[God Concept] Chaos, Void of Creation (Major Update)

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 05:55 AM PST

For those of you who follow me elsewhere, you'll know that I update Chaos CONSTANTLY. The reason for that is because I actually like the concept I've made and I'm pretty proud of how much work I've put in to it and so I want it to be the best I have. I started working on Chaos I think in 2012 in December after seeing Smite in a magazine and watching some gameplay. Of course the concept was pretty rough and ugly and so I was too wary of posting it online, but as time went on I figured I could and people would help me out.
This is kind of a big concept so have fun scrolling~

Primary Concept List
Secondary Concept List

Pantheon: Greek
Class: Mage
Type: Ranged, Magical
Pros: Durable, able to withstand a lot of damage.
Cons: No real escape, easily destroyed by CC.
Health: 430 (+80)
Mana: 240 (+45)
Speed: 365 (+0)
Range: 55 (+0)
Attack/Sec: 0.85 (+0.99%)
Basic Attack Damage: 20 (+1) + 18% of magical power
Basic Attack Progression: None
Physical Protection: 8 (+2.5)
Magical Protection: 30 (+0)
Regen HP5: 6 (+0.44)
Regen MP5: 4.6 (+0.40)


Life, death, love, everything must come from something...or nothing. Far beyond the time of humans, animals, and the gods themselves ruled a primeval force incomprehensible by man, Chaos. Chaos is the void from which all things sprang out of, an empty void filling the space we don't notice. Chaos itself predates even time, expanding slowly throughout the universe to form what we know today. It's hard to imagine such a presence, unseen, undetected, empty, but also omniscient and all powerful. The gods and simplistic creatures of the realms know not what they have awakened. A misty air fills the eyes of the gods, for Chaos itself has taken to the battle.


Chaos's development actually started in August of 2012 when I got to play Smite for the first time at a friend's house. Instantly I got amused by the thought of creating god ideas for this game and so I started digging for more interesting gods than the ones I already knew, and Chaos instantly came to mind along with Echidna and Jormungandr. Echidna was the most worked on as the initial thought I had was "Fat Slug Mom" and so I worked on her the most. Chaos's original design was simply a floating eyeball with space dust around it, but I never posted it or drew it because I didn't have a tablet and I didn't know Reddit and other sites even existed. By the time I actually got around to drawing Chaos the design had evolved into something humanoid, which eventually with the help of many people turned into the current design.
For Chaos I wanted a god who was intimidating not only for damage output, but because it can nullify your abilities and fire them back at you. As for the visual design, I tied in the lore aspects we know of Chaos. Chaos was said to be a goddess of the lower air, being the middle point between the upper Aether and the lower Erebus. In more sophisticated stories, Chaos is the unformed mass from which the universe formed, giving birth to Nyx, Erebus, Eros, Tartarus, and Gaia. I mixed all of this into the kit, which ended up giving Chaos two forms. The false form is humanoid in shape and regal in appearance, what you would expect out of a primordial god. The actual body is not Chaos however, for Chaos is the eye embedded in the chest. Chaos is smart enough to know that using a human form that encompasses it's entirety would be simple, and so it hides itself on the body. The eye is capable of moving anywhere on the body. The true form occurs randomly in parts of the kit and displays Chaos's "unformed mass" aspect. Surrounding Chaos's smoky body are golden rings that represent the golden ring of the universe/sky. Chaos floats around as a menacing void of reality, sucking in all that it comes into contact with.
Chaos's first digitally drawn design was covered in rocks and was pitch black with breasts, as I wanted to represent the female aspect of it more, but I eventually got rid of that.
When it came to Chaos's personality I originally went for just an ethereal space god. When I read over the background lore behind Smite, I realized that Chaos could be awakening itself to consume the universe back into it's body for screwing up or something along those lines. In that sense, I gave Chaos a dominant royalty personality, looking down onto others and referring to them as "lesser beings" rather than equal deities. Chaos believes all is below it. Chaos only treats it's family as equals, that being the Greco-Roman pantheon.














