Fallout - This ghoul looks like his girlfriend just broke up with him.

This ghoul looks like his girlfriend just broke up with him.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:10 AM PST

My Fallout ghoul costume

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:59 AM PST

Hi, guys! Huge fan of Fallout, and made myself a full ghoul costume, if you are interested, check it out! https://img00.deviantart.net/29f9/i/2017/330/8/6/fallout_ghoul_larp_costume_by_yshara-dbuxtwh.jpg https://pre00.deviantart.net/a85e/th/pre/i/2017/179/9/3/what_cha_lookin_at__smoothskin__by_yshara-dbecu2k.jpg

Hope you'll like it. Most of it self made - The character is meant to be Vault 12 originated Ghoul. Although with the gear, I'm not sticking strictly to one volume of the series.

submitted by /u/Yshara
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How I learned to love Fallout 4 by modding it to be more like 3/NV - mod list and links inside (Fallout 4) (PC) (minor spoilers)

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:11 PM PST

Sorry for the wall of text. TL;DR: I'm excited and happy that my attempt to mod Fallout 4 to make it more like Fallout 3/NV has worked very well, so I have posted a list of my mods with links and why I use them.

In all my years of experience, I've never gotten more enjoyment from a game than I have from the Bethesda open world FPS RPG. For me, it started with Oblivion, then FO3, FNV, Skyrim and then, FO4. Like most fans though (I think), I was disappointed in FO4 (I played through vanilla on a PS4). Undeniably the best looking of them all, but, well - you all know the list of problems. So right then, I made a decision. I put the game down and decided I would come back to it when a) GOTY is released with all DLC and b) I can snag it for half price on Steam. My goal was to basically use mods to correct everything that I felt was wrong with it. I didn't know if I could pull it off. I knew waiting for GOTY to be half price would be good for another reason: modding tools would mature (F4SE would be essential for what I wanted to do) and the mods themselves would have time to mature.

I wasn't sure it would work, but GOTY came out in August, and by October, it was 60% off on Steam. So I pulled the trigger and gave it a whirl. I am writing this post because of how absolutely THRILLED I am by how well it has worked! I'm so thrilled, I want to share it with anyone who may themselves want a more classic Fallout experience. Below are the mods I have currently installed with a commentary about why I installed them and how well they work.

A couple technical notes: I'm a simple man. Everything in this list was downloaded and installed via Nexus Mod Manager. I did absolutely no further LOOT/load order rearranging or housekeeping/archive invalidation of any sort. This list only contains mods I currently still have active, so I did experience some problems/conflicts and uninstalled some stuff. The stuff that's left (ie: this list) plays reasonably well together. I have divided the list into "Prerequisites," "Must Have" and "Optional." I ordered the "Must Haves" in order of importance (to me) - none of this represents any kind of load order, I just let NMM handle that.


Fallout 4 Script Extender
If you're not familiar with modding, there are two types of mods. Those that don't require access to deep game functions and those that do. The first kind are the kind that make it to Xbox and PS4. The second kind are for PC only, so I'm sorry to have to say that this post mostly only applies to PC users, because the most important changes I have been able to make absolutely require F4SE - which is the tool that allows mods deeper access to the game's functions. Sorry, console players! For what it's worth, I'm addicted to using a controller to play these games now, and I use an Xbox controller on my PC - it works flawlessly!


Silent Protagonist
Unquestionably the #1 required mod for me. The game's audible dialog for your character simply disappears. OH HOW I HATED sitting through that dickbag's constant "uh-huh"s and "yeah"s, nevermind the stilted dialog. All gone now, like it never even happened. I can barely remember it.

SCDC - Subjective Cinematic Dialogue Camera
If you're going to make your protagonist silent, then the awkward camera shots of your face need to go too. With this mod, the camera always stays focused on who you are talking to, over your shoulder.

