Fun fact Uthers auto attack is weaker than Morales HotS Daily Report

PSA: Brawls are meant to be diverse. You may NOT enjoy every brawl, but that doesn't mean that others don't! Accept the brawl and wait for next week like every other player.

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 08:29 AM PST

At the risk of spreading controversy and gaining downvotes, I feel the need to start a discussion that respresents the player base that doesn't mind these longer brawls, for several reasons.
I am seeing too many brawl complaint threads since everyone started getting used to these quick, 5 minute brawls.
Sorry, but not everyone plays just for the 3 quest games and need to get through them as insanely quick as possible.
I happen to enjoy the brawls that offer leveling and talent choices. And to me, it's NOT just QM in a brawl. I like the randomized hero selections. It's FUN to me, but I also happen to really enjoy ARAM (well before the release of lost caverns, I've been known to participate in the /aram channel).
Please, all I ask is that the complainers consider for a moment that brawls do NOT have to appeal to YOU every single week, but since you guys are being very vocal right now, I suppose we (the folks that enjoy the longer brawls), need to be just as loud to ensure we keep seeing brawls that let you pick talents etc.
as a side point, maybe someday we will see an "arcade" mode similar to overwatch.
submitted by /u/NukerX
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Gul'Dan Life Tap uses the same amount of HP as the ammount of blood you donate IRL

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 09:19 AM PST

So watching Sreys recent video on him I realized smth interesting. life tap costs 13% or 1/7th of your health. This is the same ammount of blood you donate (at least in my country, 450ml or 1/7th of your blood on average). im guessing this wasnt intentional, but wp Blizzard.
submitted by /u/Aleksandrikus
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My relationship with the "Ready" button

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 08:24 AM PST

From the "why is this thing the way it is?" dept..
submitted by /u/pastarific
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I'm still not a fan of 20 mins arenas -.-....

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 01:38 AM PST

ok at least the new arena has mechanics to make the game end ""faster"", compared to haunted mines, but still took me +23 mins finish 2 games because the horrible set up you get by the hero pool, this IMO is not the concept of the previous arenas, this is just play QM with all random hero
submitted by /u/ImissNova
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Let's be clear with Alarak's Telekinesis.

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 07:49 AM PST

Alarak's Telekinesis does not interrupt Moshpit and Artanis' bladedash. This is all I figured so far and I want to know other interactions. Please share your knowledge what Telekinesis can interrupt. For example) Medivac Channeling, Sanc Channeling, etc.
submitted by /u/sj11525
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The new Snow Brawl is just so good. Thank you, Blizzard!

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 01:33 AM PST

Kudos to Blizzard for giving us this Brawl during the Holiday season. Cursed Hollow is totally decked out in Winter's Veil gear. The mechanics of fast tributes make game times bearable for a brawl mode. Random hero selection is still there which is fun-- but you actually have access to all talents.
Just a wonderful and fun Brawl that is extremely refreshing after a week of long Haunted Mines games.
Blizz-- enjoy your Holidays, and thank you for a great year of heroes!
submitted by /u/smithnigel
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Fun fact: Uther's auto attack is weaker than Morales'

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:21 PM PST

Despite the fact that Uther needs to be in melee range to attack, his damage is weaker than Morales'. At level 20:
  • Uther: 170
  • Morales: 192
Both Uther and Morales attack once per second, so attack speed difference is not a factor here.
submitted by /u/Throw_a_tass
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Reminder that no one's forcing you to play Brawl

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 08:37 AM PST

So many complaints about the length of the Brawl this week when it's clearly not an Arena, so it's not gonna be five-minute rounds. You know that when you queue up, so stop spreading your negativity under the guise of feedback. Maybe just forgo the already incredibly generous 1000 gold reward and just play your preferred mode instead? If it bothers you that much that you feel the need to make a post about it, maybe recognize this type of Brawl isn't fun for you and don't play it?
submitted by /u/felixlicat
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Their Rexxar / Our Rexxar

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 05:48 PM PST

Have not seen a post like this in a while, I think it was Dehaka and I loved it so I decided to make some of my own.
Their Rexxar / Our Rexxar
Their Kharazim
Their Alarak
Their Jaina
Their Zarya
Their Murky
Their Ragnaros
Merry Christmas and happy new year everyone!
submitted by /u/Punch_Fruit
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Devil's due is a little insane right now...

