Overwatch - Weekly Trash Talk Thread - November 27, 2017

Weekly Trash Talk Thread - November 27, 2017

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 09:08 PM PST





submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Pontifex Meiximus

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:03 AM PST

Explosively dramatic team victory poses

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 03:56 AM PST

Simple trigonometry

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:14 PM PST

A tutorial about how to upload and share a gif/webm from gfycat properly on Reddit

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:58 AM PST


I recently see a lot of gifs/webms posted on this (and other subreddits) which contains great content (and a lot of 200+ IQ plays) but are posted in a format which is harder to access than it has to be. In short,

On gfycat press the Upload Button on the upper right corner and Drag-and-Drop your video you want to upload on the website (or search it on your computer).

After the upload is finished you see this website (yes I hijacked top post's gif cause I had none on this computer).

Now the important part: Don't just copy the link you see on the lower right corner. If you open this link you will see this site. Of cause you can watch the video this way but it's not as enjoyable as it could be.

Instead of posting https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/DearBlushingAruanas just delete the gifs/detail/ and post this link: https://gfycat.com/DearBlushingAruanas

The new link will link to this site which is way easier and more pleasing to watch than the small one.

I personally don't know why gfycat changed their after-upload-site and now show this unsightly link instead of the short one.

submitted by /u/xShadowWulfx
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When your favorite 2CP map is about to start

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:09 AM PST

How to kill an ulting Mercy

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:44 PM PST

Early level design and enemies (fangame progress update)

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:34 AM PST

Widow was very salty after this

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:37 AM PST

Overwatch League – Path to Pro 2018

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:01 AM PST

If everywhere you go smells like shit, maybe it's time to check your shoes.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:06 AM PST

Alright, this is a topic that I need to get out there and people are surely going to destroy me for this opinion but whatever, maybe there's one person out there who agrees. The toxicity problem in Overwatch. I hear everybody talking about how it's going to destroy Overwatch and blah blah blah whatever.

My point is in the title.

The same people who constantly bitch about toxicity in games are the same people who start the toxicity in those games. A hefty majority of my games end up in fun and new friends to play Overwatch with. If I think somebody should switch I start with "If you aren't getting work done, do you think you could switch?" Sometimes even that will get them to switch, and if not, ask politely again if they aren't getting that work done. If they retaliate with toxicity, you've done all you can and sure complain away. (Also report them)

A lot of time the people who complain about toxicity are the same people who get an attack torb locked in and immediate lose their shit and go full bonobo. So in essence, the title says it all.

submitted by /u/hyperboy2435
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How to properly play sneaky junkrat

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:18 AM PST

Are we ever gonna see the Kaiju (Godzilla type) Omnic that attacks South Korea?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:47 AM PST

Yeah. That's a thing. Many people don't even know but its one of the few things in D.Va's backstory besides her being a pro gamer egirl gone soldier. South Korea is apparently in ruin because there's this gigantic Omnic in the sea that attacks every so often and D.Va's MEKA unit is used by the Military to fight it. Pacific Rim style. Are we ever gonna see it in action or at least find out more about it? You'd think an Omnic of that size would be more newsworthy in the Overwatch universe.

submitted by /u/Tansasix
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Here’s something about Torbjörn that a lot of players don’t know or realize

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 11:37 AM PST

His primary fire does just as much damage as McCree's primary fire and WITHOUT a damage falloff range.

If you just spam Torb primary fire towards the group of enemies you'll be doing loads of damage.

Your primary damage comes from your gun. Spam it like crazy towards the enemies.

submitted by /u/SandwichMan96
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Sombra's Hacking Intro is easily the best moment in Overwatch when it triggers, we need more like that

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:40 AM PST

There is this moment in gaming when you sit back and enjoy your moment. Sombra's highlight intro has the function of taking that from someone and immediately drawing everyones attention, as it becomes the ultimate spectacle. I don't know of anyone that would choose any of Sombra's highlight intro's over the hacking one, as it's effect is just so good.

