Diablo - Rank 1 DH 114 Clear with Multishot!

Rank 1 DH 114 Clear with Multishot!

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:59 PM PST

Bossland Ends Sales For Honorbuddy And Other Bot Programs

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 10:24 AM PST

Thorrbo's T13 Speedy carries! 8~ EST until I need to sleep!

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 12:57 PM PST

I'll be streaming and inviting whoever's around while I just speed through t13s collecting breath and souls. www.twitch.tv/imthorrbopls

I try and do these a few times a season for people who start late or just want to try and gear up a second character. I manage to push into top ten for leaderboards and don't see myself going much higher, but I figured I might as well farm a bunch of death's breath and help people out if there's any interest!

So if you want to gear up a monk or get some keys, come get a hold of me!

submitted by /u/imthorrbo2
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Only tried out Necro class recently, got super inspired and painted this

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 04:17 AM PST

I'm not having fun with Crusaders - help

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 03:41 PM PST

Hey everyone,

I'm new to the game, I started first with Demon Hunters, I had a blast doing all the dungeons, now I'm level 70-Paragon 23 with her.

I play in parallel with Wizards, they are also cool, and having fun with them.

I did not know about seasons until recently so both of my DH and Wizard are standard heroes, not seasonal, so I decided to give the seasons a try with Crusaders.

I'm now level 50 and not having fun at all. My damage are way too low, my ttk is way too high, and as much tanky I can try to be, if I don't kill them fast enough I will get destroyed. With both DH and W I never died once, but I died like 15 times by now with the Crusaders.

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong ? Can someone help me ? I'm soloing the game - Don't have a group. Is this class supposed to be played only in groups ?

I tried looking for builds but everything I can't farm that now (and alone).

If needed, I'm playing on Master.

Thanx for any help.

Also while we're at it, I got some general questions:

  • If I make my DH a seasonal hero, what do I keep and what do I lose ?

  • Is Critical Chance capped at 100% ? When I press detail, I never seem to be able to go beyond that (And even with that, I don't crit 100% of the time, weird)

  • What good website can I check for builds and where to farm them ? When I tried googling that, I was always redirected to Icy-veins

submitted by /u/Makozak
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I bought Diablo 2 today to play again for first time in probably 10 years. Where can I find good information things like runewords and single player mods?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:52 AM PST

Haven't played D2 in years, been watching YouTube videos lately and got the itch for some old school Diablo 2.

Where is a good source for guides specifically for things like mods and rune words sources? Specifically I watched a streamer that had mods that allowed him to reset his skill points and have an unlimited stash. These two things seem amazing for d2.

I don't plan to play multiplayer D2 and not looking for hacks necessarily, just some QoL mods. Any help? Thanks!

submitted by /u/Elder_Misanthropy
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Season vs normal

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 02:25 PM PST

I just started playing again. Wanted to play as necro and always seem to play in waves. I see we are on season 12. I haven't played since seasons were introduced. Question is I'm assuming seasonal is a lot like ladder on diablo2. Is there season exclusive items? And how long are the seasons? How much longer is season 12? Don't care about rankings etc. just like to play and have fun. I also tend to skip around characters depending on my mood of style of play.

All in all not sure which is for me. Seasonal or normal.

submitted by /u/bew86
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Silly/urgent request: D2 Whirlybarb animated gif

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 12:12 PM PST

I know how ridiculous this is but if anyone can help me, I'll be the most clever person in my DND campaigns private Facebook group.

What I need is an animated gif of a barb.. but here's the catch... the barb must be whirling while wielding one of the following Polearm-class weapon types: Poleaxe, Bardiche, Halberd OR any of their exceptional or elite versions.

For reference, this is to be used as a reaction to the following posted link from medievalists.net (warning: contains a crude pencil drawing depicting violence using a poleaxe):



submitted by /u/Hot4Demons
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LF clan that is active and somewhat serious

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 12:40 PM PST

Looking to join a clan to have reliable members to do 4 man contents with. Currently have a WoL monk ~640 paragon.

submitted by /u/TheKlutch
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Is there a viable lightning wizard build that doesn't use Archon and isn't CDR based?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:14 AM PST

Viable being defined as not needing perfect gear and able to easily farm T13 and GR60-70ish.

