What if we got a 7 deadly sins skin series?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 01:06 AM PST
With Aphro being Lust, Fafnir Greed, Baka Gluttony, Kali Anger, Herc Pride and so on?
submitted by /u/PsychoKali [link] [comments] |
God Pack is 50% off ($15USD) on Amazon right now, December 22nd, 2016. Not sure how long it will last. Cheers!
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 03:47 AM PST
Removing points from old Season Tickets Frames.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:54 AM PST
Dear HiRez. I would as you for Removing pints from old Season Tickets Frames. I think there are very nice frames and points are not neccesery needed here - no longer. Please :)
submitted by /u/I3ehemoth [link] [comments] |
Smite - Pingu
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:55 AM PST
Poseidon looks better in Smite Tactics. Hopefully they make him look like this in Smite too.
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 01:50 PM PST
My favourite Zhong Kui Kill (Nobody escapes the demons)
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 05:04 AM PST
Controversial /r/Smite comments
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:48 AM PST
I was just going through a thread, and it seemed that the second someone mentions that O-Bow isn't really that good of an item, redditors attack them. Do you have any controversial comments about items, gods, maps, etc. that goes against the grain? Mine is that I hate O-Bow, I think it's a wasteful item to build.
submitted by /u/chewyfresh1 [link] [comments] |
Season 4 QOL change
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:51 PM PST
What if for season 4, they changed it so if you are in the fountain and accidentally upgrade the wrong move you can undo it, just like items.
submitted by /u/Hell_Phoenix [link] [comments] |
Name a god who needs a skin, and I'll give you a million dollar idea
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 07:28 AM PST
Meltdown Sol
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 05:52 AM PST
Can we take a moment and talk about meltdown sol just a little more.
submitted by /u/GETxHIPFIREDx When i see a skin like meltdown i can only imagine but to getting burned by buying it and i think hirez knows this. At one point i was very upset about the skin being in a small chest because this skin was such a limited one. In the end its just a skin and i still have Lord of the Amazon to justify the absurd amount of money i have put in the game. This post is more for me. i mainly just want to hear what others think about extremely rare skins being turned into something nearly everyone has. and before someone says you are just salty....... yes yes i am xD [link] [comments] |
Meltdown sol is in the Norse chest
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:43 AM PST
Meltdown sol is in the Norse chest which only has 14 items for people that were looking for it
submitted by /u/Lycatic [link] [comments] |
Revenge is a dish best served from far, far away
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 11:15 PM PST
Linked Twitch accounts can win free stuff watching iRaffer's stream today.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:03 AM PST
That perfectly timed Kappa
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:05 AM PST
Hi Rez be proud of Janus
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 01:28 PM PST
He is a staple Conquest Mid laner that has one of the best designs and kits in the entire game. He has been a top tier pick for almost 3 years. He is a true specimen.
submitted by /u/TaxAdvantage401 Despite all the cries to nerf a god that is a mid laner's best friend in the ONE game mode he shines in, why not buff all the other (sensitive) mages such as Ah Puch, He Bo, Chang'e, Zong, Anubis, and every other mage that does incredibly well in other modes instead of asking to nerf Janus. You want Janus nerf? Fair enough. How about balancing it with a He Bo buff? This meta is better off having Janus stay where he is than bringing some ugly creature like He Bo into the SPL. Nerf Janus and see Scylla 99% games, nerf scylla and see Thoth 99% of games, nerf Thoth and see everyone complain about RA next. This is a pattern that will never break untill all Mages are under performing. This pattern has never took in effect because Janus has HARDLY been touched. And should stay that way. Thoughts. [link] [comments] |
Smite Rivals teased on twitter
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 04:25 PM PST
Some guy decided to mute the entire team before game started (ranked)
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:01 PM PST
Not tryna name people but come on. Why even play ranked if you're not going to communicate with anyone? His reason for muting everyone though is not wanting cry babies, and from there I assumed it was because he was bad but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Our support ends up dying multiple times (consequentially feeding enemy adc) because he tried to save our Muter. 10 seconds from launch he types "As part of a tradition, I'm going to mute everyone just because I'm trying to avoid cry babies" We had a close call on gf because he almost backed not knowing we called it, and many more calls the entire game. Enemy adc snow balls, gets huge. I'm in solo lane destroying the Nike/invading camps. Just why even is this a thing? He proceeds to end the game in lobby unmuting all of us and calling us cry babies because he never listened to calls? Bruh.
