Showing posts with label Prime World. Show all posts

Prime World Shards deposits

Shards deposits

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 09:34 AM PST

Lords and Ladies!

Everyone in Praya has already heard about the wonderful Shards that give you a chance to receive any talent. And this topic caused some active discussions.

Among those, there were a lot of comments left regarding the Lords' will to see these Shards as a reward for completing quests. And now, after receiving such a feedback, we are launching a quest corresponding to your demands. You will be able to significantly increase you stocks of Shards!

Today a first task from the chain of quests had appeared in your Castles. It will be available until 12 p.m. GMT+3 5th of March. You will be able to receive Crystal Shards on each of the stages, and with every next stage, you will get more and more Shards in return!

  • All the stages of the quest are available only after completing the previous stage. It means that you do not need to wait for the next day to start completing the next stage.
  • If you switch the localization of the game during passing the quest (enter the client of the game with another language), the progress of the quest will be wiped.
Hurry up to beat all the stages and receive a lot of Shards!
Your Prime World Team

New ultimate for Mimi!

Posted: 24 Feb 2018 07:29 AM PST

Lords and Ladies!

This week has brought in a new alternative ultimate to the game. Today the one who is lucky to receive the new ability is deceptively defenseless Mimi!

By using the alternative ultimate, the Hero will receive a huge boost to Cunning in the form of Grrr.

I Attack!
  • If 35 points of Rage are collected, Mimi transforms into Grr and boosts his Cunning by 7-90 (depends on Strength and Intellect, whatever the greater).

  • With the improvement talent learned, after transforming into Grrr, Mimi reduces nearby enemies' Stamina and Will by 4-44 (depends on Strength and Intellect, whatever the greater).

New ultimate is already waiting for you in the second talent tab. In case the Hero is still not hired, the second ultimate ability will appear in his second talent tab and will get available after the Hero is purchased.

Attention! In order to add new ultimate to the talent build, you need to remove the previous one from there, including its improvement talents.

Prime World 3rd stage of the Olympics

3rd stage of the Olympics

Posted: 20 Feb 2018 06:47 AM PST

Greetings, Lords and Ladies!
It is time for us to unveil the theme of the third stage of the Prime World Olympic Games.
It is... 🌸 freestyle! 🌸

Make sure to participate in this stage of the event even if this is the only stage you are going to participate - there are still chances left to win some great prizes!

👌The results must be sent to us before 12 a.m. GMT+0 26th of February via PM on Facebook. The video must meet the conditions written in our previous Olympics news post:

✔️ 10 winners, who will have the biggest amount of achievements points, will get a chance to receive some nice prizes.

Prime World Winter Fun!

Winter Fun!

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 08:06 AM PST

Complete a quest chain and receive legendary rewards!

Lords and Ladies!

Winter has come to Praia and in a moment or two everything will become crystal white. The Heroes are ready to melt the ice in hot battles. Despite winter! Their heroism will be rewarded – first presents are under the Christmas tree!
Winter Fun!
A huge winter quest has begun! The reward is really precious – 10 white runes, 10 random legendary talents and one of the most actual axes - Fury Dominance!

From 9:00 UTC December 6th till 9:00 UTC December 26th complete all quests in a quest chain and receive a precious reward!

Quest -- Reward
Make 20 wins in Borderlands -- 10 random legendary Talents
Collect 1,500,000 Prime in Borderlands -- 10 white Runes
Kill the Fire Drake or the Kitton 50 times in Borderlands -- Fury Dominance
Earn 10,000 achievement points in Borderlands

  • This is not a regular quest chain, but one huge quest that is divided into several tasks. You have to complete all tasks to receive a reward!
  • You can complete several steps in one battle – for example, you can make both collect 30,000 Prime and kill 10 Fire Drake or the Kitton. Everything will be included into the huge quest.
  • Attention! If you change the client into Russian, German or any other language, the progress of the quest won't be saved.
Get yourself warm on the battlefield!

New ultimate abilities update

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:59 AM PST

Assassin's marks

Lords and Ladies!

