Learn Dota 2 - Divine 5 support player here wanting to make a guide, what's the preferred medium?

Divine 5 support player here wanting to make a guide, what's the preferred medium?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:05 PM PST

I've been wanting to make a shortish handbook that explains the basics in a concise manner that can be extrapolated and delves a little into some more advanced concepts. I wanted to take a poll here on what information I should cover.

I don't want to copy paste a bunch of info from wiki, but take the information players already know and explain the implications, for example all the uses of movespeed being a positioning, DPS, and split push tool.

Also, are demonstrations better of mechanics over explanations? Text based stuff can be made faster with more in depth content while videos have less limitations in terms of what content can be covered.

Finally, those who have recently climbed ladder, or find themselves improving, what tools helped you improve?

If you're interested in an unfinished product and outdated , you can check it out here.

submitted by /u/thadpole
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In most pro games why do teams take down the enemy's safelane towers first?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 10:36 AM PST

It's not in every game but in a lot of games I see the team take down the t1 and t2 towers of the enemy safelane, why is that?

submitted by /u/AwesomeAsian
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Enigma feels very strong right now

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:51 AM PST

I'm kind of surprised nobody is talking about this, but Enigma's new +70 Eidolon damage at level 20 feels ridiculously strong.

Base Eidolon damage (level 4) is 47. With the new talent that skyrockets up to 117 per eidolon.

3 Eidolons equate to 351 damage per attack. Once they multiply that's 702 damage per attack.

Once you hit level 25 and take the +8 demonic conversion talent, things just get stupid.

Spawn 11 eidolons: 1,287 damage per attack!

Multiplied: 2,574 damage per attack! That is insane!!

With Enigma already being a natural midas builder, it's not uncommon to hit levels 20/25. Eidolons also are affevted by aura's, so a Drow aura/vlads/AC on your team make it ridiculous. Mek and greaves are already really good on Enigma which helps beef up the Eidolons.

Even without the auras, they still chunk towers ridiculously hard. Plus the added benefits of his ult, and he can deny the ranged creep every wave, It just plain feels good to play him right now.

submitted by /u/Snortallthethings
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Pushing creeps into the enemy tower as an offlaner - when should I do it?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:35 AM PST

For the longest time I believed that pushing creeps early on is always bad unless you can actually take/pressure tower since the enemy gets gold+xp safely and whatnot, but with experience I've learnt that pushing hard can be beneficial (and the key to winning certain matchups) if done correctly. I understand the general concept behind it - that you want to send creeps under the enemy's tower so they can't last hit properly, but I'd like to pitch this question in a more specific way, i.e. as an offlaner.

I know about certain mids like PA, Sniper, lv1 Alch without quelling blade as well as lv1 SF and Invoker all have trouble last hitting under tower (mostly due to low base damage and no magic nukes) but I'm not so familiar about the whole thing as an offlaner vs most safelaners, and I figured I should learn this since I tend to play off more than mid.

A lot of common safelaners are melee and will probably carry a quelling blade which gives them reasonably high damage to cs even under tower. Then there's the fact that its very hard if not impossible to side-piull the large camp as an offlaner rn, making it harder to restore the creep equilibrium or at least try to keep it in my favor. All this makes me rather uncomfortable about shoving waves into the enemy safelaner's tower since I can't figure out what to do afterwards.

I hope I explained myself well enough :p Any tips would be really nice.

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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How do you use proximity mines early game now that anyone can casually walk up to them and destroy them?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 05:38 PM PST

Every game I've played so far is basically the other team saying "hahahahaha you have no effect on this game". The most proximity mines do is slow someone down while they stop to destroy them.

It takes like 2k worth in mana and 1.5-minutes worth in cooldowns to kill anyone w/ remote mines.

What's the deal here?

submitted by /u/AmagicalFishy
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I am horrible at knowing what hero to pick. How can I improve?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 03:12 PM PST

Title basically. Dotabuff if anyone is interested: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/97338265

submitted by /u/LukeSkyFAKER
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Why get S&Y?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:22 PM PST

I like this item and it feels much better after the patch that buffed the item costs (it was 2050 total for each sword and now it's only 1950), but I don't know why I am buying this item.

90% of the time, I get it because I want to make my hero run really fast and to generally just chop people (juggernaut, wraith king, sven). I usually get it in combination with phase boots and/or mask of madness, and a move speed talent, depending on the hero, can often put you at 500+ move speed (I have an LC build for trolling that gets 550 move speed at all times with it, for example).

I have a hard time evaluating the stats it provides. Why should I get it over something like echo sabre and then blink or something like that? It provides chasing ability / mobility and the double attack acts as a form of attack speed.


