Posted: 20 Dec 2016 04:26 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/GamingRedditor [link] [comments] |
Culture Bomb limited to within 3 tiles of your cities and won't take completed districts and wonders.
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:28 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/FirebugRM [link] [comments] |
Civilization VI - First Look: Poland
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 04:40 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/RxKing [link] [comments] |
When you hear Poland is coming to CIV6 but you don't have any panzers.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 07:39 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/KomradeTuniska [link] [comments] |
Digital deluxe disappointment
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:58 AM PST
I brought the digital deluxe edition expecting to save money on the next 4 dlc, and get more civs, and new leders for existing civs. Now there have been released 2 new dlc and in total they added ONE new civ and leader. In total they cost 9.98€ so I haven't even saved anything. Why didn't the viking dlc contain either Denmark or Sweeden, or both?
submitted by /u/GnaverHS [link] [comments]
Civilization VI 'Winter Update 2016' Now Live
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 04:41 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/RxKing [link] [comments] |
Details on the 3 new Natural Wonders in the Vikings Scenario Pack
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:48 AM PST
Since there were surprisingly no details on what these natural wonders do in the patch notes, I spent some time looking for them in-game to find out.
Lysefjord seems pretty bad if only because of how weak naval combat is right now. Could be really good though if naval combat becomes relevant in the future.
Eyja is basically if Piopiotahi and Mt. Kilimanjaro had a baby with no money. Super strong, probably the best additional yield natural wonder in the game right now outside maybe Torres del Paine. You get +6 yields from the 2 middle tiles, and +3 yields from the other 6. This pretty much makes a tundra city super viable on its own.
Giant's Causeway seems like the best of the three at this state of the game, at least IMO. +5 combat strength on all your land units for free with no attacking restrictions to boot (like in most class promotions) is pretty damn good. 40 combat strength War Carts seems like some kind of nightmare I don't even want to think about.
submitted by /u/pacotacobell - Lysefjord - Naval combat units that enter adjacent plots are granted their next promotion.
- Eyjafjallajökull - Adjacent land plots yield +1 Culture and +2 Food.
- Giant's Causeway - Land combat units that enter adjacent plots receive the ability 'Spear of Fionn' (+5 combat strength).
Lysefjord seems pretty bad if only because of how weak naval combat is right now. Could be really good though if naval combat becomes relevant in the future.
Eyja is basically if Piopiotahi and Mt. Kilimanjaro had a baby with no money. Super strong, probably the best additional yield natural wonder in the game right now outside maybe Torres del Paine. You get +6 yields from the 2 middle tiles, and +3 yields from the other 6. This pretty much makes a tundra city super viable on its own.
Giant's Causeway seems like the best of the three at this state of the game, at least IMO. +5 combat strength on all your land units for free with no attacking restrictions to boot (like in most class promotions) is pretty damn good. 40 combat strength War Carts seems like some kind of nightmare I don't even want to think about.
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When u is more powerful than everyone on your planet and you still can't go into space
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 04:56 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/TheGreatfanBR [link] [comments] |
Alert, we have alert.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:24 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Deign [link] [comments] |
Who says Poland can't into space?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 09:19 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/ajstangl [link] [comments] |
Literally the best starting tile in the game?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:46 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/callmewoof [link] [comments] |
it's good to see all shapes of Mine are being equally represented.
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 05:41 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/FirebugRM [link] [comments] |
What units are those in red uniforms? Jannisarys?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 03:40 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Bagasrujo [link] [comments] |
TIL Your City Defense strength depends on the highest base combat strength among your units
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 05:49 AM PST
So i was playing a Culture game with Kongo (managed to get Orcale in my Cap) when i noticed that, despite being in Atomic Era my highest City defense strength was only at 23. Then after i build a Tank Army it instantly rose to 97 in all Cities.
