Aphromoo shows where all solo queue players dodge.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:03 PM PST

Why does changing your masteries in the new champ select obscure your view of the picks and the timer?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:49 AM PST

One of my favorite things about champ select last season was that they formatted the mastery window so that even while you were editing them in the lobby, you could still see the two most critical elements of the screen below:
1) the timer counting down until the game starts 2) all of the picks on both teams
I thought this was an incredibly efficient design because it gave you all the time you wanted to edit your masteries without actually being removed from the champ select process. Now the window is this massive rectangle that covers the entire screen, and you can't see anything at all. This feels like a massive step backwards, as we now have to rush through our masteries as quickly as possible because we don't know how much time is left.
We also no longer have the luxury of making real-time changes to our masteries based on the champions that are picked, which I believe is an important part of the drafting phase. If you want your masteries to be optimized according to the team compositions, you'll have to wait until every champion is picked and then speed-click your way through them while the timer (which you can't see) runs out. Overall I am very confused as to why this poor design is being used now when Riot absolutely nailed it last time.
TL;DR new mastery editing screen covers all of the important champ select information, the old one was perfectly scaled and didn't hide anything relevant.
submitted by /u/Rikisrakis
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Aphromoo showing off his truly eye-popping Xerath mechanics with an E prediction!
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 05:55 AM PST

Kalista dash speed being reduced by slows is technically a bug.

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:25 AM PST

Because 5.22 patch notes say...
Passive - Martial Poise NEW RAPID HOPS The speed of Martial Poise's jump now only scales with attack speed (can be negatively affected by attack speed slows)
And her followup patches with 6.1 and 6.6 make no other mention of Martial Poise instead hitting her utility, mana efficiency and self sufficiency.
Rito fix plz.
submitted by /u/daniel_song
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Update | From Mickey's Facebook: "Many people think that I'm going to Origen but I have no connection to Origen. There will be good news soon"
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:13 AM PST

Championify 2.0.0 - New sources, auto updater, bug fixes, and more!

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:27 AM PST

Championify is a little program that downloads all the recent item sets from popular websites like Champion.gg and imports them in to your League of Legends to use within game! No hassle. Championify supports 39 languages and with plenty of new features planned and in the works!
Been quite awhile since I've written one of these, but I'm very excited to bring you all a new version of Championify that I've been plugging away at slowly for a couple weeks. Lots of new features added such as new sources, new auto updater, bug fixes, and an easier development flow for others to contribute.
Note this release has breaking changes specifically to the auto updater, that will require a full uninstall/reinstall. Anything before version 2.0.0 will break on load. I unfortunately couldn't put together a nicer way to transition.
Lastly don't forget with all the new sources being added, a lot of these teams do it in the own spare time for fun and for the community to bring you the best item sets. A few have donation buttons. If you have a few bucks to spare, go show them some love. 😃

Quick Downloads

Windows: Setup.exe | ZIP
macOS: DMG | ZIP

Changelog 2.0.0 (December 21st, 2016)

Breaking Changes

  • Completely replaced auto updater with Squirrels (built in to Electron) causing anything below 2.0.0 to break. Manual reinstallation required. #205
  • Renamed --startLeague option parameter to --start-league


  • Added op.gg, Probuilds, Lolalytics, and Lolmasters
  • Changed donation method to Patreon #151
  • Updated translations

Bug Fixes

  • Added Control wards to consumables #223
  • Fixed Wukong not showing up for some sources #211
  • Fixed incorrect translation placement #216
  • Replaced Windows elevate with standalone exe #220
  • Fixed error message when Windows can't elevate
  • Fixed error window being hidden and showing successful builds instead
  • Fixed versions view to support more sources

Technical Features

  • Updated to Node 6 / Electron 1.4.13
  • Both Windows and macOS are now code signed to secure builds and updates #123
  • Improved development experience on OSX
  • Replaced Jade with Marko for faster renders
submitted by /u/DustinHeroin
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Vander will not be playing in LCS this split.