Extended Dialogue Interface
I never understood the dialog wheel change. Having installed and used this mod, I now feel TWICE as strongly about it. This was a STUPID change on Beth's part. Just this simple fix of "remove the wheel, put the block menu in, spell out what every choice actually says and add 'persuasion chance' and 'conversation ending' icons" was all that was required to make the dialog feel like Fallout again. People complained that the choices don't really seem to be choices, that no matter what you choose the choice was the same, but honestly, I really feel like not knowing what you would have actually said by making the other choices contributed to this feeling. Knowing what all the actual dialog choices are absolutely makes it feel less like all roads lead to the same place. Fallout 4 may still be weaker in this regard than other entries, but once you're rid of the vague "Sounds Great." "I'm Busy." or "What Now?" approximations, it no longer feels like it's weaker. In short, it feels like Fallout.

Start Me Up - Alternate Start and Dialogue Overhaul
I feel bad putting this fourth because it's just incredible. I hated the forced vanilla story. Hated it. It's too specific. You're a family man, wife and child, and the story demands you give a shit about it. But not anymore. After the bathroom scene where you define your character's look and feel, a popup comes up asking you if this is real (continue playing as normal) or a dream. If it's a dream and you want to wake up, it simply lets you. You define your character. Where were you? (On a beach, in a church, at a hardware store, the list is HUGE). Who were you? (A raider, a thief, a Rust Devil, a member of the Church of Atom, again, the list is HUGE). How much did you know? (Level 1, Level 10, Level 100, a random level between 1-10, etc etc). How much gear did you have? (Nothing, a little, a bit, a lot, etc). What were your traits? (SPECIAL points distribution as well as skill traits like "Good Natured," although I stayed away from these). When you wake up, you are at a strange location, you level to your selected level and you have a complement of clothes and equipment that support your story. Awesome! But what makes it truly fantastic is how it handles the vanilla quests. All the quests remain, but you approach them from the perspective of a semi-interested third party. You still end up looking for Shaun, but he's not yours, he's just some kid you found out was kidnapped. You even see your dead (vanilla) persona in the vault. This is hilarious by the way, but more importantly, it works. It makes sense and it doesn't feel shoehorned (much - there are a few times where echoes of the vanilla game creep in, but it's forgivable). This is such a good mod, Beth ought to take a lesson from this for all their future games.

Start Me Up - Alternate Start and Dialogue Overhaul - Patch for Silent Protagonist mod
Start me up isn't silent by default, so if you use Silent Protagonist (and why wouldn't you???) then this is necessary.

Classic-Overseer-Monofonto Font Replacer
I actually installed this mod dead last, which I now find amusing. Something kept niggling at me. Something's still not right. I'm loving this game now, what's not right? OMG THE FONT! And what do you know, there's a mod for that. This mod's page has several fonts for download, but if you're like me, this is the one you want - the FO3 and FNV font. It's almost exactly perfect, except for the colors and for the fact that it screws up some of the interface (like the robot workshop) and the splash screen blurbs, but I can live with it. It just feels right. It completed, for me, this game's transformation from a pile of change-for-the-sake-of-change crap into a real-ass Fallout game. I regret not having this installed from the very start.

HUD Plus Plus
Really useful, can't believe it's a mod after I've been using it, it feels so essential. It displays a little popup of useful information about every object before you pick it up. How much it weighs, weight-to-value ratio, HP, rads, etc. This is the kind of mod that represents a change that (had Beth made it) would have been welcome. If I go back and play FO3 or FNV, I'll likely miss it badly.

Required by HUD Plus Plus.

Improved Map with Visible Roads
A marginally better map for your Pip-Boy. It's not the photorealistic map, but simply a map that looks much more like FO3 and FNV.

This is technically a cheat, but frankly, with the way they overhauled traits into perks, I was extremely frustrated with constantly wanting more perks than I had points to spend. It took away from my ability to enjoy the game. This greatly changes that by simply doubling your perks. Two for every level up. Since installing this mod, I've even come to kind of like the perk system. Also, my character feels as if it is progressing in the game along a track much more similar to FO3 and FNV, because in those games, you got multiple points to spend across multiple traits and (of course) a perk on every other level up. So this feels a lot more like FO3 and FNV to me, while still maintaining the vanilla perk tree.

Faster Terminal Displays
The game is much more pleasant just with this one simple fix. Again, this just serves to make the game feel like FO3/FNV. Annoying terminal text displaying slower than you can read is just plain dumb UI on Beth's part.

