RuneScape TL;DW 357 - The Big Questions

TL;DW 357 - The Big Questions

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 11:21 AM PST

[Watch the Stream here]

A lot of the questions asked were not thematically grouped, I have tried to keep related information grouped together.

  • BTS on Friday.
  • Lootscape - chance to win the cheer hunter outfit.
  • Sliske's Endgame Replayability to be released early next year.
  • Group Ironman Mode
    • Mod Ramen is going to be working on it, which means after Solak (~post March) but he will be working on it during his TAPP time to get a headstart on it before March.
    • Big project because we want to do it properly (i.e. not just use a scroll on a partner to invite them, want to make a proper system)
    • Would have loved to have it released in January so people can take advantage of Premier Club but Solak comes first.
  • Giant Mimic Boss - In QA, release for very early next year.
  • In-game events calendar from GameJam - Being tested. Early next year.
  • Bounty Hunter
    • Part of combat council's plan for next year (not early next year) is to fix BH.
    • Mostly strip away all the good rewards and put them elsewhere.
  • Quests
    • Mod Osbourne wants to do Gnome series finale after Pirates.
    • Mod Ramen wants to start new ones rather than finish old storylines. DG quests specifically.
    • Mod Liam wants to do Death of Chivalry II.
    • Evil Dave had a generally positive response. There was a quest gap (we acknowledge the Menaphos quests shouldnt be grouped to total 7 quests for the year) and we filled it with a disposable, comedic quest. Would have received a better response at a different time.
    • We have more quests planned for 2018.
    • The quest book is still a thing. We have no plans right now but in the future we want to package it to make it easier for new and returning players.
    • We need to do work on the high expectations for length and lavishness to make quests more regular. Menaphos quests were about bottlequest size, that's the size of the quest we'll need to get to if we want to make more regular quests.
    • We need to get more devs into story. We've put a few bottle quests on the backlog to promote this.
    • Story news in the year ahead post. Our plans to make questing a thing again. Please note it won't return to the 12 quests/year.
  • Our plans for loyalty points rework has been taken back to the drawing board. We're looking at how we deal with monetisation, how we offer loyalty rewards etc in a much broader sense. Aura costs will also be addressed.
  • Completionist Cape
    • We really want to remove the Reaper title from the Completionist Cape so that we can push the difficulty of bosses.
    • Quite a lot of the trim reqs can be made into comp reqs because they fit it better.
    • Timbo is going to work on having a distinction between what reqs are comp, what is trim, what is an achievement.
    • Look at the stats of the comp cape, while still having it desirable.
  • Skilling Outifts
    • Divination Elite Outfit to be released in January alongside head addons.
    • The ability to obtain all skilling outfit head addons in game from the same locations as the regular outfits (must own full outfit before you can get addon for most of the outfits). Obtainable by Ironmen.
    • DG will be the next outfit.
    • A lot of confusion over the 'at least 4 months after release'; the 4 month amnesty is a minimum and we usually start looking at the release once this period is over.
  • World Events
    • World Event II was the best received one.
    • What matters most is the mechanics.
    • On our backlog and we have some ideas.
  • Influences from OSRS
    • We already did this with skilling pets.
    • Teams from both games are talking to each other about Group Ironman Mode.
    • We'd have no problem with if OSRS wanted to do, say, Elf City or some other RS3 content.
    • Fossil Island - we can see what worked, what didn't work; Releasing ours so close to theirs would be a little awkward and have the communities compare the two releases; A real possibility within the next few years.
  • No plans for Runemetrics.
  • Want to do Content Showcase stream every month but December is a bit odd because of how many employees use up their holidays. December's stream will focus on Mining and Smithing and let the rest of the updates pile up so that we can show you lots more in the January showcase.
  • Remove visitor count? No. It encourages you to recruit. (or as Mod Ramen says, just make alts).
  • Skilling Boss is not planned although there are lots of internal designs for it on how to do it properly. Also not considered as Unfinished Business.
  • Seasonal Game Modes
    • No immediate plans for a temporary game mode.
    • Dimension of the Damned did not go down too well but we learned a lot.
    • We'll never say no but no immediate plans.
    • There was a lot in DotD that was ambitious and we don't want to lose that ambition.
    • We didn't test DotD enough.
    • There were still changes happening too late into development.
  • Charities
    • We've raised a lot this year.
    • Big plans in the year ahead post regarding charities.
    • May have news tomorrow.
  • RS Mobile
    • RS Mobile is going according to plan.
    • We're hitting all of our scheduled dates.
    • BETA went down really well.
    • Separate team so their work won't affect RS3 [bank rework]
  • New seasonal hiscores (new boss times, new fun things) being talked about. Clue scroll seasonal would be really good.
  • Menaphos
    • A lot things we wouldn't do again.
    • The space itself was huge without the content to fill it.
    • Aimed too broadly, covering too many skills unlike Elf City which had clearly defined skill groups.
    • Progression didn't feel satisfying. Especially reputation. Ideally we'd treat reputation more like a skill with new methods and new unlocks.
    • Desert Pantheon Aura as an end game Menaphos reward? Not in it's current form. Maybe as a toned down version. Definitely not with the sign of life bonuses, we're never doing that again. It was ridiculous.
    • Some people are talking about possibly changing the reputation system retroactively (this doesn't count as Unfinished Business).
  • Now that we've recovered from the expansion model, the biggest bottlenecks with RS development are things like Time, or issues apparent throughout the industry like engine work.
  • Solak
    • Coming along really well.
    • Nex AOD is 3000 lines of code. Solak phase 1 is 2000 lines of code.
    • Exciting things to show in the next showcase.
  • Double XP Weekends are during the normal times so players will be able to guess when the next one is (aside from the extra one with Menaphos this year, we're still following the pattern). ~Feb and Sept. Unsure if we'll do more than that.
  • Expand boss practice mode? No. The things people want is equivalent timewise to developing a completely new boss.
  • Vampyre Hunter Amulet probably won't return.
  • Aura bag is looking really good. No release date but will be mentioned in the year ahead post. [they seem to have forgotten they showed us the new aura interface; could the aura bag still be in development as something else]
  • Moltare's Clan avatar rework is being progressed by Mod Shauny.

