Learn Dota 2 - How do I play KotL support?

How do I play KotL support?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:51 PM PST

I always imagined it was mana leak based but most if not all builds on dota buff don't get mana leak until lvl 10. How am i supposed to use the first two skills as a supp? Just keep trying to hit the enemy without hitting the creep wave or something else?

submitted by /u/Babybean1201
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Can someone please explain what separates high level Leshrac players that it's this huge of a gap?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 03:27 AM PST

5.9k solo offlane player, interaction with chat, answering question about offlane in chat

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:49 AM PST

Doing daily 5.9k Ranked games on my stream,only offlane ( if possible ) if you need help with an offlane hero or how to play in general as offlane, hop on and ask http://www.twitch.tv/Bennydota2

Solo mmr ( new calibration ): 5940

These are my hero rankings: Dotabuff

submitted by /u/lazybeni
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Understanding Vengeful Spirit in 7.07

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:46 PM PST

Venge has >55% winrate across all brackets in 7.07. In 7.00-7.06 era, she didn't have such absurd winrate, being mainly used due to carry/core versatility, and was usually inferior to other supports. Now on 7.07, Venge has possibly the highest winrate. What happened? The only changes that I notice is Vengeful Aura creating a uncontrollable illusion - which is better on core Venge than on support Venge - and the introduction of a decent support talent tree, but she seems to have the same playstyle, without signifcant changes. What made her so powerful:

submitted by /u/Marconidas
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In a video, Pudge said "Dunno if this is an armlet game." What determines this?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 03:07 PM PST

I love WK and CK, and I've heard multiple people say that it's the most cost-efficient item for fighting.

Looking at its stats, it provides a shit-load of strength and damage output for early-game fights, as well as passive HP regen, attack speed and armour.

So when WOULDN'T you get this item on a tankier hero? Is it a farming item that you use if you're behind?

submitted by /u/Caffeinated_Thesis
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Good heroes to climb mmr at sub 1k bracket (herald 5)

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 05:12 AM PST

Title says it all. Was spamming luna but early pressure ruins you, so what hero can get online fast, needs little farm, and can carry a game?

I might be a perfect example of dunning kruger but I believe I'm slightly better than my mmr ( I can win a 1v1 Lane up to against 2k players, find 1.5k games easier because there is less toxicity and more coordination).

Thoughts/suggestions appreciated!

submitted by /u/screaming_tiger9
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What are these 2 options? Should i enable it or disable?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:10 PM PST

When to use shadow fiend ultimate?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:10 AM PST

I'm a Herald scrub that has been watching a few pro matches with shadow fiends but I'm confused about when they use requiem. Whenever I play shadow fiend I generally shadow blade on top of the target then Requiem or blink to euls then requiem. But when I see pro players they sometimes requiem from afar only hitting the enemy with one or two lines of souls, what is the reasoning to this? My guess would be area denial but I'm a Herald scrub so I'm probably wrong. Any tips/help is appreciated!

submitted by /u/TheErisedHD
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What carry goes well with Ogre Magi?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:36 AM PST

Just want to know what "carry" heroes synergises with him in the safelane or offlane.

submitted by /u/Arafeloj
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Going high ground against a sniper

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 03:03 PM PST

Played a game very recently where my team was playing really well until we tried to take high ground. One shrapnel and necros radiance would melt the waves before we could even hit the tower. I realize a big part of this is the low MMR mentality of not pushing and ending the game when you can, it's just that it's hard pushing alone.

Link to dotabuff if anybody is interested, not my best morph game but could've been worse https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3584668813

submitted by /u/hotahpeh
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Can't seem to get back into the game, help!

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:45 AM PST

I stopped playing Dota 2 right after the 2014 New Bloom Festival. I was around for about 1-2 patches afterwards, but quickly lost my interest again.

Now, I was a good player. I had good map awareness, even had some local competitons played with my mates at that time. Didn't really touch Dota 2, at all, after that.

Now, precisely one month, I started playing this game again, and oh boy... I don't even know what I am doing anymore. Most of the heroes I loved to play back in the day are completely changed in the current meta, Pudge mid is not a thing anymore, roaming is key, new items and items that give you spell damage and spell vamp (!!??), talent trees, new heroes, changed abilities, aghanim seems to benefit a ton of heroes... you see where I am getting with this.

I know the basics, but it seems to me like it's SO much to learn and I can't seem to get used to it. My mates started playing a while back, and already got a feeling of the game while I am here bashing my head on the keyboard because I am total trash at the game. I know I can work on my CS, get used to this new map layout and ward spots, recipes and item costs, since those get easier with time, but all of the other things (talent trees, meta, ect.) are so hard for me to get into that it makes me scream .

