Guild Wars 2 - Rey Star Wars in-game cosplay!

Rey Star Wars in-game cosplay!

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:19 AM PST

Late night raid LFG is pretty strange sometimes

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 03:23 PM PST

[SC] Updated Benchmarks & Website (7/11 Patch) ft. [LN]

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:56 AM PST

Hello everyone,

We are pleased to announce that, starting this balance patch, Snow Crows (remember to clean your cache/hard refresh) will be releasing detailed Raid and Fractal guides . For this release we have been working in collaboration with Lucky Noobs. We hope our joint work will improve both the quality and release-speed of our respective guides for future balance patches. This collaboration will more so ensure the community will be able to find the most complete guides in both English (made by Snow Crows) and German (made by Lucky Noobs). The content of our respective work will be distinct, so if you happen to know both languages, it is a friendly recommendation to have a look at both websites. It has indeed been an issue that popular raiding guilds competed with each other to release the highest possible benchmark for a particular specialization. This often led the recipients of these benchmarks to misunderstand, overestimate or, in the worst case scenario, underestimate a profession's potential. But while "grinded" benchmarks do not represent the real state of the "raiding meta", they still reflect the maximum potential of a particular build. For this very reason we will continue to have some of our best players work on the DPS Golem to showcase the peak performance of each of the nine professions. However, we have also made an effort to find the most realistic numbers for each build present on our website, without infusions or intensive grinding. That way, the average raider will have a relatable number to aim for when practicing their rotation.

So, without further ado, here are the details of the 7th of November Balance patch.

Grace of the Land

The main change that came with this patch was the removal of the druid-specific buff Grace of the Land. Therefore and first of all, everyone lost 10% personal DPS. However, this hasn't actually had a big impact on kill times, as one or potentially two DPS slots have opened up because of this change.

As Grace of the Land now applies Might, it removes the purpose of having Warriors running Phalanx Strength. Now, the sole purpose of a Warrior is to bring profession-specific buffs: banners and Empowered Allies. This change raised a fundamental question: do we still need two Druids? If you don't need the extra healing or the extra might, why bother with two now that the Spirits also affect 10 people?

There is therefore potential (in some encounters) to run with a single Druid and a single Warrior, thereby opening up slots to other classes. This means you can effectively run with 6 DPS classes, as opposed to 4 pre-patch. So even though DPS has gone down 10% across the board, group DPS has barely been affected.

Fury and Might

Previously, Condi PS Warriors would happily supply 25 Might in all situations and provide Fury with "For Great Justice!". Now that PS Warrior is no longer a thing, you need to carefully monitor your Druid's build to see how much Might it can sustain. Since keeping a high amount of Might as well as a high Scholar uptime is important for your party, there now may be circumstances where a Support Revenant or a second Druid needs to be taken to ensure buff sustain.

Fury can come from a variety of places. In most cases you can simply run a Heal Druid in its own subgroup. This build pumps out an insane amount of Fury from pet swapping (Spirited Arrival), Call of the Wild and Tiger F2 skill. This Fury will easily overflow into the other two subgroups, and will be furthermore shared by your Chronomancers.

A second option is to force your Warrior to take "For Great Justice!". This way your Druid will provide fury on pet swap or with Tiger for one subgroup, while the Warrior will provide for the second. Finally, there is a 3rd option which involves your Chronomancers picking up Banner of Discipline and using Furrious Rally. This final method is the most optimal as it allows the Warrior to take a CC skill or increase his personal DPS.

Class Specific Changes


This class has moved from being a Might-BOT to now providing banners and Empower Allies. This allows the Warrior to run Runes of the Renegade at all encounters, increasing its DPS significantly. Warriors now have to be aware of where Fury comes from in his subgroup. If you are the only Fury source, then there are times when you will have to take "For Great Justice!". In this case, it is advised to run the Vigorous Shouts trait in Tactics. If you don't need to worry about Fury and are able to run Wild Blow or Shattering Blow, then run Powerful Synergy instead.


Besides minor pet fixes, the biggest change for this class was the revamp of Grace of the Land. Druids took the role of PS Warriors, and made boon duration builds more popular. On bosses with low pressure, Druid hasn't changed much: since damage output has been nerfed on Bonfire, Light on your Feet became a competitive choice, making for a slightly more versatile build. Core ranger still remains at the bottom and is likely to be forgotten. Soulbeast received serious buffs to stances, making it the "go-to" build. With the spirit change, Soulbeasts are able to give even more utility to the squad via Water Spirit.