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 09:44 AM PST

Everyone's taking the resistance talent, but at 100 souls regen globes heal you for 36 percent max health of like a 7k health pool and give you a shit ton of mana back. That's at 100 souls, even sitting at 30-50 will give you crazy sustain.
When you tap fountains you're literally immortal. Fountains aren't usually an issue, but say you're just pushing with your team or even defending. Every creep wave will heal you 36 percent max health and restore most of your mana. You can grab a globe then initiate while you just sit there and regen like mad. I honestly think this is one of the most insane talents they have released in awhile, fuck the resistant talent. 2s is enough by default when you get this crazy sustain in the majority of situations.
Regen Globe :
Just two clips to show the insane regen. I had better games showing how dumb it is, but these are the only clips I have that show the actual regen.
submitted by /u/HORSEPANTSU
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Please Blizzard - Make Shorter Brawls not longer. Learn from Mei's Arcade in Overwatch!

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 02:46 AM PST

So if you don't play Overwatch - here what I am talking about!
For me it's fun and it is fast! You get in. You play it and it is over!
This week's snow themed Brawl is most of the time 20+ min. Really not fun. I spent 1h to get the Portrait and lost gold and XP. Plus it wasn't fun at all.
If it was Snowmen fighting with balls only - Great! Something new and different. But just same old heroes with extra Button and ... Some will disagree with me. And I understand that.
But I think most of you will agree thatr Shorter brawls are way better than normal length or even longer than normal QM.
submitted by /u/BranFendigaidd
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Starting youtube series with educational content. Need Feedback. +First Video

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 07:44 AM PST

Hello everyone!
Before I started playing HotS back in Alpha, I used to watch MFPallytime's videos trying to understand the game, as it was my first of this genre. It really helped me and now, after more than 2 years, I want to share my experience and my thoughts about the game in a series of educational videos.

My background: Someone told me that being Grandmaster in all 3 seasons is important so I should write this here to prove my credibility. /s I think I've watched every HotS tournament that happened so far, be it Blizzcon or a weekly ESL cup. My competitive experience consists of 1 year of playing for amateur teams.
Content: I want to provide short, under 10 minute videos, focusing on specific topics in HotS like Drafting or Mercenary Camps. There are a lot of gameplay series out there, providing good knowledge about the game but I feel like it the information is spread too much and it's hard to find what you're looking for. I want to be brief and have a higher information density. There will be gameplay when the topic calls for it, but most of the videos will be of me talking. At the moment, I plan to focus on 2 major series: one teaching the basics and one for more advanced players. A 3rd, smaller one, will consist of Tips & Tricks. In the future, I want to also include stuff like teamfight analysis, individual hero or map specific videos.
My goal is to raise the level of knowledge in HotS. I have seen too many high ranked players making wrong decisions be it while drafting or in-game. Check how I didn't say mistakes, because everyone makes those. I'm talking about players specifically doing something wrong thinking it's right, because their lack of knowledge about the game. At one point, I was that guy who tried explaining things in chat, but I soon realised that I will have to spend more time typing than playing. Now, I will just write (read: record) it once and everyone interested will have access to it.

I'm very excited about this project. I'm sure I have a lot of work to do to improve, so please send me your negative and/or positive feedback.
Here is my first video: Heroes of the Storm: Basics - Damage Types

PS: My video editing skill is close to 0. I will level it up skyrim-like.
submitted by /u/Kaethgar
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Ancestral Healing costs less mana than Uther's Q

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 03:47 PM PST

Uther's Q costs 90 mana and has a 12 second cooldown. Ancestral costs 80 mana. Change Uther's Q to 70 mana and 11 second cooldown and perhaps he won't be played less than 6% of the time. Shake up the bloodlust rehgar and twilight dream malf support meta.
Before anyone brings it up, i understand. He has a globe talent for mana regen. That shouldn't be a required pick. You shouldn't gimp the hero by making his mana costs ridiculous and then make talents so he's just normal. it's not good design.
submitted by /u/gosuruss
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Treated myself this Xmas and did some interior decorating. I call it "Welcome to the Nexus".