Passive - EMPTY AIR

  • Damage dealt to Chaos will be split, 85% being done to Chaos and 15% being absorbed entirely for Chaos's passive. The damage will fuel Chaos's magical power and grant it protections. Each time an ability is used, Chaos will use 10% of it's passive meter to deal 10% increased damage. Each time an auto attack is used, Chaos will use 5% of it's passive meter to deal 5% increase damage. Chaos will enter it's true form when the meter is full and will take 100% of all damage when it is full.
    Maximum Stored Damage: 2000
    Magical Power Gained: 2 for every 100 damage stored.
    Protections Gained: 1 for every 100 damage stored.


  • Chaos becomes a swirling vertical vortex for 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2s. The first ability to hit Chaos will be absorbed entirely, turning Chaos into it's true form with a red glow. While this ability is stored Chaos will gain MP5. When used again, Chaos will shoot it as a projectile that moves slowly up to 80ft. The orb will home toward nearby enemies. Once it hits 80ft or when it comes into contact with an enemy, the orb explodes and deals damage. At max rank, two orbs can be shot in succession. The charge can also be used in Chaos's other abilities.
    MP5: 10 + 2 per rank
    Detonation Damage: 90/140/190/240/290 (+60% of your magical power)
    Cost: 60/70/80/90/100
    Cooldown: 16s


  • Chaos causes an area of space to collapse on itself at a target location in a 30ft area. Enemies inside are pulled toward the center quickly and take damage after 1s when it implodes. If the enemy uses an ability while in the radius before the implosion, they take additional damage. If you have the charge from Subjugation, all enemies inside are also stunned. This ability nullifies any enemy projectiles, including abilities, that come into contact with it.
    Damage: 60/110/160/210/260 (+30% of your magical power)
    Additional Damage: 10/20/30/40/50 (+50% of your magical power)
    Stun Duration: 1s
    Cost: 70/75/80/85/90
    Cooldown: 15s


  • Chaos summons a swirling vortex of 25ft at a target location. The vortex swirls in place for 4s, dealing damage every 1s. If it has the charge from Subjugation it may collapse the vortex by using this ability again, pulling anyone inside to the center and dealing damage. Minions, gods, and creeps that die in the vortex will burst, turning into a ball of light and healing Chaos for a small amount.
    Damage per Tick: 25/30/35/40/45 (+20% of your magical power)
    Subjugation Damage: 70/90/110/130/150 (+50% of your magical power)
    Heal: 50 + 5 for each enemy who died inside.
    Cost: 60/65/70/75/80
    Cooldown: 12s


  • Chaos swirls and spawns it's eye at a target location as a black hole that sucks in anything in a fan-sized targeter in front of it. Damage shot into it (basics, projectiles, etc) will be neutralized, disappearing completely. Enemy gods and minions that are in the fan vicinity will slowly be pulled toward the center. Enemies within 10ft of the central eye will take damage every .5s. The rift lasts for 6s and the pull radius will grow in size by 2ft each rank. Chaos will stay in it's true form during this time.
    Fan Distance: 50ft (+2 for each rank)
    Slow: 15%
    Damage per Tick: 10/11/12/13/14 (+20% of your magical power)
    Duration: 5s
    Cost: 100
    Cooldown: 90s


Chaos is a mage who focuses on disrupting and displacing enemies more so than dealing big bursts of damage like most mages. Chaos is tactical in that the kit semi-revolves around Subjugation's charge and the fact that you can be aggressive unlike majority of mages. When playing Chaos you want to try and put as much pressure as possible on your lane opponent early game, as you can absorb their damage and empower yourself. Chaos's kit is unlike others in the sense that your focus is to negate and control damage as opposed to simply dealing it and avoiding it. This allows for aggressive players to enjoy a mage who they can relate to instead of having to play it safe in the fear of dying to a gank.
Chaos's best suited role (in Conquest) would be the Middle Lane or Solo Lane. Both lanes allow Chaos to farm enough to begin helping out late in team fights. Your ability leveling order should go something like this:
  • Fabrication: Getting this first will allow you to clear as quick as possible.
  • Subjugation: Your main ability that will begin helping your kit become more aggressive. Use this to absorb poke from enemies and then use Fabrication to deal damage and heal yourself.
  • Absolution: Used for more pressure and damage negation, as well as the stun being good for poke.
  • Ethereal Rift: Your ultimate of course. Who doesn't like giant eyeballs?
As Chaos you want to try and be in front of your weaker team mates in team fights, aka your hunters and assassins. Your job is to be the in-between for damage and a semi-tank. Protect the weaker allies while dealing out your utility and moderate damage from your kit. Your biggest threat is your ultimate, which allows you to essentially control and displace the enemy team if placed correctly. They'd be pulled toward the eyeball and forced to possibly use their escapes in fear of being tackled by your Guardians/Warriors.
Overall, Chaos is a bully mage who warrior players would most likely enjoy playing.


