Item Discussion of the Day: Observer Wards, Sentry Wards, Dust of Appearance, Smoke of Deceit and Gem of True Sight (December 20th, 2016)

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 12:07 PM PST

Observer Wards

A form of half-sentient plant, often cultivated by apprentice wizards.
Cost Components Bonus
65 Observer Ward Active: Place Observer Ward
[Place Observer Ward]: Plants an Observer Ward, an invisible watcher that gives vision of its surrounding area to your team. Lasts 6 minutes.
Hold Control to give one Observer Ward to an allied hero.
Observer Wards start with a stock count of 2 and are limited to a count of 4.
  • Cast Range: 500
  • Range: 1600
  • Duration: 6 minutes
  • Cooldown: 1 second
  • Hit Points: 200
  • Bounty: 100 gold
  • Vision is restricted in the same way as heroes, and Observer Wards cannot see above themselves or through trees.
  • Observer Wards are permanently invisible and don't block paths.
  • Observer Wards can be denied.
  • Observer Wards are completely shareable.
  • Cannot be placed in near or in fountains.
  • Can be targeted by Quelling Blade and Tangoes and be instantly destroyed.
Recent Changelog
  • Reduced gold cost from 75 to 65.
  • Reduced restock time from 180 to 150.
  • Increased gold bounty from 50 to 100.
  • Reduced experience bounty from 100 to 25.
  • Reduced duration from 420 to 360.
  • Increased experience bounty from 50 to 100.
  • Added a custom AoE targeting cursor for placing observer wards.

Sentry Wards

A form of plant originally grown in the garden of a fearful king.
Cost Components Bonus
200 Sentry Wards Active: Place Sentry Ward
[Place Sentry Ward]: Plants a Sentry Ward, an invisible watcher that grants True Sight, the ability to see invisible enemy units and wards, to any existing allied vision within its range. Lasts 4 minutes.
Hold Control to give one Sentry Ward to an allied hero.
  • Cast Range: 500
  • Range: 800
  • Duration: 4 minutes
  • Cooldown: 1 second
  • Hit Points: 200
  • Gives ground vision in a 150 area around it for 12 seconds when placed.
  • Vision is restricted in the same way as heroes, and Sentry Wards cannot see above themselves or through trees.
  • Sentry Wards are permanently invisible and don't block paths.
  • Sentry Wards can be denied.
  • Cannot be placed inside the fountain area (including a small area in front of the ramp), or in Roshan's pit.
  • Sentry Wards do not have a stock, and each stack will contain 2 wards.
  • Can be targeted by Quelling Blade and Tangoes and be instantly destroyed.
Recent Changelog
  • Added a custom AoE targeting cursor for placing sentry wards.

Dust of Appearance

One may hide visage, but never volume.
Cost Components Bonus
180 Dust of Appearance Active: Reveal
[Reveal]: Reveals and slows invisible Heroes in a nearby area.
  • Radius: 1050
  • Duration: 12 seconds
  • Slow: 20%
  • Cooldown: 30 second
  • Interrupts the user's channeling spells upon using.
  • Places a debuff on enemies (including visible ones) within the radius upon cast. Leaving or entering the area afterwards has no effect.
  • Unlike the visual effect, the Reveal debuff is applied within the entire radius instantly upon cast.
  • Can place the debuff on invulnerable units, but not on hidden units or on wards.
  • Cannot detect units under the effect of Shadow Dance​ and Smoke of Deceit
  • Only slows units when they actually are invisible. This means during the fade time or fade delay of invisibility, the unit is not slowed.
Recent Changelog
  • Mana cost reduced from 5 to 0.