submitted by /u/Darth00Revan tl;dr: Guy mutes everyone pregame, tons of miscommunication, results in massive loss and slight (I wouldn't even really call it bm) bm Edit: added tl;dr [link] [comments] |
3rd straight twitch even with no rewards dropped for me.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 08:18 AM PST
There certainly has to be an issue right? I've watched over 15hours worth of smite sponsored twitch events eligible for drops and gotten nothing. Should I contact hirez support or am I really just terribly unlucky?
submitted by /u/SimplyRitzy [link] [comments] |
The Hel ruined our dance party.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:04 AM PST
If you don't want to add Dota 2's "Safe to leave" system how about low priority queue and early abandon protection?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 05:26 PM PST
There was a thread a few weeks back about the "Safe to leave" system in Dota that allows players to leave a match without punishment if someone has already abandoned the game for 5 minutes. A lot of people disliked the idea so why not just add low priority queue as a punishment for leavers and early abandon protection for the people still in the game? We all know that there's no real punishment for abandoning a game, you get a 30 minute timeout and lose all of your goodwill, that's it. The ones who get real punishment are the players with a permanent loss on their account because of something that is out of their control. How does low priority queue and early abandon protection work?
submitted by /u/CNKbns Low priority queue Players are placed in low priority queue under two circumstances 1) they frequently abandon games 2) they are frequently reported. While in low priority queue you will only be queued with other low priority players (this applies to people in your party as well), will not receive favor or worshipers or be allowed to queue for ranked games. Players placed in low priority are forced to win 1 game, additional abandons will add 2 wins, up to a max of 5 (two additional abandons after entering LPQ). After reaching the 5 win requirement any following abandons will result in a 24 hour system ban. more info Early abandon protection If someone on your team leaves before 5 minutes have passed on the game clock the game will be considered an early abandon and not count towards your wins or losses. If first blood occurs before 5 minutes have passed the game will be considered a late abandon and count towards your wins and losses. more info [link] [comments] |
My somewhat old concept (Horus, The Sun's Champion)
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 02:05 AM PST
submitted by /u/LoneWanderer2580 I just recently readjusted the numbers on my concept after seeing how Nike has been playing and after seeing how well Erlang plays in a balanced state. I figured I might as well show off the concept again now that some of the more OP aspects were rebalanced a bit. I hope you guys like it. (And feel free to tell me what you think needs to be adjusted most in it) [link] [comments] |
When the 2nd Smite HD Trailer comes out...
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:52 PM PST
IF they even make one for this Year SWC. :D I hope we can see an epic fight between Fafnir and Ao. Like. The trailer shows the fight between the teams, and at the final, only fafnir and Ao Kuang are up. Ao sneaking in on the damaged Fafnir and Piercing him with his Sword...and then fafnir is surprised, turns his face towards the Victory drunk Ao, still impaled....giving him the big ol greedy Smile anD FUCKING BOOM HUGE ASS DRAGON and ao is like OH SNAP DAWG and transforms too, both charge SMITE, BATTLEGROUND OF THE GODS. What gods do you wanna see :D
submitted by /u/Phuryfetish [link] [comments] |
Season 3 God's unused greater Aegis stances:
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 02:38 PM PST
Ravana's VP
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 06:55 AM PST
I really want to know why Hi-Rez didn't fix the VP of Rock from Bishrak It take me nervous when I play as him. Why Awesome is You Raise The Bar And You Rock is Impressive? I'm 200% mad
submitted by /u/GustavoRDR [link] [comments] |
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