  • Shoes of Focus - Helps with the cooldowns of the abilities, and allows Chaos to spam it's abilities more to pressure lane opponents.
  • Chronos' Pendant - Provides significant cooldown as well as MP5 and power.
  • Obsidian Shard or Voidstone - To help with penetration needs. Voidstone would help more in situations where you're trying to counter a mage.
  • Rod of Tahuti - Core mage item pretty much.
  • Warlock's Sash or Ethereal Staff - More sustain and health in lane. Thoth would grant more power but Warlock is going to be more useful in the long run.
  • Gem of Isolation - Grants you the health you'll need as well as power and the utility of the slow to make you more effective in team fights.
  • Dynasty Plate Helm or Ethereal Staff - Additional protection or additional health to keep you alive.
Scrapped abilities can be found here.


  • Chaos speaks in three voices, a male, female, and an airy echo behind them. The human and real form are sexless.
  • The animations are very still, very calm, like space. No noise around them.
  • Intro Animation: Chaos appears out of thin air slowly from the sky, swirling downward.
  • Out of Battle Animation: Chaos floats in a powerful stance with it's "capes" billowing.
  • Out of Battle (True Form): Body slowly rotates and looks around.
  • In Battle Animation: Chaos's hands begin to glow and the rings on it's body twist faster.
  • In Battle (True Form): Body rotates a little more quickly.
  • Backing Animation: Chaos spins slowly, the eye growing and engulfing the body before shrinking to nothing and re-appearing in base.
  • Backing (True Form): Chaos spins, turning into a flat vortex with the eye in the center that stares at the screen.
  • Death Animation: It slowly collapses on itself before disappearing entirely, leaving only the rings to drop to the ground.
  • Victory Animation: Chaos (Human Form) is approached by minions with swords, but it just sucks in all of their weapons and then the minions themselves.
  • Defeat Animation: Chaos (True Form) tries to fight Denton, sucking his club into it's eye. Denton grabs Chaos, reaches in, and takes out the club before chasing it.
  • Wait Animation 1: Spins in a front-facing circle.
  • Wait Animation 1 (True Form): Spins the same way, but becomes a vortex.
  • Wait Animation 2: The eye shifts positions between the back of the shoulders and the hip.
  • Wait Animation 2 (True Form): Eye shifts positions all inside of the smoky body.
  • Wait Animation 3: Curls into a cradled position and forms a star between its hands, toying with it.
  • Wait Animation 3 (True Form): The rings along the body increase in diameter and Chaos writhes.
  • Taunt: Spins slowly, turning into the full eye vortex.
  • Laugh: Laughs so hard it slowly turns invisible, but comes back.
  • Wave: Normal wave.
  • Wave (True Form): Lifts up in the air a little and forms a double-bar galaxy shape, swinging itself to "wave".
  • Clap: Normal clap.
  • Clap (True Form): Blinks.
  • Furious: The eye projects larger and glares down while the body shakes.
  • Dance: A graceful waltz.
  • Special: Slowly dissipates into the air, forming a swirling vortex of dust, stars, and rocks with the eye being prominent. Reforms slowly after.


