WEDNESDAY RAGE THREAD | December 21 - December 27
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:00 AM PST
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Facebook live!
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:01 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Yzakhiel [link] [comments] |
idBeCoolif - Stukov in Heroes of the Storm
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:22 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/XSBurningKiller [link] [comments] |
Zul'Jin's Trait: Berserker
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:31 AM PST
- [Trait] Berserker
Zul'jin can activate Berserker to increase the damage of his Basic Attacks by 25% at the cost of 2% of his maximum Health per attack.
- [Q] Grievous Throw
- [W] Twin Cleave
- [E] Regeneration
- [R1] Taz'dingo
- [R2] Guillotine
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Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:01 AM PST
Need more 20k mounts plz!
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 05:15 AM PST
I am starting to bank up quite a bit of gold and would like to purchase some new mounts with it. Any chance we could see the non-festive treasure goblin mount or other gold mounts?
submitted by /u/Shine1286 [link] [comments]
Ragnaros Molten Core is just not doing what it's supposed to
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:18 AM PST
According to his spotlight and what Blizzard Teased, Molten Core is supposed to be an awesome ability to counter any kind of push and deal extreme amount of damage to a team that tries to push anyway with Ragnaros using his Molten Core.
However, and especially since the molten core nerf, it's terrible at doing this, instead it's much better to use it in teamfights around a fort, or to help on an objective not too far from a fort.
I wish they reverted the molten core nerfs, and instead nerf his range (by 20-30% maybe more?), buff his HP (still over 18s) and buff his Q spell so it's a real threat (increase stun duration and/or damage maybe).
Right now when I see ragna on molten core I just tell my team to focus it and it literally dies in one second. (and by literally, I mean literally)
submitted by /u/Kenjin38 However, and especially since the molten core nerf, it's terrible at doing this, instead it's much better to use it in teamfights around a fort, or to help on an objective not too far from a fort.
I wish they reverted the molten core nerfs, and instead nerf his range (by 20-30% maybe more?), buff his HP (still over 18s) and buff his Q spell so it's a real threat (increase stun duration and/or damage maybe).
Right now when I see ragna on molten core I just tell my team to focus it and it literally dies in one second. (and by literally, I mean literally)
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QOL idea for all talents in the game that add more range to an ability.
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:27 AM PST
When hovering over a talent that increases the range of an ability, such as brightwings unfurling spray, it could show the default range of the ability as the default yellow line then the increased range as a light blue line.
When it comes to talents that increase the range of multiple abilities such as malf's Elune's grace. it would only show the increased ranges of the abilitys in different colors. Light blue would be for Q, light green for W and purple for E
submitted by /u/Klonoa134 When it comes to talents that increase the range of multiple abilities such as malf's Elune's grace. it would only show the increased ranges of the abilitys in different colors. Light blue would be for Q, light green for W and purple for E
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Artanis cant phase prism someone through his allied gate, but...
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 09:57 PM PST
...he can phase prism himself through the enemy gate.
He basically cant pull off Diablo gate cheese. However, he can switch enemies over unpathable terrain, and he can also switch himself over enemy gates, just not enemies over allied gates.
This is inconsistent with its functionality and is unintuitive.
submitted by /u/EverydayFunHotS He basically cant pull off Diablo gate cheese. However, he can switch enemies over unpathable terrain, and he can also switch himself over enemy gates, just not enemies over allied gates.
This is inconsistent with its functionality and is unintuitive.
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Grubby's post-nerf advice for Lava Wave
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:08 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Acrymonia [link] [comments] |
What happened to the "promise" of new Supports?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:53 AM PST
Since Blizzard said they would give us more supports, the only support released was Auriel (no, Medivh is not a support) and now, after Varian and Ragnaros, we get the yet-another-non-support-hero Zul'jin... BabyRage FeelsBadMan
Can we pleeeeaasssee have more supports next? Release 2 supports in a row and make the support class great again!
submitted by /u/kPrax Can we pleeeeaasssee have more supports next? Release 2 supports in a row and make the support class great again!
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Now that Zul'jin has been revealed can we relive my happy moment from Blizzcon?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 11:05 AM PST
Thanks Phill for being gracious in answering my question and for coming up to me after the panel to talk about it. I'm so pumped for this hero. It brings me all the way back to WC2 and being a kid.
I know we get a lot of WC heroes but to me this one is special. Like if they announced Lothar. Personally I want to see more SC and Diablo and I hope they'll hear a lot of you out and surprise us with a few in a row.
See you in the Nexus!
submitted by /u/HenshinM Thanks Phill for being gracious in answering my question and for coming up to me after the panel to talk about it. I'm so pumped for this hero. It brings me all the way back to WC2 and being a kid.
I know we get a lot of WC heroes but to me this one is special. Like if they announced Lothar. Personally I want to see more SC and Diablo and I hope they'll hear a lot of you out and surprise us with a few in a row.
See you in the Nexus!
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With the new Marauder muradin the dream team is finally possible!
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 01:46 AM PST
Muradin as tank, marines Raynor and Tychus with siege tank Hammer as dps and Morales as support
What could go wrong with triple ranged and morales?