Deadlier Deathclaws
Who decided to make Deathclaws... more like Mirelurks? OK, they put up a fight, but you can beat them if you show a little determination. Not anymore. This makes them much more like FO3 and FNV. You basically need to avoid/run unless you're truly a badass. Be warned, it makes the initial Minutemen/power armor quest climax really exhausting.

Preston Garvey No Radiant Settlement Quests
And I don't even have to explain this one. Wow, who knew you could improve a game so much with this one little change? Oh that's right, everyone did.

Mod Configuration Menu
Required by several mods. Haven't used it much, haven't needed to.

No More Creation Club New
This one was one of those mods where I didn't know how much I needed it until I saw it under highly rated on NM. Removes the annoying CREATION CLUB note at the splash screen. Makes you happier than it probably should.

Just because I'm modding your vanilla crap out of my life, I don't get achievements? No thank you!


PhyOp Overhauled Optimized Textures
My graphics card is a few years old, so I wasn't getting good framerates. This is a great texture replacer mod that cuts the graphics size down by more than half. Still looks fantastic and my framerates are awesome.

Easy Hacking
Not everyone will want this, as it is essentially a cheat, but I find the hacking minigame to be beyond tedious. This just takes it out. You still need the perks to hack the terminals, but the text is all garbled except for the one (correct) password. I love it.

No Perk Level Requirements - ALL DLC
Again, not everyone will want this because it is technically a cheat, but the thing is, with the perk system the way it is, and with there being no skills leveling available, I found it impossible to build a decent stealth character until I was level 40 and had no need for stealth, which was annoying. This fixes that, but be warned, it enables you to power up your character much more quickly.

Legendary Modification
This is pretty cool. You can make your own legendary weapons. It doesn't make it easy, either, as the components (crystal, gold, etc) are the hardest to find in-game. I just never quite feel the need to name my own weapons unless they have the star next to them. Now they can all be personal and awesome, with some time and effort.

NCR Ranger Veteran Armor
This adds a set of (very tough, actually pretty OP for when you find it) Veteran Ranger Armor so you can play in a badass outfit straight from FNV. It even has a bit of backstory that makes it authentic - the guy it (indirectly) comes from is a powerful character in the game and he hails from out West. What I love most about this suit is the mask - which has a mod option for glowing red eyes.

Tactical Flashlights
The Veteran Ranger Armor is awesome, but it bugs the Pip-Boy light. Adding this creates an alternative (along with TNR Shoulder Lamp).

TNR Shoulder Lamp
The Veteran Ranger Armor is awesome, but it bugs the Pip-Boy light. Adding this creates an alternative (along with Tactical Flashlights).

Armorsmith Extended
I know lots of people will say this is essential, but since I rely so heavily on the Veteran Ranger Armor, I feel like I don't feel its impact as much. So I'm not sure how much impact this has on my playthrough, but I can wear a chestpiece and left/right arm armor (even with VRA equipped), and this mod may be why. If you aren't using the VRA, this mod is definitely a must-have. I recall being annoyed by not being able to wear armor with certain outfits. This is one of those times where I ought to do a quick playthrough on vanilla to remind myself just how much it used to suck.

Armorsmith Extended Diamond City Guard Outfit Override Patch
With Armorsmith installed, all the Diamond City Guards were nekkid. This fixed that.

Eli's Armour Compendium
Again, haven't used this much because of the VRA... I installed all this before I found the VRA. I'm sure I will branch out eventually and try different combinations.

Chinese Stealth Suit
Haven't found this yet, but since sneaking was pretty shit in vanilla, I was looking for anything that would buff it for me. The VRA also has a "Yao Guai Lined Boots," mod which help with stealth, and I am not sure if that's in the VRA itself or a result of this mod or AE.

Beantown Interiors Project
I wanted more locations in the game, so I installed this mod. I also installed a BUNCH of mods that had new locations with quests. I deleted all of them because none of them work with Silent Protagonist and boy was THAT distracting. So I would definitely recommend that you stay away from Quest mods if you're going to do this the way I did it. Most of them were pure shit anyway, no matter how high their ratings. Maybe in another year they will get better/work with SP, I dunno. For now, stick to mods that add locations without quests. I had a bunch of player homes as well, but wow, so many buggy ones - I deleted them all. They're just not necessary.