Aside from the ICD placed on Ice Storm, Weaver was largely unaffected by this patch. The main thing affecting weaver now is dictated by which subgroup you are in. If you want to min-max the class you will need a second gear set to avoid losing out by not having Spotter in your subgroup (a side effect of running only one druid). While this forces you to take more Assassins pieces, most of the lost power will be compensated by having access to Empower Allies.


The Condition Firebrand build took some hits from the changes to Quickfire which now only gives 1 stack of Ashes of the Just instead of 2. The decreased cooldown isn't compensating enough, resulting in a ~3k DPS loss. The range and radius of all the mantra skills were increased. The rotation and gear are not affected by these changes. Power Dragonhunter was not changed and is still a very viable Power DPS option on a lot of bosses.


Condi Renegade was blessed with some nerfs in the recent balance patch because of the changes to the Grandmaster Trait "Lasting Legacy" and the Mace-Skill "Echoing Eruption". Support Renegade got some nice buffs to their Alacrity Uptime. Thanks to the removal of Grace of the Land and the buff to the target cap of Ranger Spirits, Support Renegade can claim a spot in Raid-groups on certain bosses.


Chronomancer was left completely untouched by the patch. On the other hand, Mirage got some huge changes: the Axe trait got buffed and the interaction with axe clones was fixed. As a result, Mirage got one of the strongest DPS builds post-HoT, mainly due to how strong the axe ambush is as well as the ease of its spam. To amplify the potential of this build, long-forgotten food and sigils have been rediscovered: the Energy Sigil and Dodge-food. The old meta build, the phantasm build remains unchanged. There are still some bugs revolving around the axe ambush, sometimes you don't spawn any phantasmal axes or the 3rd axe of the ambush doesn't hit twice. We didn't add Mirage to a big part of our guides since we believe that it's currently too strong and doesn't perform like it is supposed to.


This patch saw a significant buff to Power Holosmith's DPS. The Rifle build, already meta, got stronger with this patch thanks to various traits buffs. Even though the main focus of the balance patch was buffing Sword, it's still a bit behind Rifle in terms of burst and CC abilities. The changes made to combo finishers in Photon Forge also increased, even so slightly, the DPS potential. Condi Engineer was unchanged and saw a drop in its DPS due to the removal of Grace of the Land. At the moment, Power Holosmith remains overall better than Condi Engineer.


Thief has not had any significant changes in PvE. It all mostly consisted of changes and fixes to the Deadeye specialization. Condi Daredevil is still a very strong DPS option and is on certain bosses only surpassed by the Clone Mirage.


For changes and updates to Necromancer we forward you to an earlier post by Farbstoff. The patch has put the necromancer back in a very bad position. Anet tried to improve Reaper, but the result is far from satisfactory. Reaper has a lot of small problems which sums up into a very unbalanced class. The +400 Ferocity buff is locked to Shroud, making it less relevant with the reduced duration and the inability to receive healing while in Shroud. Scourge mechanics are currently not good enough for PVE because the specialization is designed around barrier and boon corruption. Both can only be applied very sporadically to enemies in raids and fractals; Mesmers do it much easier (for boon strip) and barrier is currently pretty useless in PVE.


For a full list, see SC Benchmark and LN Benchmark.

Big Hitbox

Profession Build Top Number Average DPS
Mirage Clone Build 45.986 42.000
Weaver Arcane Staff 42.512 40.000
Weaver Air Staff 42.858 40.000
Daredevil Conditions 35.111(w/ Fire Field) 34.500
Dragonhunter Virtues Radiance 33.646 33.146
Dragonhunter Zeal Radiance 31.797 31.297