Skilling 2018

  • Deep Sea Fishing
    • Releasing next year.
    • The big first one in our 5 year skilling plan.
    • Includes all the things about that we spoke about at Runefest: (i) Diversification of Skilling (ii) New key milestones (iii) Exciting things to do (iv) D&Ds within skills (v) Communal area
  • Want to add in small things that give key milestones to different skills
    • Firemaking is one that we're doing next year; the design has been completed. Mods Ryan and Ramen want to work on it.
  • Not all our updates will be big and inclusive of all aspects like Deep Sea Fishing
  • Player-owned-Farms in 2018? Probably not. Did well on the Survey but not so well that it's a priority.

GeGnome Project

  • Christmas Quest releasing next week
  • Retelling of Pinocchio.
  • As you progress you unlock three training hotspots:
    • Runecrafting and Summoning.
    • Crafting and Smithing.
    • Prayer and Divination.
    • AFK but with occasional lean-forward for extra XP.
  • Snowboard rewards [1] [2] [3]
  • Two other rewards.
  • Christmas GE, Max Guild, parts of Prifddinas, and Bosses.
  • Christmas interface returning.

Unfinished Business

  • We're thinking not to make another Unfinished Business post:
    • This is because we want to roll UB into virtually everything we do.
    • The Year Ahead (1 Jan) delves into the progress of UB.
    • Want to get to the point where UB is more than just a checkbox of everything we're doing (i.e. UB10).

Dailyscape Reductions

  • Much like our stance on UB, we want to factor this into everything we do.
  • We have a 5 year plan for releases and for each of those update, Dailyscape is taking into account.

Mining and Smithing Rework

  • We're getting a lot of questions about the possibility of breaking down large updates into batches - specifically Mining and Smithing Rework (recall that we did have a poll on this which failed).
  • We will be looking to do a BETA for Mining and Smithing which we will be talking more about in an upcoming stream.
  • Majority of feedback said stackable ores and bars was a step too far. So we've taken that into account so we're exploring other options for inventory management.
  • Big livestream next week or soon.

Bank Rework

Treasure Trail Rework

  • Since the last reveal, there have been a few key changes.
  • These changes has Mod Ramen excited.
  • Will not be revealed until the next content showcase.
submitted by /u/imsuity
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2017 stats - what would you like to know?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 03:48 AM PST

We're looking at sending out an email with loads of fun and interesting stats within it about 2017.

Let us know what you'd like to know, and we'll see what we can do!