  • Introduction Quote 1: "Though I've created this world, I'd be happy to take it away."
  • Introduction Quote 2: "Nothingness...awaits..."
  • Subjugation Quote 1: "Worthless!"
  • Subjugation Quote 2: "Null and void!"
  • Absolution Quote 1: "Suffocate."
  • Fabrication Quote 1 (when collapsing): "The beauty of creation..."
  • Fabrication Quote 2 (when collapsing): "A star is born."
  • Ethereal Rift Quote 1: "You cannot escape my reach!"
  • Low Health Quote 1: "I can always create a new form..."
  • Low Health Quote 2: "I won't be defeated like this..."
  • Place Ward Quote 1: "I am omniscient."
  • Place Ward Quote 2: "My glowing star..."
  • Buy Consumable Quote 1: "What use have I for small items?"
  • Buy Consumable Quote 2: "An entity of my caliber doesn't need this."
  • Buy Offensive Quote 1: "I will consume all in my vicinity!"
  • Buy Offensive Quote 2: "My power shall be known!"
  • Buy Defensive Quote 1: "I need no protection!"
  • Buy Defensive Quote 2: "I am powerful enough without this!"
  • Killstreak Quote 1: "You challenged creation...you were erased."
  • Killstreak Quote 2: "My presence is eternal!"
  • Jungle Boss Kill Quote 1: "Bested, as usual."
  • Jungle Boss Kill Quote 2: "Another being erased..."
  • Tower Kill Quote 1: "Nothing stands before me!"
  • Tower Kill Quote 2: "Is that all there was to oppose me?"
  • Death Quote 1: "Existence cannot be destroyed..!"
  • Death Quote 2: Makes an airy wail that trails off
  • Taunt 1: "My power is beckoning to me from your core. It calls home..."
  • Taunt 2: "You poor creatures have ruined my gift of life. I'll have to restart."
  • Taunt 3: "The very fabrics of reality twist around my fingertips."
  • Taunt 4: "How can you kill something that is everywhere at once?"
  • Taunt 5: "I would ridicule you but your weak status is already more than enough. Pitiful."
  • Direct Taunt 1 (Nox): "Darkness isn't a worry to the one who created it."
  • Direct Taunt 2 (Cupid): "A mere fly..."
  • Direct Taunt 3 (Chronos): "I am unbounded by time!"
  • Direct Taunt 4 (Hades): "You can't hope to scare nothing."
  • Direct Taunt 5 (Bakasura): "You compare not to a black hole."
  • Direct Taunt 6 (Ra): "Your light exists only because of me!"
  • Direct Taunt 7 (Zeus): "Know your superiors, "king" of Olympus."
  • From Nox: "I see even nothingness fears something."
  • From Cupid: "It ate my arrows!"
  • From Chronos: "Time stands before all."
  • From Ra: "Apophis was scarier than that!"
  • From Zeus: "Bow before a true ruler, primordial!"
  • Joke 1: "Your mind must be as empty as the void of space itself."
  • Joke 2: "It's embarrassing to see my wisdom bestowed in something like...you."
  • Joke 3: "What was I thinking when I created you?"


  • Whenever "Enemy" is in the VGS, Chaos instead says "lesser entities." I.E. "Lesser entities/gods incoming left."
  • VER: "A star is born!"
  • VEG: "I AM the Universe!"
  • VEA: "Nebular!"
  • VEW: "Wondrous!"
  • VVY: "Positive."
  • VVN: "Negative!"
  • VVT: "My gratitude."
  • VVM: "My power is low!"
  • VVK: "I shall return."
  • VVA: "Affirmative."
  • VVX: "I won't allow it!"
  • VVS: "I am not to blame."
  • VVGL: "Prosperity to us."
  • VVGF: "Amuse yourselves, mortals."
  • VVGG: "The end of beginnings."
  • VVGN: "....Acceptable."
  • VVGO: "Hmph."
  • VVGH: "A higher entity recognizes you."
  • VVGQ: "Contain yourself!"
  • VVGS: "A failure..."
  • VVGT: "Unfortunate."
  • VVGW: "My gift to you."
  • VVVC: "Don't let them escape!"
  • VVVT: "Don't fall for that, weakling!"

I hope you guys really enjoy the concept, I tried my best. Any feedback you guys have or adjustments for numbers or anything let me know, I want this to be my best concept.
Thank you and enjoy~!
submitted by /u/Kaios-0
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So we have Gemini Agni, who do you think should get the rest zodiac skins?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:05 AM PST

