Theorycrafting Thursdays Weekly Discussion
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 04:07 PM PST
Hello members of the /r/hearthstone community,
This is a weekly thread designed for more advanced discussion regarding the intricacies of Hearthstone. Questions and answers should be focused on high-level theory crafting, such as card synergy, efficient mana drafts, and the viability of cards in certain situations.
Please keep it clean and try to add more than just a one or two word response. As the goal of this post is to increase the community's knowledge, the thought process matters as much as the answer! There is also a Newbie Tuesday weekly post, for those who wish to discuss the basics.
Note: I am a bot. Questions or feedback regarding this thread? Message the moderators.
submitted by /u/AutoModerator This is a weekly thread designed for more advanced discussion regarding the intricacies of Hearthstone. Questions and answers should be focused on high-level theory crafting, such as card synergy, efficient mana drafts, and the viability of cards in certain situations.
Please keep it clean and try to add more than just a one or two word response. As the goal of this post is to increase the community's knowledge, the thought process matters as much as the answer! There is also a Newbie Tuesday weekly post, for those who wish to discuss the basics.
Note: I am a bot. Questions or feedback regarding this thread? Message the moderators.
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Reynad needs a taunt minion
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:44 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Lacher [link] [comments] |
It just dawned on me that there are probably newer players that have never seen E.T.C.'s intro.
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:48 AM PST
The card phased out about 7-8 months ago and unless you got lucky in a Tavern Brawl, you probably never saw the most epic HS intro of all time.
submitted by /u/ToxicAdamm
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When you play the worst card in the game and your opponent plays a 30/30 on turn 5. (Tavern Brawl)
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 04:46 PM PST
I've never felt such a good feeling playing this game:
submitted by /u/moonkin14
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It would be awesome if spectators could emote, showing it on the side like they were in the tavern
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:17 AM PST
Little bubbles on the side like cheers from the spectators, is the technology there yet? How many times i wished i could BM my friends this way!
submitted by /u/LastDreamy [link] [comments]
It doesn't really hit you until you see it actually happen
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 12:18 PM PST
Today, I saw the Guac Boy commercial. In real life. With other people watching with me.
submitted by /u/MrMayhem631 :/
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My submission for the worst pack in HS
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 01:45 PM PST
So I just opened this after last arena run..
submitted by /u/jusatinn
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Hearthstone pro player Destiny demonstrates his RNG mechanics
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:53 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/xtphty [link] [comments] |
This Week's Tavern Brawl: Clockwork Card Dealer - Standard
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:03 AM PST
Card you draw on Turn 1 will be 1 cost, turn 2 is 2 cost, ect...
submitted by /u/DapperDodger [link] [comments]
The issue with Common Cards as an Arena Reward
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:08 AM PST
I know there's one of these posts fairly regularly, where complaints are made about these, and I apologise. All the same.
I am no means a great arena player. I'm sure I am distinctly average. If I get 5 wins, I feel I've done well. 6 is great, let alone those heady, dreamy 7+ runs that come along once a month. When I get to the point where I get to open three little floating boxes at the end of my run, rather than two, I feel a sense of achievement.
Sadly, I feel hard done by when one of these turns out to be a common card. There isn't a sense of reward, just disappointment. And I think that's the biggest issue. It just does not feel good. I am aware that change currently is not on the horizon, and I am not demanding it to be, I just hope the developers understand how much of a let down it is, especially after the feel good factor that comes from feeling like you have done well in an arena run.
submitted by /u/Jojo_isnotunique I am no means a great arena player. I'm sure I am distinctly average. If I get 5 wins, I feel I've done well. 6 is great, let alone those heady, dreamy 7+ runs that come along once a month. When I get to the point where I get to open three little floating boxes at the end of my run, rather than two, I feel a sense of achievement.
Sadly, I feel hard done by when one of these turns out to be a common card. There isn't a sense of reward, just disappointment. And I think that's the biggest issue. It just does not feel good. I am aware that change currently is not on the horizon, and I am not demanding it to be, I just hope the developers understand how much of a let down it is, especially after the feel good factor that comes from feeling like you have done well in an arena run.