Small Hitbox

Profession Build Top Number Average DPS
Mirage Clone build 43.097 40.000
Mirage Phantasm build 34.810 31.000
[LN]Soulbeast Condition Stance Share 34.333 32.235
Weaver Arcane Staff 33.889 31.000
Weaver Air Staff 33.565 31.000
Holosmith Power 33.190 32.400
Firebrand Condition 32.818 30.800
[LN]Weaver Condition w/o earth shield 32.457
[LN]Renegade Condition DPS with allies 32.305 31.000
[LN]Daredevil Condition with allies 32.096
Engineer Condition 31.794 31.400
Berserker Condition with Shattering Blow 31.018 29.000
Dragonhunter Zeal Radiance 30.676 30.100
Daredevil Power Staff with allies 30.419 28.500
[LN]Reaper Condition Krait 30.000
[LN]Reaper Condition Renegade 30.000
[LN]Scourge Condition Renegade 29.500
[LN]Scourge Condition Nightmare/Trapper 29.500
Daredevil Power Staff without allies 29.000 27.000
Berserker Condition without Shattering Blow 27.500
[LN]Reaper Berserker 26.700
Daredevil Condition without allies 27.500 25.500
Renegade Support rotation 24.000
Druid Condition Wilderness Survival 17.221
Druid Condition Nature Magic 15.175
Chronomancer Duelist/Illusions 14.216
Chronomancer Domination/Illusions 11.410
Chronomancer Illusions/Inspiration 11.102
Chronomancer Domination/Inspiration 10.158

Please note that all benchmarks are done with full stat infusions

With the release of this Balance patch, we decided to update our website with a fresh look. Because of this, our build update was delayed by longer than expected. However, now with our up-to-date website we should be able to publish future guides faster.

We also have a brand new Discord server which can be found here. There you will be able to discuss and ask questions about our website, our builds and the guides. It's also a great way to contact members from both SC and LN!

Finally, if you are new to raids and wish to learn, you will find on our website a section dedicated to two awesome communities: The Crossroads Inn [EU] and Guild Wars 2 Raid Academy [NA]. Do not hesitate to join them if you're eager to learn Guild Wars 2's raids.

Have fun !

submitted by /u/---Roul---
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On sale this week

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 11:02 AM PST

A quick introduction to WvW for noobs

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 01:42 PM PST

Six more days. #GW2NewMap

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:05 AM PST

Female charr holosmiths sure talk a lot about their heat levels...

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 03:13 PM PST

I'm not really sure if ArenaNet thought about the double meaning of that one, but as a female charr fanboy, it is definitely much appreciated.

submitted by /u/Cephaliarch
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PoF's models have pretty high texture quality

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:21 AM PST

I'm currently playing through the Final Fantasy xiv's stormblood campaign, and as much as I love the game, some of the textures are simply hideous in this game (for anyone knowing the game, I'm talking for exemple about Raubahn, Zenos, or doma's heir whose name I can't recall)

. So it got me curious and I started zoom in to textures during my PoF playthrough today. I must say the textures are very detailed, clean and sharp if you take a closer look.

I have a 1440p monitor so I quickly notice some drop of texture quality because of my monitor's resolution (for exemple the sky boxes of PoF) but the textures in the désolation, in vabbi, for exemple, are not much pixelated. I stared at rocks, rooftops, bone structures (yeah I like wasting my time)...

That's why if you stare at, for exemple, the bone palace, you feel like it's very very detailed (in my opinion at least), because the textures are pretty high, or at least high enough to allow details to shine.

It is interesting to note that FF Xiv's graphical engine is a modified version of the Luminous Engine, the engine used for Final Fantasy XV. Gw2's engine is original guild wars' graphical engine, just modified. And still, textures look better here than in square enix' mmo rpg.

It's wonderful what anet can achieve with it. It has issues, we kind of know that, but I think it's fair to say it's still impressive that this engine keeps up, still, to this day.

As for both game's performance, I feel like FF xiv is more stable but Gw2 allows more graphical options like supersampling and better anti aliasing.

I did some screenshots but I don't have access to my pc atm. I Will upload them later.

submitted by /u/Demeth54000
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Hi everyone. Here is my live cover of Fear Not This Night which was performed with a reduced number wind orchestra. Hope you like it!

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 10:42 AM PST

Lore Theory: Tyria is an intergalactic prison planet.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 09:28 AM PST

TL;DR: Tyria is the toilet of the galaxy and the "flawed" races from all corners of it are sent there to be culled regularly until they evolve past a certain point.

So I've been thinking about the lore of GW2 after seeing a whole lot of videos from people like WoodenPotatoes. Especially, after seeing the full Tyria map created by the community and finalized by that_shaman.

