World of Warcraft - Skirmish Sunday - your weekly PvP thread!

Skirmish Sunday - your weekly PvP thread!

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 02:09 AM PST

As always, all PvP comments, questions, and discussion are welcome!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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These people...

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:21 AM PST

Never forget.

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:34 AM PST

Got an interesting whisper in AV today. (Reupped with names removed)

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:54 AM PST

My experience lvling as an Affliction Warlock

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:56 PM PST

My pet has some kind of disease

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 05:36 AM PST

Every tier I host an all druid raid clear for my guild, here's our pics from ToS!

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 11:17 AM PST

I'm a returning old player and I just noticed this

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 02:34 AM PST

In the past, I used to absolutely hate someone of my same armour grade joining my group, it just meant that I was gonna lose whatever gear that dropped.

Now I love it when people of my same armour grade join because if they get gear they don't need, they can trade me.

It's neat.

submitted by /u/Kaoshosh
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Cultists in Terokkar Forest

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:47 PM PST

Sylvanas Cosplay by Ruhira Cosplay

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 06:21 AM PST

Did a Sylvanas makeup test for my upcoming cosplay ! I freaking love the banshee queen. grunts

submitted by /u/Ruhira
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Blizz, instead of a (limited) list of self-made transmog sets, could we get another 'sets' tab for our own creations?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 10:01 AM PST

Having to delete old transmogs to make way for new ones is getting a little annoying, and I feel like another sets tab will just make things more neat.

submitted by /u/lemme_lick_ur_hair
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Trying to get my Hidden Retribution Paladin appearance like...

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 05:13 AM PST

I just had a realization about Gnolls

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:29 AM PST

Theyre basically bipedal hyenas. They do that laughing sound when attacking.

Secondly, hyenas and lions hate each other. Gnolls constantly attack Stormwind. Whats the emblem of Stormwind?

A lion.

submitted by /u/Elyna_Lilyarel
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People in 2009 LUL

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 05:03 AM PST

King Varian Wrynn - Where Was He?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:14 PM PST

Varian's story is fairly complex, and aside from the series of comics centered on him, wasn't more than a name in each game up until World of Warcraft. I'll try to relay a little bit about this prominent figure of Warcraft History below.


Varian, nor his Wife, were present in Warcraft I, though his grandfather, grandmother, father (King Llayne, the head of the Human campaign), and mother were.


Varian (The original spelling was 'Varien') is mentioned once in the Warcraft II Player's Manual, at the very end, in a short section describing what happened after Khadgar entered the Dark Portal and destroyed it from the Outland side:

Having discussed the obvious benefits of a treaty with Doomhammer, King Terenas fervently hoped that the Orcs could be kept pacified long enough to eventually lose their lust for conquest. Thoras Trollbane of Stromgarde and Genn Greymane of Gilneas both disagreed vehemently with Terenas, resolving that the Orcs were too great a threat to leave alive. After months of debate and frustration, both leaders withdrew the support of their nations from the Alliance. Azeroth alone stood fast in its commitment to the Alliance. Even with the dynamic young Varien Wrynn seated upon Azeroth's throne, the distance between the kingdoms of Azeroth and Lordaeron made their union a hollow one.


Varian is mentioned once in the Warcraft III manual, in the section describing the Human backstory:

Though the Alliance was falling apart, King Terenas still had allies that he could count on. Both Admiral Proudmoore of Kul Tiras and the young King, Varian Wrynn of Azeroth , remained committed to the Alliance. Also, the wizards of the Kirin Tor, led by the Archmage Antonidas, pledged Dalaran's steadfast support to Terenas' rule. Most pleasingly, perhaps, was the pledge of the mighty dwarven King, Magni Bronzebeard, who vowed that the dwarves of Ironforge would forever owe a debt of honor to the Alliance for liberating Khaz Modan from the horde's control.