I mean, if Hi-Rez would create such an amazing collection of skins.
Gemini Agni, in my opinion, is the most beautiful skin of this year's Odyssey.
I based these on the appearance of the zodiac and some personality aspects that are in common with the god.
  • Aries: Neith because I'm a fan of this art "Satyress Neith" by wonderful Zennore, who also created an amazing Smite comic. I know, Neith has enough skins but I just love this idea.
  • Taurus: Mercury - a personal preference because I imagine Mercury's abilities (especially ult) working very well with a Taurus skin.
  • Gemini is taken by Agni, which, in my opinion, is a brilliant fit.
  • Cancer: Arachne because I'd personally like to see a cosmic human-crab being even though Khepri would also be a great fit.
  • Leo: Bastet because Anhur Star Slayer resembles the Gemini Agni theme in a way. I also imagine three cute cosmic lions chasing you more appealing.
  • Virgo: Artemis. It could be any other beautiful goddess in Smite but Virgo is Latin for virgin and Artemis is also known for being the goddess of virginity. Part of me would like to see this skin for Ne Zha because zodiacs aren't defined by gender.
  • Libra: Nemesis because scales is one of Nemesis' iconic attributes.
  • Scorpio: Serqet, well no one could fit better.
  • Sagittarius: Chiron. Chiron is actually also known as Sagittarius.
  • Capricorn: Nu Wa - being half human, half snake gave me a beautiful vision for a Capricorn skin, especially if it worked on Old Wa's base.
  • Aquarius: Bacchus, just imagine. He Bo already has Infinity Wave skin that is probably the base for Gemini Agni.
  • Pisces: Hel because Pisces is one complicated zodiac personality wise and Hel perfectly portays the struggle between the two fishes that flow in opposite directions.
This is all just my personal preference/vision. Who would you give zodiac skins to?
submitted by /u/TokyoSoul
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Ares ShipWrecked (Concept Skin) 1/5
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 10:23 AM PST
Shit SMITE players say
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 04:02 AM PST

I'll start
'You're bad. Buy the whole odyssey, idiot'
submitted by /u/mehdir_94
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Is it just me or can you not hear the ''wind up'' of batz ult on the new skin? The ult seems way too silent
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 04:50 AM PST

Why Does Nemesis' 3 Not Proc Shield Of Regrowth?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 02:13 AM PST

I'm sure this has been brought up before, so could someone enlighten me as to why this combination does not work? It IS an ability, after all.
submitted by /u/Draketsuka
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Ward skins... pls no

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:30 AM PST

I have this erie feeling I'm going to get downvoted into oblivion for this, but srsly...
Please stop making ward skins :( Or only have them cost favor, and not take up slots in chests.
Here are my big 4 reasons:
  • 1. It's an asthetic thing on something that is INVISIBLE to half the players LOL... wtffffingers
  • 2. They aren't even used in every game mode (ie arena, assault) and see minimal use in others (clash)
  • 3. They are always overvalued, costing precious gems or taking up chest slots
  • 4. The feeling of rolling a ward skin in a chest is the same as the feeling of magically losing gems
Maybe I'm the only one who hates them, but srsly... pls no.
submitted by /u/TheWorstAtIt
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What Was Your Favorite Moment From S3 SPL?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 05:00 AM PST

I look back on the spring split as an interesting time. Soar was my favorite team, the meta was forming and lots of players were feeling stuff out.. also I was loving the jigz support build
submitted by /u/Gozii55
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Still waiting on the Penta...
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 04:46 AM PST
For those complaining about the deserter penalties.
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:32 AM PST
Homiefe proves the best jukes are no jukes.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 07:13 PM PST
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 12:31 AM PST
Fix Laughing Skull Bakasura's VP
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 12:16 AM PST

Does he even have any voice lines?
They're so quiet I can't even tell. Or is he just raspy and quiet from his beautifully loud and aggressive VEL?
submitted by /u/BakasuraChan
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[PvE Event Concept] Smite Campaign

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 01:54 AM PST

So, after the success of my Ragnarok Event I got thinking, what if Smite had some form of Campaign or Story.

How it would work:

Each pantheon would have their representable storyline. They would differ from eachother and you would be able to gain special themed skins through playing. Storyline for each pantheon would cost 900 gems and reward the player with those rewards.

Norse pantheon: (I copied lots of stuff from my Ragnarok post and edited them to be fitting for this.)


