An analysis of UI and map changes in Patch 7.00| Dota 2 Daily Report

Dota2 Best of 2016 Awards

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:05 AM PST

"It was the best of memes, it was the worst of memes,
it was the age of EG.Arteezy, it was the age of Secret.Arteezy,
it was the epoch of PogChamps, it was the epoch of 4Heads,
it was the season of Radiant, it was the season of Dire,
it was the spring of Miracles, it was the winter of Fear,
we had +25 before us, we had -25 before us,
we were all going direct to Fountain, we were all going direct the other way – in short,
it's time to announce the Best of r/Dota2 2016."
~ Charles Dankens: A Tale of Two Dotas

Rules and Regulations

  • 15 creddits will be rewarded in total.
  • Find and reply to the appropriate parent comment for the category you are nominating for.
  • Look through comments to ensure what you are nominating hasn't already been nominated. (ctrl+f is your friend!)
  • If it has not been previously nominated, link the reddit thread or user page of your nomination as a reply to the appropriate parent comment.
  • Vote by upvoting! Upvote as many nominations as you'd like.
  • You do not need to nominate to vote, if you wish to vote simply scroll through and start upvoting.
  • All nominees must be from 2016.
  • For a post to be a valid nomination it must have a proper link and only contain one item!
This thread will be in contest mode, meaning comment scores are not shown and comments are in a random order.


  • Best overall post
    To the best submission on /r/Dota2 this year. Top 2 receive prizes.
  • Best overall comment
    To the best comment on /r/Dota2 this year. Top 2 receive prizes.
  • Most helpful post/comment
    To the submission or comment that has been the most helpful to you or to the community in general. This includes discussion, articles, analysis, exposés, etc
  • Best educational post/comment
    To the submission or comment has taught you the most this year be it in text or video
  • Best shitpost
    This award does not endorse "shitpost culture."
  • Best new meme
    2016 memes only.
  • Best artwork or cosplay
    To the creator of your favorite piece of dota art and/or cosplay.
  • Best gameplay video
    To the creator of your favorite clip or highlight of gameplay moments, both professional and casual.
  • Best original video
    To the creator of your favorite original video of the year. Memes, SFM contest submissions, tutorials, documentaries, vlogs are all fair game.
  • Best suggestion implemented into Dota
    The "Valve please, fuck slacks" award, given to the best suggestion from /r/dota2 that made it to the game this year.
  • Most valuable subredditor
    Who has been the most valuable community member on the subreddit? Top 2 receive prizes.
    Make sure you nominate a reddit profile, i.e. /u/klopjobacid
    Make sure you're not nominating a known figure in the community (users with special organizational flair), there's a separate category for that.
  • Most valuable community figure
    Which community figure or content creator contributed the most to the subreddit?
    Make sure you nominate a reddit profile, i.e. /u/SirActionSlacks-
    This category is only for the person's contribution to the subreddit, rather than their work in general. There is a separate category for that.

Additional Categories

(no prizes, just warm fuzzies)

Top Posts by Month

This Year | Jan | Feb | March | April | May | June | July | Aug | Sept | Oct | Nov | Dec
submitted by /u/coronaria
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Valve, please bring this back. Why remove it anyway?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 04:15 PM PST
Come on Valve. How hard is it to implement a HUD like this? Credit to kradnozd
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 12:53 PM PST
How i feel playing Visage in 7.01
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 05:38 PM PST
You vs the guy she tells you not to worry about.
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 05:18 PM PST

Why does MK on the home screen say "I need no introduction" and then proceed to introduce himself every time?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:49 PM PST

At least make it once per game session not every time you go to the home screen
submitted by /u/ttovotsttnt
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Razor's ult does not hit shrines even with aghs.

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:12 PM PST

Is it meant to be that way? I'm pretty sure shrines are buildings/structures.
submitted by /u/lurkaness
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A unique way i thought we could balance monkey kings attack range

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:21 PM PST

monkey kings base attack range set to 150
jinju mastery now increases monkey kings attack range with each consecutive hit by 50.
monkey king has max 300 attack range while the jinju mastery stacks are available and it resets to 150 when they are all used.
it ties into his lore about being able to make his staff change size at will. more so than his first skill that only displays 1 change in size. it also makes his ability to out lane most melee cores a bit more challenging, but still doable none the less.
sorry if this is a bs suggestion i haven't seen how he's settling into 7.01 yet.
submitted by /u/neon-neko
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Have we all forgotten that we can't rebind the key to upgrade abilities?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:39 PM PST

I seriously HATE using control and or clicking the ability to upgrade it. Why have we forgotten about this? Why don't we have the ability to rebind it? I don't understand why this isn't an option, please fix valve!
edit A lot of down votes seem to be trolls, clearly there is still no fix from valve at the moment for this problem, please down vote the trolls and up vote this thread so hopefully we see a fix soon!
submitted by /u/Omisco420
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It's 7.01 and Oracle hasn't been fixed ! Come on Valve I know you can do it better

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 04:53 PM PST

Spirit Breaker's charge of darkness if targeted to Monkey king and MKK jumps to a tree SB will change target as if MKK died

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:44 AM PST

EDIT: Spirit breaker changes target (when charging) if MK jumps to another tree, acting as if MK died thanks to u/ishopliftapples for correcting my english
submitted by /u/Snipershot9077
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Dota 2 Update - MAIN CLIENT - December 21, 2016

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 03:12 PM PST

A new patch has been dispatched for the main client. More info will be edited in as I analyze the patch.

