Overwatch - In less than a month, net neutrality could be a thing of the past. Heroes, the internet needs you now more than ever!

In less than a month, net neutrality could be a thing of the past. Heroes, the internet needs you now more than ever!

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 02:59 AM PST

Weekly Quick Questions Thread - November 22, 2017

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 09:07 PM PST

In this thread you can ask all kinds of questions you always wanted to ask without feeling like a total fool.

No matter if it's short Google-able stuff or a setting/skill in-game that you don't understand or a hardware recommendation, feel free to try your luck in here.

Trolling or making fun of people in here will be punished extra harshly! Please report such behavior.

For the purpose of helping people, make sure the comments are sorted by "new" in this thread.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Doomfist Has 18+ Bugs Across 4 Skills. I Gathered Examples for Every Single One of Them.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 11:47 AM PST

Rocket Punch Bugs

Bug 1.

Unstopped Ghost Punch - it is when DF goes through the target all the way till the RP stops by itself, the full distance is traveled.



Bug 2.

Stopped Ghost Punch - it is when DF goes through the target and the animation of punching is played as if DF punched the target, but DF is stopped shortly after w/o traveling the full punch distance, and nobody was actually punched.



Bug 3.

Wall slides - it is when you punch the target into a wall but it doesn't take impact damage and slides off of it instead.



Bug 4.

The Bouncy Bug - Introduced with the Mercy/Dva rework patch. Doomfist bounces off the walls and misses his target which he aimed for, usually resulting in death.



Bug 5.

Rocket Punch Stun Ignore - some characters like zarya and reaper can sometimes activate their shift midway through the punch knockback.



Bug 6.

Delayed Rocket Punch - Doomfist just stops midair for some duration of the rocket jump instead of going forward, or the full duration of it.



Bug 7.

Rocket punch does not break destructable objects.



Bug 8.

Mei's Wall <-> RP Interaction - often rocket punch won't punch the person in front of the wall, but will hit the wall behind the person and stop.



Bug 9.

Genji's Dash <-> RP Interaction - Genji's dash ignores the stun and the knockback effect, and continues to travel until it stops by itself.



Bug 10.

Reinahrdt Charge <-> RP Ineraction = often Doomfist gets stunned by punching a charging reinhardt from an angle that shouldn't be considered as a pin angle for reinhard, like punching rein from a side/back.



Seismic Slam Bugs

Bug 11.

Seismic Slam no damage registration - when the target is in your seismic slam area of damage, it doesn't take any damage as if it didn't get hit at all.



Bug 12.

Seismic Slam Cancellation - Slam sometimes is randomly canceled completely and puts it on cooldown, w/o triggering the wave at all.



Bug 13.

Instant Seismic Slam - in certain circumstances, the skill activates instantly, no honing/small jump, just isntantly, and usually for 11 damage.



Bug 14.

Grounded Slam Output With Aerial Slam Indicator - often when the indicator for a honing slam appears, Doomfist does a grounded slam instead.



Bug 15.

Grounded Slam Output From High Altitude - happens if there is a character below doomfist, despite both being at high altitude above the ground.



Uppercut Bugs

Bug 16.

No Launch Uppercut - Sometimes the uppercut doesn't launch the enemy up, or in the direction you uppercut.



Bug 17.

Grounded Uppercut - You uppercut but don't go up. I've seen it one time.



Meteor Strike Bugs.

Bug 18.

Incorrect Ult Landing - Ult lands on an unperchable ledge despite being centered below.




This section containt videos that compiled bugs from different categories.


Other Bugs

I don't even know in which category to put due to their rarity/unclarity/similarity with other bugs.


Lowering Seismic Slam Frustration Factor

There is also one more thing i would like to address, it is not a bug, but it is a massive source of frustration. This suggestion is a tl;dr version of this thread(https://redd.it/7dru1l), where i go with a little bit more explanation.


I'm talking about the situation where Slam lands directly into an enemy and completely whiffs, despite being right on top of him. I suggest making a small area around doomfist, in the point of landing, to also be considered the slam area.