EDIT: god damnit... missed like a thousand skins... lets see... murky is a marine in training doesnt even have his gun yet. Rexxar scavenged the gear from a marine misha ate aaaand uther is cosplaying. There!
EDIT 2: Forget it! Atleast half of the roster is terran if skins count... i give up!
submitted by /u/Throwaway13044 What could go wrong with triple ranged and morales?
EDIT: god damnit... missed like a thousand skins... lets see... murky is a marine in training doesnt even have his gun yet. Rexxar scavenged the gear from a marine misha ate aaaand uther is cosplaying. There!
EDIT 2: Forget it! Atleast half of the roster is terran if skins count... i give up!
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Best hero release of 2016
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 12:42 AM PST
It's that time of the year again to make lists! Although I hope, but doubt the new hero will also be released in 2016 perhaps it's time to look back and see what released hero we think was the best in 2016! For consistency sake: let's look at their current (if altered) forms, although it is a plus imho if the release hits the sweet spot right away :).
EDIT: It has been brought to my attention Cho Gall was (pre) released in 2015. NEW strawpoll without Cho Gall!
Although I love a lot of them personally, my vote went to Auriel! Because:
Nice holiday all! Can't wait for what 2017 brings to HotS!
(Old strawpoll including Cho Gall: )
submitted by /u/Ownzalot EDIT: It has been brought to my attention Cho Gall was (pre) released in 2015. NEW strawpoll without Cho Gall!
Although I love a lot of them personally, my vote went to Auriel! Because:
- She is and was well balanced, almost always fits and nice to have, never feels broken if the enemies grab her. Just good.
- She is fun to play and rewards skill: all her abilities are skillshots, even her heal! Can you hit as many teammates with your W as possible? Switch D targets quickly as big abilities go off? Stun someone with E or just disengage (if you hit)? Stack/blind/damage with Q (with more damage in center). Hit aegis and shield of hope at the right times? It all just makes her fun to play and rewards skill.
- She has viable talents on all her tiers with specific situations making one talent perhaps slightly better over the other. I.e. a healthy and responsive talent tree offering quite some variations on all tiers. Perhaps her only flaw is her resurrect ult, that's generally underperforming in its current form.
- She is a support, which is generally a role that could use some love :D (although we've had some nice reworks on "older" heroes which technically made them "new").
Nice holiday all! Can't wait for what 2017 brings to HotS!
(Old strawpoll including Cho Gall: )
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Healing Wells should drop a purple regen globe on death
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 02:34 AM PST
I just always thought it was inconsistent how Healing Wells don't give you anything when they're destroyed: no exp, nothing. I read an idea here once that they should drop a regen globe, but my slight variation on that is: what if it were a neutral one? That makes the well dying turn into a dynamic moment where you can either snatch up the globe as consolation for not reaching the well on time, or use it to heal your team after a push.
submitted by /u/riddlmastr [link] [comments]
New TL is the most surprising great change I've seen in this game
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:44 PM PST
It is now:
1) Super easy to find people to play serious games on voice (since there's a bunch of people looking for a third)
2) You can actually draft properly with the mandatory picking order removed (figured people would be toxic about this, but haven't had any issues at all so far!)
3) Matchmaking is MUCH better than it used to be for mid-level games. In diamond / plat at least, I've only played against similarly skilled teams - no more stomping bronzies/getting stomped by GMs as it used to be!
I know some people have had bad experiences (specially GMs and the poor souls facing them), but I'd just like to share a different perspective. To me at least this change has been really great.
EDIT: I see that this is a very controversial topic and many are having a very different experience from mine. I'd just like to encourage those who have had a bad experience so far playing Duo to give Trio a shot - just join the Team League chat channels and look for 1 player who is of similar skill. Queue times go down dramatically and game quality does tend to improve.
submitted by /u/Sanakhte 1) Super easy to find people to play serious games on voice (since there's a bunch of people looking for a third)
2) You can actually draft properly with the mandatory picking order removed (figured people would be toxic about this, but haven't had any issues at all so far!)
3) Matchmaking is MUCH better than it used to be for mid-level games. In diamond / plat at least, I've only played against similarly skilled teams - no more stomping bronzies/getting stomped by GMs as it used to be!
I know some people have had bad experiences (specially GMs and the poor souls facing them), but I'd just like to share a different perspective. To me at least this change has been really great.
EDIT: I see that this is a very controversial topic and many are having a very different experience from mine. I'd just like to encourage those who have had a bad experience so far playing Duo to give Trio a shot - just join the Team League chat channels and look for 1 player who is of similar skill. Queue times go down dramatically and game quality does tend to improve.
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Bug: Ragnaros "W" cast on Azmodan causes crash to desktop
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:03 PM PST
Just played a QM on Blackheart's Bay where each time I used Ragnaros' W (Living Meteor) on Azmodan, the game immediately crashed to desktop.
I was using the W build with "Shifting Meteor" taken at level 1, if this is helpful in recreating the bug. I used the ability on each other enemy hero, and none of the others caused a crash like when used on Azmodan.