It is high time to announce the next Hero who gets his ne alternative ultimate ability. Assassin is the next Hero to receive his ult!
New alternative ultimate ability!

The ruthless and smart murderer — Assasin — is popular among players in both Intellect and Strength builds. Both builds have advantages and are equally interesting to players. With an updated Mark the Hero will perform even better.

Now you can choose ability bonus: additional damage from the auto attacks and Insidious Throw for Strength build or fast accumulation of additional loss for Intellect build.
Strength Build:
The Mark
  • The hero places The Mark on the opponent for 15 sec. Each second that The Mark is set on the target and the hero has it in sight, the damage of the first blow that the hero deals to the marked target with an attack or Treacherous Throw is increased by 20% up to 120%.
  • Needs energy to activate when used on Native Terrain.
  • As Long as The Mark is on the target, the Hero's Enegry Regeneration is increased by 4-59 (based on Strength).
  • Damaging marked enemies or using Decisive Strike causes the hero to speed up by 60% for 3 sec.

Intellect Build:
Mark of Death
  • The Hero places The Mark on the opponent for 15 sec. Each second that The Mark is set on the target and the Hero has it in sight, the damage of the first blow that the Hero deals to the marked target with Decisive Strike is increased by 30% up to 120%.
  • When this talent is used on Native Terrain, Energy is not used to activate it.
  • While Mark of Death is on the target, the Hero's Energy Regeneration increases by 4-59 (based on Intellect).
  • When damage is dealt to the marked target with Decisive Strike, the Hero speeds up by 60% for 3 sec.  

New ultimate ability is waiting for you in the second tab of the Hero's talents and will be available for use as soon as you buy the Hero. 

Attention! To put a new ultimate ability in a talent set, first you need to remove the previous one from the build, including all its upgrades.

Patch 11.6.2

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:52 AM PST

The first winter patch!

Dear Lords and Ladies,

Our technical works are over, the Heroes are ready to greet you in your Castles!Heroes


The Hero's alternative ultimate was hard to use in comparison to the 'classic' version.

So a reduction to damage taken was added to the alternative ultimate.

Eye for an Eye

The Hero's alternative ultimate now also reduces incoming magic and physical damage by 5%.


In spite of the previous rebalance of Katana's skills, she still had too much freedom in a range of in-game situations.

Now the Heroine will have to be even more careful in using her third skill. In addition, the boosts to offensive stats were reduced.

Boosts to Cunning and Agility received for damage reduced by 10%

Fiery Ghost

Ability cooldown is now 18 seconds (instead of 17).


Ha'Ka's new ultimate ability has proved itself on the battlefield.

However, using it to its full effectiveness – hitting three enemies at once – was a far from easy task.

Shield of Justice

Shield flight speed increased by 10%.


Added display of radius in which the shield can ricochet.


The unique mechanic of Oaksmasher's superskill made him an excellent jungler in many respects.

However, using the full might of the ultimate was very hard – especially at the teamfight stage

Mighty Shock

Boost to ultimate ability damage increased to 40% (instead of 35%) for every enemy hero hit.


Pets (kitten, cub, unicorn) are now invisible to enemies if they do not see the owner hero
Fixed a bug with altering font size.
Fixed a bug that often played the incorrect sound when choosing a hero in the Castle.
Removed 'ultimate' from Fay's Fairies' Rage skill description.
Added skill duration to the description of the Berserker's Furious Hurricane ability.

Changes in rating system that will appear in Prime World this spring

Lords and Ladies!

Today we will announce Seasons that influence on the rating system and will be installed in the next patch.

Rating Seasons

What is a Season and how does it differ from normal ladder? A Season is a period of time when a player can increase his rating as usual. The most interesting part is when the Seasons change. In the beginning of the next Season Heroes’ rating will be changed. The Heroes will start playing in different leagues. The higher the Hero’s level is in the end of the Season, the lower the level in the next season is. Corporals for example will start a new Season with 1401. Lieutenants will start with Captains. Of course, there will be a special sign of the maximum rating in the player’s profile. Each Season will last for about three months.
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