And suddenly it struck me, while looking at the Races page on the wiki: There are way too many sentient races on Tyria. Especially considering the small amount of the world we actually explore in the game itself. Each of these races are completely different with an evolution path that would be very difficult to achieve on a single piece of land.

Even if we were to consider only the playable races... the Charr, Humans, Norn, Asurans and Silvari, could not possibly all have come from the same planet, living together, constantly fighting. And then there's the absolutely intense variety of other life forms with various levels of intelligence, but all at different forms of languages. Let's just list them, just for the hell of it.

The Awakened, the Centaurs, the Djinn, the Dredge, the Dwarfs, the Ettin, the Excalted, the Forgotten, the Giants, the Grawl, the Harpy, the Hylek, the Jotun, the Kodan, the Krait, the Largos, the Mursaat, the Ogres, the Quaggans, the Seers, the Skritt, the Tengu.

We can also add on to that the whole slew of wildlife and nonsentient beings that are essentially all over the place. Some are obviously from Earth, others couldn't possibly be from here.

Now, nowhere in the lore, as far as I know, is there any mention of space travel. Nor is there any mention of even other planets or gates going to them. Essentially, the lore accounts for all the races being in constant fighting between themselves and also regularly (ever few hundred, or thousand years) being destroyed by these immense Dragons that seem like they can swallow the world hole - unstoppable, undefeatable, except if you DO, you're literally breaking the balance in the world and probably destroying the planet in the end.

So all this, basically hints to me that there's most definitely something going on that's bigger than the planet itself. Not a plot point that "we" care about as Tyrians but rather the explanation as to why we're all here. The theory is that all of the flawed races of the galaxy are thrown on this planet to evolve into a higher understanding of the universe so they can be reintegrated if they succeed in evolving or destroyed if they don't.

When I say "flaw" I mean weaknesses that make a race unsuitable for the greater purpose of the galaxy. Humans and Char are war-oriented races that blow each other up way too often. Asurans entangle politics and technology and really, there's some pretty bad Asura out there that are just as bent on destroying stuff than inventing it. All the sub-races we see like Krait, Jotun, Grawl, they all just want to either kill you or dominate you. The Dredge destroy planets through mining, the Krait enslave others....

So yeah. We're all the bad folks. I'll take a small aside here for the Silvari who on the surface don't look evil at all, but they are flawed: they are easily manipulated into service, one way or another, and who knows what their history is before their birth. For all we know the Pale Tree is actually a previously bad entity that's just trying to redeem herself after she was obliterated of all but one seed thrown onto Tyria.

Ok so, where would this leave us? Where would this lead? Well, at this point, the dragons are back but this time, we're the strongest (potentially) that any previous "cycle" has been. We've already slaughtered a few dragons, a half-god (which, hey, gods could still be "another race" thrown onto this place), and some are delving into "the eternal alchemy" which might as well be quantum physics at this point.

The species of Tyria will possibly, at least partially, survive the culling in a meaningful way without being thrown back into the stone age by the dragons. And then, maybe, together, they will have understood the meaning of collaboration and peace, and they'll be welcomed into the galaxy.

I mean c'mon. How long do you think it'll take for Taimi to harness the Eternal Alchemy's energy to boost an Asura gate enough to reach another planet, really? Or to construct a spaceship? Are we really thinking that's not going to happen soon?

Alright I'm done! Discuss!

submitted by /u/eslachance
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So who is that?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 03:38 PM PST

It's the most interesting thing to me in this trailer and WoodenPotatoes didn't find an answer to who it might be...

When Kormir says that the conflict could only end in two ways: the ruin of the Six (the weird mask breaks down) or the utter destruction of Tyria's magical balance (we see Glint and Forgotten tried to balance the magic- the cinematic from the Way Forward).

So it specificaly appeared when she said about the Gods, could this mask be showing us the face of the another god?

It's broken by the weird lava lines.

This is the men, you can see a helm on his head, it's so ancient Greek/Rome looking.

Does it show Menzies? Could this be him?

submitted by /u/auroraeleonora
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Do you think we will hear aurene speak for the first time in the new episode?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 02:17 AM PST

she is now more grown up/powerfull and we are still her herald and have a special connection to her.

I think it is time we hear her voice already, like vlasts and glints in the PoF story.

submitted by /u/kalamari__
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Apparently we're trying to copy the corrupted blood incident...