"The end of times is coming. Loki decided it is time for Ragnarok to happen. He has been putting it off for way too long. Now everyone will see how real chaos looks like. Together, he will rule Asgard with his sons and daughters, and get rid of anyone that tries to stop him." ~Odin
"You aren't really a good bedtime storyteller, are you, Odin?" ~Freya
"Are you questioning me?" ~Odin
"No, but look what you did to Ullr. He is all afraid now. I said that I should be the one to put him to sleep" ~Skadi
"First of all, I am not afraid, because I am ULLR. Second of all..." ~Ullr
/Loki breaks down Asgard doors trapping everyone present/
"Tell me, father, why did the chicken cross the road" ~Loki
"Why did the chicken cross the road?" ~Odin
"To bring the start of a new Ragnarok" ~Loki
/Loki stabs Odin, saying "Go get him, Fenrir"./

Upon buying this representable storyline you would get one "Norse Pantheon" chest roll.
Then, you would have two "paths" you can take in the quests section. Once you take one, you can't get the other one. You would then solve series of "stages", each having something new and cool.
Each path would have same quest for the stage, but would differ from which god is played. Before and after each stage, there would be a cutscene.

I'll write an example quests for Fafnir and Tyr. The task would be like:

Map - Assault
Respawn time - 20s
Level - 20
Gold - 150000
Battle - 1v1
Gods - Fafnir/Tyr (One is an enemy, depending for the questline)
Selection - Instalock
Perfect Condition - Do not die

Story for Tyr - The day has come. First wave of Chaos Armies, with Fafnir as their leader, are rushing to Asgard to bring Chaos to the world. You cannot let that happen. Not yet. Other Gods should be here soon, you must defend your Titan until they come. Or die trying.
Task for Tyr - You will fight against countless number of Chaos minions lead by Fafnir. They will come in waves, each wave having more and more enemies. Push off, and kill all enemies that try to kill you. After killing you, they will attack the lane, trying to kill the Titan. You must defend the titan until timer runs out, or lose.

Story for Fafnir - The day has come. First wave of Chaos Armies, with you as their leader, are rushing to Asgard to bring Chaos to the world. You were promised a lot of gold by Loki himself if you push this wave forward. But beware, because Tyr is defending, and ready to die if it is needed.
Task for Fafnir - Leading an army of minions, you have until the timer runs out time to defeat the Order Titan. Your army will respawn in waves, each wave increasing in size. Use everything you have to kill the Titan, or lose.

Rewards for Norse storyline would be given at finishing each quest, depending on the path you took at the beggining. If you scored "perfect" in that task, you would get an additional reward tagged with +:

"The Bad Ones" path

Ragnarok Fafnir + Norse Chest Roll >> Ragnarok Hel + Ragnarok Music Theme >> Ragnarok Loki + Ragnarok Loading Frame >> Ragnarok Odin + Ragnarok Recall

"The Good Ones" path

Ragnarok Tyr + Norse Chest Roll >> Ragnarok Sol + Ragnarok Music Theme >> Ragnarok Thor + Ragnarok Loading Frame >> Ragnarok Odin + Ragnarok Recall

This paths would allow for people to know, oh, HE took The Bad Ones path during storyline, he must have passed it.

Ragnarok Loki provided from this post.

Chinese pantheon:

Upon buying this representable storyline you would get one "Chinese Pantheon" chest roll.
"Ah, Gods. Always in their eternal clash against eachother, destroying my pillars. If they keep up this way, they will break down, and nothing will support the Heavens anymore. I cannot let that happen. I shall go and finish the job myself, if they can't." ~Nu Wa
When opening the Campaign, you would get a triangle with pillars in corners, and one in the middle, all of them being broken. When clicking on each pillar you would get 2 gods, being able to select one of them that you would like skin for. Look at example for more info.
Each path would have same quest for the stage, but would differ from which god is played. Before and after each stage, there would be a cutscene.

I'll write an example quests for Ao Kuang and Ne Zha. The task would be like:
Map - Joust
Respawn time - Instant
Respawn location - Friendly Tower
Upon killing someone - Restore Health and mana.
Minions - No
Level - 20
Gold - 150000
Battle - 1v1
Gods - Ao Kuang/Ne Zha (One is an enemy, depending for the questline)
Selection - Instalock
Perfect Condition - Make Nu Wa get all 10 kills

Story for Ao Kuang - That kid Ne Zha did me many wrongs. I won't take it anymore. If we need divine presence to settle our petty argument, then shall be it.
Task for Ao Kuang - You will fight against Ne Zha, 1v1, without any minions. In the background there will be Nu Wa that will use her ult every 10 seconds. The first one to get to 10 kills wins.