To make it simple and TL;DR, these are my questions:

  • Why should I prioritize S&Y over other items? (blink and echo sabre provide similar effects, for example)

  • What game scenario should signal me to buy this item? (I'm winning, so I should push my advantage with some stats, move speed, and ability to run people down?)

Thanks for any help!

submitted by /u/CptnSAUS
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Can someone please explain the new rank system to me?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 11:20 AM PST

I haven't had a chance to play dota yet since the new rank system and was wondering if someone coule explain it. I read it takes ~6 games to move up a level and that you cannot drop levels. Does this mean if you win 6, move up, lose 20 games then win 6 you will move up again? Also....does your mmr number change after every game by +/- 25 as before? Confused a little.

submitted by /u/Apoth75
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False Promise invis vs +75 movespeed

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 05:17 PM PST

I was shocked to see how big an advantage +75 movespeed has over false promise invis (+2% winrate). The invis just seemed so good (heck it got removed because it made the hero OP originally).

I get that +75 is an insane number, but why is it that much better then the invis?

submitted by /u/Hannibal_Spectre
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3.5k -> 3.0k within a week, what are some fool proof choices to spam in 7.07?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:28 PM PST

Just as the subject says, I've dropped a huge amount of mmr within a week. The game is literally unplayable for me when I'm joining for ranked solo games, I'm doing just fine in 5v5 matches though.

I don't know if I'm in some kind of an "old patch" mindset or what I'm doing wrong, but in most games my off/mid lanes are getting pummeled so hard the game is already decided at minute ~15. People just have so shitty attitude they completely give up if the smallest thing goes not they want it to go, it's really hard to keep up with farm as a carry (to mitigate the damage they dealt to our party), and while playing support the wards are wasted money most of the time because people don't pay attention to the map or don't take the advantage or seeing the enemy side of the map. They'd just rather afk farm lanes or jungle, and supports just pull their veins out trying to sustain the visibility on the map while noone does anything with it.

I have never dropped so much and so fast, I'm lost. What are your go-to options for what to play in current patch/meta?

submitted by /u/roball
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MMR may be just a number, but I still want to see it.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 08:09 AM PST

Is there a way I can see my numerical MMR? I'm really disliking the vagueness of the medal system. I have no idea how close or far I am to earning another star.

submitted by /u/Follow_Leeroy
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can disarm be dispelled?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:21 PM PST

Dont buy midas if you have greedy core in your team!

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:06 PM PST

Need some help with Bounty Hunter.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 06:17 PM PST

So I am thinking of playing this hero because I have never played roaming before and patch 7.07 has made him slightly more playable than previous ones. His winrate is very shaky for sure, but I have had success with Viper even when he sucked (but patch 7.07 has made Viper unplayable to me). The position as support is less contested compared to carry, and I have grown a bit tired of playing passive lane-babysitters like Warlock and Winter Wyvern at this point.

So what is the general way to play him? Item build, skill build and laning strategies.

Thanks for the help.

submitted by /u/bibotot
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Herald Trash Juggernaut: What should I have done differently to win this game?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 06:21 AM PST



Hello all, this is a recent ranked match where I felt that I played well, but I still lost. For my itemization, I started s&y because I thought that they would have better late game carries and I would want to start powering up quicker. I followed this with a manta style for additional pushing power, and then a linken's for enhanced survivability. After that I'll admit I started just building items sort of at random, I don't usually get this much farm so I just went butterfly because it's good on agi heroes, followed by eye of skadi/boots of travel because I had a lot of money to burn.

I didn't do very good in cs, about 30 in 10 minutes, because I was initially in the safe lane, but our mid decided they didn't want to lane against a huskar, so i was sort of forced to step in to fill the void. I don't think Jug v Huskar is a very good matchup in lane, but i managed to not die and get a couple kills. Following the laning phase, I believe i was both the highest level and the most farmed hero for the remainder of the match.

So i asked myself what I might have done wrong, I think a big struggle is that Jug doesn't carry that well into the late game, so when the match started to drag on my early advantage disappeared. I think that I might've needed to participate more in early fights to really push my advantage and disadvantage the other team. I noticed that I would often avoid team fights early on if i didn't have my omnislash up, I thought that this was just me playing it safe, but perhaps that was too safe? I also would sometimes just run when I felt like my team was going to lose, there might have been fights where if i had stayed my team would have lived, but i usually am not accustomed to having an advantage so when faced with a 2v3 or something similar i would often just bladefury away and leave my teammate to die. I started playing even more scared once I got a big kill streak because I didn't want to give the opponents a huge gold prize. Overall reflecting on the match I would think that I needed to go for more kills earlier, and not be so reliant on my ultimate to fight.

