Showing posts with label Naga Siren. Show all posts

 How to efficiently play Radiance Naga Siren?

The best advice I can give on this is to not listen to what people judge to be good item timings. Most people throw around the item timings that pros can achieve in their games and see these as reasonable timings for themselves. This is not the case. Pro carry players often get pure free farm in the safe lane thanks to their two supports. In some pub games, having even one good support can be rare.

How to use Song of the Siren correctly? 


This is most often done when you're split pushing, but also if you take a tower or some situation where you find yourself outnumbered.

In this case, your  Song of the Siren, and back out or Town Portal Scroll Town Portal to safety. At level 16, this spell is nearly broken for being able to split push. It has a cooldown of 60s., which nearly oincides with the cooldown of your  Mirror Image.

What is the low-down on Naga ?

Naga Siren seems like a really great hero to play, but a bit over my head. I can play Enchantress fairly well, my micro isn't shabby, but whenever I watch RTZ play Naga, I feel a bit overwhelmed. The last challenging hero I sat down to master was Templar Assassin, but Naga Siren seems to be on another level of required competency.
What can you guys tell me about Naga Siren mid lane/safe lane/suppport?

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