This seems to be a new bug with today's patch. I know I played this build with Rag against Azmodans before today and never had a CTD. I will also post this on the official forums.
submitted by /u/Caddaric I was using the W build with "Shifting Meteor" taken at level 1, if this is helpful in recreating the bug. I used the ability on each other enemy hero, and none of the others caused a crash like when used on Azmodan.
This seems to be a new bug with today's patch. I know I played this build with Rag against Azmodans before today and never had a CTD. I will also post this on the official forums.
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The Maraudin' Muradin skin and bundle are now available in the shop!
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 02:38 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Arkentass [link] [comments] |
This troll reveal won't be complete if we don't get rick rolled
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:32 AM PST
I'm completely expecting to get a rick roll when they link us the heroic habilities. I'll be really disappointed if this don't happen.
submitted by /u/CronoSmash [link] [comments]
A Glossary for New Players
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:30 AM PST
Hello /r/heroesofthestorm . Since the overwatch promotion a lot of my friends have picked up the game. I wasn't able to play with them until now and I realized that there is a lot of terminology used in the game that no one really explains. So In hopes to help other I'll explain some basic terms used in HoTS for newer players (This are the ones that came to mind, if you have a submission, comment it and I'll add it to the list)
Global: Term used to describe heroes that can travel around the map almost instantly, this heroes are: Brightwing, Dehaka, Falstad, Abathur and ETC with the (R) "Stage Dive" (Note that Illidan with (R) "The Hunt" can do a similar thing but he is not referenced as a Global Hero)
Soak: Means having presence on the lanes, being close enough to the minions dying to "soak" the experience.
Trade: This means either means killing the same amount of heroes than the enemy on a team fight, or trade pushing where you trade a fort or a keep for one of yours (The enemy is 5 pushing bot, and you are 5 pushing top)
Contest: Means Fighting over an objective, merc or boss. Thighs like standing on the shire on Dragon shire to stop the enemy from taking it, similarly with Bosses and mercs. (This term can also go hand in hand with "Steal". If the enemy team is doing boss, contesting it can also mean stealing it)
Rotations : moving between lanes, often in a four man rotation to dominate soak from two particular lanes, searching for picks Picks :hero kill, often a gank Gank : killing an isolated hero I hope I can help some new players out. I know some of this may seem obvious to older players but I had to explain this terms to my friends, so I'm guessing there are more with this issues out there. (Specially non English speakers)
(Rotations, Picks, Ganks suggested by /r/ThornAernought)
submitted by /u/Hyundi Global: Term used to describe heroes that can travel around the map almost instantly, this heroes are: Brightwing, Dehaka, Falstad, Abathur and ETC with the (R) "Stage Dive" (Note that Illidan with (R) "The Hunt" can do a similar thing but he is not referenced as a Global Hero)
Soak: Means having presence on the lanes, being close enough to the minions dying to "soak" the experience.
Trade: This means either means killing the same amount of heroes than the enemy on a team fight, or trade pushing where you trade a fort or a keep for one of yours (The enemy is 5 pushing bot, and you are 5 pushing top)
Contest: Means Fighting over an objective, merc or boss. Thighs like standing on the shire on Dragon shire to stop the enemy from taking it, similarly with Bosses and mercs. (This term can also go hand in hand with "Steal". If the enemy team is doing boss, contesting it can also mean stealing it)
Rotations : moving between lanes, often in a four man rotation to dominate soak from two particular lanes, searching for picks Picks :hero kill, often a gank Gank : killing an isolated hero I hope I can help some new players out. I know some of this may seem obvious to older players but I had to explain this terms to my friends, so I'm guessing there are more with this issues out there. (Specially non English speakers)
(Rotations, Picks, Ganks suggested by /r/ThornAernought)
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What pushed Raynor so high?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 03:13 AM PST
While recent patch statistics isn't that reliable yet, Raynor currently appears second top on hotslogs, and even in Master he's sixth.
(Btw, Diablo seems unimpressed by these slight nerfs, at least sitewide, but that's another point.)
Upd.: I'm thankful to everyone for their insights, really, I didn't think about most of these things.
submitted by /u/localghost (Btw, Diablo seems unimpressed by these slight nerfs, at least sitewide, but that's another point.)
Upd.: I'm thankful to everyone for their insights, really, I didn't think about most of these things.
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The secrets to mastering HotS. Part 1: A look into try mode
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:46 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/So1dier [link] [comments] |
Is go for the throat bugged?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 02:32 AM PST
I recently starte playing greymane again and noticed that gftt can be blocked now. Is this intended? I'm asking cause varian can parry it(as well as some other abilities like colossus smash) so its maybe just basic attack with more damage? To be clear I am asking about normal block like from bw E or talents,not about parry
Also sometimes it straight up doesnt work vs moving targets just like reghar lunge.
submitted by /u/Mostdakka Also sometimes it straight up doesnt work vs moving targets just like reghar lunge.
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Grubby steals a siege camp with Artanis
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 01:05 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/erasedeny [link] [comments] |
Double Weekly Sale Dec 20 - Jan 3
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 01:39 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/ToastieNL [link] [comments] |
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