating from their POV and the return of shift-double-clicking.

  • Hoppers can take out music disks out of a jukebox.

  • Hopper (hopper minecarts) can take plants out of flowerpots

Dispenser related tools/Features:

  • Dispensers able to put a music disk in a juke box.

  • Dispensers able to shear pumpkins directly infront of them.

  • Place cakes, Place sand, red sand, gravel, anvil, concrete(s).

  • Dispenser launches fireworks from whichever side it's facing.

  • Dispensers shoot fire charges like fireballs.

  • Dispensers loaded with water bottles (potion water), it shoots out water particles and anything within the 9x3 area in front of it will get put out if its on fire.

  • Dispensers shoot cobwebs like a snowball projectile, but wherever it lands places the cobweb block when shot.

  • Dispenser's can place flowers and plants in flower pots.

  • Able to attach leads to fences.

  • Dispensers can equip saddles on pigs, horses, donkeys, and place carpet on llama's.

  • Dispensers have the ability to put a chest, dispenser, hopper, furnace into an empty minecart.

  • "Minecart With ShulkerBox" Should be a thing.

  • "Minecart With Dispenser/Dropper" Would be a nice touch.

  • Would be Nice if a Minecart doesn't have a "block/chest", or block of sorts inside it. Would be nice if you could fill the Minecart with items that are seeable inside of it. Would also be nice if the minecart doesnt have any block "chest" inside of it. You could have two players inside of the cart like a boat can.

  • Lua Scripting (I know this is a very odd thing to mention at the end of a possible list but looking at lua again could be pretty cool for future Java servers to have these tools and customization to stay relevant compared to the bedrock edition with the built in API edits on the fly. Even if my argument is not the best I hope they consider this again someday.)

More Misc Tweaks for 1.13:

  • Recipes that require stone can utilize other stones from the over world: Granite, andersite, diorite. For the same recipes. (stone tools and stone recipes can use the other overworld stones).

  • Mobs dying in the nether buff black smoke not white smoke.

  • Item frames should be placeable on every surface like buttons.

  • Trap Doors should be prositional like logs and be placeable(the hinge where it opens) on any block. Allowing this block to be placed side ways would allow for "Old Western" style doors that open like regular doors,

  • Tamed dogs, or any tamed animal YOU tamed are immune to your sword sweep.

  • Naming a compass of two numerical value rolls will make it point in that direction(at that spot).

These are some Suggestions from bugs to tweaks to the game that are minor which would help some consistency for the game. Some of these are Mentioned features they would do, and some are features that were suppose to be added but haven't been done. A technical update like 1.13 would be the best time to do these.

submitted by /u/CraftTV
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Old house i found on a survival world! (Yes thats a ice spike biome next to the plains!)

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 03:08 AM PST

Are we still showing off map rooms?! JK! Last week's snapshot ruined mine!

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:44 PM PST

Was exploring a bit when I came across some roast beef...

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:54 PM PST

Sunset over the mountains

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:53 PM PST

Co-op build: Romantic-era city.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:46 PM PST

My wife picked up an Angel tree angel, and the kid's request was a Minecraft LEGO. I don't know anything about Minecraft. Are any of the Minecraft sets more desirable than the others?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:54 AM PST

As the title says, my wife picked up an angel from an Angel Tree, and the request is for a Minecraft LEGO. Unfortunately I am clueless when it comes to Minecraft. I've never played it or really had much interest in it.

Are there any sets (~$60, but we're flexible) that would likely be more desirable than other sets? I don't want to get the set that makes this kid go "Aw, this is the super lame LEGO. I really wish I had gotten this other one."

I'm ordering from Amazon, so this is what I have to work with: LEGO Minecraft sets

I can do one set, or multiple smaller sets.

Thank you in advance for any feedback.

submitted by /u/IlliterateJedi
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Quick guide to 'Customized' biome sizes

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 12:55 PM PST

I've been playing around with making absolutely, unnecessarily, gargantuan biomes and here's a rough guide on how they work out. If I'm incorrect on something or I miscalculated something, don't be afraid to tell me and I'll update as soon as I can.

Within the customized-world set-up you'll find 'biome size'. This does exactly what it describes. It sets the biome size. But just how big do the biomes go?

With the slider, it only goes to 8. For reference, the 'default' biome size is at 4 and 'big biomes' is at 6. What if you want a really, really huge biome? Something bigger than 8? How big, exactly, would that wind up being? How would you do it?

If you want a really, really gigantic biome, go to the 'presets' screen and backspace until you find the tag reading 'biomesize' and change the number ahead of it. You can pretty much choose any number you want. Any number EXCEPT ZERO. Don't do zero, weird things happen.


Let's pretend you have a cute little island in the 'default' world setting. You have the seed code for it, and you want to make it bigger; a continent! So you play around with the settings.

Now, with each increment on the slider, it doubles the biome size. Let's say your little island, in default, is 2,000 blocks wide and tall. That's about the size of one fully-zoomed-out map in vanilla minecraft.

I've made a little chart to show you just how big your little island might get depending on the setting.

Level 1 = 225 blocks

Level 2 = 500 blocks

Level 3 = 1,000 blocks

Level 4 = 2,000 blocks (default world setting)

Level 5 = 4,000 blocks/meters

Level 6 = 8,000 (Big Biomes)

Level 7 = 16,000 blocks

Level 8 = 32,000 blocks

Level 9 = 64,000 blocks

Level 10 = 128,000 blocks

Level 11 = 256, 000 blocks

Level 12 = 512,000 blocks

Level 13 = 1,024,000 blocks

Level 14 = 2,048,000 blocks

Level 15 = 4, 096,000 blocks

Level 16 = 8, 192,000 blocks

Level 17 = 16, 384,000 blocks/meters (your "Island" is now wider than the Continental United States, congratulations)

submitted by /u/justhereforminecraft
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New Snapshot (likely) Later Today

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:14 AM PST

The Empire State Building

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:14 AM PST

Enchantment table bookshelf selection.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 11:09 AM PST

Panicking.. Late to the update news about water

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:49 PM PST

So, i haven't been following the news like i used to, but i just caught up a bit, and am wondering about water physics. I'm assuming water learning to traverse hitboxes means the old holding water in place via sign will be wrecked.. This is super worrisome, as it wrecks most of my world. Is there word on this or work arounds?

submitted by /u/soadinc
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Help. Stuck in dirt box with mining fatigue next to water temple.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:21 PM PST

Help, I'm stuck and can't get out, I'm on my friends server and he refused to /kill me.

submitted by /u/matlupatlu
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I have created a super piston with the debug stick. I love this thing!

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 05:47 PM PST

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