I had 2200 hours when I stopped playing, and I feel like I am at 100 hours in while playing. I really don't want to pour in another 2200 hrs to get back into this game. Any tips? I lose most of my matches, and I currently fail at every role. I am a terrible roamer, I am comfortable with just two carries ATM, so as an overall carry I am trash, I am an okish offlaner, again, with just a few heroes though and I am trash at supporting...

I really want to get back into Dota and play the fuck out of it like in the good old days. It was one of the only games I was proud to say that I am good at... now I am a total stranger. HELP

submitted by /u/WDZZxTITAN
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What am i doing wrong?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 05:23 AM PST

Is carry IO viable now?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 09:02 AM PST

I have less that 1000 MMR, but my friend and I tested lvl 20 IO talent tethered to pangolier. With swashbuckle IO basically kills the entire team & or puts them at like 10% health. My question, is if this is actually viable. (Pang could be substituted for Wind or Troll or Sniper, I guess, depending on the matchup).

submitted by /u/OmniscientShadow
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Can some one please explain to me how the calibration works, i have finished my 10 part games and have gotten Archon 4. If i now do solo will i lose that medal?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 06:45 AM PST

I have finished my 10 party games and have gotten Archon 4. If i now dot the 10 solo games will i lose that medal?

submitted by /u/LzVirtue
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Heroes to master to play pos2 in a dota 2 team

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 02:42 AM PST

I iam about to join a team to play a tourament and was assigned with pos2(mid) mid is my most common lane but i just realized my hero pool is very limited can someone plz tell me which heroes to master if iam playing pos2?

submitted by /u/ToxicDemon69
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I've been struggling since the patch

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:36 AM PST

The game seems significantly slower now. To preface, I'm not really a good player at all. 1k MMR bracket.

I'm getting the sense that something has happened to hinder snowballing and farming. I get that jungling isn't a thing anymore for the first 10 minutes, but is it shitty for pocket farming inbetween lanes now too?

It almost seems like the patch is encouraging constant fighting and pushing now, which is what the game should be about, but either way, I'm finding myself struggling to get to late game now, and when the games do get late, I am underfarmed.

submitted by /u/newp
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New To The Game (Sort Of)

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:57 AM PST

Hello, So, I have played Dota 1 for quite a while, but that was long time ago. Finally I have decided to jump into Dota 2, don't know why I even stopped to be honest. But as my prior knowledge has left me, I wanted to ask for some tips with general item build. I still got the grip when to engage into fights and some basics down, but I am looking into expanding my knowledge with items at the moment. Any responses I am thankful for. Love ya!

submitted by /u/Outtiee
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Meta report

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 09:53 AM PST

I haven't played dota since like TI or thereabouts. Can anyone be so kind to enlighten me roughly how the meta looks today?

submitted by /u/eulogy17
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how do you play enigma? Do you jungle still?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:29 AM PST

or do you go as a solo offlane? How do you play enigma in a double lane? as a support?

submitted by /u/-VwO-
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Do you play better when you TryHard or when you're with a "I don't care" mindset?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:50 AM PST

What's the ideal 6 slotted Anti-Mage?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:02 AM PST

I had a near 2 hour slugfest of a game last night (which we won praise the lord) as an Anti Mage but past the hour mark I was clueless on what the optimal invent should be. I kept Battlefury and Manta in the backpack, eventually selling Manta and bought Bloodthorn, and my invent was a core of Heart, Linkens (they had LC), Butterfly, Abyssal Blade & BoTs 2. I was constantly swapping that last slot between BF, Manta, Bloodthorn, Aegis, and Cheese. BF to push waves, then whichever I felt was best for fights. I would've swapped BoTs more often but important fights kept breaking out.

Anyway the point is, is there an optimal 6 slotted antimage while keeping BF in the backpack for pushing?

submitted by /u/Giotar
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Help regarding new calibration and ranks.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:04 AM PST

Sorry if this is a stupid post but I have 2 questions.

  1. Do the calibration games count if you play in a party?

  2. Is party rank and solo rank the same thing? If so, how does this work?

submitted by /u/Mui_25
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One of my better recent games. Tips on what I should focus to improve next time? [<1k as Chaos Knight]

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:22 AM PST


Last hits are a given though I think for my MMR was actually pretty good. My one death was overconfidence in my lead I think. What would you have changed on items? Did I lane too much? Should I have started roaming more once my lead was high enough? Farming tips?

submitted by /u/HORRIBLE_DICK_CANCER
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