Companion Infinite Ammo
Convenience. Companions will not run out of ammo on their default weapon, but if you want them to use better weapons, you have to use this.

More Where That Came From - Diamond City Radio Edition
This is a fun mod. I enjoy playing music at times while scrapping, but my god the repetition. It's worse than real life. This blows that away. Loads of songs!

M3D - Sig Sauer P220
I missed having a .45 pistol. Why would vanilla leave this out?

Scrap Everything
Awesome, but dangerous in that you can sometimes scrap things you didn't intend, so save often. You can scrap entire buildings if you want to. Including their foundations. Reduce Sanctuary to land!


So yeah. I know that was stupid long. I'm really sorry about that. :) I just love having Fallout 4 be a game that I feel sits well among its peers. Most of all, I love that I love Fallout again.

submitted by /u/HAL_9_TRILLION
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Six String Samurai (1996) is basically a Fallout New Vegas side quest made into a movie.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 03:29 PM PST

If you put the Morrowind theme over Fallout 3's ending, it kinda works

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:53 PM PST

[F4] There were plans for a Vault 113 and Vault 120. What would you have liked to see in them?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 06:12 AM PST

The only Vault 113 reference there is is a logo for it, so who knows what could've been. Vault 120 was apparently the mythical underwater Vault that never was. Since it's underwater I can only imagine how insidious it could be, since apparently it didn't want to be found.

Vault experiments were originally designed to test recolonization efforts and how "they [people] react to the stresses of isolation", probably in regards to space travel, at least for the Enclave.

Source for the two Vaults: https://tcrf.net/Fallout_4

submitted by /u/rfriar
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shoulld I get the new vegas bundle for 10 € before the deal expires?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:28 PM PST

to clarify I've not played a single fallout game and I don't really want to go fallout 4 immidietly. due to paid mods etc.

submitted by /u/albl1122
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What level should i do the DLC's in FO3?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 09:42 AM PST

i downloaded all for my play through but i'm not sure when to do each DLC.

submitted by /u/Eraaak
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Who, in your guys' opinion was the most satisfying fallout villain to kill and why?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:28 PM PST

Is it possible to skip to a certain part of the game after making a new save? (PC) (Spoilers) (Fallout 4)

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 10:38 AM PST

I used to have a really bad problem with starting new characters in games. It was so bad and I did it so many times that I am absolutely sick of the beginning of the game. I really would like to beat this game and it's DLC's, but I can't stand the thought of going through the beginning again. The farthest I have ever gotten is the part when you are about to invade the Institution (I can't go back to that save because I deleted it like an idiot :/). Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/LazyLucario
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Any advice for a new player?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 06:45 AM PST

I've gotten fallout 4 for myself, since it was on sale recently, I've never played any of the games & I honestly probably wouldn't have if it wasn't for my girlfriend recommending it to me. I was just wondering if there's any advice on things such as beginners traps or what weaponry or armor to go for?

submitted by /u/DestoyLeo
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Thank God For Physics Engines

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:00 AM PST


She was just walking along then poof, dress goes nuts, instant flasher.

submitted by /u/Rivlien
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It would be cool if the next Fallout was about a cure for FEV or ghouls

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:50 PM PST

Ok maybe not the entire game being about it

but it would be interesting plot line since FEV has been a problem since Fallout 1 and in the newest Fallout a cure has been made, I think the next game would at least mention a cure, your thoughts?

submitted by /u/LarryBomb
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In power armor, why does the first person sledgehammer animation use it two handed, whilst the third person animation uses a one handed; objectively more badass version?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 02:01 PM PST

Now, I'm not one to really use third person when I'm running melee. But I've noticed that when you swing the super sledge in power armor first person it's just the default animation with two hands, but with more clunky metalboys. Then, in third person it's used with one hand, which is badass!

submitted by /u/69_CatLover420_69
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I love finding Fallout stuff in thrift stores.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:03 PM PST

I'm constantly finding great things at thrift stores (I put a lot of points in Luck), but it's a really SPECIAL day when I find something Fallout related. Even better, I recently found a copy of Wasteland in mint sealed condition for $2. :D

Here are a few of the FO items I've found:


submitted by /u/Cly_Faker
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My guess is that the empty milk bottles laying around is related to "the milk of human kindness" line

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 06:06 AM PST

The bottles are empty (except for the one that can be found at The House of Tomorrow)

submitted by /u/thousande
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If you love the orginal fallout games/NV/3 you should check out the game Elex.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:33 PM PST

Seriously, the game is crazy fun. Combat is a little wonky and its stupid hard at the beginning, but the whole entire time I could not put it down.

