Dota 2 Hero Discussio: Rotund'jere the Necrophos 
Rotund'jere the Necrophos is an unusual offensive spellcaster and healer, since he has two passive skills and only one primary attack spell. Necrophos' Death Pulse is his bread and butter. This powerful ability doubles as a damage and a healing, with both effects on every cast.  Death Pulse hits all nearby enemies causing damage, and also hits all nearby allies and the Necrophos which heals them. Since it has a short cooldown period, this spell can be cast very often, providing constant damage to enemies and health to allies and allowing Necrophos to plenty of creep kills. To fuel this barrage, the Necrophos has a passive skill called Sadist which replenishes some of his mana and hit points every time he kills a unit. To further weaken his enemies, his powerful  Heartstopper Aura slow drains the life of all foes in a large area of effect around the Necrophos. Necrophos uses  Reaper's Scythe when he sees a sufficiently injured enemy hero, which is possibly the best spell in the game for killing off damaged heroes. This deadly spell deals damage based on how much life the target is missing, so even the toughest heroes die just as a fast as the fragile ones. A strong Necrophos is nearly impossible to defeat, releasing constant  Death Pulse and draining enemies' life with Heartstopper Aura  until they are finished.