TL;DR World of Warcraft specific Technical Version:

Until patch 1.9.0, players could witness the king in his captivity in the sewer dungeons of Alcaz Island just north of Theramore, though he was not involved in any quests at the time. With patch 1.10, Varian was replaced with an elite level 62 myrmidon named Tidelord Rrurgaz and a sewer full of elite naga, and Alcaz Island became home to Doctor Weavil, a major part of the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj world event.


TL;DR Lore Version:

He was kidnapped by The Defias Brotherhood, imprisoned on Alcaz Island, split in half by Onyxia and one half was kidnapped by Naga and ransomed by Onyxia in human form while the other escaped to become the gladiator Lo'Gosh. They became one person again after Onyxia's defeat.

My assumption is that the events in which Varian's complacent half was ruling in Stormwind happened at the end of Vanilla, just before the Heroes of Azeroth defeated her.


Long, Lore Version:

Varian Wrynn was the son, and crowned prince, of King Llayne. Llayne was the King of Stormwind during the events of the first War, when the Orcs first emerged from the Dark Portal and made their way into Azeroth, setting up their first base camp in the Swamp of Sorrows. The Warcraft movie largely focuses on these events.

At the end of Warcraft I: Orcs vs. Humans the player destroys Stormwind Keep at the end of the Orc campaign. This sets in motion the events which leads Anduin Lothar to take Varian Wrynn with him, after the death of the prince's father, to Lordaeron to seek the help of King Terenas (Father of Prince Arthas) in retaking Stormwind and driving back the Horde. Terenas agrees to help, and sets into motion the events of Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness and Warcraft II's expansion, Beyond the Dark Portal. This agreement between Lothar and Terenas also led to other Azerorth civilizations being brought into the fold at the Council of Seven Nations in order to combat the growing threat of the newly formed Horde. The discussions and agreements were held among King Terenas Menethil II of Lordaeron, King Genn Greymane of Gilneas, Lord Admiral Daelin Proudmoore of Kul Tiras, Archmage Antonidas of Dalaran, King Thoras Trollbane of Stromgarde, and King Aiden Perenolde of Alterac - all of which appear or are referenced in some capacity throughout Warcraft III and World of Warcraft.

The High Elves of Quel'thalas sent a token force under Alleria Windrunner, older sister to Sylvanas Windrunner, due to an old debt owed to the old Arathi Kingdom (of which Anduin Lothar was the last descendant) during the Troll Wars. Of course, this made the decision to join the Horde easy for the Trolls, as they could oppose their old Elven and Human enemies.

The Dwarves and Gnomes also joined the Alliance during the Second War (Warcraft II) as the Horde pushed into Khaz Modan and further north, making it as far as the Wildhammer Stronghold before the Alliance offensive pushed them back.

The Second War resulted in the Orcs being driven back to the Southeast region of the Eastern Kingdoms and the humans retaking Stormwind. A second castle was built upon the ruins of Stormwind. The planning and labour of which was largely handled by the Stonemason's Guild, led by Edwin VanCleef (Known in World of Warcraft as the final boss of the Deadmines).

Varian Wrynn promised to repay the Stonemasons after the Kingdom was re-established. However, due to the political arguments between the members of the Stormwind House of Nobles repayment was delayed as sufficient funding could not be granted. This caused the Stonemasons' Riots which ultimately led to the death of Varian's wife and mother of his son, Anduin. The Riots resulted in the Stonemason's being paid a small percentage of what they were owed. This was seen as an affront to the Stonemasons, and Edwin VanCleef left with many of their members to Westfall and formed The Defias Brotherhood. The riots and political arguments between the Stomwind House of Nobles are responsible for the lack of Stormwind's presence during the Third War, as the Frostwolf Clan of Orcs began freeing Orcs held in internment camps and worked towards rebuilding an army in the Alterac region.

At the end of the Third War, Varian Wrynn had decided to meet with Jaina Proudmoore to discuss relations between the Horde and Alliance and set sail to Theramore Keep. He was abducted by the Defias Brotherhood during his voyage and placed in a prison beneath Alcaz Island. In his place, Bolvar Fordragon was appointed to the position of Regent-Lord of Stormwind, which is where the events of World of Warcraft begin.

