Rotund'jere the

Lore of Necrophos
In a time of great plague, an obscure monk of dark inclinations, one Rotund'jere, found himself promoted to the rank of Cardinal by the swift death of all his superiors. While others of the order went out to succor the ill, the newly ordained cardinal secluded himself within the Cathedral of Rumusque, busily scheming to acquire the property of dying nobles, promising them spiritual rewards if they signed over their terrestrial domains. As the plague receded to a few stubborn pockets, his behavior came to the attention of the greater order, which found him guilty of heresy and sentenced him to serve in the plague ward, ensorcelled with spells that would ensure him a slow and lingering illness. But they had not counted on his natural immunity. Rotund'jere caught the pox, but instead of dying, found it feeding his power, transforming him into a veritable plague-mage, a Pope of Pestilence. Proclaiming himself theNecrophos , he travels the world, spreading plague wherever he goes, and growing in terrible power with every village his pestilential presence obliterates.
Abilities Necrophos
Death Pulse

Level | Manacost | Cooldown | Casting Range | Area | Duration | Effects |
1 | 125 | 8 | N/A | 475 | N/A | Damages all enemies around ![]() |
2 | 145 | 7 | N/A | 475 | N/A | Damages all enemies around ![]() |
3 | 165 | 6 | N/A | 475 | N/A | Damages all enemies around ![]() |
4 | 185 | 5 | N/A | 475 | N/A | Damages all enemies around ![]() |
- Magical Damage
- Hits invisible units and units in Fog of War
Death Pulse can't be evaded by moving or blinking
- Can heal magic immune units
- Projectile move with about 400 movement speed
Heartstopper Aura
Level | Manacost | Cooldown | Casting Range | Area | Duration | Effects |
1 | - | - | - | 1200 | - | Deals 0.6% of an enemy's Max HP as damage to all enemies in the area every second |
2 | - | - | - | 1200 | - | Deals 0.9% of an enemy's Max HP as damage to all enemies in the area every second |
3 | - | - | - | 1200 | - | Deals 1.2% of an enemy's Max HP as damage to all enemies in the area every second |
4 | - | - | - | 1200 | - | Deals 1.5% of an enemy's Max HP as damage to all enemies in the area every second |
- HP Removal Damage
- Since
Heartstopper Aura deals HP Removal damage it will not disable abilities or items like Blink Dagger or cancel consumables
- Damage counts as negative regeneration
- Deals damage every 0.5 seconds
- Illusions of
Necrophos do not have
Heartstopper Aura
- Displays a debuff on enemy units if they are in the aura's radius
and if
Necrophos is visible. If
Necrophos is out of sight, no debuff is displayed yet the HP removal still occurs.
- Will not affect ancient units or Roshan, despite going through magic immunity

Revelling in death and pain, the

Level | Manacost | Cooldown | Casting Range | Area | Duration | Effects |
1 | - | - | - | - | 6 | Each unit kill causes ![]() |
2 | - | - | - | - | 6 | Each unit kill causes ![]() |
3 | - | - | - | - | 6 | Each unit kill causes ![]() |
4 | - | - | - | - | 6 | Each unit kill causes ![]() |
Sadist is also triggered by denies
- Stacks with itself and each stack operates independently
- Regen a total of 12/24/36/60 mana and 6/12/18/24 health (120/240/360/600 mana and 60/120/180/240 health for hero kill)

Reaper's Scythe
UltimateStuns the target enemy hero, then deals damage based on how much life it is missing. Heroes killed by

Level | Manacost | Cooldown | Casting Range | Area | Duration | Effects |
1 | 175 (150*) | 100 (70*) | 600 | N/A | 1.5 | Stuns the target enemy hero, then deals 0.4 (0.6*) damage per life point missing |
2 | 340 | 85 (70*) | 600 | N/A | 1.5 | Stuns the target enemy hero, then deals 0.6 (0.9*) damage per life point missing |
3 | 500 | 70 | 600 | N/A | 1.5 | Stuns the target enemy hero, then deals 0.9 (1.2*) damage per life point missing |
- Magical Damage
- This Ultimate can be upgraded via
Aghanim's Scepter, (*) shows the affected values.
Aghanim's Scepter also causes heroes killed by
Reaper's Scythe to be unable to buyback.
- Heroes killed by
Reaper's Scythe will have 30% more time added to their respawn timer
- Damage is dealt at the end of the stun
- Stuns goes through magic immunity but damage does not
- Even if the target is killed by another source before the damage
is applied, the kill is credited to
Necrophos and he receives a
Sadist buff