P.S. Kumasi OP
submitted by /u/ItsacEmthrfckr P.S. Kumasi OP
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Thoughts on Viking DLC?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:20 AM PST
There's a few good threads on the Polish civ DLC, but this DLC is (justifiably) getting very little buzz. The scenario pack still added six city-states and three natural wonders to the base game, which mostly look like fun picks. What are people's thoughts on them?
submitted by /u/Durflol [link] [comments]
Hedwig really let herself go (on my trash laptop)
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 03:34 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/raycluster [link] [comments] |
What are the patch notes for the new ~800 mb civ6 patch?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 04:18 PM PST
EDIT: Thanks to Reddit Detectives
It seems to add the new dlcs:
Civilization VI - Poland Civilization & Scenario Pack
Civilization VI - Vikings Scenario Pack
I can confirm because I now seem to own the dlc due to my 25th anniversary edition. It seems pretty strange that they would release dlc without even bothering to announce it ahead of time.
Thanks to u/Wackky42 for the complete patchnotes!:
Added Earth map (Standard size)
Added "Alert" action for units
Put a unit to sleep until they spot an enemy unit
Scenario setup menu
Jump into Scenarios more easily within the Single Player menu. This only shows up when a single player scenario is available and enabled (as can be found in both of the new DLCs!)
Added new replay option to Wonder completion movies
Religious units may now Fortify Until Healed
Coastal Raids can now pillage districts in addition to the buildings within
Great Admirals are no longer allowed to spawn on wonders in water tiles (ex. Huey, Great Lighthouse) so they cannot become stranded in lakes
Cities can no longer receive yields from more than one regional building per type; they take the highest (ex. production from multiple Factories)
Cities can no longer receive amenities from more than one regional building per type; they take the highest (ex. amenities from multiple Stadiums)
Decreased production costs of Wonders progressively
From the Industrial era (about -10%) to the Atomic era (about -40%).
Decreased production costs of all Space Race Projects by 40%.
Increased research costs of Technologies and Civics progressively
From the Industrial era (about +5%) to the Information era (about +20%).
Increased Faith from Mission
Increased Culture from Chateau
Lowered the minimum unit upgrade cost
Improved clarity on Warmongering penalties associated with taking a civ's final city
Most Civilization unique districts now require population to construct (like normal districts)
Spaceport district no longer requires population to construct
Improved AI Deal negotiations and analysis Improved AI handling of Promises; including that they are more likely to agree if they like you, and also will consider how trustworthy a civ is by whether they've kept previous promises Improved tactical handling of Great Admirals and Great Generals
Improved AI interest in Terracotta Army Improved handling of leaf techs Improved building of Forts
Improved resource grabbing in late game
Improved Last Viking King agenda's analysis for who is in bottom percentage of navies
Improved handling of several complaint or kudo messages from AI Rebalanced Catherine's evaluation of the 'no spying' Promise AI will not try to convert unconvertible cities
Fixed several unique buildings that weren't getting their yields increased by various game effects (ex. Policies)
Fixed an issue that allowed the Goddess of the Harvest pantheon bonus to stack
Fixed it so loading screens now show the correct text and play matching VO
Fixed an issue that blocked certain relationship-based diplomatic actions
Fixed an issue where incomplete Encampment districts were able to attack
Fixed an issue where you could declare war on friends or allies by moving units
Fixed an issue where AI could declare war on a civ with whom they were already at war
Fixed an issue that caused a Multiplayer lobby to require joining players to have Additional Content that wasn't actually needed Fixed a bug that caused Apostles to run out of promotion Fixed a bug where gaining policy slots mid-turn could block progression
Fixed issues caused by trading lots of Great Works at the same time
Fixed an issue where turn timers weren't loading correctly from a save
Fixed an issue where Rome's roads would connect to too many adjacent roads
Fixed issue where civs could get another civ's exclusive agenda
Fixed multiple links to the Civilopedia Fixed issue that could cause menu music to play twice and overlap itself
Fixed an issue that could cause private MP games to become public
Fixed multiple text & grammatical issues Fixed multiple crashes
Added new art for National Parks Updated Mines for several eras
Updated Swordsman
Improved city fading during combat
Hallowed Ground scenario is no playable on huge maps
VO now plays correctly when loading a save
Resource Report now correctly shows resources from several sources: Great People abilities Diplomatic Deals
Checkboxes for toggle yields and grid now stay in sync with hotkeys
Improved differentiation in Government Lens hex colors
Added Defeat icon to the End Game Results screen
Added sound effect for Quick Save hotkey
submitted by /u/Hotax It seems to add the new dlcs:
Civilization VI - Poland Civilization & Scenario Pack
Civilization VI - Vikings Scenario Pack
I can confirm because I now seem to own the dlc due to my 25th anniversary edition. It seems pretty strange that they would release dlc without even bothering to announce it ahead of time.