I'm not interested in pushing.

submitted by /u/EntilZha_Valen
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Have to choose what’s best versus what’s most fun to me

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 02:32 PM PST

As the title implies, and has already been mentioned numerous times before, the current state of the game is more about experience (paragon levels) instead of gear and stat priority.

I am now choosing to create a necro to run rat runs for exp instead of playing a crusader which is, personally, more fun

submitted by /u/Shaukuku1175
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Diablo 2 Flayer Dungeon 3 map layouts guide

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 04:04 AM PST

[EU] [LFG] Looking for eu clan

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 12:24 PM PST

Want to play with some competent (but not too serious players). My bnet is cvclixal#2523

submitted by /u/cvclixal
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I can't find chinese leaderboards for season 12

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 03:42 AM PST

Title. are chinese servers still up and running ?

submitted by /u/Herazul
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Having trouble assisting my friend with the Araneae 30 seconds Conqueror requirement

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:39 AM PST

~~I'm a barb with a fairly standard HOTA IK and Istvan build. I've managed to do it on my own early this morning, but my friend is a Nat demon hunter who hasn't had as good luck with gear as I have, and is having trouble doing it on their own.

I tried helping them, even tweaking my gear to do so, but it always ends up short. It just seems like the stronger we get(And before our latest try, I did some fairly big changes that brought me closer to the standard build and made me much, much stronger. I'm basically just one ring away from being 100% standard), the sooner each phase ends but we still have to wait through both of the damn sections between her three phases.

To make matters more confusing, when I did it on my own, I only got two phases. I tried on my own again to see if I could repeat that, and got three phases. I'm not sure what I did exactly the first time, and how I might repeat it with my friend. My best guess is I stunned with Ground Stomp at just the right time or something.

Can anyone help us figure out what we're doing wrong? Thanks in advance. ~~

Got this taken care of thanks to somebody who offered to help us. Thanks everybody. Thanks for the good advice for future build tweaking too. :)

submitted by /u/TransGirlInCharge
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Guides for high tier group grift

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:07 AM PST

I'm looking for a gentile intro to high tier group greater rift play using support classes. Are there any definitive guides similar to icy veins build guides that I could use to understand the builds used for group grifting with support classes? Bonus points if they are up to date for the current season!

submitted by /u/matticusrex
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Help with Rat run Support Barb

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 08:07 AM PST

I have been looking into trying rat runs for the first time and have gathered some support barb gear. My only problem is that i have no idea which build is the best for rat runs. I have read multiple guides and they all have different gear setups and suggestions. Looking for some guidance from the community.

submitted by /u/Apoptosis263
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How can I speed run diablo 3?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:40 AM PST

I got tired of putting numerous hours into the game when starting up a new season so I'd like to learn how to speed run it. Checked online but I've only found video of the people speed running, not how to do it. Was curious if there are any general tips for clearing acts 1 - 5 in a shorter amount of time. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/WizardRobeReddit
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Imperium Esports Recruiting

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 03:06 PM PST

Hello, my name is Zane and I work as the Blizzards game manager for Imperium Esports, an up and coming Esports organization that already has a foothold with two league of legends teams and a soon to be Rainbow Six Siege team. Imperium is looking to branch off into blizzard games and we are starting with our first team as a Diablo III Clan trying to climb the ranked ladder and get the Imperium name known. We are looking for three teams of fours and welcome anyone who is interested. Reminder this is open to any skill level and or experience

If you are interested contact me at ImperiumZane@gmail.com

submitted by /u/Zane1871
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Stuttering and frame drops after Windows 10 Fall Creator Update

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:22 AM PST


Just wondering if anyone else has noticed really shitty performance in-game after the latest Windows 10 update?

I run an i5-6600 with 16GB RAM and a GTX 1070 and I am seeing huge frame drops and stuttering issues in game since I installed the latest Windows update. Even with all the settings dropped to the lowest, the game looks like it runs at maybe 20 FPS

submitted by /u/stylus2vinyl
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