Story for Ne Zha - What is enough is enough. Ao Kuang has been terorising all people and someone has to put one final stop to him. If Nu Wa could assist, it would help alot.
Task for Ne Zha - You will fight against Ao Kuang, 1v1, without any minions. In the background there will be Nu Wa that will use her ult every 10 seconds. The first one to get to 10 kills wins.

Rewards for Chinese storyline would be given at finishing each quest (pillar), depending on the God you chose for the quest. If you scored "perfect" in that task, you would get an additional reward tagged with +. Petrified skins would have about the same skin characteristics of Joust Order Titan.:

"Mortal Enemies" pillar
Petrified Ao Kuang + Chinese Chest Roll / Petrified Ne Zha + Chinese Chest Roll

"Shapeshifting Techniques" pillar
Petrified Sun Wukong + Petrified Music Theme / Petrified Erlang Shen + Petrified Music Theme

"Marriage Counseling" pillar
Petrified Hou Yi + Petrified Loading Frame / Petrified Chang'e + Petrified Loading Frame

"Praise the Heavens" pillar
Petrified Nu Wa + Petrified Recall

submitted by /u/Draco9990
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VEL Spam
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 10:21 PM PST

Probably a bad idea to be posting this thread, but how do i laugh spam?
submitted by /u/Akiluckyy
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My favorite feature of console Smite
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 09:10 PM PST

Rewards for those who don't need them.

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 09:45 PM PST

So, this is a little self serving, ok, very self serving. I'm totally cool with HiRez giving out 25% off of a chest roll, 50% off of a chest roll, free chest roll, etc....
I have put a lot of money into the game, not bragging, but making my point. Does anyone else feel they should have some, not a lot, but some; ward skins, character skins, etc... that unlock when you obtain a certain number of those items. Like say you have 400+ character skins. You get a special whomever skin made just for people who supported the game enough to get that many character skins. Right now I have a Divine Chest Roll just sitting there that I cannot use. No items available. I unlock the new Hun Batz skin and get 25% off a chest I have all the items in. I'd almost prefer a roll to get a gold/legend/diamond skin.
Just a thought. Not sure how much traction an idea like that would have but it would certainly reward the players that play all the time and accumulate skins either by playing and getting the favor to spend on the available favor skins or those that support the game financially by buying gems and getting the chests or individual skins.
submitted by /u/turkeyburpin
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Amaretrosu (Amaterasu Skin Concept)
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 10:36 AM PST
Can you beads anti heal?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:31 AM PST

Might a bit of a stupid question idk. Not necessarily items but like a serqet ult or Odin cage or Osiris ult for example
submitted by /u/PalcohoI
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When Will Smite Fix These Types of Issues?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 12:03 AM PST

Thorin Oakenshield skin for Fafnir?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:34 AM PST

I'm not an artist, can't draw for my life but I would imagine it would be something like this. If someone can find a better pic please post below :)
I know the dragon form would be really similar to his original but man I wouldn't even care. I would by the shit out of the skin. I was thinking Gimli at first but he really doesn't use a shield that much, so it we be more fitting for Thorin. Feel free to add on too the concept.
Let me know what you guys think! :)
submitted by /u/SunWuKungFu
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Quest based on killing is a bad quest

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:25 AM PST

I appreciate gems for quests, I like when events are made... But when objective is about killing, it's not doing well. It makes people more toxic, they're trying harder and mostly noone is going to play support. I know I can go play arena and make it in few games in worst situation, but "main" gamemode is Conquest and I don't feel like I have a reason to play it. I have recently played 2 games and I faced a lot of "noob KS" messages and overall toxic players that BM everyone >.>
What do you think about it?
submitted by /u/LongestNameRightHere
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Calculated unstable vortex
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 11:45 AM PST
Say the final battle of the all gods has arrived: Ragnarok. Who's on Order and Chaos teams?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 02:24 PM PST

This would be lore based. Loki would obviously be on Chaos.
submitted by /u/Umbr3llaMan
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