Thanks to u/Wackky42 for the complete patchnotes!:
Added Earth map (Standard size)
Added "Alert" action for units
Put a unit to sleep until they spot an enemy unit
Scenario setup menu
Jump into Scenarios more easily within the Single Player menu. This only shows up when a single player scenario is available and enabled (as can be found in both of the new DLCs!)
Added new replay option to Wonder completion movies
Religious units may now Fortify Until Healed
Coastal Raids can now pillage districts in addition to the buildings within
Great Admirals are no longer allowed to spawn on wonders in water tiles (ex. Huey, Great Lighthouse) so they cannot become stranded in lakes
Cities can no longer receive yields from more than one regional building per type; they take the highest (ex. production from multiple Factories)
Cities can no longer receive amenities from more than one regional building per type; they take the highest (ex. amenities from multiple Stadiums)
Decreased production costs of Wonders progressively
From the Industrial era (about -10%) to the Atomic era (about -40%).
Decreased production costs of all Space Race Projects by 40%.
Increased research costs of Technologies and Civics progressively
From the Industrial era (about +5%) to the Information era (about +20%).
Increased Faith from Mission
Increased Culture from Chateau
Lowered the minimum unit upgrade cost
Improved clarity on Warmongering penalties associated with taking a civ's final city
Most Civilization unique districts now require population to construct (like normal districts)
Spaceport district no longer requires population to construct
Improved AI Deal negotiations and analysis Improved AI handling of Promises; including that they are more likely to agree if they like you, and also will consider how trustworthy a civ is by whether they've kept previous promises Improved tactical handling of Great Admirals and Great Generals
Improved AI interest in Terracotta Army Improved handling of leaf techs Improved building of Forts
Improved resource grabbing in late game
Improved Last Viking King agenda's analysis for who is in bottom percentage of navies
Improved handling of several complaint or kudo messages from AI Rebalanced Catherine's evaluation of the 'no spying' Promise AI will not try to convert unconvertible cities
Fixed several unique buildings that weren't getting their yields increased by various game effects (ex. Policies)
Fixed an issue that allowed the Goddess of the Harvest pantheon bonus to stack
Fixed it so loading screens now show the correct text and play matching VO
Fixed an issue that blocked certain relationship-based diplomatic actions
Fixed an issue where incomplete Encampment districts were able to attack
Fixed an issue where you could declare war on friends or allies by moving units
Fixed an issue where AI could declare war on a civ with whom they were already at war
Fixed an issue that caused a Multiplayer lobby to require joining players to have Additional Content that wasn't actually needed Fixed a bug that caused Apostles to run out of promotion Fixed a bug where gaining policy slots mid-turn could block progression
Fixed issues caused by trading lots of Great Works at the same time
Fixed an issue where turn timers weren't loading correctly from a save
Fixed an issue where Rome's roads would connect to too many adjacent roads
Fixed issue where civs could get another civ's exclusive agenda
Fixed multiple links to the Civilopedia Fixed issue that could cause menu music to play twice and overlap itself
Fixed an issue that could cause private MP games to become public
Fixed multiple text & grammatical issues Fixed multiple crashes
Added new art for National Parks Updated Mines for several eras
Updated Swordsman
Improved city fading during combat
Hallowed Ground scenario is no playable on huge maps
VO now plays correctly when loading a save
Resource Report now correctly shows resources from several sources: Great People abilities Diplomatic Deals
Checkboxes for toggle yields and grid now stay in sync with hotkeys
Improved differentiation in Government Lens hex colors
Added Defeat icon to the End Game Results screen
Added sound effect for Quick Save hotkey
[link] [comments]
My Initial Thoughts On The Winter Patch and Poland (Pano1g)
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 01:35 AM PST
Hey guys it's Pano1g here. Some of you may know me from my Deity tier lists at
Today we got a new patch here as well as the Poland Civ coming in as DLC and I've been testing stuff out all day as soon as the patch dropped so I can update my tier list for the Winter Patch. I just wanted to check in with you all to share my initial thoughts on the changes and on the new civ Poland.
