Learn Dota 2 - Dota 2 Update- New Ranked season discussion thread

Dota 2 Update- New Ranked season discussion thread

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 01:23 PM PST

All Standard Hero Builds updated to Patch 7.07c + Revisions of 7.07(+b) updates [200 changes]

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:04 AM PST

New MMR ranking season is out, recalibration is in process, just remember don't stress out.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 01:13 PM PST


It's finally time, and remember whether you calibrate high or low not to stress out, MMR is not a fixed number and can be adjusted, just play well and kill that ancient.

submitted by /u/avatera32
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when does the offlane start being a consistent role?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:32 PM PST

I really like the offlane, i generally do well whenever i get the chance to solo lane in my games, but my ranked games never have it as a role, its generally 5 carries or 4 carries and me playing a very greedy support, so im wondering at what mmr does the solo off lane become a more consistent role?

Is there anything i can do to get my teammates to let me solo in low mmr? I love it down here whenever i get the chance because its like a second mid hero, no one knows how to deal with strong solo offlane heros down here, its almost like having a second mid on your team if played well, but i never get the chance : (

submitted by /u/-VwO-
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Who to pick when supporting?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 05:25 PM PST

I've just started playing Dota again after a few years of playing league. My account is currently level 10 or so, and I'm having a hard time picking heroes. I don't think I'm good enough to carry so I prefer to go support. Is there an all around general support that can be picked into almost anything? If not, which heroes should I pick up and when?

submitted by /u/Skoonie12
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I just picked up Shadow Shaman. Give me all your tips and advice

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 10:15 AM PST

Absolutely loving SS right now. The disables, the push and gank potential, the wards. I'm still working out when and where it's safe to shackle because I think reckless shackles in fights are getting me killed.

Any advice would be great

submitted by /u/goblin_jones
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Invisibility is not invincibility

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 04:53 AM PST

I had a Riki last night getting into trouble because he was surprised when the enemy could see him. Enemy Rubik was carrying dust right from the start.

I want to take this moment to remind invis players to check enemy inventory repeatedly. Look for dust or sentries, or a gem.

Adapt to enemy play. Even when you don't see detection if the enemy brings it assume they will bring it for the rest of the match. Assume if they don't have it it's already down.

If a lane is clear check if the creeps aggro you. This tells you where the ward is. Dont forget to deward AND as other supports to deward too.

Remember just by being in a game with a lot of detection you make someone on the enemy team poor as fuck, unless you keep feeding so they can afford more wards.

If there is so much detection you feel useless try and wrap around fights and wait for an opportunity to pick off a support. Be patient. Often a support will be waiting to save a cores life. Even if you hit them and let them retreat they are out of the fight and you can look for more opportunities.

As an example take a look at this game. https://youtu.be/t6V5iDTtN0Q I am not trying to get on at the Riki. I know I am the same MMR. I think this game has some great examples of enemies carrying detection. Several times Riki almost dies and only lived because I anticipated the detection and sat on the edge of blink range to give him an escape. I know in some low tier games people don't buy detection but if the enemy buys it you have to adapt. Riki died once because enemy had gem, a teammate had already called it out. Again we are down to the importance of item checking which is super important as an invis hero.

Hope this is useful to anyone.

submitted by /u/bigmonmulgrew
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My friends and I have trouble against roaming Pudge

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:53 PM PST

I feel like this is extremely prevalent in 7.07, but it may be because I'm playing more than ever. I'm not very high in mmr and often play with even lower mmr friends. We always have problems against pudge. It's not that he usually hooks us or anything but in the first few minutes of the game he'll buy boots and just run at us with rot. Is there anyway to play against this?

submitted by /u/BoneDruid
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How to increase GPM?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 03:49 PM PST

Lately I've been practicing last hitting a lot, so I have significantly improved at it. But I still get like 550-650 GPM on average even as Luna/Sven (I know I should aim for at least 700-800 as position 1/2 player), I believe my main problem lies in inability to balance ganking and farming/pushing and bad farming patterns. I can keep up my last hits pretty well in lane, but after that I don't know how to properly farm and go for objectives. What are some tips for efficient farming?

submitted by /u/Silent_228
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Please give me some medusa counters that arent position 1 and 2.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:04 PM PST

I know am and invoker counters medusa but what if i play other roles. What are some good counters for medusa for offlane and support postion. Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/geniorr
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[Timbersaw] Whirling Death vs Timber Chain

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:41 PM PST

Looking at Dotabuff stats, most people prefer maxing Timber Chain over Whirling Death.

Why is that? Whirling Death deals more damage and has lower mana cost.

submitted by /u/ejtv
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Magic Damage Viper - Thoughts?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 12:35 PM PST

Seeing as Viper's new ability as well as talents seem to promote it; how valid do you think Veil into magic damage items Viper is? Think Veil, Mjollnir, Radiance, Octarine, maybe a Bloodthorn?

submitted by /u/kfijatass
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Single hero specialization to climb MMR a bad idea?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:39 AM PST

My dotabuff @ ~750MMR (now) with pugna https://www.dotabuff.com/players/52475453/matches?hero=pugna

I have a pretty high win-rate with him over the last couple of weeks, as it's always a crap-shoot if I can bring a carry online or if my SB stuns will be capitalized on by my team. I'm getting a decent understanding of game mechanics (on video 15 of Purge/Day9) but ultimately my goal is to get better. My strategy has been to watch and play with better players in a higher MMR.