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 10:31 PM PST

The Lab Horror is "Steve" - should we rename the Caffeinated Skritt?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:08 PM PST

(Inb4: I don't know if this has been previously mentioned. If so, apologies. I also post rarely - if this shouldn't be here, I will delete.)

I don't recall when it happened, but the Labyrinth Horror in the Halloween maze was renamed "Steve" and this has stuck. Anyone who has spent five minutes in the labyrinth has either seen Steve, killed Steve, been killed by Steve, or read "STEVE" in map/squad chat when he catches up to the train.

The Caffeinated Skritt's name is about as long as the Labyrinth Horror's, and perhaps the game could use more such amusement by renaming this mob as well. Thus far, I've heard "Coked-Up Skritt," "Dave," and "Charles." (Points to anyone named Steve, Dave or Charles who are amused at all this.)

In the interest of having (more) interesting map chat in Crystal Oasis - which I realize is probably impossible anywhere in game - what would be a good name for a skritt that apparently lives where the caffeine is like air, couldn't you just drink it like booze?

Alternatively, if the mob has already been renamed, do tell. So I can properly refer to it as I'm killing it for the umpteenth time.

(Edit: typo)

submitted by /u/anonvalisanon
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GW2RaidarUploader v0.5 - Automatic background syncing app for your Raid Logs, more updates to come.

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 06:49 AM PST

Full source and download build can be found at

Video showcasing the current build

Program is setup to do background syncing at a given interval. You can have it setup and give systray notifications on successful uploads as well.

If you are someone who would rather only upload your successful and/or last attempts on each boss for a day, that will be coming in the next update later today.

Let me know if you have any questions.


submitted by /u/blahdot3h
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Cinematic Tour - Desert Highlands

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 08:50 AM PST

[EU] Server down?

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 12:55 PM PST

Our whole raid squad got a dc while doing xera. Now we only get "network error" if we try to log back on a char. Anyone else having this problem?

Edit: Code=1083:5:7:1596:101

Edit2: Now able to log in on my char but unable to enter a raid. Also my Skills got resetted to a state before i changed them. Code=19:9:18:1803:101

Edit3: Seems like it's fine now. Will update if something happens again.

submitted by /u/Hertekx
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[Raiders In Training - NA] Announcing Raiders In Training, a new Discord community devoted to preparing players for accessible, realistic raiding experiences. Actively seeking additional Trainers at this time.

Posted: 21 Nov 2017 08:44 PM PST



Raiders In Training (NA)



Swifty here, previous founder of Guild Wars 2 Raid Training (GW2RT).

(Clarification: Im no longer affiliated at this time with Academy)


I'm here today to announce Raiders In Training (RIT), a new NA based guild-less Discord community that is exclusively focused on training new raiders to prepare them to be able to clear individual raid wings in a reasonable time.


At this time, similar with the original launch of GW2RT back in September, we are really in need of additional Trainers before we fully open RIT up to the general public, which we want to do as soon as our Trainers are ready.


TL:DR If you are interested in becoming one of our Trainers, please PM myself or reply below and we can show you around the server! Read below if you want to learn more about what makes us unique and how our server functions.




What Makes Us Different? Accessibility and Realistic Performance Expectations



There are multiple raid training Discords that serve large communities that provide awesome services for players who desire META focused clear runs. However, they are restrictive in who they train and have strict vetting processes (kill counts, KP, or LI requirements), and often require specific META on their runs. Additionally, some training servers may limit a newer player's access to training on specific, difficult bosses until they meet these restrictions. While the above is great for speed clear training, it is not ideal for players looking to learn bosses at their own speed.


RIT designed our system to provide a space for players to train on any boss they desire. We want our members to have achievable, realistic raiding goals to work towards. We want members to feel comfortable using builds and professions they prefer, while still being effective enough to reliably complete the content. To aid with this goal, we have a recommended difficulty scale and written guides that breakdown the individual mechanics and special roles needed for each fight.


Additionally, while we don't require META Builds to be run, but we do explain their strengths and benefits to help members create effective builds. We want to help our members improve their performance with their builds to at least a level that achieves the minimum viability required to reliably complete the content, rather than focus on top end builds that attempt to speed clear content that assume ideal conditions that are rarely met. To this end, we eventually plan to create a list of highly accessible, decent performing builds that are mechanically easy to perform.


