Rat King Nature's Prophet

You're on a team vs. a good Lycanthrope, a good Nature's Prophet, and a good Tinker. What do you do?

I just lost a very difficult game vs. a Lycanthrope and Nature's Prophet that our team apparently could do nothing against. As soon as we were distracted, it was a guaranteed 1-2 towers down no matter what. If we tried to split up and split-push against them, we got picked off and then another 1-2 towers, maybe rax gone. If we tried to teamfight, they just ran away and splitpush again, another 1-2 towers gone.

Besides just trying to out-rat them, what is our team supposed to do? What am I supposed to do?
I know it's a valid strategy but it just feels like this sort of play shouldn't even be possible. It's like a shortcut through everything that makes dota dota and is instead this scummy strat that anyone can do and guarantees a boring, arduous game.

hbkiler - You can go to your tower and they will fall back as soon as they see a TP coming in

I hate rat dota, what i always do to counter it is to buy a tp, you can go to your tower and they will fall back as soon as they see a tp coming in (of course before they become fat). Spirit Breaker is a great pick up, because as soon as Nature's Prophet shows up he can follow him everywhere. One important thing, they cant push highground normally (unless they have Tinker, what they sadly did).

racast5 - Smoke gank them when they're trying to push up the lane

Smoke gank them when they're trying to push up the lane. Then push.
Good carries are Morphling and Ember Spirit. Both can push a lane up, TP back to defend, and use a remnant/replicate to return once the rat leaves.
Keeper of the Light is a good support. He can stop pushes in their tracks and also Recall a carry to your push if they tp'ed home and are not one of the above mentioned.
Boots of TravelBoots of Travel are your friend. It means you can d the base while 2 or 3 push mid and then join your team if you're none of the 3 above heroes.
Sheeps are great for keeping them from escaping. Especially if you have a Blink Dagger Blink Dagger. Long range initiators like Storm Spirit are good for picking off Tinker/Nature's Prophet as they tp to lane.

sanityandvanity - heroes like Storm Spirit, Nyx Assassin, Riki, etc are great at killing split pushers

If the other team picks those three heroes together that's a really greedy lategame lineup so you would want to punish them early.
In a more general response, heroes like Storm Spirit, Nyx Assassin, Riki, etc are great at killing split pushers.
You normally want to draft a carry who is safe farming by their own like Morphling, and then pick strong teamfighters to counter the push.

 Jeten_Gesfakke - Get Necronomicon and push them to death before the 30 min mark.

You have a couple of options:
  • Be hyper agressive from the start. Don't allow them to come into their split pushing game. You can do this by drafting a deatball line-up. Heroes that are great for this: Pugna, Necrophos, Juggernaut,Jakiro , Chen, Enchantress, Enigma, Venomancer.
  • You draft a global line-up that can punish any split-pushing. This might take a while to come online, you just have to calculate this in and maybe draft some early turtle heroes. Good heroes for this: Io+ 1, Spectre, Zeus
  • You draft a very strong ganking line-up with gankers that can solo kill the split pushers. Examples: Storm Spirit, Bounty Hunter, Spirit Breaker, Nyx Assassin, Puck, Clockwerk , Queen of Pain, Batrider, Pudge
  • You turtle and turtle until your carry gets too fat for them to handle. This is very risky since you'll likely be left defending your T3 towers by the time you're actually ready to fight. Example of turtlers:Jakiro , Timbersaw, Earthshaker, Enigma, Medusa, Dark Seer, Ember Spirit. I'm mentioning these heroes because they can both turtle AND are strong in the late-game (Enigma midnight pulse and Dark Seer wall for instance).
  • You specifically draft to counter their heroes. Counters for Tinker : Storm Spirit, Doom Bringer, Clockwerk, Mass Blade MailBlade Mail, Orchid Malevolence Orchid Malevolence (Clinkz, Bounty Hunter). Counters for  Nature's Prophet: Io, Spirit Breaker, Bounty Hunter, Clinkz, Nyx Assassin. Counters to Lycanthrope: Sheep stick, Batrider, chain stuns + blink initiation.
Personally I like the hyper agressive strat the most, It's the most reliable as you don't have to wait and see how strong their heroes get. Get Necronomicon and push them to death before the 30 min mark.

 Sys_init - In all pick and whatever it's hard, unless you have the counters on your team

In all pick and whatever it's hard, unless you have the counters on your team
Clockwerk is very good against Nature's Prophet.
Batrider, void are very good against Tinker to lock him down and kill him
Keeper of the Light is a very good hero as well, allowing a hero to TP back to base to defend a push only to be recalled back into the fight, as well as Io
with the right hero counter it's not too hard, but in a all pick game where you dont have the counters its almost impossible at times

Sources: Reddit

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