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BUG: Casting stolen goods with no taunt minions in hand will not cause arcane giant to be discounted
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 04:53 PM PST
I had 6 mana and a 5 mana arcane giant and planned to play a stolen goods + arcane giant even though I had no taunts in hand because I had the second giant and blood warriors. However, the giant still cost 5 mana after the stolen goods was cast.
I have not tried to reproduce yet, or test the interaction with Yogg.
submitted by /u/uther321 I have not tried to reproduce yet, or test the interaction with Yogg.
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Firebat on the current meta - Bat Wisdom.
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:14 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Chuck_Morris_SE [link] [comments] |
Why don't they just let us buy old adventures.
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 02:08 AM PST
Like holy fucking shit the dust value is worse than packs and the 3 people who want to do it for the rush should be able to. Fucking remove the special card back and everything if you want to keep them special but just let people play the fucking adventures. It's not like you remove them from the game either, it's just free money you're not claiming. I get you can craft those cards but you should be able to play the dank adventures instead of just watching youtube videos for stupid amounts of money. You can just hide them from every store other than the internet one. Don't show them in-game, but like just have a button on the website where some chump can blow 20 something bucks for worthless kicks.
submitted by /u/tola8 [link] [comments]
Can you imagine the outcry...
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 01:13 PM PST
if one day, in a patch, an undocumented change (hell, even documented would mess with things) makes choose-one options on the opposite side they've always been?
Imagine the trolden highlights of major tournaments a few days after the patch?
submitted by /u/Jezzared Imagine the trolden highlights of major tournaments a few days after the patch?
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Which Adventure Bosses / Heroic Bosses have been rendered easy because of newer cards?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:56 PM PST
I'm a casual player, and so I don't boast the best card collection or decks or strategic thinking in general--which means that I generally enjoy having a leverage of power when it's available to me.
As far as I can tell, Hearthstone Adventures are crafted to test and challenge the cards in existence to that point. I'm pretty sure that they don't formulate new cards with a consideration of "Well, that will make Blackrock Mountain too easy" or "Wait--this is completely broken in this Karazhan boss fight." That's too much to keep track of.
So that's my question for you: do any of the cards added in sets after Adventures have been released make those Adventures laughably easy? What are your favorite ways to abuse Heroic mode bosses with newer cards? (Yes, I'm aware of the Kel'Thuzad-Taunt combos, but maybe newer players aren't.)
submitted by /u/scm6288 As far as I can tell, Hearthstone Adventures are crafted to test and challenge the cards in existence to that point. I'm pretty sure that they don't formulate new cards with a consideration of "Well, that will make Blackrock Mountain too easy" or "Wait--this is completely broken in this Karazhan boss fight." That's too much to keep track of.
So that's my question for you: do any of the cards added in sets after Adventures have been released make those Adventures laughably easy? What are your favorite ways to abuse Heroic mode bosses with newer cards? (Yes, I'm aware of the Kel'Thuzad-Taunt combos, but maybe newer players aren't.)
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[Trolden] Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 206
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:13 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Eirh [link] [comments] |
Should have known not to thoughtsteal at 0 win arena
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 02:05 PM PST
Bonus Silithid Swarmer in the warlock deck
submitted by /u/Shaddolf Bonus Silithid Swarmer in the warlock deck
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Dane Hearthstone: Reasons To Play Best Of 2016
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:27 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/jmxd [link] [comments] |
When you let your opponent tap - Amaz
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:21 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/FreeStylerFC [link] [comments] |
I got Legend for the first time today!
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:32 PM PST
I have played hearthstone on and off for about 2 years, this was my second push for legend. I just felt like telling someone because I don't really know anyone that plays hearthstone and I wanted to brag a little. Thanks for your time!
submitted by /u/simonehayhay [link] [comments]
Just used up all my luck for the foreseeable future
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:58 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/LiamFryingPan [link] [comments] |
The best Miracle Rogue starting hand I have ever had,
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 02:11 PM PST
prep coin coin patches concede
the replay if people think it was photoshopped
submitted by /u/sbskins the replay if people think it was photoshopped
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I did the meme. I shield slammed a wrathguard to kill my opponent.