The biggest change here is obviously the nerf to aoe buildings such as Factories and Zoos. This is particularly significant because previously the meta was centered around going wide and fitting as many cities as possible into your land and then taking advantage of the production provided by factories to outproduce the AI. With this change this is no longer the case; it seems that now there is a good balance between wide and tall strategies since spamming factories is no longer efficient. This also means that the AI has become more competitive since strategic placement of industrial zones is no longer exploitable. I will note however after testing that cities can get the aoe bonus production from one factory that belongs to a different city IN ADDITION to the production from their own factory. This means that Germany is not as nerfed as many players had initially thought; however it is now impossible for each city to get bonus production from 5-6 different factories and as such spamming many crappy cities is no longer efficient. As a result of this change, faith purchasing strats are much stronger than before since they can convert faith into production for military in the midgame in a way that's more efficient than spamming factories is. Civs that can reliably get a religion versus the Deity AI are definitely going to be seeing a jump in power.
The second biggest change is the requiring population from Unique Districts. Previously this was a highly exploitable mechanic which caused large power boosts for civs that had access to unique districts (I'm looking at you Germany and Greece). I'm actually very happy about this change since it significantly balances the powergap between all civs and allows some unique buildings to actually become useful.
In terms of AI competitiveness. I have already noted through testing that the AI expands more aggressively now and settles many more cities than before if allowed to. This is very good since in previous patches the AI would sit at 4-6 cities for the entire game even if they had a whole continent to themselves. I've also noted that the AI prioritizes religion less now which is a good thing since previously the AI would prioritize faith and religious victories even if it was to its own detriment. Some Civs do still prioritize religions but it's the ones that benefit most from it (as it should be).
As for my thoughts on Poland......This is a strong civ; possibly even number 1. The ability to steal land without going to war and to convert enemy cities through culture bombing allows them to make use of the Crusader Belief better than any other civ and this is a strat that I expect will see a lot of use even in multiplayer. I will note however that at present, "culture bombing" doesn't seem to be able to steal tiles that have completed districts and wonders on them (this may be a bug but at present this definitely seems to be the case); this significantly lowers its strategic use but as I mentioned before the synergy with the Crusader belief alone makes it a powerful and consistent bonus. With the nerfs to factories, internal trade routes are going to be more important than ever and with their unique building Poland is going to have a very strong economy. The relic bonus is unreliable but if you happen to get some relics early it can really allow you to snowball your games just like it does for Kongo. The wildcard policy slot is also very strong for every victory type and actually makes rushing a religion viable for Poland vs the deity AI (which as I mentioned before is going to be a very strong strategy this patch). Winged Hussars are a very strong Unique Unit which come into the game relatively early and stay relevant for a VERY large portion of the game; Domination victories are going to be very easy with Poland. They do take a hit in utility due to the fact that you can't upgrade into them; however they upgrade into tanks which are arguably the best lategame unit and they also benefit from being obtainable at Mercenaries (which allows you to build a strong military unit while focusing on the top part of the tech tree). This unit will even be strong in multiplayer so I expect FilthyRobot will be placing Poland at the top of his Multiplayer Tier list as well. Poland is just a really great Civ that perfectly fits in with this patches' meta.