Here is an imagine of what i mean: https://i.imgur.com/2OanzWw.png

Same image for mobile users: https://i.imgur.com/mqhIZP1.jpg


Removing Inconsistency From the Shotgun

Doomfist's shotgun has a completely RNG spread, and it makes it inconsistent for no reason. The RNG is so big that it makes the shotgun have high variance in results.


See this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J18bsHeoRc4


RNG introduces a variance in the TTK, from 2 shots to kill to 4, which is double the shots. This is bad and leads to inconsistent results. Nobody plays doomfist atm because his bugs make him inconsistent and frustrating to play, having a built in inconsistent tool is just beyond me. There is no good reason to have this RNG, especially in a eSports oriented game.


The RNG spread should be removed and made into predetermined spread, that is always the same, with every shot.


I will be adding more examples with time, if you have more bugs not posted here or more examples, please post and i will add it.


People were asking for a link to this post on official Bnet forums, here it is: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20759526643



2017.11.22 - added examples: 3.15, 1.7, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 20.2, 20.3, 20.4, 20.5; Replaced 4.2, 3.11 with a better examples.

submitted by /u/iSinner_
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Jeff Kaplan Talks More Junkrat Buffs

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 11:39 AM PST

xQc reformed

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 03:02 PM PST

Blizzard Entertainment’s Jeff Kaplan to Receive Honorary Award at the Fun & Serious Game Festival

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:30 AM PST

TIL you can use Torb's turret to kite Mei's Endothermic Blaster.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 01:16 PM PST

In case you didn't know, "Moira will unlock in competitive around 11am Pacific tomorrow (Thursday)"

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:21 AM PST

Blizzard World's Best Ride is the Shark

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 04:07 PM PST

The rest of his team left, so we let him do a POTG

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 03:27 AM PST

Me every time I get Hanzo or Widowmaker in Mystery Heroes

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:39 AM PST

Orisa Cat Skin Concept (she still has her eyes!)

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:05 AM PST

This is just getting ridiculous...

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:25 AM PST

My story: Why the game I love is bad for my health and why you should always try to be kind online.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 10:47 AM PST

Hi all,

Thank you for taking the time to read something that I am sure will not be new to many of you.

My name is Kitsune and I've been playing since the closed beta! I love this game, it's bright art style and characters that ooze personality.

I mostly play Mercy, D.Va, Mei, Winston and Mccree but tend to play what is needed. My favourite maps are Hanamura, Kings Row and Nepal. My best competitive score is mid Diamond but I've been on the gold/plat border for the last few seasons.

But something else about me - I suffer with clinically diagnosed severe depression and occasional panic attacks. I have been in and out of work for 2 years as a result. This is something I receive frequent medical help with.

Over the last year in particular Overwatch has been one of the very few things I have been able to become invested in.

As you may know through first or secondhand experience, people with depression often find little pleasure in life, in doing things they used to enjoy or in motivating themselves to do anything in general.

Unfortunately over the last few months every day I play Overwatch there comes a time I have to stop playing due to feeling unwell as a result of in-game conversations that either go on around me or that I am involved in.

In too many of the matches I play people will be at each others throats, whether this is with those on their own team or the opposition.

I'm sure you are familiar with conversations that go something like this:

Player A: "Death Blossom is a skill only used by pussies."

Player B: "Just get good at the game you fucking idiot."


Player A: "My team is full of retards, gg I guess"

Player B: "Shut up faggot."

Frankly, this makes me sad. I try to encourage my team. I ask what hero they would like me to play. I ask them to group up when possible or to combine ultimates. Sometimes I even ask them to be nice to one-another.

"Shut up gold fag."

"Get good and then maybe we will listen to you."

"Fuck off White Knight."

These are just some of the comments I have received for trying to help my team or other players.

Many of you will be able to brush this off. Some of you may even respond in kind to these toxic people.

For some of us - this feels like a personal assault. For some of us this can ruin a whole days progress in recovery. For some of us this can cause us to self harm or possibly think of doing worse.

It is sad that I should have to avoid playing a game I enjoy. A game that can bring empty days purpose and fulfilment. A game that distracts me from bigger issues. A game that when at it's best, makes me feel like I did 7 years ago before I started to display depressive symptoms.