I highly recommend giving Elex some time, its going to be insanely hard at the beginning and you won't be able to really kill anything. But as soon as you get the hang of things and you get to level 10+ the game is stupid fun.

The game is pretty under the radar but definitely check it out. It plays like fallout if it was developed by a indie company that solely cares about making an amazing game as opposed to a game that will make money.

submitted by /u/slayeraa223
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Creation club wave three?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:24 PM PST

Yes, yes, I know I'm not allowed to like it. But I'd still like to know when I'll get more FO4 content. Any rumors or announcements on the subject?

submitted by /u/danktonium
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Speech Check Failed.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 06:33 AM PST

Played The Silver Shroud Quest for the first time

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 03:44 PM PST

Holy crap, what was that. It was one of the funniest quests I ever done. Very strange, and I loved it

I did the quest very early game (around Level 5 & 7) so it was sort of tough to beat

submitted by /u/headache8181
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What are some good lore-friendly mods for FNV?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 03:39 PM PST

I've played through this game so many times that, while still amazing, it needs some freshness.

submitted by /u/Lord-Twanger
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Saves won’t Load after turning Xbox Off

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 03:05 PM PST

This is my second character after coming back to Fallout 4. The first one was a heavy build which after hard saving and quitting the game wouldn't load back up. Same with this new survival build. I hard save and exit the game, which is probably idiotic of me since I'm not exiting to main menu. Is there a way to fix this? I do have mods installed in this exact order: True Storms: Wasteland Edition [Dn-0-Ts] Darker Nights for True Storms Project Fogout XB1: Darker Nights Classic Fallout Ambient Music Full Dialogue Interface [English] Cheat Terminal Pip-Boy Flashlight (Brighter) New Character Creation- SPECIAL Weapon Drop Standalone (XB1) Red Rocket- Window and Door Shutters Realistic Bullets: Velocity and Gravity Smart AI- An Immersive-Gameplay standalone Meat Plus Right-Handed Hunting Rifle Place Anywhere Everyone's Best Friend Stronger DogMeat Companion Status HUD MD- Marker Dogmeat Settle Sandbox and AI expansion Weapon Rack Bracket Durable and Realistic Power Armor Durable and Realistic Power Armor (Automatron) Enemy Scaling Revamp HUDFramework Visible Galaxy 4k WET- Water Enhancement Texture Insignificant Object Remover Optimized Landscape Textures Optimized Building Textures Reduced Grass Density (Lite) Realistic Sounds Disable God Rays Disable Lens Flare Realistic Roads- Black Asphalt Green In the Commonwealth XB1 (2.9) Plenty 'o' Exploration Castle Walls Required: Ultimate Vanilla Edition STS- Scrap That Settlement STS- Automatron Addon MAIN FILE Zombie Apocalypse Mod Survival Options Modern Firearms (Tactical Edition)- v2.5 BETA-1 (Dec 3)

A mod I had active but disabled when making this list (tried loading with it) is BASIC GAME: More logical and real weapons and ammunition

Any help is greatly appreciated

submitted by /u/Wacky_Username01
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How to start modding?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 03:05 PM PST

I switched to PC about a month ago and recently got FNV and wanted to mod it. I've looked everywhere but I seem out of luck, any guide I do find is way too confusing for me and I can't find one that I can understand. What's an easy guide or at least some tips for someone like me new to modding?

submitted by /u/Azuraaaaaa
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I've finished "Nuclear Family", what now?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:17 AM PST

Is that the end of quests? Do I buy the DLC? What do I do?

Also, why is that bad dramatic music playing that won't stop?

submitted by /u/Crazy4Android
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