All in all I'm happy with this patch. I do think Poland is quite OP (as in leagues above most other Civs in both single player deity and multiplayer) but the balance changes have made wide and tall strats equally viable and have brought most other civs in line with eachother in terms of strength. The Deity AI is also becoming more and more challenging which is something I'm very happy about; it still sucks at battle tactics and unit placement but at least it's becoming harder and harder to outpace the Deity AI's bonuses without going to war. I'd love to hear what you guys think of the new patch. Please remember to upvote if you enjoyed this post and keep a lookout for my updated tier list in the next few days! Cheers guys!
submitted by /u/seacow1g Today we got a new patch here as well as the Poland Civ coming in as DLC and I've been testing stuff out all day as soon as the patch dropped so I can update my tier list for the Winter Patch. I just wanted to check in with you all to share my initial thoughts on the changes and on the new civ Poland.
The biggest change here is obviously the nerf to aoe buildings such as Factories and Zoos. This is particularly significant because previously the meta was centered around going wide and fitting as many cities as possible into your land and then taking advantage of the production provided by factories to outproduce the AI. With this change this is no longer the case; it seems that now there is a good balance between wide and tall strategies since spamming factories is no longer efficient. This also means that the AI has become more competitive since strategic placement of industrial zones is no longer exploitable. I will note however after testing that cities can get the aoe bonus production from one factory that belongs to a different city IN ADDITION to the production from their own factory. This means that Germany is not as nerfed as many players had initially thought; however it is now impossible for each city to get bonus production from 5-6 different factories and as such spamming many crappy cities is no longer efficient. As a result of this change, faith purchasing strats are much stronger than before since they can convert faith into production for military in the midgame in a way that's more efficient than spamming factories is. Civs that can reliably get a religion versus the Deity AI are definitely going to be seeing a jump in power.
The second biggest change is the requiring population from Unique Districts. Previously this was a highly exploitable mechanic which caused large power boosts for civs that had access to unique districts (I'm looking at you Germany and Greece). I'm actually very happy about this change since it significantly balances the powergap between all civs and allows some unique buildings to actually become useful.
In terms of AI competitiveness. I have already noted through testing that the AI expands more aggressively now and settles many more cities than before if allowed to. This is very good since in previous patches the AI would sit at 4-6 cities for the entire game even if they had a whole continent to themselves. I've also noted that the AI prioritizes religion less now which is a good thing since previously the AI would prioritize faith and religious victories even if it was to its own detriment. Some Civs do still prioritize religions but it's the ones that benefit most from it (as it should be).
As for my thoughts on Poland......This is a strong civ; possibly even number 1. The ability to steal land without going to war and to convert enemy cities through culture bombing allows them to make use of the Crusader Belief better than any other civ and this is a strat that I expect will see a lot of use even in multiplayer. I will note however that at present, "culture bombing" doesn't seem to be able to steal tiles that have completed districts and wonders on them (this may be a bug but at present this definitely seems to be the case); this significantly lowers its strategic use but as I mentioned before the synergy with the Crusader belief alone makes it a powerful and consistent bonus. With the nerfs to factories, internal trade routes are going to be more important than ever and with their unique building Poland is going to have a very strong economy. The relic bonus is unreliable but if you happen to get some relics early it can really allow you to snowball your games just like it does for Kongo. The wildcard policy slot is also very strong for every victory type and actually makes rushing a religion viable for Poland vs the deity AI (which as I mentioned before is going to be a very strong strategy this patch). Winged Hussars are a very strong Unique Unit which come into the game relatively early and stay relevant for a VERY large portion of the game; Domination victories are going to be very easy with Poland. They do take a hit in utility due to the fact that you can't upgrade into them; however they upgrade into tanks which are arguably the best lategame unit and they also benefit from being obtainable at Mercenaries (which allows you to build a strong military unit while focusing on the top part of the tech tree). This unit will even be strong in multiplayer so I expect FilthyRobot will be placing Poland at the top of his Multiplayer Tier list as well. Poland is just a really great Civ that perfectly fits in with this patches' meta.
All in all I'm happy with this patch. I do think Poland is quite OP (as in leagues above most other Civs in both single player deity and multiplayer) but the balance changes have made wide and tall strats equally viable and have brought most other civs in line with eachother in terms of strength. The Deity AI is also becoming more and more challenging which is something I'm very happy about; it still sucks at battle tactics and unit placement but at least it's becoming harder and harder to outpace the Deity AI's bonuses without going to war. I'd love to hear what you guys think of the new patch. Please remember to upvote if you enjoyed this post and keep a lookout for my updated tier list in the next few days! Cheers guys!