Smoke of Deceit

The charlatan wizard Myrddin's only true contribution to the arcane arts.
Cost Components Bonus
50 Smoke of Deceit Active: Conceal
[Conceal]: Upon activation, the user and all nearby allied player-controlled units gain invisibility and bonus movement speed for a brief time. Minimap icons will also be hidden. Attacking, or moving within 1025 range of an enemy hero or tower, will break the invisibility.
  • Radius: 1200
  • Dispel Radius: 1025
  • Bonus Movement Speed: 15%
  • Duration: 35
  • Cooldown: 1 seconds
  • Smoke of Deceit starts with a stock count of 3 and is limited to a count of 3. Takes 11 minutes to replenish in the stock.
  • Interrupts the user's channeling spells upon using.
  • Affected units can cast spells and use items while invisible without breaking it. However, attacking does break it.
  • When attacking, the invisibility is lost upon reaching the attack point, even when the attack misses.
  • Invisible units can pick up and drop items without breaking the invisibility.
  • True Sight cannot detect units affected by Smoke of Deceit. The only exception is Chronosphere.
  • The effect is only dispelled when approaching enemy heroes (including hero clones, excluding illusions) or towers.
  • Can be used by a Courier, but does not affect it.
Recent Changelog
  • Conceal now has a 1 second cooldown.

Gem of True Sight

Not one thrall creature of the depths, Nor spirit bound in drowning's keep, Nor Maelrawn the Tentacular, Shall rest till seas, gem comes to sleep
Cost Components Bonus
900 Gem of True Sight Passive: True Sight
[True Sight]: Adds the ability to see invisible units and wards to any allied vision within its carrier's range.
Drops on death unless it has Reincarnation
Gem of True Sight is partially shareable.
  • Radius: 900
  • Disabled while carried by an Animal Courier or a Flying Courier.
  • The True Sight is provided within the whole area, regardless of the carrier's actual vision. It is fully unobstructed.
  • The True Sight is provided by an aura which affects enemies. Its debuff lingers for 0.5 seconds.
  • Only 1 in stock which takes 10 minutes to restock.
  • Can not be destroyed.
Recent Changelog
  • True Sight no longer works on illusions.
  • Reduced True Sight radius from 1100 to 900.

Previous Observer Wards, Sentry Wards, Dust of Appearance, Smoke of Deceit and Gem of True Sight Discussion: April 20th, 2015
Last Discussion: Aghanims Scepter
submitted by /u/VRCkid
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What playing Nature's Prophet feels like on 7.01
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 12:50 AM PST
7.01 Update
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 07:15 PM PST
this new shop sucks
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 09:00 PM PST

now we have to click on shop grid to open it, is there any option to open the shop as well as the shop grid?
submitted by /u/daredevilxl
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Ice Frog, let me be the first to thank you for letting Visage have a positive win rate for 7 days before nerfing him again.

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 01:20 AM PST

No really, I mean it.
I know that you have been phasing out 2spooky heroes like skeleton king(skelingtons), brood mama(spiders), and phantom lancer(ghosts are spooky too), so when I picked up Visage I knew that I would expect him to be changed to something stupid like Arc Warden.
I was pleasantly surprised when I realized that instead of just removing these heroes, you were just trying to delete them from the game bit by bit. Slowly and stealthily, like two snails fucking in your shoes. Messy and annoying as fuck to the few people who actually deal with it
Thank you so much for conquering your fear of shift and tab. Thank you for conquering your fear of birds. Of being able to be a level 4 crystal maiden at 12 minutes with no vision and not dying to birds, instead dying to literally any other hero with common sense
now I know a lot of Visage players are going to be mad about them. And some would even say that there are problems here that won't really be fixed. In fact, at lot of people will say that having your birds be able to be killed by 3 tower shots is a bit of a fuck you. Or that now monkey king can now kill all your birds at level 8 instead of 15
or that a single throw of beast masters axes can kill them
or 2 double helixes.
Or once lion gets aghs
or a keeper of the light q
or if someone leaves the door open and a gust of wind gets in
is the exact kind of nerf that someone who doesn't actually play Visage would give him. Someone who is happy to let familiars rat down barracks and fly away at max movement speed, but doesn't want Visage to use them constructively in team fights. Someone who never figured out what Gravekeepers is supposed to be anyway, so he just slapped a raindrop passive on there and let it be.
and to be frank, I'm glad that instead of letting the players decide where they want to play heroes, we've put Visage back into his place
A trilane that doesn't make sense, in a map that doesn't support it, for a meta that doesn't exist any more
also, Gravekeepers still isn't working right, familiars aren't going immune while stone forming, Familiars are no longer blocking pudge hooks, familiars are being affected by sources of damage such as TA which kill them almost instantly, Familiars damage regen is still bugged and only one person is reporting me for picking Visage, so if you could fix some of these issues instead of ruining a hero you've never played or played against. That would be great.
sincerely, one of the few people still playing this dumpster fire of a hero
submitted by /u/TheVisage
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7.01 Treants - You Are Nothing
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 10:01 PM PST
When your Steam Guard is on point
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 04:43 AM PST
My favorite part about the new UI is you can now see your HP/MP regen even when you're full health.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 10:54 AM PST