Finally, the last aspect that sets us apart is we heavily focus on using GW2 Raidar to set realistic expectations for what we encourage our members to strive for with their builds, more so than focusing on golem benchmarks. We strongly encourage our Trainers to familiarize themselves with using ARC DPS, generating logs, and uploading them to Raidar to do a "post raid" review to help people self-evaluate how well their builds are working. If your build just isn't cutting the mustard, lets work on improving it together!




The Four Types of Squad Runs: Initial, Training, Wing Trials, and Wing Clears



Initial Run

  • Prerequisite: None! But please try to optimize your builds, work with Trainers and other members for help!
  • Intention: For players who are brand new to the boss encounter. All mechanics explained, guide provided with videos.
  • Expected Duration: 2 hours maximum
  • Initiated and Lead by: Trainers only


Training Run

  • Prerequisite: Joining requires Initial Run completion for this encounter.
  • Intention: Practice and improve on mechanics on individual bosses, get weekly kill, and prepare for Wing Trials.
  • Expected Duration: 1 to 2 hours
  • Initiated and Lead by: Trainers or anyone who has completed the Initial Run for the boss.


Wing Trial

  • Prerequisite: Joining requires Initial Run completion for all encounters in the Wing, preferably some Training Runs as well.
  • Intention: A challenge run to attempt to beat all encounters within a single Wing within a set time limit.
  • Expected Duration: 2 hours hard time limit to pass the Trial.
  • Initiated and Lead by: Trainers only so they can document results and pass out the Trial Completions tags!


Wing Clear

  • Prerequisite: Joining requires Trial Completion tag for this specific Wing.
  • Intention: Reliably beat all encounters within a single Wing with with as few failed pulls as possible.
  • Expected Duration: 1 hour or less. We focus on "successful" pulls more than "fast kills" to lower overall time.
  • Initiated and Lead by: Any member with the Trial Completion tags!




The Rank System: Progression with Options and Forward Scalability



Lastly, our server uses numerical Ranks as a visual indicator for each member's total number of Wing Trial Completions they have earned. As Wing Trials can be completed in any order, they are not a direct indicator of skill, but rather a symbol of accomplishment for our members.


There are no inherent benefits to being Max Rank beyond feeling accomplished and informing others that you "can Clear any Wing" if they want to bring you along!


Another benefit of the Rank system is that it will upscale as new Wings are released, such as the new Wing coming next Tuesday. (So excited!) This means that Max Rank is a moving target, something even the most seasoned veterans will be striving towards as new content is released, as everyone has to start learning the new content from scratch.


Remember: on launch day, we're all noobs together!




Conclusion: Raiding Should be Fun and Welcoming to All!



At the end of the day, Guild Wars 2 is an entertainment activity that should bring more joy to your life than stress. All of our rules are based around respecting your fellow players, your Squad leader and Trainers, and yourself.


This is a volunteer project that we take pride in, and our community has proven countless times how awesome, unique, and weirdly nice we are on the whole. As soon as we have enough Trainers, we intend to launch RIT and tweak our systems as needed based on everyone's feedback.


If you would like to learn more about becoming one of our volunteer trainers, even just for specific bosses or Wings, please reply below or send a PM!


Thank you all for reading this far, and I look forward to Raiding with you all!


Swifty (Swiftwynd.1685)

submitted by /u/jhorry
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What happened to the free healer position in pugs? (EU)

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 02:28 AM PST

I was meaning to try Snow Crows' Support Renegade build (, under condition renegade) since I've always been a fan of ventari revenant, but after the first week of the patch, pugs are no longer asking for a druid + generic healer and everything has come back to 2 druids, even after qT deliberately said that most pugs would do better with a better healer like tempest or renegade than a second druid.

I mean, there may be some issues with fury in the support renegade subgroup if you're not using altruism runes, but your warrior taking FGJ should clear those; changing momentarily to staff should clear CC issues; and glyph of empowerment doesn't strike me as a good enough boon to completely reject a renegade that can cast Soulcleave's Summit.

My guess to why the dismissal is that support renegade hasn't been promoted in reddit (SC hasn't uploaded their bechmark + build here) + qT hasn't updated their revenant builds. Any thoughts about this?

