Civilization - Civilization VI: Rise and Fall Expansion Announcement Trailer

Civilization VI: Rise and Fall Expansion Announcement Trailer

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:00 AM PST

Civilization VI: Rise and Fall announced!

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:01 AM PST

Statute of Liberty confirmed as a new wonder

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:12 AM PST

St Basil's Cathedral/The Kremlin confirmed as a new Wonder

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:12 AM PST

With Rise and Fall Expansion please, please, please Firaxis - make hall of fame return.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:30 AM PST

I can't stress enough how important this feature is for longevity of the game from my perspetive. Feeling that every game just 'dissapear' like it never happen (except possible achievements) is really demotivating.

submitted by /u/duskhorizon
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Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Rise and Fall - Official announcement

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:02 AM PST

1920 x 1080 textless version of the Rise and Fall banner for wallpaper.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 04:34 PM PST

Possibly Tian Tan Buddha confirmed as a new wonder

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:13 AM PST

New district type in the Rise and Fall expansion? Looks like some kind of Arctic research station.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 08:27 AM PST

I interviewed the producer of Rise and Fall. Here's everything he was willing to tell me.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 08:07 AM PST

When you find the northern water tribe in Civilization VI

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 06:32 AM PST

The map in the WW2 scene is of Amsterdam (Rise and Fall trailer)

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:48 AM PST

I was wondering what map was used in the WW2 scene of the new Rise and Fall trailer and quickly noticed it had some Dutch words.

By some searching, I figured out it's based in Amsterdam:

Does this mean there might be a Dutch WW2 civ or scenario?

Polder hype

Edit: added some more locations on the G-maps that are not circled on the trailer picture.

submitted by /u/Basssiiie
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With Rise and Fall improving Eras, they should last longer.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:17 AM PST

While playing deity, in most games AI win around 250 turns on normal speed. Especially later techs are discovering in 3 turns. IMO whole game should last at least 400 up to 500.

submitted by /u/mortyr447
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I just wanted to take moment during the hype to appreciate the tenacity of this community.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:24 PM PST

It hasn't even been a quarter of a day since the expansion was announced, and we have all gotten together and already established a decent Wikipedia article. It's stuff like this that makes me love being part of this community. You all are great!

submitted by /u/Abdul-Rahollotasuga
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Everything we know about Civ 6 Rise and fall in 15 minutes or less

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 04:03 PM PST

Possible Civilizations and Leaders in Rise and Fall

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 02:05 PM PST

An important thing that was stressed in an interview on the new expansion was that there will be several female leaders in this expansion.

The following are female leaders who I think may lead new civilizations:

Empress Maria Theresa of Austria - A clue to Austria's eventual inclusion in Civilization VI came with the lack of a Vienna city-state in the game (despite it being recognized in the Poland scenario) despite the city's extreme impact on European culture.

Queen Seondeok of Korea - As shown in this post, at one point in the promotional trailer for Rise and Fall, a distinct Korean headdress was seen, which seems to indicate that Seondeok is a possible leader for Korea.

Queen Tamar of Georgia - The old clue from before the game's launch indicated that Tamar may be in the game, and with her exclusion from it thus far, it would make sense for her to star in the new expansion.

Empress Theodora of Byzantium - Empress Theodora has two major things going for her with regards to inclusion in the expansion.

  1. She was a female ruler in a time when few women were allowed to lead nations.

  2. She ruled the historically-relevant and fan-favorite Byzantine empire.

However, her inclusion would also mean that there would be 4 leaders in the region of Greece, which makes her inclusion less likely than the previous three.

Queen Maria I of Portugal - With the oldest overseas European colonial empire and a history of being a naval power, Portugal may be included in this expansion. While Maria was not necessarily the most noteworthy or good Portuguese leader, her flee to Brazil could possibly make an ability that relates to faraway cities and loyalty.

*Queen Liliʻuokalani of Hawaii *- While not having such a major impact on history, this Hawaiian queen was a female ruler who was diplomatically savvy. Additionally, there are no Civilizations in the Pacific islands and her diplomacy could work into the new abilities.