Or, should I be concentrating on versatility and maybe coaching?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/www_avari_tech
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Power Treads stack now! So stack em, I guess?!

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 05:59 AM PST

Hey bois, I'm a 2,5k scrub with no real knowledge of dota that could propel me to higher tiers, but I am a cheapskate who tries to get maximum efficiency out of my shekles, since I usually roam.

And one thing that has caught me by surprise about how insane it is, is stacking treads on heroes who rely on stats and can use attackspeed. Take riki for example

Diffusal is/used to be a core item on riki for example. It's 3,1k and gives you:

  • 20 agi
  • 10 int
  • and a manaburn+slow

it contains two 1k items to finish

Now, compare this with 2 treads:

  • 20 of any stat you want
  • 50 attack-speed
  • for whooping 2,7k

with an easy buildup since all items are below 500 shekles, which makes getting it easy, even as a roaming-hero with no farm, who's prone to dieing.

I also tried spirit breaker with treads stacks and was hitting people like a beast with bashes and an insane HP-pool.

With stacking treads it's easy on heroes like riki or bara to outtempo the enemys allowing you to later transfer into other items.

Has anyone else tried it? What do you think? Why did Icefrog do this? Feels a little like dragonlance on Meepo.

submitted by /u/TheGamersEpitaph
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Need help on how to play offlane Brewmaster and Beastmaster.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:20 AM PST

I watch pro games and decided to give these two dudes a try. End up losing everygame i pick these two. Im fine with laning stage but i lack the gameplan after the laning stage. Please send help , 4k sea player.

submitted by /u/geniorr
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What heroes would be better if they had a different primary attribute?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 04:36 PM PST

For example, what if Ember was an INT hero? I think that would have some really awesome implications for his magic build. He already stacks a ton of INT - all that INT would turn into damage and, in turn, buff his Sleight. All the bonus magic resistance would also make it much more difficult for enemies to break through his Flameguard late game. I wouldn't say the current Ember - whether physical or magical - benefits from being an AGI hero anyways, since his agi gain is shit and he doesn't really need the extra movement speed.

Any other ones you guys can think of?

submitted by /u/eodigsdgkjw
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How to TEACH?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:41 AM PST

5k player here. I've convinced 4 of my friends to play. However after a few thousand hours and mmr later; I've forgotten what it's like to be new. I'm sure the best way to learn would to be hands on with an experienced player. But how to go about this?

For those newer players out there. What would you want from someone better to teach you when you started out. and those a little more experienced. What did you wish someone told you earlier to accelerate your learning process?

submitted by /u/mighty_muffin
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Lanes, roles and l2p issues

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 08:56 AM PST

Hello there! I'm kinda new to dota2 (200 matches played I think) and I'm trying to improve playing position 4 and 5 (i figured out that they are the "easiest" to pick since every single player in normals soloqueue try to pick carry heroes). The thing is every guide I read the lane compositions/roles are: pos1 carry + pos5 support on the safelane, pos2 on midlane, pos3 offlaner, pos4 roamer/greed support. But mine and enemy team composition always goes very goofy with maybe 2-1-2+jungler and the game is full of hard carries in general. What advice you guys have to offer about these issues? Does it still happens in ranked? Because I'm trying to use normals to practice since I consider myself very naive and unable to play ranked atm

submitted by /u/yangshindo
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Opnion on Phantom Lancer Aghs

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:37 PM PST

so i have been spamming him after 7.07 came out. i had a good run 8/9 game win rate without building aghs for him but went for heart right after diffusal.
then a friend suggested i build aghs as i can farm faster with it.
then i start losing 3 straight games as i get it into my build. for now i dont think aghs is that good on PL other than a farming item. as for the price, it is better to:
1) heart - helps u and ur illusions tank up.
2) butterfly - provides illusion with the agility stat which gives them more damage n attack speed.
3) linkens, an option for a defensive item as bkb is not good for PL.
4) skadi with all the stats it provides.
maybe my item sequence is wrong, that is why it is not working for me?, or mayb aghs is really not a good item for him after all? pls share ur opinion on this.

submitted by /u/Im_Nublet27
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Tips for people under 3k

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 10:05 AM PST

Glyph interaction with creeps.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 03:34 AM PST

Did they change something recently? I noticed when pushing high ground the creeps didn't get fortified for the enemy even though the building were.

submitted by /u/Same_Lame_Name
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Helping mid as support, but being hated on

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:11 AM PST

Why is it when I help support mid (which I see a lot of in higher ranked games) people immediately ping and freak out and then say they are going to report? It happens almost every game; please note I am currently playing at 1.3k. I rotate mid occasionally because I see a need, and a lot of the time the balance is restored and I leave, or pop out of xp range to allow the mid to still get the xp. I also rotate to the mid at times to ward, or to gank, etc. It all seems productive, yet I am shit on. Woes of being a support.. can anyone explain?

submitted by /u/netcode01
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REALLY proud of this Windranger game...what could be better?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:05 AM PST

Played some Windranger Offlane, and I think I did a pretty good job! I'd love if someone told me what i could have done better, as well.

match ID 3575628606

submitted by /u/guttersnipe82
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how do you itemize medusa?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 03:01 AM PST

I've been going mom > butterfly for higher damage in my lower mmr but im wondering what the popular itemization is for "MEDUSA SO OP boohoo" builds, i read mom > skadi but that feels like it wouldn't give you any damage? This is as a medusa mid.

submitted by /u/-VwO-
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