Trexex the Drow Ranger Loading Screen Dota 2
A new update June 25, 2014 has been dispatched to the main client

New Treasure Chest

Sculptor's Monument

Emissary's Blade - Abaddon's Weapon with custom particles.

Emissary's Blade Dota 2

Red General's Soul Splitter - Axe Weapon

Red General's Soul Splitter | Axe Weapon Dota 2

Icewrack's Fist - Tusk Arms

Icewrack's Fist | Tusk Arms Dota 2

Catastrophe - Chaos Knight Mount

Staff of the Lunar Tree - Nature's Prophet Staff with custom particles

Staff of the Lunar Tree | Nature's Prophet Staff with custom particles

Magnificent Flame - Lina Head

Magnificent Flame | Lina Head

Bow of the Lone Traveler - Drow Weapon with custom particles

Bow of the Lone Traveler | Drow Weapon with custom particles Dota 2

The Dragon's Soul - Dragon Knight Weapon

The Dragon's Soul | Dragon Knight Weapon Dota 2

Enchanted Vision - Ward

Enchanted Vision | Ward Dota 2

Stone Bound Watcher - Ward - Bonus Drop

Stone Bound Watcher | Ward | Bonus Drop Dota 2

Carty - Mythical Courier - Super Rare Drop 

Carty | Mythical Courier | Super Rare Drop Dota 2

Loading Screen Collection

Top Lane Loading Screen

Top Lane Loading Screen Dota 2

Raidnat Ancient Loading Screen

Raidnat Ancient Loading Screen Dota 2

Mid Lane Loading Screen

Mid Lane Loading Screen Dota 2

Donkey Courier Loading Screen

Donkey Courier Loading Screen Dota 2

Dire Ancient  Loading Screen

Dire Ancient  Loading Screen Dota 2

Trexex the Drow Ranger Loading Screen

Trexex the Drow Ranger Loading Screen Dota 2

New HUD Skins


HUD - Brewery Dota 2

The Rainmaker - WIP Windranger bow with particles 

"The Rainmaker" - WIP Windranger bow with particles Dota 2


  • All the Genuine Shattered Hourglass chest items added in the last patch have now been tagged as regular items again. Could be a temporary change.
  • Treasure Meticulous Sculptor has been renamed to Sculptor's Pillar now.
  • All Compendium Points are now tagged as "commodities". So they should now be eligible for Buy Orders feature on the Steam Market. This is not active yet but it could go live soon.
  • Custom origin points for particles for a Windranger weapon by Team Liquid called "The Rainmaker". It also has a custom description. This bow is crafted from the wood of tallest tree in all of the Western forests. It is said that the tree's branches reach the rain clouds, giving the the bow its power.
  • Iceiceice Brand Icon has been updated.

Item Drop List Update


  • Cloud Forged Set

Audio Updates

  • New Lightning and Thunder Sounds added to the ambient sounds list. 5 different sounds to give a nice distant and close thunder effects for the upcoming Environmental Effects.

Portrait Updates

  • The Oculopus Courier now has a portrait entry.
  • New portrait entries for: Carty.

Tutorial Updates

  • The first tutorial got some tiny tweaks to make transition between a couple of sequences smoother.
  • Raw Schema: Link
  • No changelog yet.
Patch Size: 80.2 Mb

Sources: Dota 2 Official Blog, Reddit

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