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:09 PM PST
After wrathguard came out all that time ago, many people have joked about "what if i shield slam it and kill my opponent lol xddd." Well, I have finally done it myself. My shaman opponent didn't even see it coming, when he evolved his board of 7 minions. His totem he had just created, it was the culprit. IT had turned into a wrathguard against a CONTROL WARRIOR with 24 armor and shield slam in hand. Praying to RNGsus for me not to have it, I played slam... then armor'd up... then... it happened...
I barely took the screenshot in time because I was so excited. But, I did nonetheless:
submitted by /u/DeadlyPants1996 I barely took the screenshot in time because I was so excited. But, I did nonetheless:
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When you really need that Mad Bomber luck
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:55 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Kasuyama [link] [comments] |
When someone uses the Thanks emote at the conclusion of a game, I have a crisis of character where I initially get angry—before considering that they might have been genuinely thanking me for being a competent opponent, and that my anger says more about my attitude than theirs.
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:56 AM PST
Take a moment to appreciate just how strange and restrictive the social environment of your average Hearthstone game is. You're plucked off the street and tossed into a digital world with someone who you know nothing about—young or old? male or female? liberal or conservative? rich or poor? black, white, brown? a Samaritan or a serial killer? maybe the black-haired girl that you see every morning walking to her car from the window of your third-story apartment: the one that you wish you had the courage to talk to, but can't on account of the wombo-combo of Social Anxiety and Seasonal Affective Disorder that has you currently confined in a cell of tear-stained bedsheets?—in this absence of information, and with the channels of communication restricted to six specific-and-yet-somehow-still-frustratingly-vague emotive phrases, I think most players (I can speak for myself, at least) find themselves playing into a solipsistic mirror: in Hearthstone, I can say with absolute certainty that I've never, ever, not once used Thanks in honest appreciation, ever—with the possible tongue-in-cheek exception of that occasional priest you find that heals your face on turn 2, maybe. Because of this I will always, without exception, interpret my opponent's Thanks as sarcastic, ingracious, and inflammatory. This reveals a certain key insight (maybe common knowledge among the general population: I'm admittedly pretty bad at knowing what's happening beyond the front door of my third-story apartment): that people, generally speaking, assume everyone else would act the same way they would, given an identical situation and circumstances. Meaning if you tilt at emotes, and there's no other evidence to support the notion that your opponent is being intentionally rude (e.g. spam, hovering, roping with an empty hand, etc.), it's not them who's being a dick: all you're seeing is your own intrinsic dickishness staring you in the face. What I find most frightening about this is that this isn't specific to Hearthstone. It can be applied in all sorts of troubling directions, e.g. stupid people tend to assume others are stupid; rude people stubbornly assert that it's not them that's rude, but rather the sum total of humanity; stingy people assume everyone else is trying to screw them out of a penny; et cetera, ad infinitum. Most people've been the way they are for most of their lives, see, and the sheer stagnant duration of their various qualities have etched ruts all throughout their personality—ruts that they don't even recognize anymore after having to personally put up with them for days and months and years. So you get people who, if asked, would say that they're very good and kind flipping off buses and stealing packages off people's porches and leaving unprovoked mean comments on Reddit and, yes, screaming FUCK YOU at their cell phones when their opponent says Thanks after topdecking lethal. PSA: this is not appropriate behavior. Would I behave this way if Hearthstone was an RL game? Is it concerning that there are kids being born right now—kids that will someday be contributing adult members of society—that would, having been raised on online competition, not understand that people in RL are supposed to be civil? What bothers me most is that I'm not even one of those kids. I play a Lord of the Rings-themed Risk with my mother, occasionally, and I'm always levelheaded (even in the face of bad RNG), but an absurd Yogg-Saron will put me amok, screaming, and millimeters away from flushing my Android in the toilet.
submitted by /u/Bradley__ [link] [comments]
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