It isn't right that I should have to give up playing or "man up".

It isn't right that I should feel physically and mentally unwell for playing a video game.

If you see someone promoting good gaming habits, encouraging others or standing up for those who are being abused online due to their skill, their gender or any other perceived arbitrary quality; do not ignore it. Encourage that which deserves encouragement and discourage and report that which does not.

I am tired of feeling worse after playing a game I should enjoy so much. I am tired of having to block 2 or 3 people after every other match. I am tired of being tired.

To those of you who know yourselves to not always be the nicest person in Overwatch or online in general, please consider that it is possible you are having a severely negative affect on the person behind the screen.

Some of your fellow gamers will suffer at the hands of others online for reasons like mine and for many others.

The world does not need more vitriol or hate. The world could always use more Heroes.

Thank you so much once again for reading my rant / plea. I have gotten a lot off my chest.

Play nice. Play fair. Good luck. Have fun.

submitted by /u/kitsune__
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Surefour gets a bit too excited playing Bastion

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 05:15 AM PST

[GAMEBREAKING] Tracer glitches into bell to contest while invincible

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:40 AM PST

Dear Blizzard, Please move the "team member left match" banner. It's disruptive to play.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 01:22 PM PST

I don't need a large red banner directly in my field of vision, and I certainly don't need it covering up the point indicators, thereby making it harder to see whats happening in the game. You're punishing me for having a missing party member. Please move the indicator to a more reasonable location.

submitted by /u/mgebers
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When the highlight resets your surroundings and make you look like a hacker

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:00 AM PST

For anyone that didn't know: Orisa's supercharger gets destroyed by the payload.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 08:49 AM PST

So, I play a lot of Orisa, and sometimes my supercharger ended a bit early. Today I decided it was time to confirm my suspicions. Turns out riding the payload over the supercharger will destroy it >_<

Not sure whether this is common knowledge or not, but keep in mind where you put your bongo!

submitted by /u/Thoran503
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Zen 2.8K Transcendence Deflected Graviton

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:27 AM PST

Talon Trio in the rain

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 04:43 PM PST

Just because you can’t play a hero to their max potential doesn’t mean they need a buff.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:29 AM PST

Before complaint about balance issue I truly would like it if people were more concerned about the heros actual effectiveness in game and not the effectiveness based on there own (possible) sub par skill level.

It is my very unpopular opinion that balance changes should always and only be done after getting input from professional level players.

The reason is that they are he ones who can take advantage of each heros full potential.

I understand that at LOWER levels certain heros may feel overwhelming and there should be some ways to deal with these heros better at that level and typicallyblizzard is good about that. They gave us torb and sym for a reason. And on the other hand they have us Pharah for a reason.

To continue though. A bronze level players interpretation of why they aren't able to cope with mercy is a completely different story as to why GM level players are forced to pick mercy over e we other healer in the game.

The bronze player hasn't put in the work enough to really understand how you can deal with symmetra and torb and so the value of there opinion goes way down.

Imagine if blizz only listened to bronze players concerning genjis balance in the game.

He would be deleted from OW and he is IMO one of the most balanced heros in the Pool.

If you are at a lower level(even myself i'm at 2400) I would just ask you to think about why you want to suggest a nerf or a buff. Is it really because a character is OP or is it because you are bad.

Maybe research what professional players are saying about the hero before you make a ridiculous, unwarranted post because it just may gain traction and give a lot of people a false idea about the actual state of the game.

Balance should consider the heros in the game as they are played by professionals who can utilize the hero to there max potential FIRST because of the competitive nature of OW. Complaining about a hero. Because you are bad is a terrible way to suggest changes and I think a lot of us are doing that without even realizing it.

submitted by /u/Neuromancerrr
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Another (flying) Bastion trick on Anubis

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 11:33 AM PST

Junkrat needs to kill the Mercy. Moira protects his vulnerable body.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:58 AM PST

I just really hate Mercy

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:31 AM PST

Never celebrate until you've heard the fat lady sing

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 01:55 PM PST

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