Analysis Status: Done

Official Changelog

  • Reduced Scoreboard size when the item panel isn't selected
  • Fixed a bug with Coaches allowing you to sometimes see the enemy team's selected heroes during the picking phase
  • Fixed broken cosmetic meshes for Puck, Storm Spirit, Venomancer, Skywrath Mage and Warlock
  • Added more Bot API functionality
  • Fixed the top bar ultimate notification being incorrect after a hero swap
  • Added a notification when Shrines are killed
  • Fixed some tutorial bugs
  • Fixed Chinese and Korean IME bugs
  • Added Monkey King to the workshop
  • Fixed some exploits used to spam in regional chat channels
  • Fixed missing pause countdown timer sound
  • Fixed shop search text not remaining when you close the shop and reopen it
  • The items grid now opens automatically whenever the shop is showing if the grid was previously open

Fall Battle Pass 2016

  • Added links to Episode 1 & 2 of True Sight in the Battle Pass tab for it.
  • Fall 2016 Battle Cup Ticket can no longer be purchased.

UI Updates

Notification Bar
  • A new notification has been added that will show up when True Sight Episode 3 will go live.

Hero Updates

  • Updated spell icon for Viper's Nethertoxin. | Preview

Related Links

  • Changelog: None yet.

Patch Size: 61.2 MB (with Tools)
submitted by /u/SirBelvedere
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How is this remotely fair? (1.7k mmr solo queue)

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:13 PM PST

The root mechanic is awesome now, but can it be consistent too?

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:21 PM PST

Root mechanic is basically different on every hero.
  • Underlord, Meepo, and Atos do not break channeling.
  • Crystal Maiden and Treant Disarm.
  • Dark Troll Summoner doesn't reveal invisible units.
  • Oracle is a Stop instead of a root which is basically its own mechanic for whatever reason.
It just seems like the mechanic is all over the place, and i would love if they just implemented a universal root mechanic in the next patch. Maybe make Root and Stop two seperate mechanics, and use Stop for Roots that don't stop channeling.
submitted by /u/AlignedLicense0
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There should be a Dota 2 Story mode

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 05:14 PM PST

Story mode would be like you pick your hero you want to start with(Every hero starts from their own place: Example: Puck Undertree) you go around a special and HUGE map, where there are certain places like Narrow maze with razor or Seven Hells with Doom, get infos about the places, heroes, learning new mechanics and getting like new missions, completing them giving some rewards. I think Dota 2 heroes have pretty good bios and stories it would be a really nice addition, or this Story mode could be a reworked training as well, I liked the old one in Source 1 but the new one is just nothing special. My thoughts.
submitted by /u/donaldtrump_the_best
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Just realized 7.00 got rid of my little HUD buddy :(

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 12:52 PM PST

Naga Siren Arcana suggestion

Posted: 22 Dec 2016 01:17 AM PST

An analysis of UI and map changes in Patch 7.00: how players’ ocular inefficiencies led to increased pick rates of heroes with more than two eyes