tokamak_fanboy - Like most other heroes with a fixed heal amount
Like most other heroes with a fixed heal amount (rather than a heal %), it's more efficient to increase your effective HP than to get more raw HP. If you get a lot of armor or magic resistance means that the 130 heal fromDeath Pulse will go further than if you focus on +hp items.
Shiiyouagain - After the buffs to Heartstopper Aura, I almost always run this guy in a dual sidelane, skilling it at level 1
After the buffs toHeartstopper Aura, I almost always run this guy in a dual sidelane, skilling it at level 1. It does a ridiculous amount of work. If your enemy doesn't have a natural heal or didn't ferry out extra regen after a few minutes, it's a setup for easy kills. You can usually skip it in mid outside of a few matchups, as bottles basically negate it entirely.
The biggest mistake I've seen on this hero is gettingAghanim's Scepter as a first big item. It's a great lategame pickup, but it's super wasteful if picked up 1st or 2nd. I'd say jungling is wasteful but I've thankfully never seen anyone try it.
Great items on him includePhase Boots,
Pipe of Insight,
Shiva's Guard's,
Rod of Atos,
Scythe of Vyse,
Heart of Tarrasque,
Aghanim's Scepter.
Situational items:Assault Cuirass,
Ghost Scepter/
Ethereal Blade,
Blade Mail,
Eye of Skadi,
Radiance ,
Boots of Travel,
Linken's Sphere,
Black King Bar,
Heaven's Halberd, and
Force Staff /
Blink Dagger.
I usually goPhase Boots->
Shiva's Guard, personally. If the game isn't over at that point, I'm picking up more survivability or utility items to help the team.
I think he'd be a pretty good counter to the 'We lost a rax, but bought back our carry and just teamwiped everyone.' trend in Chinese dota lately, but laning him would be difficult even in this age of fairly fluid lanes.
RampagingKoala - Don't skip Sadist, it's what makes him ridiculous as a last-hitter.
Don't skipSadist, it's what makes him ridiculous as a last-hitter. If he's supporting, let him get the denies, because those proc
Sadist as well. That way he has the mana to spam
Death Pulse, which heals the carry.
If you're mid, get at least one level of it so that you can stay in lane and are tankier and more resilient to harass.
Mekansm is core on him because his spells do most of his dps anyways, if you're autoattacking with him you're doing it wrong. Just get in, spam
Death Pulse, get a couple of plinky autoattacks off, let
Heart of Tarrasque do work, pop
Mekansm if you're low, then ult. If you get your
Mekansm at 8 (which is possible if you run him mid), then two
Death Pulse with
Sadist regen will allow you to
Mekansm and
Reaper's Scythe, maybe only one if you plink away at him.
WestheimerO - Don't skip Sadist, it's what makes him ridiculous as a last-hitter.
Necrophos is my favorite mid hero in pubs because people often underestimate him.
Death Pulse is an insane nuke that isn't targeted, heals you, and scares off the enemy. Any creeps you kill with it in the meantime give
Sadist stacks so you can sit around and ooze death all day.
What a lot of people don't get is thatReaper's Scythe isn't instant. This gives you time to throw another
Death Pulse and auto attack at your opponent to ensure a kill. They think their safe at ~50% health? Nope.
Also, the longerNecrophos is in the fight, the better. While his
Heartstopper Aura is ticking away everyone's health, he is also healing his team and killing creeps with
Death Pulse, giving him more health with
Sadist ! And that's not all! That support trying to escape him just got
Scythe of Vyse and gave him a shit ton of
Sadist stacks so he is literally taking no damage.
I always pick upNecrophos in games against tanky cores like
Centaur Warrunner,
Tiny, or
Doom Bringer.
Plasma_Ball1 - I really think that Necrophos will be seeing a lot of play soon
Honestly, playingNecrophos in the carry role (or really any role that allows him to get farm) opens up so many possibilities for team fights and pushing, especially when going for
Aghanim's Scepter.
Aghanim's Scepter with him now is game-changing. For example, causing the main carry to be unable to buy back right after a teamfight leaves the barracks open to be pushed and destroyed. The enemy is literally unable to defend.
I really think thatNecrophos will be seeing a lot of play soon (especially in pubs after it happens a lot in pro games, since pubs only copy popular picks from pro games).
BLUEPOWERVAN - Heart is never a better pickup than Skadi unless you are bizarrely facing primarily spell or pure damage.
Heart is never a better pickup thanEye of Skadi unless you are bizarrely facing primarily spell or pure damage.
VS physical,Eye of Skadi and Heart provide basically identical EHP due to the armor difference on
Eye of Skadi. The fact that
Necrophos is a healer means the armor will provide more EHP over a typical fight. This is completely aside from the very large mana pool increase, the slow, and the increased right click.
I likePower Treads->
Buckler ->
Rod of Atos, then halberd or finish
Mekansm or w/e.
Heaven's Halberd provides significantly more EHP than
Shiva's Guard and I kind of prefer the disarm. Anyway,
Shiva's Guard makes a lot of sense if didn't boost your mana pool yet (a weakness of
Phase Boots->
Mekansm). I think I prefer
treads just because I like to tread swap and
Necrophos gets a lot out of it.
Anyway, I find the idea ofPhase Boots-
Shiva's Guard kind of strange from a hp pool perspective -- Doesn't this leave you open to a lot of ganks from early-mid burst? Stun, couple spells, seems you'd be dead before you can even
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