TL;DR: why do i suck at dota

ps sorry for the wall of text, I would really like some input, so I thought that it would be reasonable for me to try to assess myself beforehand and not just post a link to the match. Let me know if you have any questions or comments, thanks!

submitted by /u/swigo
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Educational video content for 4k+?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 05:07 PM PST


I'm trying to improve at the game, and i learn a lot by watching educational videos. I climbed from 2.4k to 4.4k, and a big part of it was due to being able to watch commentated games by Purge specificly for my mmr. I feel like when you hit 4k and above, there is very little educational video content one can watch in order to improve. Purges got some videos (most of them are outdated) and i've watched them, as well as Blitz excellent ones! But, are there any more, by other people?

submitted by /u/dodsulf
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Need some help here 12k redditors.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:59 PM PST

Offlane Puck Help

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 04:41 PM PST

Offlane puck players care to share any tips builds ways you like to play the hero? been playing him some in the offlane its been going well but i'm always looking to improve with puck.

submitted by /u/NerdRageDawg
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New RMM question

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 04:32 PM PST

Hey all, Just wanted to know about the new RMM...what happens if I play my 10 games of the party q and get a medal and THEN finish my solo q? My party mmr was always low as I played with my friends who had low mmr But my solo was a lot higher than party. And now since they both share the same medal? How does it affect.

submitted by /u/Lordie92
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Posted: 28 Nov 2017 04:18 PM PST

Hi there,

Since BF was buffed in 7.07 I've been testing it on a few heroes and it's (obviously) core on AM, the price reduction is very nice for him. I've found that it's also very good on Juggernaut (You can usually get it at like 13-14 mins since Jugg is a better laner than AM imo and then you farm like crazy for 10 minutes and come out 6 slotted or close enough). On Void and PA I think it's much more underwhelming and I still prefer MoM on both of those.

Are there any heroes who can build Battlefury? What is the current state of the item?

submitted by /u/screaming_tiger9
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About the new ranking system. After recalibrating, is performance still taken into account or does it come back to win = +25/loss = -25?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 10:10 AM PST

3k scrub looking for some suggestion

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 08:07 AM PST

Hi. I'm a 3k scrub looking to improve my game. I used to play a lot of core but started playing a lot of rubick recently just off the fact that I win more when I play support cause no one spams support in 3k so most of the time enemy support just don't know what he's doing.

Here's my dotabuff https://www.dotabuff.com/players/99164228 you can check my last rubick game, where i had absolutely no idea what to do. Beastmaster was just too hard to pressure in the offlane, and I thought it's not worth it spending my time there but i was afraid if i leave the lane too much luna would just get too pressured by beast. I rotated a bit mid and failed, but pudge was salvaging the mid lane after that. I also don't think I could do anything top if pudge don't rotate there with me, and cent seemed to do well enough. And then small skirmishes was happening everywhere and I just felt too immobile as a rubick to do anything.

Furthermore it would be helpful if you can maybe check my other rubick games too. In general is my kda fine? am I dying too much? am I buying too much support items? Honestly if I spam a better pos 5 like shadow shaman I will be able to climb way easier, but should I do it? will it actually help me improve?

Thanks for helping me out.

submitted by /u/chiara_t
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Enigma Jungle in 7.07

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 11:36 AM PST

Hello /r/learndota2

Today I'm gonna ask about how to efficiently use Enigma in this patch. First of all, I try to follow Torte de Lini guides and it seems that he updates the guide to this patch. However, I want to know your experience about:

Pure jungling Enigma is dead? I think that it can help safelane when the line isn't pushed, but some people I play with say it should go offlane. How to get dagger min. 9? The guide says Midas -> Soul Ring -> Dagger -> Arcane Boots -> Blink Dagger. Seems like a lot of gold. What should be the order? Should I go directly for blink dagger?


submitted by /u/checock
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What is the best way to close a game out before the enemy HC's get big and automatically win?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 08:55 AM PST

I've played two games and in both I was playing invoker. I got ultra fed for the first 20 minutes, midas, aghs, blink, and BoT's all at 19 minutes or so. These games were against carries that get online and automatically win with enough time, like AM, Storm, and spectre. How do I take my early advantage and win the game before these guys get big? I solo killed their HC multiple times, Took all of their t2's, and the game seems to stagnate from there. How can I fix this?

submitted by /u/StivoDivo
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Phantom Lancer positioning help

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 05:34 AM PST

Hey, I'm having some serious trouble playing Phantom Lancer. Whenever I join a fight as him I always feel like I have to just yolo keep hitting people to keep my illusions up, so every fight is just a guessing game of whether I'll survive or not. Is there a better way I can go about this?

Here's my most recent game with him. I feel like I did alright except for the fights: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3584856102

submitted by /u/Thisguy5545
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