We may also use this information to form the basis of a Stats Stream in 2018, too...

submitted by /u/JagexJD
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The last few updates :(

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 11:15 PM PST

Jmod visits Priff on an Australia Server...

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 03:25 AM PST

Thanks, I didn't like my bank anyway.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:02 AM PST

Allow Players the ability to 'turn themselves in' while Thieving in Prifiddinas

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:01 PM PST

When he teaches you how to fish ����

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:11 PM PST

Twitch info needs updated @Jagex

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 03:25 AM PST

Araxyte Base Pet Drop Bug

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 05:56 PM PST

On December 3rd around 4PM PST I was doing a duo rax run. Before I looted the corpse, I got the message "KALLmeKORY has received Araxyte pet drop!" I know the base pet isn't a physical drop, it just shows up in your pet interface. I checked there, my inventory, bank and even Diango in Draynor and its nowhere to be found.

I have a screenshot HERE

Now I understand that "screenshots =/= 100% proof" but I don't really have anything else to show for it because I didn't think it'd be this big of an issue.

I was told to contact support to get the problem resolved. Upon doing so they denied any kind of issue with my account or the game and dismissed my claim. I feel like this bug became an issue when they changed the way the loot is determined after killing Araxxi (Loot now spawns upon looting the corpse instead of right after the kill)

I found a video of the same thing happening to someone else

Am I just SoL?

TL;DR - Game said I got Araxyte base pet drop, no base pet drop due to bug with duo kills.

submitted by /u/KALLmeKORY
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Suggestion: A comedy quest where all the Skillcape NPCs and Max come together

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:04 PM PST

Would be great to see them have more of a background and story. They're technically the people we should look up to when we're grinding to 99 but we never think about them until we need the cape!

submitted by /u/idontlikerootbeer
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PSA: Increase your GWD2 profit substantially by leaving and rejoining for faster spawns

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:54 PM PST

Not joking

Same equipment, same condition, number of Helwyr killed went from 36 to 43 per hour. That's 7 more than every hour before

I wish I did this before I killed some 6000+ combined GWD2 bosses. I could have killed a lot more.

While killtime appeared to take a bit longer - Steel Titan ran out of spec's a lot more than usual; the time saved after every kill stacks up rapidly, culminating in a massive +20% in kc

It's totally worth it, don't miss out!

submitted by /u/KrienseVulon
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"Very easy to accidentally remove something of high value"

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:25 AM PST

This took me so long! [over 2 years]

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 06:34 PM PST

Am I the only one who is disturbed by the new Subreddit Banner?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:05 PM PST

[Suggestion] Add Guardians of Armadyl to Armadyl Camp in GWD1 to kill for KC

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 05:52 AM PST

Currently all Armadyl creatures in GWD1 count towards Aviansie slayer tasks which means less Kree'arra kills on task.

submitted by /u/Im_Phteven
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Vorago teaching marathon (12/9/2017)

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:21 AM PST

Hey all! Just a friendly reminder on the vorago teaching marathon this saturday.

It will be December 9th (Saturday) from 14:00-reset (10 hours so almost everyone can come).

Heres link to the reddit post

Heres link to the discord

submitted by /u/move_you_cow
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Smokey Bear's worst enemy: Ignatius Vulcan

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:31 AM PST

Rate my runescape setup

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:45 PM PST

How I feel in the God War Dungeons

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:04 PM PST

Immune to poison or not?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 03:22 PM PST

RuneScape is not that type of game.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 05:44 PM PST

Bank works as intended

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 04:41 PM PST

Bit of an odd question! RS Music Related:

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:37 PM PST

It's been a while since I've played runescape seriously, but I've always had the music stuck in my head since I was a child. For the people out there who know how to transcribe or know how to find sheet music, does anyone know where I can find the sheet music for "Village Dance" by James Hannigan? It's one of my favorite songs and I'd love to try and play it on piano or something.

submitted by /u/BRBTime
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I really like the wisp colors

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:52 PM PST

Makes the world feel better, and makes it very easy to know what energies are there in dungoneering.

submitted by /u/ArchmageMC
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Loot from 1,000,000 Harmonic Dust!: ~1,500 hours (afk meant less dust/xp) Level 75-99 Construction Level 75-118 Crafting (~+88.2m xp) Crippling Depression

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:24 AM PST

Well, i lost.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:40 AM PST

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