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The best thing about Civ VI Poland is...
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 02:54 AM PST
... that we FINALLY have the white-crimson color scheme. Now please, mods, change the Polish flair, I'm tired of being one-headed Albania.
Also, land steal OP, but I'll gladly annex our rightful clay (which means ALL the clay).
submitted by /u/stysiaq Also, land steal OP, but I'll gladly annex our rightful clay (which means ALL the clay).
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Guy from Poland asking about the rationality of chosing Jadwiga for the ruler of Poland.
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:53 AM PST
So, I played (but didn't own) civ iv, and own civ v with both dlcs. I didn't buy civ vi, as I didn't see a huge leap forward in newer instalment. And I'm rather disappointed by first dlc civ in civ vi, not wanting to buy Civ VI just to play my country.
Poland was in Civ V, and now it is in Civ VI, led by Jadwiga.
Now, I do not understand why were the game creators so desperate for a female leader for Poland to choose Jadwiga. Maybe because they have a female bias? Whatever, if the choice makes sense it is ok. But it doesn't. Jadwiga barely did anything and is not representative of Poland in any way.
The greatest thing about her, was that she was a woman and could be married to (this wasn't her initiative, she was already engaged before becoming a KING of Poland, in those times an actual queen was something unthinkable) Lithuanian great duke Jogaila, thus enabling the formation of union between countries. Her reign was rather dominated by her husband after her marriage, who is a much more representative leader of Poland, despite coming from Lithuania.
Why do the creators feel the desperate need to put female leaders, despite there being so few of them in the male-dominated past.
I don't want to offend anyone, but sadly this is a historical truth, there were (and are) few fenale leaders of nations, and some of them were great and well known (Catherine the Great of Russia, Elizabeth the First), but not all of them, same with male leaders, some were great, some were not.
And there's no point adding obscure leaders, just for the sake of their gender.
Also Władysław the Third of Poland was supposedly gay, will we see him in Civ VII? For the sake of some weird correctness?
Although he admittedly died in Crusade of Varna, gaining some more fame.
Please don't feel offended, but I'm just asking for the somewhat accurate or at least sensible and unbiased description of historical events. Which sadly were male-dominated.
submitted by /u/Martin_Phosphorus Poland was in Civ V, and now it is in Civ VI, led by Jadwiga.
Now, I do not understand why were the game creators so desperate for a female leader for Poland to choose Jadwiga. Maybe because they have a female bias? Whatever, if the choice makes sense it is ok. But it doesn't. Jadwiga barely did anything and is not representative of Poland in any way.
The greatest thing about her, was that she was a woman and could be married to (this wasn't her initiative, she was already engaged before becoming a KING of Poland, in those times an actual queen was something unthinkable) Lithuanian great duke Jogaila, thus enabling the formation of union between countries. Her reign was rather dominated by her husband after her marriage, who is a much more representative leader of Poland, despite coming from Lithuania.
Why do the creators feel the desperate need to put female leaders, despite there being so few of them in the male-dominated past.
I don't want to offend anyone, but sadly this is a historical truth, there were (and are) few fenale leaders of nations, and some of them were great and well known (Catherine the Great of Russia, Elizabeth the First), but not all of them, same with male leaders, some were great, some were not.
And there's no point adding obscure leaders, just for the sake of their gender.
Also Władysław the Third of Poland was supposedly gay, will we see him in Civ VII? For the sake of some weird correctness?
Although he admittedly died in Crusade of Varna, gaining some more fame.
Please don't feel offended, but I'm just asking for the somewhat accurate or at least sensible and unbiased description of historical events. Which sadly were male-dominated.
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Barbarians really get ridiculous sometimes
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:28 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/BananaSplit2 [link] [comments] |
Something is not quite right here...
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 01:24 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Annexor [link] [comments] |
*NEW* Civ 6 World map screenshots
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:32 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Samara_blue [link] [comments] |
I miss the archipelago map [Civ VI]
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:23 AM PST
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