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 12:07 AM PST

WARNING: Potato Quality
Backstory: This is my first year living in my own home and with extra disposable income. Always wanted to start a figurine collection, so I took advantage of Blizzard's winter sale. I know it's nothing impressive, but I just wanted to share it with folks who might appreciate it.
submitted by /u/AnActofGold
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How is no one been talking about how the top 2 grandmaster "Domovarian" plays almost exclusively medivh to #1 GM?

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 07:56 PM PST

So DomoVarion. Noticed him on the grandmaster leaderboard, with specialist by far his most played. It was interesting so I looked him up on hotslogs. The man has climbed to GrandMaster #1 almost exclusvely on Medivh!!!
GM leaderboard:
HotsLogs Profile:
submitted by /u/XXLepic
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Hey, don't you have any friends?

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 12:58 AM PST

Performance degradation when client is running for a long time

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 02:24 AM PST

I've noticed a performance degradation when keeping the client running. Over time, performance will drop significantly. After having it kept running overnight, the menues are showing 5 to 10 FPS. Memory load is listed as 1624MB. True memory load is ~2G.
I have a minidump + heap available on request.
submitted by /u/Martissimus
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Best part about this Brawl is Greenish Cursed Hollow.

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 03:26 AM PST

To not complain about how bad Brawl is. Let's focus on the good part it have.
New colors on Cursed Hollow. What you think that port them (Minus Christmas decoration) to regular Cursed Hollow? Now it is Dark brownish with distinct it from Cursed Mines that are bright brownish.
submitted by /u/Bortasz
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FYI Ragnaros drop to 10k

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 11:53 AM PST

Hey guys just checked the shop and noticed the price for rag has droppped to 10k, enojoy!
submitted by /u/WhiteCloudz
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Nandes Artanis swaps 2 Heroes at lvl 7 (without Graviton Vortex)
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 05:45 AM PST

Should improved ice block even be a level 20 talent?

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 02:58 AM PST

Other heroes get theirs at level 13 except for 2 heroes. I know they have added effect but no, chromie is at 13/11 and it is 7 seconds long. And even the effect doesn't justify it being at lvl 20 2 tiers above everyone
submitted by /u/upclosepersonal2
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Tyrael Boss Steal (Warning: Edgy)
Posted: 23 Dec 2016 11:32 AM PST

Most Wanted Heroes (Turkish Community)

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 04:09 AM PST

I created a poll in Hots - Turkey facebook group. These heroes most wanted come to the game were:
Garrosh / Grommash Hellscream (Orc) +28 vote
Kel'Thuzad (Lich) +20 vote
Cairne Bloodhoof (Tauren) +17 vote
Maiev Shadowsong (Night Elf) +10 vote
Mal'ganis (Dread Lord) +9 vote
Gelbin Mekkatorque (Gnome) +7 vote
Mephisto (Diablo) +4 vote
Deckard Cain (Diablo) +4 vote
Prophet Velen (Dreanei) +4 vote
Samir Duran (Starcraft) +3 vote
Baal (Diablo) +3 vote
Duriel (Diablo) +2 vote
Aidan (Diablo) +2 vote
Garona (Half - Orc) +2 vote
Archimonde (Warlock/Eredar) +2 vote
Queen Azshara (Naga) +2 vote
submitted by /u/Valadran
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I've never seen Chu get this mad before.

Posted: 23 Dec 2016 01:52 AM PST

I would have probably had the same reaction of Chu. This occurred when Chu was trying to climb in an intense game and had some misfortune.
Good ol' NA Hots :)
submitted by /u/thetmac97
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