In the past, I never knew for sure how much regen I had with a Euls/Perseverance/etc when combined with my hero's natural regen, unless I cast a spell and looked at it. But now you can always see it, so that's a nice touch.
submitted by /u/-methane-
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What Arteezy thinks about luna pickers like Fear.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 02:31 PM PST
Cant sell Abandoned Disconnected player's items. nobody cares about this??
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 05:13 PM PST

i see all the complaints on kda/cs placement but why is nobody raising this huge issue. we lost like 30k lead game coz my core DCed and left the game. we cant sell his items and they proceed to drag the game and win. common valve help us.
submitted by /u/MrVad3r
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Valve, please update Viper's skill logos
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 02:26 PM PST
Sandstorm causes MAJOR fps losses. I am tired of making this same thread over and over
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 09:09 AM PST
Why are there still so many buffs in the game with no unique icon?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 02:35 PM PST
2GD-Shanghai is back, sort of.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:55 PM PST
Valve's fix for overlapping KDA/CS while spectating. Assists are not visible when kills and deaths are 2 digits for a hero.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 01:21 PM PST
Bulldog is loving the new Talent Changes for Nature's Prophet
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 03:42 AM PST
True Sight Ep 3 Trailer #2
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:03 PM PST
Welp. Now I know why these shirts were $10 at the Boston Major. (Shame because it's legitimately nice.)
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:34 PM PST
Volvo, is Mjolnir's new effect intended or bugged?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:33 PM PST
Can the inscribed gem "Land Mine Kills" be renamed to "Proximity Mines Kills" and work again?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 07:54 PM PST

Similar to shrapnel damage to towers but this time fixed please
submitted by /u/Drakesfjord
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EPICENTER: Moscow — Back to the Roshan pit
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 05:29 AM PST
Can we get an option to increase the size of HUD like we have for map?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 09:41 PM PST

HUD feels very small, and it makes managing items a bit difficult
submitted by /u/PG_Wednesday
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Dota 2 Update - MAIN CLIENT - December 20, 2016

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:09 AM PST

A new patch has been dispatched for the main client. More info will be edited in as I analyze the patch.

Analysis Status: Done

Bug Fixes

  • An exploit related to the Talents has been fixed.

UI Updates

Spectator Mode
  • The inventories on the scoreboard are now hidden by default. You can click on the new button to turn them on. Should solve the FPS drops.
  • The %s4 glitch showing up in the Sanctuary ALT ping has been fixed.

Audio Updates

  • A ton of response rule updates for Monkey King and how he responds to other heroes. Same with the Arcana version.
  • A new general response criterion is added for when an enemy hero is near and visible.

Related Links

  • Changelog: None yet.

Patch Size: 150.4 MB (with Tools)
submitted by /u/SirBelvedere
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I really miss the custom hero grid

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 09:54 AM PST

Had it sorted for different roles/flavor and put heros I can't play to the very right side. The visual groups made it easier to find, ban and pick heroes in my opinion.
To make it nice with the current UI maybe Valve could let us create categories that show up on the left side where we now have Strength, Agility and Intelligence. In case of not enough space, it shouldn't be a problem to have a scroll bar on the right side.
Anyone else missing the custom hero grid?
submitted by /u/qwertz_guy
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The trees you can jump on don't highlight when you steal Tree Dance as Rubick
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:14 AM PST

As the title says, you can't see the trees you can jump onto when you steal Tree Dance with Rubick. Example
And here's what it's supposed to look like
submitted by /u/rectum_of_souls
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I know monkey king is OP but not this OP...
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:10 AM PST

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