Probable Civilizations that would be led by male leaders:

Mongolia led by Ögedei/Kublai Khan (or possibly Genghis Khan (Temüjin)) - With Civilization VI being about lesser known leaders gaining the spotlight, I could see two of the famous successors to the legendary Genghis Khan be placed in charge of Mongolia. The Mongolian civilization is also all but confirmed with their prominence in the trailer.

The Netherlands - With Amsterdam being in the trailer, it would make sense for the Netherlands to return. Along with a rich history and a large fan following, it is easy to see how the Dutch could return in this expansion.

Other possibly included Civs:

The Ottomans - While they had no female leaders, the Ottoman empire had a very major impact on the history of the world from Europe to Africa to the Middle East. Their civilization also is notably absent from Civilization VI and could make use of having unique abilities with the new features (such as how the Ottomans had disloyal cities that continued to be part of their empire).

The Inca - While they also did not have any major female leaders, the Inca played a large role in the pre- and post-Columbian history of South America and would add a civilization to the game that could fill out the map and increase diversity.

Chief Sitting Bull of the Sioux - With only a single native civilization in the Americas, it is extremely likely that another native civilization will be added. I believe that aside from the Inca, the Sioux are most likely, due to being recognizable and having many opportunities for a unique ability.

The Iroquois and Shoshone - These two native civilizations were present in Civilization V and I could see them returning in this expansion. Out of these two, I believe that the Iroquois are more likely to return, as their unique Constitution and Confederacy could make for interesting abilities with the new expansion.

Mali/Songhai or another West African Civ - Currently, there are zero West African civilizations in Civilization VI and it is likely that this expansion will add one. If there is one civilization from West Africa that is most likely to be added, it is Mali led by King Mansa Musa, due to its impact on history and his vast riches.

Zulu or another South African Civ - While Shaka Zulu is almost guaranteed to return to Civilization, I doubt it will be in this expansion. Rise and Fall will not have features that pertain to Shaka's rule or the Zulu as a whole, and it is likely that the Civilization will be saved for another expansion (much like in Civilization V). However, I could see another Civilization being added from the South African region (except the Boers for reasons at the bottom).

Fan favorites that may be included:

Inuit - Representing an underrepresented region both in the game and in real life, the Inuit would make an interesting Civ in regards to how they deal with tundra and snow. However, they have no history of being unified as one nation and thus lack a recognizable leader. Also, they could be seen as not having a large enough impact on the history of the world to merit inclusion. Still, I think that the Inuit are most likely to appear in the expansion out of these fan favorites.

Vietnam - With strong female leaders in the Trung sisters, Vietnam could see its inclusion in the expansion. However, the legendary sisters' inclusion would not make the government of China happy and the Khmer were just added to the Southeast Asian region. However, being a fan-favorite, their is still some hope for Vietnam.

Sibir - Another popular civ from the battle royale, Sibir occupies a mostly-forgotten region in the world today. However, they would start near Scythia and are relatively obscure.

(The Boers will almost certainly not appear due to their link with apartheid in South Africa and possibility of Firaxis being called racist for their inclusion of a group of white people who conquered land held by Africans for millennia.)

Please add feedback!

submitted by /u/SuperFishermanJack
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8 new civs?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:52 AM PST

So, with the announcement that 8 new civs are being introduced in the new expansion, who are you particularly eager to see represented?

Personally I want:







-Some african civ (maybe Ethiopia under empress Taytu Betul, since they mentioned wanting more women leaders?)

submitted by /u/ConspicuousFlower
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For fans of history, the way the cranes lifted those stones in the new trailer was highly inaccurate.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:17 PM PST

First, let me say that I'm in no way criticizing the awesome announcement trailer for Rise and Fall, it might actually be the second best trailer for a civ game, behind only the annoucement one for Beyond Earth. The reason I'm posting this is just as a trivia for those who might be interested in the subject.

Anyway, in the scene we see Romans-analogue building what looks like a dam, we see multiple cranes lifting huge blocks of stone which are wrapped with ropes. Now that's hugely innefective. Imagine trying to fit a stone in a tight space, or how do you even cut the rope when it's in place?