We need more impactful moments like this, where everyone cheers and woops for the best player as right now, play of the game seems so mundane, often choosing the moment Genji pressed Q over the moment a Mercy got off 3 resses and saved the game, or the Ana sleep darting the ulting Reaper and then healing through a Reinhardt slam charge. I do love the idea of PotG and see it popping up in many other titles (often when it's not there it feels super weird), so Blizzard need to keep it sharp to keep it memorable.

I really hope we see something for the Dual PotG's everyone keeps talking about, where a Zarya Grav + McCree High Noon gets a full Team Kill. Heck even go as far as triples and quads where the play was so good, we see Mei, D.Va, Rein and Mercy combo to nuke the game to a win.

PotG is quite a selfish moment, and I would love to see it get expanded for more situations to encourage more people to sit and enjoy the moment together, and even comment on everyones performances, instead of "oh look the Genji got a quad kill" or "Rein swung his hammer and killed both supports and the Widow". I wanna see more complex Play of the Games, and more impactful moments around them, so better highlight intros and smarter choices on who gets to be showcased.

edit: Would be cool and also resource friendly if the heroes just had a back to back pose where they lean on each other for combo PotG's during the first 2 seconds of the music (leading into the potg itself) and the text on screen says "PLAY OF THE GAME - MEI + DVA ULTIMATE COMBO" and similar for whatever happened, similar to shutdowns and lifesavers. Camera should start with the opener of the PotG (whoever threw the Freeze bomb, Grav Bomb, Rein stun etc) and switch to the person who scores the most killing blows for the ending bits. Alternatively have a roaming camera around the action.

submitted by /u/KennyL0gg1ns
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When the reporting system works as intended

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 09:39 PM PST

After months of tryharding the diamond solo Q, I finally managed to do this...

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:57 AM PST

A message to Moira mains.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:26 PM PST

Don't try and solo Roadhog. His massive fuck off health pool will cancel out everything you do. I'm saying this as a Roadhog main, and for your own well being. Don't waste your time, group up with your team, and heal the fuck out of them.

submitted by /u/TheOneGodKing
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Posted: 27 Nov 2017 12:02 PM PST

The cleanest Genji kill I'll ever get

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:24 PM PST

Moira has made me want to actually heal in quickplay. Fellow healers, I now understand your pain.

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:31 PM PST

I love Moira. She makes me want to heal. Actually heal, not just pick a healer and DPS. Problem? I mainly play Quickplay.

There's this little blood vessel in my eye that bursts now every time I see a Reinhardt or DVA plow way ahead of the DPS and heals into a glom of six and just get murderized. I feel guilty I wasn't as gung-ho as him.

I see a Genji marked "critical" through a wall and hit "X", "come to me for heals!" because I sure as hell can't get to him. I'm over here healing three other people. Spoiler, he doesn't.

I see people that trickle into a point instead of grouping up turning yellow and my heart just breaks. I couldn't help them.

Basically, I never realised how bad you've got it sometimes in Quickplay. So much raw human stupidity is just out of your control and you have to compensate for it. If you get a good team it's amazing fun but that doesn't seem to happen 50% of the time.

Healers, I feel your pain. I'm now trying to be a better Doomfist/Reaper. I don't push as deep, I think about healer LoS and I make more of an effort to defend focused healers on points. It's been a learning experience for me.

submitted by /u/klingers
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The best way to play Reinhardt... is stealth

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:53 AM PST

With the punishment becoming more prevalent, can we get an indicator when a teammate is muted?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 06:31 AM PST

Something simple like a red silhouette in the scoreboard, so we know who isn't going to communicate and potentially save people who complaining about a lack of communication from that player.

submitted by /u/WippitGuud
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You gonna do it? You gonna do it? Finally!

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:16 PM PST

DVa POTG feat. enemy Rein

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 03:49 PM PST

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