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:53 AM PST

Vander - "I will not play in LCS next split #vacation w/ @FORG1VENGRE"
After reaching semi-finals Vander and likely Forg1ven will not be playing in EU LCS this split. Nuclear and Chei from Korea will be replacing the former duo.
Good luck to Vander and Forg1ven and hopefully we will be seeing them in summer I guess.
submitted by /u/Clam-The-Jam
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KaKAO's Interview on becoming Misfits new Jungler
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:25 AM PST

The top four aatrox mains in korea

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 02:12 AM PST

The top four Aatrox in Korea have 1 game each.... this poor champion, riot has completely neglected aatrox, so much so that the top aatroxes in Korea only have one game, and DONT main aatrox. http://www.op.gg/ranking/champions/name=aatrox ITS ALSO THE SAME IN NA http://na.op.gg/ranking/champions/name=aatrox
EDIT: THE ONE TRUE HERO sweeeeeetdreams
submitted by /u/VoltWolf
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Rush is on a rampage in KR SoloQ

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 09:58 PM PST

Ever since he stopped streaming he's been killing it in SoloQ. He went from gold 3 to masters in 10 days and he's not stopping there. No more unlucky teams, no more toxic Chinese players, no more getting dragged down by imp. He's heading for the top. R-R-R-RAAAAANK ONEEE.
submitted by /u/RushFanboy1234
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How to still get Level 3 in Minute 2:00 in the Jungle
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 03:20 AM PST
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Season 7
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:14 AM PST

What if Sightstone gave increased exp for killing wards?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:41 PM PST

I was really excited when riot added the exp for killing wards but since then I have been really aware of how few wards I actually get to kill. Usually whoever is near or with me takes the last hiti. So what if sightstone was what gave the exp or at least increased it? Or maybe even gave a little exp when you ward and some when your wards expire? Just spitballing. These probably won't work but whatevs
submitted by /u/Just7hrsold
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League of Legends Beats Revenue Projections for 2016, Tops Free to Play Market
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:02 AM PST
Tobias Fate with the unfortunate gank
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:32 PM PST
Aphro still knows how to play ADC
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:22 AM PST
Tobias Fate with the 1 shot
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:53 AM PST
"Im playing pretty safe mid" - Sneaky
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 09:22 PM PST

LEAK: Selfie, KaSing, Djoko and korean toplaner to play CSQ. CozQ to play for Misfits Academy.

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:37 AM PST

from M1kyxs stream: https://clips.twitch.tv/m1kyx/CuteKuduSriHead
screenshot from CozQ stream: http://prntscr.com/dmbhn5
EDIT: censored ty u/Subjugation229
submitted by /u/JustForCLips
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Janna's rate of 998 vs $2.95 a minute

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 05:23 PM PST

Janna's joke is "Yes, it's true. For only $2.95 a minute, I will leave you breathless."
However, in the Secret Agent Miss Fortune skin, there is a banner of her rate being 998 (without units), as linked here:
Now 998 / 2.95 = 338.305...
This number is not a nice number, nor does it make sense (like wth is 338 minutes with a hooker).
I'd like you take your attention to the writing on the banner (https://imgur.com/a/YvBAe). Unlike the other pieces of writing translating to "Hao Street" and "Doran's Weapon Facility" in Miss Fortune's skin, this writing does not appear to be Chinese. I have looked into Xin Zhao's complementary skin, but it has nothing more to offer.
Now I'd like to ask you all on Reddit about what you think this figure means, and what services Janna is providing for 998.
submitted by /u/xtrememaster
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Why does Janna have high win rate in every patch with high play rate?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 03:26 AM PST
/Dev Diary: Lessons from Preseason - League of Legends
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 11:00 AM PST
Poki Lux Prediction Plays
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 04:47 PM PST
Tribute to one-shot LeBlanc
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 02:31 AM PST

I own every purchasable Skin, Icon, Ward. What now?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:51 AM PST

I'm playing League of legends since season 4. After all the years, I finally own every skin, icon or ward, that was in any way possible für me to buy.
Some of you might have any questions, some of you maybe have an idea, what i could do next.
Feel free to ask or comment whatever comes to your mind :D
Images to prove: https://puu.sh/sWGmp/c7ad427073.jpg - https://puu.sh/sWGil/c093fe6952.jpg - https://puu.sh/sWGhV/17390d3d97.jpg - https://puu.sh/sWGhw/f2b5d14d61.jpg - https://puu.sh/sWGj6/4abf6faf73.jpg - https://puu.sh/sWGiG/b85af53d95.jpg - https://puu.sh/sWGlW/dda2ab56b6.jpg - https://puu.sh/sWGlC/6d6f4751af.jpg -
submitted by /u/NasenfahrradEUW
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