The answer is this guy:

I found this site that do a simple nice job explaining what it is and how it works:

Anyway, it's not something you really ever think about, but I thought it was very cool when I first found it out.

submitted by /u/SofNascimento
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Analysis of Expansion Screenshots

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:41 AM PST

From these screenshots:

Italics means confirmed

Natural Wonders (7 TOTAL): Arches National Park/Delicate Arch, Angel Falls Mt. Roraima, Big Red Thing™

Wonders (8 TOTAL): Buddha of Kamakura, St. Basil's/Kremlin, Statue of Liberty, General Archive of the Indies (credit: TheLohoped), Statue of Zeus, Blue Middle Eastern Building(?)

Districts(?) (2 TOTAL): Government District (Purple)

Buildings (14 TOTAL): 2 Gov District Buildings (Forum? City Hall?)

Improvements(?) (2 NON-UNIQUE TOTAL): Base with satellite dish (possibly Scott-Amundsen Research Station wonder?), park/fountain

Units (4 TOTAL): Drone (credit: wheatbread2000) -- OTHER UNITS CONFIRMED AS: Pike and Shot, Spec Ops, and Supply Convoy

Resources (3 NEW TOTAL): Gold(?), Palm Tree Thing (Rubber?)

Other: Weird Aquadome

Notes: Pier = Entertainment District built on Sea?

submitted by /u/SeelingCat
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What happened to Ed Beach?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:49 PM PST

In the Firaxis announcement for the expansion, Anton Strenger talks through it and introduces himself as the lead designer. But as little as a month or two ago, Ed Beach was giving "what's in store for Civ 6" interviews. Does anyone know what happened here, or is this internal Firaxis stuff that we will probably never know the truth of?

submitted by /u/bigstrat2003
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Civilization 6's First Major Expansion Aims To Change The Late Game

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:03 AM PST

PC Gamer vid. Lots of detailed info on the new mechanics. (No new footage)

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 08:48 AM PST

Well, not really

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 02:24 PM PST

Confirmed: Free Cities

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:29 PM PST


All cities now have Loyalty ratings. As Frederiksen put it, these measure "how people feel about you and your leadership." It's affected by things like amenities and what type of Age you are in. It can also be bolstered by your own actions and eroded by actions of neighboring civs. It's almost like a new health bar. When Loyalty reaches zero, the city will secede from your civ and become an independent Free City.

Free cities have militaries and will defend themselves, but will not expand or engage in diplomacy like a full civ. They also don't have the special interactions available for the city-states in vanilla Civ 6 like missions and suzerainty. The essentially exist as an "up for grabs" morsel to be taken. The most straightforward way to take control of one is military conquest, but nearby civs can also exert Loyalty pressure on them. If your opponents build up a Free City's Loyalty high enough, it will be peacefully annexed into their civ. This makes 'flipping' cities like in Civ games past possible again, with the caveat that they will exist in a neutral Free City state during the process, giving their original owner a chance to reconquer them or peacefully restore Loyalty.

Loyal cities will reinforce the Loyalty of other cities close to them, meaning Loyalty will be less of a problem near the core of your empire and shakier on the far-flung frontiers. Sprawling empires will thus have to focus more on good governance, or else have armies ready to go on their fringes to retake cities that try to break away. Frederiksen said they will be looking at balancing with civs like England that are encouraged to settle far away to make sure they aren't disproportionately screwed by this. He also pointed out that a civ in a Golden Age bordering one that is in a Dark Age creates an interesting and potentially explosive dynamic, where the Dark Age civ's cities will be ready to defect to the Golden Age civ with only a slight nudge.

You'll also be able to annex vanilla city-states using Loyalty, though you will lose their suzerain bonus as if you had conquered them militarily.

What do you think about this feature?

It's looking like proper empire dissolution will finally be a thing! I for one cannot wait for this feature and all the interesting things that come with.

submitted by /u/Leldy22
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Tilla Kari Madrasa confirmed on bottom right?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:15 AM PST

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