Hearthstone - "Can I copy your homework?" "Sure"

"Can I copy your homework?" "Sure"

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:49 AM PST

Can't Wait for the Biggest Minion in Hearthstone

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:53 AM PST

How to become an infinite Arena player

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 02:43 AM PST

Hey guys, I'm Shadybunny.

I've written a guide to help you improve at Arena. I'm an infinite Arena player who specializes in coaching. I've been doing this for 3 years now, and during that time I've picked up on a lot of common issues that occur at different skill levels.

The guide is split into 4 chapters:

Average of of less than 3

Average of 3-5

Average of 5-7

Average of 7+

Instead of just listing every single thing you can improve on, I've focussed on the areas that will yield the most results based off your current average.


I'll see you in the Arena!

submitted by /u/Shadybunnylive
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Not sure how the meta will look tomorrow? Wondering how to tech against it? Presenting the all-tech deck: 30 cards of hate

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 05:55 AM PST

Hey r/heartsthone, I'm icejordan, a p2w player who pre-ordered KnC because I have disposable income and would rather buy digital cards than 10 meals at Taco Bell and like to make impulse purchases.

I've spent way too much time watching reviews and anxiously awaiting card reveals and thought I would share my new deck which is sure to piss someone off that you play who's trying to build a new deck.

The win condition of this deck is to embarrass and humiliate your opponent into complaining endlessly about the game online. Your win condition is being squelched, roping every turn, and inducing a rage quit. Without further ado, here's my deck!

Explanation of tech choices:

2x Sacrificial pact- make that new player experience even worse by ending their game with an unintuitive interaction bound to make them scratch their heads and think the only legendary they got from the welcome bundle (Jaraxxus) is trash.

2x Hungry Crab- The OG of hatred, make sure those snowballing little murloc bastards don't get out of hand

2x Golakka Crawler- because as long as patches exists in standards so will pirates, I'm in charge now Patches.

2x Eater of Secrets, 2x dirty rat- If I wanted to play with myself I would jerk off, not play quest mage. Who's haHAAing now Tony?

2x Acidic Swamp Ooze, 2x Gluttonous Ooze, 2x Corrosive Sludge, and Harrison Jones- Make sure that f2p pleb feels bad about their only legendary they got from the new set by removing their shitty legendary weapon immediately after they play it!

2x Dragonslayer- Secret Agent Coming Thr- Fuck you Drak OP!

2x Skulking Geist- 'member when everyone hated Jades before they were good? 'member when there was a complaint thread of idea for a nerf on the front page every day? 'member when Skulking Geist was announced and r/hearthstone rejoiced in their savior because they thought the issue was Jade Druid can't fatigue? 'member when skulking Gesit didn't do shit and Jade Druid truly was OP for a while? I 'member all of that hate.

The Black Knight-That tech card everyone forgot about from the beginning of KFT. Re-trigger the feeling when their day one crafted Lich King got destroyed by this bad boy.

Marin the Fox- Humiliated your opponent by somehow winning off Marin's treasure chest then take joy in a f2p noob who thinks they lost because they can't afford legendaries, never to realize he's sitting in their collection all along.

2x Gnomeferatu- TFW this burns Raza, TFW this burns Anduin, TFW when half of r/hearthstone thought this card was OP.

The Darkness- Suck it Anduin.

Rin, the First Disciple- Destroy your opponents Dead Man's Hand with one of the worst cards of this expansion in the most time consuming way possible. No one likes 20 minute games. Armor down, asshole.

2x Twisting Nether, Deathwing (the OG version)- when all else fails just destroy the board they worked so hard to build.

Here's the deck code: AAECAf0GBgAAwgaQB/gMpOcCDACjAbsD2waKB/kMiK8C5MIC38QC08UCrs0CoM4CAA==

good luck everyone!

PS-Be sure to say the expansion drops tomorrow to trigger everyone outside of NA because KnC comes out Thursday for the only server that matters


submitted by /u/icejordan
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Lilian Rng

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 03:37 AM PST

Daily reminder that game history still doesnt show milled cards

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:22 AM PST

As someone who plays hearthstone on the side while multitasking on mobile for the majority of my play, this feature is insanely crucial. Especially in Reno decks (I play wild). Players need to know if they milled core cards and if they can plan around drawing certain cards.

submitted by /u/Slay3d
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Just got 5 legendaries from my evolve!

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:32 PM PST

I fixed ultimate Infestation now ist numbers are all the same

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:18 AM PST

As an enemy of pirate warriors I don’t appreciate Blizzard’s latest efforts to try to make me play it.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:09 AM PST

This week's Tavern Brawl is "Yellow-Brick Brawl"

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 09:01 AM PST

Each player is given Dorothee, which grants Charge to minions on one side and Taunt to the other. Build a 10 card STANDARD deck and we'll give you three copies of each!

The reward for this brawl is a Classic pack. This is a Create Deck brawl.

We previously saw this brawl one year ago in November 2016. Reddit discussed it here.

Chalk board

submitted by /u/deviouskat89
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Question for top 100 arena players

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 04:23 PM PST

Because of the 2 week long dual class Halloween arena event we had a shorter month for October and November. To address that we looked at your best 20 runs for those months instead of your best 30 runs like we usually do.

We are considering changing to top 20 runs permanently and I wanted to get player feedback on that before we change.