Posted: 21 Dec 2016 01:25 PM PST

TL:DR: To compensate for their inabilities to adjust to UI and map changes in patch 7.00, players picked heroes with more-than-two-eyes more in the week following patch 7.00 release than the patch/week prior.
Hello everyone,
Over the course of my career as a DotA2 analyst, the cornerstone of my research has focused on why we pick our heroes. Rather than go into well-established dogma as to the effectiveness of each hero patch-to-patch, or the esoteric arguments of "situational need", my studies seek to explore a largely unaccounted for niche. That is, subconsciously, what factors influence our hero selections? I've looked at hero attractiveness, hero personalities, hero teeth, genetically modified heroes, and all things in between. Some have argued that this past research has "little relevance", "isn't practical", or is simply "a waste of time"—all points I soundly disagree with. Be that as it may, the recent overhaul to DotA2 via patch 7.00 presents a wonderful opportunity to, perhaps, "break bread" with some of my critics.
Patch 7.00 fundamentally changed DotA2, and if the response on community outlets such as this subreddit are any indication, players were not prepared for that much change. While there were many large modifications, it is fair to say two stuck out by knocking players out of their comfort zones: user interface (UI) and map changes. Ultimately, change to these once "set-in-stone" features, disoriented and confused many players. Glancing around the screen for common indicators of a game's progression, such as creep score, health bars, hero levels, and enemy inventories quickly became an uncomfortable task. Many players complained of "increased eye-movement" necessary to glean all of this information, some of which they argued was now absent. The updated map also warranted intensified scrutiny of the screen—new paths, structures, Roshan location, and juke spots all needed to be ocularly assessed and filed away into memory. Taken together, players' eyes were under some serious strain, which begs the question: did this affect how we picked our heroes?
Consciously, we were aware that our two eyes were simply not getting the job done when it came to interpreting the new UI and map. Also consciously, many complained to Valve. However, subconsciously, I hypothesize that players attempted to compensate for the inability of their eyes to take in these changes by picking heroes with more-than-two-eyes. Therefore, I propose that the pick rates of heroes with more-than-two-eyes will be increased in the week following patch 7.00's release.
For this pilot study, I first needed to establish a baseline of what a hero with more-than-two-eyes is. To that end, only heroes with more-than-two-eyes present as they spawn into the game were considered. This includes heroes that have more-than-two-eyes on their faces (Sandking), those with two heads attached to the same body (Ogre Magi), those comprised of multiple individuals (Techies), or those with mounts (two eyes for the rider, two eyes for the mount). Excluded heroes for the purposes of this study include illusion generating (Phantom Lancer) and minion creating heroes (Beastmaster), as primary concern was on eyes present at the start of the match.
To test my hypothesis, hero pick rate data was collected from for the week following patch 7.00 release, as well as the week before using an internet archive tool. An important note: patch 7.00 pick rate data excludes Monkey King in order to fairly compare the remaining heroes. Monkey King's pick rate was obviously high due to his release, and I did not want that data affecting the rest of the heroes'. In table 1 below, heroes that meet the above presented more-than-two-eye criteria are listed along with their pick rates for each week. The difference between patch 7.00 and pre-patch are shown in the bottom row.
Hero Mirana Luna Ogre Magi Alchemist Sand King Chaos Knight Jakiro Techies Disruptor KotL Batrider Broodmother
Type of eyes Mount Mount Two heads Mount/Two bodies Many eyes Mount Two heads Two bodies Mount Mount Mount Many eyes
Patch 7.00 pick rate 20.89 13.74 11.75 10.77 8.94 6.77 5.39 5.21 5.09 4.51 3.24 2.20
Pre-patch 7.00 pick rate 20.09 11.26 10.96 11.58 8.55 5.29 4.75 4.25 5.51 4.80 2.96 2.11
Difference 0.80 2.48 0.79 -0.80 0.39 1.48 0.64 0.96 -0.42 -0.29 0.28 0.09
As seen above, 9/12 more-than-two-eye heroes demonstrated increased pick rates the week after 7.00's release, providing strong evidence for an upward trend in more-than-two-eye hero pick rates. Only 3 did not follow this trend, Alchemist, Disruptor, and Keeper of the Light. These may be explained by players' reluctance to pick elderly heroes likely having poor eyesight (Alchemist and KotL), and awareness that an eyepatch could obstruct vision (Disruptor).
Statistically, I chose to test this phenomenon by calculating a Z score for the two population proportions. Table 2 below displays the total number of heroes with more-than-two-eyes picked in each week, and also the sum of all heroes picked each week (again, Monkey King not included for 7.00). For 7.00, there is a slight increase in both categories, likely attributed to popularity of the new patch. Overall when comparing the proportions of more-than-two-eye heroes played in each week, there is a significant increase in pick rates after patch 7.00.
Table 2 Patch 7.00 Pre-patch 7.00
More-than-two-eye hero picks 6,992,239 6,471,613
Sum of all hero picks 70,976,730 70,264,342
Proportion 0.099 0.092
Z Score 129.7185
P value <0.00001 Significant
Finally, as a proof of principle, the pick rates for a hero without any eyes, Faceless Void, were studied. If players were subconsciously picking heroes with more-than-two-eyes to help understand changes to the map and UI, then they should also avoid a hero that, at best, offers no additional help, and at worse, is a detriment (blindness). Table 3's data supports this hypothesis, as the pick rate for Faceless Void fell by a staggering 2% in the week of patch 7.00.
Table 3 Patch 7.00 Pre-patch 7.00 Difference
Faceless Void Pick Rate 10.5 12.53 -2.03
In summary, this study is the first to date to show how real updates and changes to a game (in the form of patch 7.00) can subconsciously affect how players choose their heroes. Statistically, in the week following the release of patch 7.00, heroes with more-than-two-eyes were picked at a higher rate than the previous week and patch. This suggests an effort by players to compensate for their inability to grasp changes to the UI and map by getting additional sets of eyeballs to help out. Future work should focus on elements excluded from this study (illusions, minions), as well as following the data out over the next few weeks to see if more-than-two-eye hero pick rates fall as players become accustomed to the new patch.
Thank you for reading, and I look forward to your comments.
submitted by /u/DotA2Analyst
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Roshan's Pit if it were moved to its 7.00 position, in 6.88.
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:25 AM PST
Slardar and Viper's icons on minimap are outdated.
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:35 PM PST
Valve, please fix Overthrow!
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 05:30 PM PST

mandatory text
submitted by /u/cesarau04
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#Give PL 300 range
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:39 AM PST

Give PL 300 range

submitted by /u/Chrystian_p1
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Na`vi.General: 8000 mmr.Congrat!
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 12:02 AM PST
We urgently need performance patch
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:56 PM PST

Before - 120fps 7.00 - 60 fps
Please Valve do something. I can't even last hit
submitted by /u/aarizdota
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Send nudes..
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 11:02 AM PST

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