Varian Wrynn escapes his prison and is able to make his way to the coast of Durotar, though he suffers severe memory loss. He is captured and enslaved as a gladiator by an Orcish Shaman. Varian met with great success in his gladiator battles alongside Broll Bearmantle - a Night Elf druid, and eventually became the victor of a Crimson Ring tournament. After the tournament he was taken to Thunder Bluff to undergo a cleansing ritual in which he started to recover his memories. During the ritual, an elemental spirit was awoken which he subsequently defeated and was honored by the Horde with the gift of the name Lo'Gosh, meaning 'White Wolf' as well as with a Hippogryph Feather.

Broll and Varian made their escape from their slave-owner and headed to the Cenarion Enclave in Darnassus, as the feather was a symbol of the Night Elven people. While there, they were summoned before High Priestess of Elune Tyrande Whisperwind. Tyrande was sympathetic to Varian and provided him passage to Theramore, believing that Jaina Proudmoore may be able to help him discover more of his memories.

With the help of Aegwynn, Jaina is able to probe Varian's mind enough to discover that he is the King of Stormwind.

Things get a little strange here, though.

As it turns out, while on Alcaz Island, Varian is the subject of a ritual by the Black Dragon Onyxia in which she attempts to separate the parts of himself that give him a strong sense of will and resolve. She succeeds in doing this, essentially splitting him in two. A group of Naga interrupt the ritual and are able to abduct the complacent Varian while the half of Varian with strong resolve escapes and makes it to Durotar, thus becoming Lo'Gosh the gladiator.

The Varian which is abducted by the Naga from Alcaz island is ransomed by a Stormwind noble by the name of Lady Katrana Prestor. The rescued Varian cares little for politics and the troubles of his people and is enamored with Lady Katrana. Through the work of Varian's son, Prince Anduin, King Magni Bronzebear, and Lady Jaina Proudmoore (who has met Lo'Gosh), they are able to uncover that Lady Katrana is actually Onyxia in human form and convince both halves of Varian of the corruption Onyxia is sowing. Jaina, Broll, and both halves of Varian go to combat Onyxia during which Onyxia begins casting a spell to kill Varian. They are able to disrupt the spell and in the ensuing backlash of canceled magicka, Varian is returned to a single, complete person.

submitted by /u/Thread_Weaver
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In a random dungeon, Tank put a skull marker on me, so i asked him why. Him and his friend then kicked me out and this is what followed.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 04:52 PM PST

To the maker of console port. Thank you!

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 06:26 PM PST

Birthday present to my forsaken friend

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 02:55 AM PST

For long time progression raiders; which DPS spec dominated a raid tier by the widest margin in the past? What made it so dominant?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:13 AM PST

Maybe I should visit the forge.....

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 10:24 AM PST

History - DLC - 609

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 02:13 PM PST

Finally! Right before the new xpack and I get to start all over...

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 10:03 PM PST

Finally managed to do all mage tower challenges. And oh boy what a journey!

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 10:01 AM PST

This has to be the most engaging WoW content that I have ever done during my six years of playing (except green fire for warlocks). It has been a very fun and challenging way to learn all of the classes through this system.

Most challenges were done with 1-2 legendaries only (first two that you get fast) and only a handful of the classes I did had legendaries to choose from, which led to me sometimes being stuck with a DPS legendary that was nothing more than a stat stick for other specs.

In the imgur gallery I also included a difficulty scale from 1-10. For example, why is guardian druid so high on the list when it's the easier tanking challenge of the five? Well, I didn't have the Luffa Wrappings legendary, and I also did it with only 45 traits and below 900 ilvl, which lead to it being a tough one.

As time passed I obviously had more practice in doing these challenges, so some tanking ones were a lot easier for example, since I knew how to deal with them. Keep this in mind, because it shows that the difficulty scale isn't how hard the challenge is overall compared to the others, but rather how hard it was for me personally to handle, with the current gear and traits that I had at the time

submitted by /u/GringoSEVEN1
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Currently lvling a paladin. Found this a bit interesting.

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 08:58 PM PST

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