The main advantage is you don't have to play 30 runs which can take 90 hours or so. This means more people can compete for this list and it is more inclusive. The main disadvantage is it might not give as accurate as a result because someone could get lucky over 20 runs (240 games) as opposed to 360 games in 30 runs.

What do you think, is 20 runs better overall given these 2 factors? Is 240 games enough (that is 20 runs of 9-3 in my example)

Thanks for the feedback!

submitted by /u/mdonais
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Posted: 06 Dec 2017 02:51 AM PST


he's so fucking rude and his turns take so long pls

submitted by /u/BePseudoEverything
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Honest Hearthstone Nerfed Cards before they were killed.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:26 AM PST

With KnC right around the corner, we all know that something ridiculously OP is going to emerge, ruin the game for 2-3 months, and then be nerfed to oblivion and never seen again. Here are some cards that did OP things in their past lives as well, before they were lobotomized in Blizzard jail and forgotten about.


submitted by /u/Zato4317
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Just rank 13 things

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 06:33 PM PST

Rogue trying to explore Un'goro

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 02:45 AM PST

The cutest card of Kobolds & Catacombs is...

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:55 PM PST

My vote goes to the Shrieking Shroom

Naturally its useless in every other way, but its existence is justified by how adorable it is. What are your picks?

submitted by /u/AsmodeusWins
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Harrison Jones is ready for Kobolds and Catacombs, are you?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 05:25 AM PST


The possible MVP of the next expansion is ready to go all Reno. Blizz hates him! Preorder now adventurer, and hope that your weapons stay safe...

submitted by /u/Rumy85
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Hearthsounds - Test your Hearthstone sound knowledge

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:54 AM PST

To my side! Should be a rare. To match common, rare, epic as AC, TMS, COTW.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:02 PM PST

Then release a legendary spell that costs 15 and ( 1 less for each animal companion summoned ) That summons 5 animal companions.


submitted by /u/whamola750
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Firebat on the problem with hate cards like Golakka Crawler and now, Dragonslayer

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 11:53 AM PST

Kobolds and Catacombs Set Reviews by Various Pro Players and Streamers

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:20 AM PST

Hello and welcome back!

The latest Hearthstone expansion is nearly upon us (in fact it's launching tomorrow already!), and seeing as Blizzard has officially revealed the entire set - the notable Hearthstone community members have begun to work on the possible new decks, sharing their opinions on the next 135 cards we'll get to try out real soon, and it's time to continue my series of review compilations.

Keep in mind that the thread is a Work in Progress and will continiously get updates as more reviews come out, but for now I think there should be enough material for you guys to watch and enjoy.

Vicious Syndicate Pre-Release Community Poll


  • TBA


Amnesiac (featuring Flo, Ike, and Nostam)

Ask Hearthstone (featuring SMOrc, ChaoticVice777, Jyro, Sam, and Homer12346)


  • TBA



  • TBA

Disguised Toast




  • TBA


  • TBA


Grinning Goat (featuring ADWCTA and Merps) (Arena-only)

  • TBA

Hafu (Arena-only)

  • TBA



  • TBA

JustSaiyan (featuring Noblord, Blastoise, and Activelee)



  • TBA


NaviOOT (featuring Killin, Flamingo, Vanq, and Typo)


  • TBA

Omnislash (featuring Brian Kibler, Firebat, Frodan, and Zalae)



  • TBA


  • TBA





  • TBA (pending on Friday)

P.S. If I forgot to include any review or a streamer/player - please don't be shy and don't hesitate to mention them or their revivews in the comments below and if possible - share a link to a video or a VOD

submitted by /u/Fatal1ty_93_RUS
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I can't wait for Dungeon Run just because I'm sick of ropers...

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:05 AM PST

I thought HS was the perfect phone game because you could pop on, play a round or two during a break and feel like you got a good experience.

But there are so many intentional ropers or unintentional people like people who look like they are browsing YouTube or Twitch and only ever act once the rope starts burning.

I feel like I'm wasting my life more than I'm actually playing.

5 months ago, Brode suggested that a Speed Mode may happen.

I know the common retort is "Stop throwing that in the dev's faces! That's so toxic and all it does is make the devs not want to communicate with the players anymore!"

I'm not trying to be toxic, I just can't stand sitting there waiting as this sack of potatoes I've been match up against spend 70 of their 75 second turn sitting there doing nothing. It's driving me crazy. And they aren't even playing difficult decks, that's the cherry on top.

Anyways, Dungeon Run, sweet lord watching the Bro[9] stream and seeing the enemies respond instantly was such a god damn treat - it was beautiful. I cannot friggin' wait.

submitted by /u/APRengar
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FYI: You’ll be getting 2 daily quests on Thursday so if you have 2 or more quests at the time, 1 will get replaced.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 03:10 PM PST

On Thursday you'll be getting a new daily quest and a new quest to complete a dungeon run for a kobolds pack. If you go into Thursday with 2 daily quests you'll get the new daily quest and when you get the kobold quest, one of your daily quests will be replaced.

Edit: You'll get the new daily quest at midnight PST and will get the dungeon run quest later in the day, so you'll still be able to complete the daily quest that morning, but leaving to the afternoon will cause it to be replaced by the kobold quest (assuming you have 3 daily quests at the time).

submitted by /u/tah3145
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Kibler, King of Quest Paladin

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 01:20 PM PST

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