Edit: In no way I'm blaming either SC or qT for this issue, I love their work.

submitted by /u/Sage_Ghrian
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Idea for guild hall additions

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 04:52 PM PST

Just food for thought: what if guildhalls had a boss arena, where you could fight bosses from the game in a raid environment, like a squad of 10 guildmembers, starting from worldbosses like the statue of dwayna, the priestess of lyssa or a wyvern matriarch, and upping to raidbosses that work on it like vg, gorseval or matthias.

You would unlock the encounters individually using the guild upgrade specific currencies, and they could give additional loot.

I think it would solve the problem of having not enough guild activities, you could scale up what your guild can do, and if it has enough rewards, you could challenge guilds even further.

Hell, you could make the bosses of the highest tier (raidbosses) have a leveling system akin to fractals in which their hp and/or damage gets pushed in each tier (for example, each level vg deals 5% more damage and has 5% more hp, or you could branch it out and have several options to make them harder ) and guilds could compete to see who could get the furthest before reaching impossible territory. Alternatively, you could add some fractal instabilities in there (matthias with socially awkward, now thats fun).

So i think there might be some potential there, especially since the top raidguilds apparently get bored by the regular raids fairly fast and really want some competition.

Well, since i don't know how much work would have to be invested in such a system, i don't know how realistic the idea would be, but what do you guys think about it?

Thanks in advance for reading that wall of text ;)

submitted by /u/Calibria19
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Vlast reborn

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 07:03 AM PST

Looking at the trailer the dragon Aurene is flying towards has some similarities to Vlast in my opinion, doesn't look like any other enemies right now in the game that's branded, so could this possibly be something serious?

Knowing Vlast was one of Kralkatorrik's minions he might've raised him again? This could make the story more interesting especially since Vlast became such an interesting character in general AFTER his death.

We truly do not know what happened to Vlast, because we kind of got a blackout when he "exploded", so might there be a possibility Kralkatorrik got a hold of Vlast (or his body) and turned him into branded?

Just a thought that would be interesting to discuss.

submitted by /u/iceyelf1
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[Lore] A Study In gold - Interesting information

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 12:12 AM PST

Hello fellow commanders

Yesterday I did the A study in gold achievement in Auric Basin and was surprised with important lore hints. That's why I want to share them with you. Click on the link to get to the gw2 wiki of the achievement, where you can read all the lore texts hidden in this sidequest.


  • Glint was called Glaust back in the day when the "Forgotten" were still alive
  • The forgotten kept the world in balance by collecting vast amounts of magic to feed the dragons when they awake to calm them down again.
  • This was done with a bloodstone ritual (read texts of No° 5 & 6 )
  • They failed to gather enough magic for the last cycle, thus they created an alliance with Glaust (Glint) and created the exalted as a tool to bring ballance to the world.
  • The city was built to protect Glints egg and the Brotherhood of the Dragon (Zephyrites) was founded.

I'm not sure when this achievement got added to the game, but if it was there right at the start of HoT, then this had surprising info that would shock you, with LS3 dropp. You know, that LS where a gigantic bloodstone explodes n' stuff... ;)

I hope this was an interesting read and gave the ones that missed this side quest to t his date some more insight to the lore and story.

submitted by /u/crankpatate
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Raid Subjects Speculation

Posted: 22 Nov 2017 04:22 PM PST

Anet has always said that raids would function as means of tying loose ends in the story. As we had with the White Mantle and Mursaat in the Bastion of the Penitent and Forsaken Thicket.

'Daybreak's Trailer Kormir seemed to heavily emphasize that the gods leaving Tyria was a biggie. Possibly because this would allow Tyria's more ancient enemies to come back without much of a problem.

The one I most see likely to come back is Menzies. I noticed that Arenanet has released a Greatsword called Menzie's Agony, which seems kind of sudden. Doesn't it? I wouldn't put it past Arenanet to use Gemstore skins to foretell future content.

But with 'maybes' aside, I think that we will get an Abandoned Branded Forgotten Palace or something along those lines. This seems very reasonable as we already have Branded Forgotten in the Crystal Desert and they are a likely candidate for further expansion on their origins. It may feature Branded Minions along with (if Menzies shows up) some members of the Shadow Army.

It would be cool if we could fight large mutated shadow creatures and more complex Branded monstrosities. If we get to use mounts in the Raid, I definitely see us using the Skimmer a lot to float over those damned branded spikes.

But that's all I have. What do you guys think will be in the Raid?

submitted by /u/BoredBurritos
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